Teacher's Pet (17 page)

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Authors: Rae Lynn Blaise

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“Someone might hear us,” he rumbled against her clit and she moaned loudly. He growled against it just for fun, watching her beautiful body contort under him. “I think you’d like that.”

She gasped slightly. “Maybe.”

“Maybe?” His tongue slid into her opening and he bit down on her pussy. She cried out again. “Sounds like a definite.”

“Do you remember,” she licked her lips. “When you told me you wanted to fuck me in front of the whole class?”

His balls seized. “God, would I ever love to.”

She bit her lip, looking shy and gorgeous. “I don’t think I’d mind.”

It was his turn to moan, resting his head against her thigh. “You are so goddamn naughty, Lynn. I feel like I need to punish you.”

“Please,” she begged, hands clawing at her nipples. “Please, Matthew. Punish me.”

He inserted two fingers into her opening, moving slowly at first, making love to her clit. As her breaths quickened, he thrust faster, curling his fingers upward to hit all of the best places inside her. She dropped her head sideways and raised her hips upwards so he had to lift up to his knees to get her.

Lynn was primal, clawing at herself under his tongue. Sooner than he expected, his cock leapt up, ready to ravish her. He gripped her hips and flipped her over onto her knees with her ass in the air. He smacked it twice before pulling a condom from his pocket and sliding himself deep within her. She covered her mouth, noises muffled, as he pounded into her until she came.

Her cries were so intense, he came a second time. This time, it swept him away and left him breathless and empty. They slumped together on the ground, panting and kissing until the pine needles dug into their skin.

It hit him then. The sex was hot, it always was, and being in a public place had an element of arousal that was undeniable … but this was the only way they could be together. Everywhere else was dangerous. Never would they have the chance to be a normal couple. He couldn’t even call her his girlfriend. Their encounters would be limited to sneaking around in the dark between rehearsals and curfews. He was twenty-nine goddamn years old, not a teenager.

“This has to be the last time,” he found himself murmuring against her. He didn’t want to let go of her, but had to start gnawing at the tether somehow. “It’s going to ruin us.”

“It’s not the last time.” Lynn bit his lip and his blood ran hot. “I can’t be without you. You can’t be without me. We tried, remember? It’s impossible. We’re meant to be together.”

“You have to. We have to. I can’t keep doing this to you, Lynn.”

“You aren’t doing anything to me, Matthew. I know what this is, I know Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, but we don’t have to be. We can make it through this.”

He closed his eyes and pulled his hands off of her. “I’m not going to have a hand in your destruction. You know how much I care about you, and sometimes that means walking away.”

“You can’t!” Her voice leapt an octave. “I’ll drop out of school, start looking for work in town. I’m good enough, you said so yourself!”

“If your parents left you alive after that, I’d kill you myself.” Matthew pulled up his jeans and buttoned them, taking great care to not look at her as he got dressed. “Life doesn’t work like that and you have no idea what you’re getting into. The real world isn’t as cut and dried as high school. You can’t just drop classes and start over with something you want. It’s rough out there. Why do you think I’m even here right now?”

“I thought you were here because you loved me.” The hurt and anger bleeding from her voice was brutal.

“I do!” Matthew reached for her. She took a step away, but didn’t fight him. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

“I get a say in this, too, Matthew. You don’t get to just make decisions for me because you’re the teacher or because you’re older. Fuck you. I’m just as much in this as you are, and I’m saying it’s worth it.”

“Can you please—” Matthew froze. Branches nearby rustled and a shadow was running off in the distance. “Shit.”

Someone absolutely saw them. Now it really was over; no more pretending and pleading and arguing about it. This was their final scene, curtains for Romeo and Juliet.


ynn was absolutely
certain she was going to murder Aria Levens. She came back from Thanksgiving break insufferably worse, for reasons Lynn neither guessed nor cared, and it been downhill since then. But she had to die, and that was that.

