Teacher's Pet (18 page)

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Authors: Rae Lynn Blaise

BOOK: Teacher's Pet
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So she busied herself with getting ready instead. Hair in curlers, heavy winged eyeliner, picking out the very perfect dress. It would have been more fun with Dana, but she’d settle for the promise of hot sex in a gorgeous hotel room with impeccable views. Tonight, she was going to feel like an adult in an adult relationship.

And it was going to be fucking amazing.

Lynn wanted to get there before Matthew met her to make everything perfect—bubbles, candles, rose petals, three different sets of lingerie. She even had the perfect playlist for their marathon lovemaking. The whole ferry ride over was a blur as she pictured every way they’d christen that hotel room.

Was it normal for girls to be this horny? She wasn’t sure and was too embarrassed to look it up. No one could blame her for being so hot and bothered. Matthew had movie star-quality sex appeal. Everything about him oozed sexiness—the way he walked, the way he held himself, how he scratched his beard when he was deep in thought and ran his hands through his hair. He was effortlessly cool, warm, and funny.

The depth of his voice made her panties wet, even when she wasn’t looking at him. She lost count of how many days she’d had to run off to the girls’ restroom for a quick masturbation session after enduring an entire period with him and not being able to look him in the eye or touch him. It was driving her mad, but not all in an entirely terrible way.

Checking into the hotel made her feel like a movie star herself. It was no Plaza, but the Marriot Marquis was one of her favorite hotels in Manhattan. She had trunk luggage and a small, pink leather tote, and giant sunglasses. As she walked through the lobby to check in, she felt like she belonged in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, or needed a striking red dress a la Pretty Woman.

Their suite was perfect. As she trailed her fingers along the pristinely made bedding and the tops of the seating area chairs, she felt more grown up than ever before. So, clearly, the appropriate thing to do was crank up some music, kick off her heels, and jump on the massive bed.

Her phone lit up in the middle of a Taylor Swift song—Captain Kirk’s beautiful face. She bounced back down to grab it and was breathless when she said, “Hello!”

Because she could talk to him without worrying about eavesdroppers for the first time in what felt like forever. Or probably ever.

His voice was all smiles. “Well, hello, you. What’s up?”

“I was definitely not just jumping on the bed to T-Swift.” She giggled. “Are you almost here?”

“No, not yet. Remember I told you I had some things going?”


“I’ve got a friend to meet for a few hours. Up for a late dinner?”

“How late is late?”

“Honestly, I’m not really sure. No later than nine, I hope.”

She glanced at the clock. It was just now seven, which left two hours to fill. Alone. “Can I just come with you? I’d love to meet your friends and hear all the crazy stories.”

“Sorry, Sweet, but no. We’re going to a bar and you’re underage.”

“So have him come here!” She forced a cheery voice. “We can hang out in the hotel bar, where it won’t be an issue.”

“Lynn, I’ve had these plans for a few weeks now. I’m not going to change them last minute. I’ll see you later, okay? We’ll still have a great time tonight, just us.”

She took a deep breath and plastered on a smile so big it hurt her face. “Okay, I understand. I hope you guys have a lot of fun tonight, and I’ll see you in a while. Don’t pig out on bar snacks. I’ll be ready to stuff my face later.”

He chuckled. It didn’t warm her like usual. “Promise. I love you.”

There it was. Her pulse throbbed and quickened. “I love you, too.”

And then he was gone. Her whole body felt like it was sinking inward, but, she reminded herself, he did say he already had plans made. And, this was part of adult relationships—accepting that your significant other had other things going on. She swallowed down the bile rising and cranked up her playlist.

Fine. He was going to play with his boys, then she was going to live it the hell up in her suite. Because this, for once, was all hers. It wasn’t the Viggiani Family Manor with its ivy covered walls and Prozac-scented hallways. This big, beautiful suite was stripped of all the bullshit and had only her name on it.

So it was time to live it up exactly like fucking Vivian Ward.

