Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2)
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He lifted up the hem of his shirt I was wearing so he could trace his fingers over my belly. He was still smiling. "I think my favorite part was Patricia's description of you getting in, what did you call her, 'Her Hungarian Highness's' face?"

I groaned, feeling my face heat up. "I'm sorry I was rude to your band mate's mother..."

His smile was gone. He clenched his teeth and growled, "Don't you even think about apologizing to me for anything other than not telling me what happened."

I bit down on my lip, feeling like I was about to really get it. But then he unclenched his jaw and hung his head, his voice coming out cracked. "I can't stand it that she spoke so hurtful to you, honey. I'm the one who is sorry."

I jerked up, cradling his face in my hands. "No, Danny! She was looking out for you. Yeah, she was a bitch about it, but she doesn't know me. I can see why she'd think what she did, seeing me walking down the street loaded with bags."

He frowned and threw my hands off his face. I scooted back. "Don't you dare say that to me, Jesse! She had no fucking right to speak to you like that and she is going to hear it from me!"

I shook my head. "Danny, please! I don't want to cause any problems for you," I said pleadingly, which just fueled his anger.

"I am not going to have my woman disrespected by anyone, goddammit! You deserve to be treated like a goddamn queen! And for you to think you have anything to be sorry for makes me want to fucking break shit right now! I'm sick of hearing you say you don't want to cause problems for me! You know what's a problem for me? The fact that you even worry about being a problem for me!"

He jumped off the bed and paced across the room to the slider. He stood there looking out the window for a minute, his fists clenched at his sides.

I was frozen in the middle of his bed, feeling about three inches tall. A tear slipped down my cheek. I felt completely helpless.

"Danny, I don't know what to say," was all I could get out.

He turned to look at me, his face a mask of anger and pain. I hated that I had anything to do with those feelings. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on top. We stayed like that for what felt like forever. He finally came and sat on the side of the bed with his back to me, his head in his hands.

"Jesse, when you keep fighting me about this stuff, the shopping, moving in with me, letting me take care of you... It just makes me crazy! It makes me feel like I'm fighting a battle I can't win, like I'll never reach you through that wall of yours."

If I just knew how to knock it down for him, let him in completely. With tears streaming down my face, I took the cuff off my wrist and reached over to where he now had one arm placed behind him. He turned to look as I fastened it on his wrist.

"I bought this for you yesterday. I wanted to give it to you tonight." I wiped my tears away and scooted back to my spot as he examined it.

"It says 'soul,'" he said, questioning.

I cleared my throat and whispered. "You gave me your heart. I wanted to give you... me." I heard his breath catch.


I couldn't look up at him. I couldn't stop the damn tears.

He was in front of me on his knees in an instant. “Honey, don't cry, please? I'm so fucking sorry." He reached to pull me in his arms and I went willingly, needing him to hold me. "Jesse, please. I love you. I love this. Don't cry."

I sniffled and buried my face in his chest. "You already have my heart, Danny. Please know that you have my soul as well," I said, looking into his eyes.

The surprise there let me know just how hard I had been fighting him. He stroked my face, his eyes searching mine. He kissed me tentatively, then deeply, and then he was consuming me. I clutched at his shoulders and he moaned against me.

"I'm sorry, honey," he said against me. "Please don't cry."

I pulled back from him, wiping at my tears again. "I can't help it."

He lifted up his shirt to dry my tears. He settled back against the headboard and pulled me against his chest. He held me close while my breathing leveled off, all the time stroking my back and shoulders.

"I would like to get through just one day in this house without crying," I joked. I felt him chuckle.

"It has been pretty heavy hasn't it?"

I nodded. "But I wouldn't change a thing, Danny, if it means I get to have you in my life."

He turned my chin up to look at him. "You have me. You have all of me," he whispered.

"And you have me," I answered and smiled at him.

He raised an eyebrow. "So you're going to stop fighting me?" I grimaced, sucked in a breath, and nodded. His eyes grew wide and he inhaled sharply. "So if I were to ask you to formally move in when we return from our trip, you will say..."

"Wait, can you ask me that tomorrow? Only because Gloria is going to be able to tell me whether she has a job for me."

He smiled broadly. "That's great! I know you'll feel better knowing."

I nodded, biting a fingernail. "She said it will probably only be part time, but I think I have it figured out to where I will still be able to pay my loans and help my parents." I looked up at him, still chewing nervously on my nail. "But I won't have any extra to help out here. If you really want me here, you're taking on a freeloader."

He burst out laughing and gently pulled my finger from between my teeth. "Oh, I have no doubt you'll earn your keep. As Alice Cooper once sang, 'I have other uses for you, darling.'" The following maniacal laugh he spewed had me cracking up.

