Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2)
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“I’d feel fresher if I did.”

He stood there looking me up and down. “I probably shouldn’t be in here while you are getting ready.”

I laughed and leaned against the wall, afraid to get close to him right now with Jane in the next room. He must have been feeling it, too.

“Janey? How ‘bout we go out for a bit and let Jesse get ready? I want to pick something up for your grandmother.”

Jane yelled, “sure,” so Danny walked backwards to the door with a heated smile.

“We’ll be back in a few. Can’t wait to see what you are going to wear.” He rubbed at his chest and exhaled as he left the room.

I set about making myself presentable. I showered and towel dried my hair. I wanted to put it up in a semi-complicated twist so I needed it a little damp. I opened my suitcase of supplies for tonight, amused by the amount of work that goes into a woman dressing. I took out my hose and garters, black satin panties and matching strapless bra. Patricia talked me into buying an extra crinoline slip to lift the skirt on my dress a bit. The effect was dramatic. I dressed in my undergarments and went subtle with my makeup. I didn’t really have any appropriate jewelry to go with the ensemble, so I settled for simple silver posts and left on the necklace Danny gave me. It didn’t quite go, but there was no way I was taking it off. I gave myself a once over in the mirror and prayed I could pull this off. With a last brush of lip-gloss I walked over to the closet and slipped on the dress. I couldn’t quite get the zipper up by myself. Thankfully, I heard the outer door open.

“Jane? Can I have some help in here?” Jane came bounding into the room.

She gasped when she saw me. “Oh, Jesse! You look so beautiful!” I blushed and thanked her, turning so she could finish my zipper.

“Do I get to see,” Danny said from outside the door.

“Hang on, let me get my shoes,” I answered and Jane handed me the black satin pumps. I slid into them, thankful my feet hadn’t swelled on the drive, and took a few steps toward the mirror. I was pleased at the final result. I looked like a cross between a 1960’s housewife and a pinup model. The dress was entirely black with thick straps holding up a tight bodice and material that folded down over the bust. The waist was high, not quite empire, and the skirt hung to just above my knees. I worried it wasn’t conservative enough, but Patricia had scoffed. “Girlfriend, you are a knockout in that dress! It is perfect!” I did think it was flattering and hoped Danny liked it.

“Hurry up, honey. I can’t wait!”

I rolled my eyes at Jane, who had been watching me with interest. “I really like what you did with your hair, Jesse. Will you put mine up, too?”

“Absolutely! Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll do your hair and maybe even a little makeup if your dad says it’s ok.”

Her eyes lit up and she nodded. “I’ll be right back!”

She skipped out of the bedroom, calling, “Daddy! She’s ready for you!”

I took a deep breath and tried to hide my nervousness.

Danny stepped through the doorway and stopped. His smile fell. I looked down and fidgeted with the hem of the dress.

“Is it ok, Danny? Patricia thought-”

He held up a hand for me to stop and continued staring. After what seemed like forever, he walked a large circle around me, still silent. I wiggled a little on my heels, wishing he would just get this over with and tell me if the dress was ok. It was going to have to be. It was the only one I’d brought! I was starting to feel this was all a mistake when I felt his hands on my shoulders.

“Absolute perfection, honey. You are exquisite.” His breath tickled my neck, giving me goosebumps. I looked at him over my shoulder and I felt his hands go to the clasp of my chain.

“What are you doing?” My hand flew up to protect my necklace.

“I was given specific instructions,” he said quietly. He unclasped my necklace and took it from me. I felt naked without it and started to protest. He bent down on one knee and lifted my left foot in his hand, slipping off my pump. He wound the necklace around my ankle twice and clasped it.

“There, that should work.” He put my shoe back on after rubbing my instep and placing a kiss to the top of my foot. Then he stood and walked over to his bag. He took out a flat, black box and my heart started pounding.

“Danny, tell me you didn’t-”

He held up a hand again and placed the box on the dresser next to where I was standing. He opened it and I gasped.

“Patricia said pearls.” He lifted the heavy tri-color pearls and stepped behind me to fasten the choker. Tears filled my eyes at his thoughtfulness. He had such good taste. The jewelry was beautiful, and probably cost a fortune. There were matching earrings and a bracelet that he also put on me. I tried to hold still, but I was trembling.