First priority was ordering room service, strawberries and champagne. Because she wanted The Best, and strawberries, she learned, brought out the flavor of the champagne. With the music still cranked high, she danced into the behemoth bathroom and drew up a hot bubble bath. Soap suds swirled around under the faucet as she dragged her fingers around the top of the water. It reminded her of couples dancing, maybe a tango or a waltz.

A lonely jab hit her, wishing Matthew was here at this precise moment. This giant room was great, but it wasn’t the same without him here to enjoy it with her. She wanted champagne … with him. And a bath with him. And soapy, bubble-filled bathtub sex.

Surely, they would find a creative use for those strawberries.

To ease the pain of missing him, she told herself they would just repeat her afternoon. Two bubble baths! Two bottles of champagne! What more could a girl want? Right?

Lynn moved the speakers into the bathroom and pulled up Prince radio on Spotify. She hit Purple Rain first, one of her favorites, as she sunk into the water. It felt amazing to open up her lungs and belt out a great classic. The bathroom had amazing acoustics. She crafted her own mini-Matthew bust out of bubbles and sang to him.

She really did want to see him in the purple rain. Whatever that was. She wanted him there. She wanted him in blue rain, red rain, green rain, every color rain. If there was a day without Matthew, it was a day she wasn’t interested in having.

Next was Kiss.

“Don’t you just love Prince?” Lynn yelled to the emptied room.

He wasn’t there and it sucked.

“More than life itself!” She answered.


e felt terrible about lying
. Gutted, really, but he didn’t know what else to do. The whole evening, it tickled the back of his mind:
Liar liar liar liar liar
. Matthew prided himself on being a standup kind of guy. He opened doors for people, gave loose change to the homeless and volunteered at soup kitchens over the holidays, called his mom every weekend, and filed his taxes on time every year. He didn’t wait three days to call girls back or push them into something they weren’t comfortable with.

All he wanted to be was a good guy. Lately, it felt impossible. Lynn was frustrated with him, some asshole was following him around New York and leaving notes on his desk, and now he was lying to the woman he loved. He didn’t like it, but he didn’t have any other options. If she’d picked any other weekend …

He slung back a final bourbon in the hotel bar and waved down the bartender to cash out. He needed to get his wits about him and the awful taste out of his mouth, and bourbon was always the way to go. He was probably looking at one too many, but guilt was destroying him.

Everything looked a little fuzzy. He chugged a glass of water and stumbled to the front desk to pick up the key Lynn left him.

“Here you are, Mr. Flint. Enjoy your stay!” “Ed” handed over the cardkey.

Matthew thanked him and made it to the elevators before checking the room number. He let out a low whistle. A suite. She really went all out for this.

And he was drunk. Oh, she was going to be so pissed. He rested his head against the elevator doors as they went up. Bad Matthew. Bad, bad Matthew. A quick slap to his face helped shake him out of it. Jesus, the stress was getting to him.

It was time to put on his acting hat. He had a really good acting hat. The elevator doors opened, he stepped out, and pantomimed putting on a hat.
Damn right, Flint. Acting hat.

Matthew, being the poor, starving artist he was, had never been to a suite level before. The air smelled like chocolate and there were far fewer doors than a regular hall, which made stumbling around for Lynn a hell of a lot easier than it would have normally been.

He shook himself out and smoothed his hair. Showtime.

“Oh, Lynnn.” Matthew called out softly, opening the door. “Where’s my beautiful girl?”

The suite was huge, with a massive bed, an intimate seating area, and a bird’s eye view of the Theater District. There was a bar in the corner, conveniently missing the alcohol, he noted, but otherwise impressive. He loosened his tie and shoved his hands in his pockets.

Matthew Flint could definitely get used to a life like this.

But first, he needed to find his Juliet. His astounding powers of deduction led him to the bathroom, where he found a bucket of ice and champagne, a tray of strawberries, and a very soapy Lynn, singing along to Prince.

His pants grew tight. His Juliet was now Vivian Ward, and it was undeniably sexy.

“You’re late.” She said.

He smiled. “You’re stunning.”