There was a sort of sweet justice in knowing Lynn wasn’t the only one in the company who thought so. McKenzi Elworth, lead vocals in the choir realm, but unhappily second string to Aria the Diva, was routinely seen storming off the stage, throwing script pages everywhere, and screaming, “
deal with her!”

Aria developed quite a victim’s complex about it, pouting and twisting strands of her long and over-moussed hair, wondering why they all just, “couldn’t get along.”

“Maybe—and I could be wrong here—but maybe you shouldn’t have slept with her boyfriend.” Dave was sprawled in the middle of the stage, running his finger over his lines as he memorized them. “Just a guess.”

“I did no such thing.” Aria huffed dramatically. “That’s a nasty rumor.”

“You would know,” Lynn muttered from her side of the stage. When Aria shot her a glance, Lynn continued peeling up old gaffer tape, pretending she’d said nothing. Another choir girl high-fived her.

But Lynn was right. Aria would fucking know. Because she was still certain Aria sent Matthew all those notes and put them in this terrible and precarious situation, where everything was hot one minute and dead the next.

She had begged her parents to let her stay behind from their annual Thanksgiving trip to the condo in Vail, Colorado, to “work on school group projects,” with the full intent to crash Matthew’s apartment for the whole time to prove to him they were exactly the kind of couple-y thing that would
. But her mother had some
idea that they needed the bonding time. Her parents spent that time drunk in the hot tub and she spent it drunk in the rec room with the other miserable kids.

Matthew only sent her two texts the whole week—one wishing her a “Happy Thanksgiving,” and the other was a stalwart “
” when she asked if he was ignoring her. Funny, it certainly appeared that way. She narrowed her eyes at the boxy frame of her director as he walked a group through the next set of blocking. Jerk. He was lucky he gave amazing oral. She could mostly forgive him … until he started dancing around, again.

Her heart hurt from all the ups and downs, but she understood. Kind of. Lynn didn’t want to stay away from him, despite the costs. Dropping out and moving to the City was becoming more and more appealing every day. Especially with Aria flouncing around like she owned the place.

Lynn prided herself in knowing she was a hell of a lot classier when she’d had lead of the fall production. So far as she knew, no one hated her besides Aria. Point for Lynn.

“Anyone else notice how she’s practically throwing herself at Mr. F?” Aidan sidled by, speaking out of the corner of his mouth. “Or am I just conditioned to pay extra attention to boobs?”

As if on cue, Aria tossed her hair over her shoulder and laughed obnoxiously loud. She reached out to touch Matthew’s arm, but he was already moving some of the choral members around the stage for the scene. She looked a little pink around the cheeks that he wasn’t there to humor her.

“Oh, it’s not just you.” Wendy chewed on her pen cap and made a face. “She’s like the definition of twitterpated. It’s annoying.”

Lynn turned a page harder than she intended and nearly ripped it out of her script. Aidan cocked an eyebrow at her. “Sorry. I’m just so fucking tired of her prancing around like she owns the whole auditorium. I figured it’d be bad, but this … it’s gross.”

“Preach.” Hattie joined them. “I want to shove my music binder down her throat. Did she even read the script? It’s about a
of people, not just one bitch.”

“Nobody else exists in her reality. Look at her. And how disgusting is it to throw yourself at Mr. F?” Lynn added, praying they couldn’t hear the hammering of her heart. “Get some goddamn class.”

“She has no class.” Aidan said. “Hell of an ego, though.”

“So maybe she should stop acting like a prostitute.”

Aidan let out a low whistle, which caught Matthew’s ear. They immediately pretended to run their lines, casting shaded glances over at Aria, who was still very much flaunting herself for their director. It reminded Lynn of her audition, rolling around the stage and touching herself.

Stupid slutty fuckface Aria. If she ever managed to lay a hand on Matthew, Lynn couldn’t promise she would let it go, instead of flying over to claw her face off. From the sounds of it, no one would stop her, either. Matter of fact, there would likely be a lot of assistance.

It was going to be a long, painful rehearsal season.