“They are beautiful, Danny,” I whispered, a tear slipping free.

He looked up at me in the mirror and frowned. “Honey, don’t cry. You are the beautiful one.” He turned me around and slipped his arms around my waist, holding me tight. I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath.

“You can’t keep doing this.”

He chuckled. “You have no idea how much I love buying nice things for you. You are more fucking deserving than you will ever know, and I do not intend to quit. It makes me happy. So let me be a selfish bastard and just gaze longingly at my incredible woman.”

Ok, that was too much. A few more tears spilled free, threatening my makeup job. He wiped them away and kissed me tenderly.

“Thank you for my surprise,” he said with a huge grin. “I absolutely love this dress.”

“I’m glad. Patricia said you would.” He bit down on his lip and traced the straps with his fingers. I squirmed.

“The thing about beautiful dresses, though, is that once I’ve enjoyed the view, I’m really just thinking about what’s underneath.” He wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

“You’ll have a lot to think about tonight then, won’t you?” I turned from him and walked into the bathroom to get a tissue and inspect my makeup.

He groaned. “God, I love you!”. He grabbed his suit from the closet and his clothes and said, “I’ll go change in the other bathroom so you girls can get ready.” He winked at me, taking another glance at my dress before walking out, shaking his head.

Jane came in wearing a pale pink sheath dress that was completely adorable.

“Oh, Jane you look so elegant!”

She blushed and pulled at her skirt. “Thanks. My mom thought this was a good color on me.” Her smile was a little sad, but I was determined she was going to have a good time on this trip.

“She was right. So how do you want your hair done? I can put it up or I could put in some big curls. You will look stunning either way.”

She opted for a combination French braid/bun with curled bangs. I put on the slightest bit of powder and pink eye shadow with a light silver eyeliner and clear, sparkly lip-gloss. We emerged from the bedroom to find Danny waiting for us, resplendent in his black suit and black shirt with the collar open. He’d shaved the goatee and even put some product in his hair. He floored me. He was so damn handsome. The black eye only made him more devastating.

“Damn if I’m not the luckiest man on the planet. You two are spectacular. Let’s get on with this gig,” he said, fixing his collar and grabbing a bouquet of white roses he must have picked up for his mother.

“The flowers are perfect. Your mother will love them.”

He smiled a little. “Yeah, she loves roses. She has quite a rose garden. I used to pick them for her and make her bouquets when I was a little boy.” He blushed at that and I remembered something.

“Hey, you promised I’d get to see some pictures while we’re here! Don’t forget.”

He rolled his eyes. “Fine. If I have to.”

The valet brought the car around to the front and held the door open for me while Danny opened the door for Jane. The drive to his parents was only about fifteen minutes. They lived in an older neighborhood with gigantic houses, lots of trees and gardens full of wildflowers. Danny pulled up to one and parked in a long driveway off the street. He came around and opened the doors for us and we stepped out into the afternoon sun.

“You grew up here,” I asked in awe. He nodded, looking somewhat uncomfortable. I touched his arm. “Hey, you ok?”

He smiled without showing his teeth. “I will be. Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

Mrs. Black greeted us at the door. She was short, thin, and had pale white skin. Immediately I could see Danny’s eyes. She had the same passion in her dark browns.

“Come here, my son,” she said, holding out her arms for a hug, which he indulged her with. He handed her the roses and she kissed his cheek, calling him a good boy.

“And little Jane, you are growing up so lovely,” she said, also hugging Jane tightly. Her eyes found mine and sparked with interest. “You must be Jesse. I’m so pleased to meet you,” she said, holding out her hand. I took it in mine and she clasped it, smiling brightly. “Thank you so much for bringing my son home to visit. It’s been too long.” This woman held a profound sadness within her.

“I’m glad we could come. It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Black.”

She squeezed my hand and said, “Please, call me Fiona.” I nodded and thanked her. She was wearing a black velvet blouse and a long black skirt. Her hair must have been black at one point, but was now mostly a very elegant grey. She wore it in a severe bun. She looked very much the part of the pianist. She wore little makeup, only some lipstick, and did not make me feel self-conscious at all. I think in my mind, I was anticipating a woman like Grace Manning. I cannot say how grateful I was that that did not appear to be true.