I sat up and turned to face him. "I'm serious, Danny. I can't help with money, but I'll drive Jane to school, to the ranch... I'll do whatever I can to make life easier for you."

He frowned. "Dammit, Jesse, the only thing I need from you is to love me! That's all! I know you'll help with Jane, and I appreciate it. But honey, let me just fucking take care of you, ok?"

I nodded. "Ok. I'll try. But I want you to know, even if I didn't move in, I would still make it. I don't want you to think I'm doing this just so I have a place to stay. I'll be moving in with you because I love you and I want to be with you."

He smiled tenderly at me. "I know you can do whatever you put your mind to, honey. I'm just grateful you want to be here. I'm going to be gone quite a bit when the album is done, though, so knowing you are here will make me feel better. Are you going to be ok with that? Me being gone?"

"It'll be kinda lonely in here," I whispered, my fingers twirling in the satin sheets.

He traced a pattern on my bare leg and it felt soothing. "We'll have to rely on the phone," he said in a gravelly voice.

I glanced up at him and his wicked grin had me giggling. "I think we can do that."

We were both emotionally drained by this point.

I blew out a breath. "I promised you nothing heavy tonight and I blew it."

He wrapped me in his arms, pulling me down next to him in bed, his eyes closed. "Yeah, but you've lightened my heart, Jesse. Just knowing you feel the same as me makes me feel so good, so right. Let's just sleep. I feel like I can sleep."

I kissed him gently and he fell asleep holding me close, with a smug smile on his face.

Chapter Eleven


When I woke up, Danny was fully dressed, and watching me with a wild look in his eyes.

"I'm going in early, but I had to tell you how much I fucking love this cuff. I don't know that I actually got to that part last night. It's beautiful, Jesse. It's only coming off if I'll be in the water."

I giggled and my fingers brushed my necklace. "I'm never taking this off," I whispered and he growled, pulling my face to him for a deep kiss, which he broke off just as my body's insatiable craving for him kicked in. I whimpered.

"I want you so fucking bad right now, but I gotta go. I'm getting the Range Rover gassed up and the oil changed so we can leave in the morning. I'll be home early tonight, though. I want plenty of time inside of you since we'll be sharing a suite with Janey for the next few nights."

His hands slid under the covers and found my ass, which he grabbed hard, pulling me to him. He bit down on my neck. I gasped, my fingers tangling in his hair. He kissed me hard and his hand slid down the front of his boxers I was wearing, finding me drenched for him. He gasped and his body trembled.

"Fuck me, Jesse. You feel so good. I can't wait. I've got to be in you right fucking now."

I must have made an encouraging sound because a low growl started in his chest. He ripped his boxer shorts right off me, the seams coming apart in his frantic need for me. I yanked open his fly and he climbed on top of me. He thrust inside in one move.

"Oh, fuck, Jesse, you're so tight."

I moaned against his mouth, completely taken over by him. He pulled back enough to yank first his shirt over my head and then his own off his body before he slammed back into me. He ground his pelvis against me, sending me spiraling off into bliss. My nails dug into his back and he arched, sucking in a breath through his teeth.

"God, harder, Jesse. So fucking good, so fucking GOOD," he screamed into a pillow as he jerked hard and came in a rush.

"I swear,” he panted several moments later, “I meant to just come in and say goodbye. Oh, fuck, that was awesome.” I giggled and clenched my muscles, causing him to cry out and shudder. “I am going to have the best fucking day today.”

“I hope so. I’m sorry if I’ve delayed you,” I chuckled.

He looked down at me and smiled. “I’m so not sorry. I’m not even going to clean up. I’m going to be able to smell you on me all day.” He buried his face in my chest, taking a moment to savor both nipples equally.

“You’re a naughty man, Danny Black. I fucking love you.”

He kissed me with a loud smack of his lips, pulled out and jumped off of the bed. “I really gotta go. I love you, honey.” He trotted out the door, pulling his shirt back on and tucking himself in his pants. I heard him call good-bye to Nora.


“If that isn’t a great way to wake up, I don’t know what is I snickered as I pulled the ripped up boxers off of me and dropped them in the trash on my way into the bathroom.

Jane was still sleeping so I checked my messages to find Ivana had already called.

Would love to meet you girls for lunch and a movie. How does Mel’s sound, say around noon? I think the movie they want to see is playing at Mann’s at 1:30. Call me and let me know. Looking forward to seeing you.”

It was 9:00 now, and Jane needed to go see Misty before we met up with our lunch dates. I ran into her room and plopped on her bed.