To Matthew’s credit, she noted as she spied on him over her pages, he was keeping a very respectful distance between the two of them. And the way he was moving around the stage, he appeared to be making damn sure they were never alone. He would help set the stage, work with the other directors, and generally ignore Aria unless she was directly in his face. Which was often, but at least he made an effort to work with everyone.

Good boy
. At least this portion of their plan was working. Maybe this meant she could get laid soon. She smiled to herself and played it off as a cough when Aidan cocked his head at her. After everything that happened, she forgot Aidan had been awfully … cozy … with her during rehearsals. In
Spring Awakening
, they weren’t love interests, but he made a point to hang out with her whenever they weren’t on stage.

Never before would she have called them friends. They did bond a lot during their hours upon hours of scene rehearsals with Matthew during
Romeo and Juliet
, more out of necessity than anything else. Matthew hadn’t been talking to her at the time, so she’d needed to talk to
. Also, he made an excellent pawn to fuel Matthew’s jealousy.

In hindsight, she was probably really shitty about it.

“So inappropriate,” Aidan reiterated, shaking his head.

Lynn bit her thumbnail. Was it possible she had it all wrong? Could Aidan be the one leaving the notes? If he felt led on and then abandoned, it would be entirely possible. She didn’t know him as well as some of the others in the department. He’d transferred during their sophomore year, haunted by curious stories from his last school. Weren’t most rumors founded in fact?

Maybe she had that wrong.

The note handwriting didn’t scream masculine, but she knew a guy or two who had pretty script. Dana’s boyfriend, Oliver, was one of them. Aidan didn’t seem like the neat and tidy type, but smaller things have surprised her.

He smiled when he noticed she was staring at him. She smiled back and carefully angled herself away from him. Snakes. Snakes everywhere. It was exhausting.

“Can you watch it?” Aria shrieked. Lynn’s corner backstage collectively groaned.

Matthew continued to shine as their director. The play required working with multiple teachers, adding the band director, dance team coach, and choir teacher to the mix. Matthew was the epitome of professional and helped wrangle the whole clusterfuck of students and instruments and egos with ease.

He really was an incredible director. Next time they could finally speak, she would suggest that maybe he missed his calling in life. He was an amazing actor, yes, but maybe directing would be a stronger, more successful course for him.

Until then, she would watch him from the shadows, admiring the authoritative way he handled the cast and crew, firm but kind, the way he was in the bedroom with her. It was kinda sexy, fantasizing about all the ways he ordered her around and moved her body, while surrounded by people who had no clue what he was capable of.

“Why don’t you step outside for a break?” he said. Aria started to protest, but he pointed towards the auditorium doors. “Miss Levens, five minutes. I’ve had enough of your outbursts.”

Bursts of laughter and applause broke out through the auditorium. Aria flipped everyone off and stomped outside.

Lynn was proud of him, more than anything, for not fueling any rumors. It was clear he wasn’t engaging in Aria’s pathetic passes. In the Levens’ world, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Dana was positive Aria fueled her body on controversy instead of food.

“Think about it!” Dana whispered conspiratorially over her lunch tray that afternoon. “You never see her eat!”

Dana was right, too. Aria liked to periodically brag about Mommy and Daddy Levens getting her an agent, so Lynn’s money was on her starving herself, which sounded wholly unpleasant and every bit stereotypical. She wasn’t sure where Aria was getting the energy to be such a raging bitch. Souls from virgins and newborn babies, maybe. Lynn wouldn’t put it past her.

That’s where the line was drawn between Lynn and Aria: the ability to care for someone else. Dave and Brad could argue that both girls were hot, and they did, and that both girls could both tear up the scales while singing, and they both apparently drew Matthew’s attention. Aria, however, would never give two shits about Matthew’s career. Since she was still Suspect Number One in the note scandal, Lynn was
certain she didn’t care. Someone else’s life didn’t matter so long as Aria Levens got exactly what she wanted and everyone knew her name while she did it.

