Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2)
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He made a few more appreciative noises, followed by a groan. “I am so not going to be able to keep my hands off you,” he growled and I laughed.

We walked over to Nora’s so we could say good-bye and she could take pictures. Now I really felt like we were going to prom!

Jane gushed over us. “Daddy, you look so handsome in that color! And Jesse, that dress is hot!”

I blushed and pulled the wrap tighter around me. Danny chuckled, his eyes, giving me a once over. “Definitely in trouble later.”

I elbowed him and he put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. We said goodnight, Danny called “Don’t wait up,” over his shoulder and we went into the garage. The Challenger was absolutely the right car for tonight and while it was going to be interesting climbing in and out, it was well worth it.

We arrived at the home of Ron’s family in Laurel Canyon after battling a little traffic, and Danny parked in a long line of cars on the driveway. He quickly came around my side of the car and opened the door, extending his hand to help me out, a smirk on his face.

“You are such a beautiful woman and I am so fucking grateful you are mine.”

I kissed his cheek and he growled yet again. I could tell he was not going to be on his best behavior tonight. He offered his arm and we walked side by side up to the front of the house. A cobblestone walkway  wrapped around to the backyard, which was surrounded by lush greenery. Chairs were set up facing a gazebo on one side and the patio was heavily decorated with flowers and ribbon. Danny led me to the bar to grab a drink. He asked what I wanted and I told him water. He ordered himself a Shiner Bock and we joined the other guests who were standing around talking.

Danny had explained to me that most of the people we’d meet were Ron’s family, several folks from Slade, and the people who worked for the label. He assured me that Stacey had not been invited due to his previous behavior. He did mention there would probably be a few other artists there, but that I shouldn’t worry if I geeked out. He said to just hold his hand and squeeze if I needed a moment. That prompted me to pinch him and he held up our linked hands to kiss mine. He was awfully smiley and his good mood was contagious.

Patricia and her husband joined us and Danny kissed her cheek, thanking her profusely for taking me shopping.

“I think this is going to have to be a regular thing,” he whispered loudly and I bumped him with my hip. Even Patricia gave him a surprised look.

“What has gotten into him,” she asked me when he and her husband walked away to talk business.

“I have no clue. He’s been acting weird since he saw me in this dress.”

She laughed. “Told you we done good! I really did have a great time with you that day. Say, how about we book a spa day sometime soon,” she asked. I hesitated and she must have seen my discomfort. "Or, how about we just go back to O’Reilly’s and then decide on what mischief we can get into!”

I smiled gratefully at her. She understood how I felt about spending Danny’s money. Speaking of which, it was almost like I had developed a radar because I sensed a presence I was hoping to avoid.

“Danny, so good to see you! Are you here alone,” I heard ‘Her Hungarian Highness’ ask Danny. I turned to see him give her a cold look.

“Grace,” he nodded and walked back over to me. Her eyes followed him and narrowed when he walked up to join me, put his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. I felt a little sick to my stomach at seeing her, but Danny’s arm around me comforted me. He kissed my hair and spoke softly in my ear. “Do not let that witch ruin our good time. She doesn’t deserve to be in your presence.” I smiled nervously at him, but the look on his face was dead serious.

“He’s right, Jesse. Everyone has let her know in no uncertain terms how completely out of line she was. Do not let her get to you, alright?” I was glad to have Patricia at my side in this as well.

An usher let us know it was time to find our seats so we followed Patricia and her husband and ended up sitting between them and Alex and his sister Rebecca. She was dressed in a white halter dress with bright red hibiscus flowers, almost like she’d just been to Hawaii. She was tan with curly blonde hair, and wore little to no makeup. I sat between her and Danny and  felt like I just might be able to handle this night after all.

The ceremony was beautiful. I watched Danny out of the corner of my eye. He was absolutely beaming. He’d told me on the way that he’d known the bride since she was about Jane’s age and felt like a protective big brother. She was stunning in a strapless oyster-colored gown with a train. The groom was a nervous wreck. His best man was really having to coach from the sidelines. The bride watched him lovingly. She must be used to this kind of behavior from him. They were wed in a few short minutes. Ron stood up and proudly congratulated them. He told the guests to please head over to the buffet before the damn food melted. It was quite warm still, in the low 80’s, and I was sure glad I wasn’t wearing hose.