“Daniel, good of you to come,” I heard from just inside the door. Danny was facing a man his height, but thinner, with greying brown hair. They shook hands grimly. All of Danny’s earlier enthusiasm seemed drained. He looked closely at Danny's black eye and shook his head with a smirk. Danny stepped back and eyed his father warily, as if he were waiting for the inevitable comments.

“Da, good to see you.” Danny put his arm around Jane, who smiled shyly up at his father.

“Hi Grandpa,” she said happily and he gave her a reserved hug.

“Jane, you look lovely. I’m glad you could come.” He bent down to whisper loudly in her ear, “We've kept up your garden. Care to give it a glance?”

She bounced on her toes. “Oh yes! I always think of that place! Can I go now?” She looked to Danny for permission and he nodded.

“We’ll be right behind you,” he said with a half-smile. He reached for my hand and brought me close to him. “Da, this is Jesse Martin. My girlfriend.”

His father raised an eyebrow at him and smiled humorously at me. “Ms. Martin, it is a pleasure.” His hand was rough and shook slightly when he took mine. “She’s gorgeous, son. Not sure what she’s doing with you, but I’m delighted you brought her to meet us.”

I felt Danny tense beside me. “I’m glad to be here, Mr. Black. With your son and granddaughter.” I smiled sweetly at him and felt Danny stiffen further.

Mr. Black led the way into the living room where Fiona had a tray of tea and snacks set up. Danny and his father walked through the French doors to a patio. Fiona offered me some tea that I graciously accepted.

“This is wonderful, thank you,” I said and she smiled at me.

“No, thank you, Jesse. I’m really glad you came. I know Danny doesn’t like to come up here often. This is a wonderful treat for me.”

“Do you ever go to visit him?” I wasn’t trying to sound rude. I was just curious. She sat down across from me and shook her head.

“Sadly, no. My husband still works and never takes any time off. We also wouldn’t want to impose on him. We know he’s busy.”

“I understand. He is busy, but he would make time for you, I’m sure.” I didn’t want to dig myself in too deep here, so I tried to make small talk. “You have a lovely home. I’ve never been to this part of Los Gatos before.”

She smiled. “We’ve lived here for over thirty five years and the neighborhood has grown up around us. It’s quiet. It’s nice. Danny said your parents live in Fremont?”

I nodded. “Yes. I was born and raised there.”

She smiled and said, “That’s so close. Funny that the two of you both went south to meet someone from near home.”

“It is funny, especially because I still can’t even believe we met.”

She asked about that and I told her the story, adding emphasis to his accomplishments.

“I’m hoping to present him with his diploma sometime around the end of September.”

She clapped her hands together. “That is wonderful! I’m so proud of him, proud of all of his accomplishments. I would love it if you could let me know when his results come in. Maybe I can at least send him a card, let him know how happy I am for him.” I'd do better than that. My brain started formulating a plan.

"I will be sure to do that.” The three other Blacks came in then. Jane’s cheeks were flushed and her hair was coming loose. Her dress had a few leaves on it. She was trying to pick them off at the doorway.

“Grandma, the garden is so perfect! Your roses are blooming like mad!”

“Thank you, Jane! I still remember you crawling around on the grass up there looking for bugs when you were just a wee one.”

Jane giggled and walked around the room looking at pictures. I followed her and we both gasped when we saw a picture of Danny in his school uniform. He was probably the same age as Jane and looked like absolute trouble! We both glanced at him and caught his eye roll. I couldn’t wait to find more pictures.

Fiona said that the other guests would be arriving in about an hour and that dinner would be served at 7:00. We sat together drinking tea while Danny and his father spoke about his father’s practice.

“And how is Grand Da,” Danny asked his father. “I thought I’d take Jane and Jesse over to the pub to have lunch tomorrow. Is he still working every day?”

Mr. Black pulled at his slacks and leaned back against the couch, resting his ankle on his knee. He and Danny sat so similar. It was like they were like bookends. I stifled a giggle and paid attention to what they weren’t saying to each other.

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