“Wake up, sleepyhead! We’ve got a big day ahead!”

She looked at me nervously and scooted further away from me. “Jesse, I didn’t think you were a crazy morning person like my dad. I might have to banish you from my room if you’re going to be all cheery-like.” I giggled and tickled her. Just as I thought, as ticklish as Danny.“Ahhhh! Mercy! Mercy,” she cried and Legs started whimpering from her cage.

“C’mon and help me wake her up, girl,” I said as I let Legs out and helped her jump on Jane’s bed. She proceeded to lick her face almost off and Jane was laughing so hard she started shrieking.

“I’m going to pee! I’m going to pee!” She scrambled for the bathroom and I laughed as Legs sprung off the bed to follow her.

“I guess you two are up,” I heard Nora call from the kitchen so I went in to see her. I caught her up in a hug, surprising her, and she spun away from me.

“What in the good Lord’s name has gotten into you this morning,” she asked suspiciously.

I shrugged and munched on a piece of bacon. “I stopped fighting.”

She frowned and then a proud smile came over her face. “I’m so glad, sugar. Come here, give me another one.”

I hugged her again and we were laughing hysterically when Jane came in.

“Now you too, Nora? What the heck is going on in this house this morning,” she grumbled as she went to the door to let Legs outside. Nora fixed her plate and set it on the counter. Jane shoveled food in her mouth, eyeing us skeptically. I couldn’t wipe the stupid smile off my face.

“We are meeting Sasha and Ivana at Mel’s at noon. I figured you need to go see Misty first and we need to pack because we’re leaving in the morning... Lots to do, kiddo! Eat up! Let’s get a move on!”

I had no idea where my perky energy was coming from this morning. I was kind of freaking myself out, too. I was like a train without brakes. I ate a few more bites of breakfast and told the ladies I was going to go for a quick swim and then get cleaned up.

“I’ll take her to the ranch. You just do whatever it is you need to do,” Nora said, still laughing at my antics. “I’m going to have to deal with both of you being crazy now, I see,” she mumbled under her breath.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek, whispering in her ear, “And you were part of creating this monster. Thank you, so much Nora.”

She pinched my cheek and then sent me on my way. I thought I heard Jane asking her, “Is she feeling alright,” as I turned the corner.

The water felt great. I did as many laps as I could before I climbed breathless from the pool. I went back into Danny’s room and stretched out, feeling incredibly good. The medicines were doing their job. I had very little swelling in my hands and I felt virtually no pain. I hadn’t felt this good since before I got sick. I said a silent prayer of thanks to God for finally getting my stubborn self to the doctor. If the medications were going to work, my life would be greatly improved.

After Jane and Nora left, I went to my acupuncture appointment. It was really relaxing. Marianne asked me how the medications and supplements were going. I assured her I was feeling very little stiffness and hardly any pain, a huge improvement. She was pleased and said we should continue our weekly sessions to insure I didn’t have to take steroids or other drugs that could be more harmful to my system to control the inflammation. I thanked her profusely, but when I tried to hand her my card, she waved it off.

“Danny wants to be billed, Jesse.”

I exhaled and gave her a frustrated smile. “Thank you. I’ll see you in a week.”

When I got back to the house, I took Legs for a quick walk. A police car pulled up next to me and I recognized the officer as the same jackass who’d pulled me over once before. I looked down at my sundress and sandals and thought to myself, “I don’t look that out of place.”

“Ma’am, this isn’t a public place to walk your dog. If you aren’t a resident, you’ll need to... Hey, I recognize you! You’re that teacher.” He lowered his aviator shades and looked me over. I stifled a groan and pinched my leg to keep myself from rolling my eyes or saying something to this jerk. “Guess summer school is still going on,” he said with a snide laugh.

“As a matter of fact, I am a resident here, or I will be next week. Is there someone I need to register with so you won’t feel the need to stop me when you see me?”

He didn’t like my tone at all, I could tell. I threw my shoulders back and waited for his next remark.

“No, there isn’t,” he said sullenly. “I’m sorry to have bothered you. You have a nice day.” He threw the car in drive and drove off in a hurry.

I shook my head and turned around with Legs. “I can’t believe the first person I officially announce my move to has to be this guy! Can you believe it?” She wagged her tail at me and pulled on the leash, ready to go home.

Moving! Yikes! I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I didn’t have much stuff. The furniture would definitely not be coming with me, but I would have to use Danny’s Range Rover, or maybe Jinx would help me in the van? Jinx! Oh, the boys were going to be devastated! I wondered how their rehearsing was going! I was going to have to call Cosmo before we left on our trip. I owed it to him to let him know. I was going to miss them, did miss them, but then I remembered Danny would be recording with them. Maybe I could come for a visit and watch them both work?