Danny turned to face me and held out a hand. I stood and we were face to face, his eyes searching mine. “It was a beautiful ceremony. Poor guy was a little nervous, though.” He smiled hesitantly and took both of my hands in his. I was really getting nervous with him acting like this. He didn’t speak for a long time.

“Are you ok,” I asked him in a quiet voice.

His smile grew broader and he whispered, “I’ve never been better. I am so damn happy. I guess I was just sitting there wishing that was us.” His heartfelt words really took my breath away.


He held me tight up against him, burying his face in my hair. “You’re going to make a beautiful bride, Jesse. I can’t wait.”

“I love you, Danny, but are you really sure?”

He nodded. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

My heart was pounding in my chest. I almost forgot where we were. Alex and Rebecca brought us back to reality.

“Hey loverboy! Let’s go get some grub!”

Danny kissed me lightly on the lips, pulled back, staring at them and shook himself. He let Alex pull him away, leaving me alone with Rebecca.

“That looked a little intense. Everything ok?”

I nodded. “I think. I’m just feeling a little lightheaded.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I bet kissing Danny would leave a woman like that.” She took my arm and we got in line for the food. “Let’s get you fed and then you can tell me all about you.”

We talked amiably while we stood in line and then served ourselves. She gave me a gentle third degree, not quite an interrogation. She seemed protective of Danny, but I didn't get the feeling she didn't approve of me. Just the opposite in fact. I caught Danny smiling at me a few times and it made me feel better knowing he was away from me but still looking out for me.

We carried our plates over to the table Danny and Alex had grabbed and Patricia and her husband were there as well. Dinner conversation revolved mostly around Patricia’s wedding, Alex’s inability to keep a girlfriend, our trip to the Bay Area, and our adventures with Jane this summer. I was so wrapped up in the conversation, I only picked at my food. Everything was making my stomach churn. 

“So you finally got Jesse to move in, eh Danny? Did you burgle her apartment while she was away and then throw her in the trunk of the Challenger when she came home?” We laughed at just how close to the truth Alex really was.

“You’re not that far off the mark,” Danny said. “Well, except for the car. I had the Range Rover so I had to coax her a little since I had no trunk.”

Rebecca choked on her wine. I just dropped my head in my hands. Danny rubbed my back and we all laughed.

“So when are you two getting married,” Max asked Danny.

He looked at me, grabbed my hand under the table and brought it up to kiss it. “Not fucking soon enough as far as I’m concerned.”

Patricia went in for the save. “Max! Give them five minutes to get settled into living together before you have them walking down the aisle.” Then she leaned in close and said in a loud whisper, “We don’t want to scare her away! She’s perfect!” I smiled and thanked her and then Danny squeezed my hand.

We were saved from this conversation by silverware on wine glasses. Servers brought us all a round flutes of champagne and we turned in our chairs to face the wedding party’s table.

Ron got up and spoke first, thanking us all for coming. Then he shared wedding night advice with the new couple, and embarrassed the hell out of the groom with stories of how badly the guys had messed with him. The bride’s best friend got up and spoke next, and her stories of witnessing their courtship had us all in stitches. When it was the groom’s turn, he got very serious and told everyone just how much he loved his new bride and how hard he planned to work on keeping her happy for the rest of her life. That brought everyone to tears, including the men at our table.

“That little shit,” Alex grumbled as he dabbed at his eye with a napkin that Danny handed him.

We all toasted, downed our champagne, and then the bride danced with her new husband, followed by her father. They started a money dance. I took a ten dollar bill out of my little purse and stood in line for the groom while Danny went to the bride’s line. I got to the groom first and I put the money in his lapel pocket, introducing myself.