Not that Lynn was bitter. Or angry. Or despised her with a hatred hotter than the fires of a million suns. Or blamed her for having to sneak around in the shadows just to be with the man she loved. Not at all.

It occurred to her she had no idea if it was as difficult for him as it was for her. She knew guys were supposed to have insane sex drives. Hers was off the charts, so what did that mean these weeks were like for him?

She wanted to do something for him, after enduring all this. Lynn maybe wasn’t always the most patient girl, or the easiest to deal with. As much as she tried to pretend their age difference never got in the way, she could tell when he would get frustrated with her for acting … too much like her age? She was still only eighteen. And he cut her plenty of slack.

Her phone buzzed, a text from her mother. She only read it because Aidan was trying to catch her attention again.

Dad wants another couples’ retreat this weekend. No parties.

Lynn swallowed the squeal she desperately wanted to let loose and set back a simple
. No parents this weekend meant a lot more freedom. The wheels started turning. By the end of rehearsal, where it appeared everyone had had more than enough of Aria and was eager to jump ship, she’d worked everything out. And it would be
. Matthew could finally see how devoted she was to him, and to them, and that they were worth fighting for.

She didn’t wait for him after rehearsal. Too many people were around, too many invites to the nearby Cocos for stacks of pancakes and cups of shitty coffee drowned in room-temperature creamer. This was keeping up appearances, but also one of her favorite things about theater. It was hard to beat a group of theater geeks singing show tunes over greasy diner food.

But she did send Matthew a message.

Meet me at the Marriot Marquis in Manhattan Saturday night. ;)

Lynn made a point to not check her phone until they left Cocos and everyone had gone their separate ways. Aidan lingered longer than she liked, making awkward conversation about the weather and the clientele inside.

“But that’s what we love about Cocos.” Lynn smiled and half waved apologetically. “I really have to get home. My parents are kind of … intense.”

He smiled back. “So I heard. Listen, um …” Aidan turned red and scratched the back of his neck. That familiar sinking feeling hit Lynn. “I know we see a lot of each other at rehearsals and stuff, but I was kind of hoping we might be able to hang out sometime. Like, outside of rehearsals.”

“There’s life outside of rehearsals?” She teased, forcing her voice to be light. “Impossible.”

“Right?” He laughed again. Awkward didn’t even begin to cover it. “Look, you’re really beautiful and talented and funny. I’m sure you’ve got some hot, older guy fawning all over you, because you aren’t like the rest of the girls here, but I was kinda hoping you might be interested in going out on a date sometime. Maybe.”

Oh god. Oh god.
Oh god
. Aidan suddenly shot ahead of Aria on her suspect list. Why would he mention an older guy? Or anything at all? Lynn put on her brightest stage smile. “That’s so sweet, Aidan. Really, and I’m so touched—”

“But you aren’t interested. Got it.” He smiled tightly. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I …” She had nothing else to say. She wasn’t interested in the
, even if Matthew wasn’t in the picture. And this was all probably a rouse to let her know he knew and fuck fuck fuck. “I’m sorry, Aidan. Truly.”

“I knew it was a long shot.” He waved good night and disappeared around the corner without saying goodbye.

Lynn exhaled slowly and rubbed her temples. This was going to kill her. She checked her phone, and was relieved to see Matthew had finally gotten back to her, over an hour after she messaged him.

Have plans earlier in the day, but I’m all yours that night. I’d never miss it ;)

What she wouldn’t give to have him here with her at this exact moment. But they would have the weekend and it would be time to move their relationship to the next level. Without it, they would never leave the black hole of this back and forth nonsense. And Lynn. Was. Over it. She was going to show him she wasn’t his Juliet anymore.

This time, she would channel Vivian Ward.

She was so excited she could barely sleep Friday night. Approximately eighty-seven texts were composed to Dana, and then promptly trashed. It killed her,
killed her
, that she couldn’t tell her anything. They shared their entire lives together, and Dana was making it clear she wasn’t happy about Lynn suddenly living a “mysterious second life” without her.

Lynn could only blame it on her defunct family so many times.

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