I got back to Danny's and let Legs out back. I checked my phone and saw a voicemail from Gloria so I called her straight away.

"Jesse! So good to hear from you! How are things?" I could tell by her tone she specifically meant things with Danny.

"Things are great. We're taking a road trip starting tomorrow to go meet each other’s parents."

She laughed. "That's wonderful, Jesse! I'm so happy for you both. And I'm happy for me, too, because I have something to offer you. It's not full time. I know that's what you'd prefer, but I can only do 60%. That's three days a week. Can you live with that?"

I smiled to myself. Today I could live with anything. "That will be great, Gloria. Thank you so much!"

She told me she wanted me to come in the week before school started for some paid training and that she would schedule me to work whatever days were the most convenient for me.

"I think I'm pretty open, but let me ask Danny in case he has something in mind for me to help out with his daughter. He's going to be on the road later this fall so I will want to be able to support them."

Gloria's tone was very appreciative when she said, "I'm sure you will take good care of all of them, just like you always do. Have you two set a date yet?"

I laughed. "No, but I'm pretty sure I agreed to move in with him last night." She told me again how happy she was for me and we said goodbye, planning to meet up in just two weeks.

Two weeks! Where did the summer go? I hadn't worked on curriculum. I hadn’t read everything on my list... I would have some catching up to do when we returned. I spent the next hour checking email and packing. I realized I needed to run by my place before the trip. That would have to happen after the movie date.

The girls returned, Jane cleaned up, and we headed back out. At lunch, Jane and Sasha chatted happily about school coming up. Seventh grade was going to be a big year for them. Ivana asked me about what they would be learning and what kind of support I thought the girls would need. I told her I'd help however I could.

The girls had chosen an animated film to watch that wasn't half bad. When it was over, Ivana and Sasha thanked us and we exchanged hugs. I told her we'd be in touch after the trip to schedule a sleepover. It was interesting to think about this being my life now, that someday I could very well be Jane's step-mom, caring for her as my own child, and helping her navigate life. It was scary and exciting. I prayed I didn't let her or Danny down.

When we got back to the car, I told Jane I needed to drop her off and go by my house to pick up some things for the trip.

"Can't I go with you," she asked, confused.

I laughed. "I don't think your dad would appreciate me taking you there. It's not horrible, but my neighbors are pretty rowdy and sometimes they can be quite inappropriate."

She raised her eyebrows. "Like how?"

I shook my head and pulled out of the lot. "Oh, they are living proof that the rock and roll lifestyle should be rated R. Children under 18 not allowed."

She laughed and looked out the window. "I wonder what my dad was like back when his band first started. I bet he and my uncles were pretty crazy."

I was not going to rat Danny out to his daughter, but she was right.

"Maybe you can ask him sometime. I'm sure he'll talk to you when he thinks you're old enough. But I think the man he is today is what's most important, and he's a damn good man!"

She giggled. "Are you going to start cussing as much as him?"

I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, I hope not! Not too cool for a teacher to talk like that."

She shrugged. "I don't know. As long as the person is genuine I don’t care. I can't stand it when teachers act like they are better than others. They're human, too."

I glanced at her as I changed lanes. "Most kids don't want to know their teachers are real people."

She shook her head. "I don't know, I don't think that's true. My best teachers are the ones who admit they don't know everything."

"I'd have to agree with you on that one. I try to get my students to see that as long as you know how to find the answers, you're golden."

She was quiet for a moment and then said, "I wish I could be your student."

I turned to find her smiling up at me. "You will be, once you start dancing. In fact, when we get back from our trip, let’s get started, how would that be?"

She beamed. "Excellent!"

I pulled into the driveway and walked her to the door. "I'll be back in a bit. Thanks for the good movie selection!" She hugged me and ran inside. I called to Nora that I'd be back in a while.

The drive over to my place was weird. I started thinking more about moving out and moving in with Danny. It was kind of freaking me out. I was excited about it and scared. I needed to start chipping away at that wall Danny referred to the previous night. My reservations had nothing to do with him and everything to do with me.

All was quiet at the apartment. The guys were probably at the rehearsal space. Without Cosmo here to supervise, some of the other residents were out by the pool drinking and partying loudly. I was definitely glad I hadn't brought Jane.

Once I got inside I stalled out a bit. I looked around, taking inventory from my couch. Five years and this place hardly looked lived in. I sighed and went through my mail, which Cosmo must have brought in for me. What a great guy!

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