“I know who you are. Danny is so lucky to have met you. You’ve made him really happy,” he said, blushing. I thanked him and wished him well. Before he let go, he said, “Don’t let these people scare you off. Most of them are truly the best people I’ve ever known. Those that don’t fit into that category can be a little intimidating, but aren’t worth your time

I frowned, a little confused, but thanked him for the advice. Then I remembered that he must know the Mannings and thought he must have heard what happened from someone.

I stepped away from him with a wave and stepped over to the bar to get some more water. In this heat I needed to stay hydrated. I watched Danny dance with Ron’s daughter. She smiled up at him as he talked very seriously to her. He ended with a hug, shoved a hundred dollar bill down the front of her dress, and darted away before she could smack him.

He came straight for me and took me in his arms, pouting. “I wanted to be the first one to dance with you,” he said as he led me back out onto the floor that was now filled with guests. We maneuvered by Bronson and Julian and their dates, and Julian called over, “Save a dance for me, Jesse.”

Danny gave him a dirty look. Julian just laughed.

“Would it bother you if I danced with him,” I asked him, curious.

He frowned. Grouchy Danny said, “I don’t like it. I know he’s harmless. I’m just selfish. I want you all to myself.”

I laughed and assured him he had me, all of me, as much as he wanted. His face broke into a wicked grin and he pulled me in closer. He started moving with me in a borderline inappropriate manner.

He had great rhythm, and just like with everything else we’d done so far, our bodies fit well together when we danced. When faster music came on, he kept up with me, destroying his insistence that he couldn’t dance. He was actually quite a talented dancer. Or I just loved watching him move. Could be I was a little biased.

I finally had to take a break to use the ladies’ room, so Danny pointed me in the right direction. I stepped through the French doors at the rear of the house and turned left as he had directed me. The front door opened as I was about to turn down the hallway and my stomach dropped to the floor. Brooke stepped in on the arm of a man who looked vaguely familiar.

“Brooke! So happy you could make it! Ron will be so happy to see you,” said a voice that instantly made me want to vomit. I hurried into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

Brooke? Here? Obviously Grace had something to do with it. I took a minute to address needs and then I looked at myself long and hard in the mirror. I had no idea if Danny knew she was going to be here or not. I knew I shouldn’t worry. He’d made it clear to me that there was nothing between them. We just hadn’t seen each other since the hotel fiasco in New York. I didn’t know if she knew Danny and I were together. I felt completely nauseous and my hands were shaking. I tried to pull myself together as best I could and prayed they would be gone when I came back out.

My prayers were answered. The hall was empty. I scurried back out to the patio, hoping to find Danny before he saw her.

I found him talking to ‘the guys’ and I asked for a minute. Just as I pulled him aside, Brooke and her date came around the corner and received a mixed reaction. Half of the group seemed happy to see her, and the other half just looked like “what the fuck is she doing here?” Danny and the group he was with were in the second half.

“I saw her come in. I wanted to tell you...”

He squeezed my hand and I turned to find Brooke approaching us, her date off talking to someone else.

“Danny, hi! And the teacher, right? What are you doing here?”

Danny squeezed my hand again and I decided to let him do the talking. “Jesse’s my girlfriend, Brooke. What are you doing here?”

Brooke gave me an ugly look. “Your girlfriend? Oh! I guess that’s how you planned to get your diploma.” It wasn’t that I expected her to be civil, but the more she talked, the more off she seemed. She had visibly lost weight and her hair looked like she was a few weeks past her dye job. But her venomous words continued and any pity I felt for her was gone in an instant. “Really, Danny. You could do a hell of a lot better than this.”

Alex came over to save me. “Jesse, how about we go get a drink?”

I let him lead me away, looking back to be sure Danny was ok. He led Brooke to the side of the house where they were less likely to be overheard, but we could still see them. He looked pissed. I could see his shoulders bunching up, ready for a fight.

“Goddammit that woman knows how to ruin a good time! I’m sorry, Jesse. None of us had any idea she was going to be here.”

Just then Grace came out of the house with Ron’s wife, who seemed confused to see Brooke and Danny talking as well.

“Oh, I hate this for all of them. I don’t want to make a scene. Maybe I should just go.”

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