She wanted to fight it, he saw. But a brilliant smile broke across her face. “You’re forgiven.”

He sat on the edge of the bathtub and watched her raise one leg at a time out of the bath tub to rub all the suds in. She had amazing legs, he was already very aware, but seeing them bare in the tub was exciting.

“Room for me?” He tossed his tie on the vanity and undid his buttons.

Lynn rested her arms along the edge of the tub and watched him. “Maybe. If the price is right.”

“What’s on the menu?”

“Everything. But I don’t kiss on the mouth.” She waggled her eyebrows.

God, he loved this girl. Matthew tossed his shirt through the door and undid his belt. She let out a whistle, so he gave her a booty shake before shucking off his pants completely. His cock did not disappoint, standing at rigid attention and catching the eye of his lady fair. A few awkward dance moves, proving he was entirely too white to ever play Prince properly, had her reaching for him.

“I appreciate this whole seduction thing you’ve got going on here, but let me give you a tip, Flint.” She blew a handful of bubbles at him and gave him a sexy, fuckable, grin.

“What’s that, Viggiani?”

“I’m a sure thing.”

Matthew settled in next to her, delighted by the warm water, and tucked a finger under her chin. “Kiss on the mouth for me, maybe?”

“There are always exceptions,” she whispered against his lips.

She had to taste the bourbon on his breath, but his sweet girl, nay, sweet woman, said nothing. They made out like teenagers, with wandering hands and giggle-filled moans. Technically, he supposed, she was still a teenager.

Tonight, though, that teenaged sex kitten had turned back into a voluptuous tiger.

“Can I just tell you how amazing these tits are in bubbles?” He hovered over her and bent down to bite a nipple. She arched her back and shoved them in his face. The bubbles tickled his nose. “Just perfect.”

“The bubbles make your dick look like an old man,” she giggled.

“Sean Connery, maybe.” Matthew bit her neck. “Hot old man, thank you very much.”

“I never said I didn’t
it. Clearly, I have a thing for older men.”

He propped his elbows on either side of her along the edge of the tub and kissed her. His tongue tasted and claimed in the inside her mouth and his fingers curled in her hair. The tip of his cock pressed against her legs. They rocked together, slowly at first, and gained rhythm. His tip breeched her opening, causing both of them to grasp each other.

“Condoms are in my wallet,” he said against her neck, and kissed it.

“I think you can find other ways to please me, Mr. Flint.” She pulled one of his hands off the tub and slid it over her pussy. The way she looked at him …
. “After all, you were late and my pussy is lonely.”

Oh, his beautiful, naughty girl. It never stopped being a treat for him to hear her play so dirty. He leaned across her and took a nipple in his mouth while his other hand parted her lips and stroked her cunt. She pulled his hair and gave a shuddering sigh.

She must have been warming herself up when he arrived. One of these days, he was going to ask to watch her touch herself, because it had been so long it made him crazy to imagine all the orgasms he’d missed. His hips thrust into her thigh as he continued to rub her clit.

The way Lynn look when she was building an orgasm was sometimes enough to make him pause. His cock throbbed and wanted to be inside her, but he was late. And he lied. And he owed her one body-rocking orgasm.

He slid her over so he could hold her, and whispered in her ear how gorgeous she was, how much he loved her, how he wanted to do dirty, amazing things to her. And his beautiful Lynn played along, begging him to keep talking, to stroke her faster.

“Don’t stop.”

“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to fuck you until you come. And while you’re coming, I’m going to fuck you harder. Just when you think your body won’t be able to handle another second of pleasure, I’m going to make you come again. I’m going to make you see fireworks, Lynn.”

She grasped the hand he used on her, so they brought her to orgasm together. Her sweet cries echoed off the bathroom walls, like surround-sound orgasms. His desire was intense. He needed her. He needed her now. But he was a man of his word.

His fingers didn’t stop as she squirmed and gasped under him. Her legs crossed and held his hands in place, like she didn’t know if she wanted him to stay or go. Her moans threatened to break him, but he powered through, sucking on her nipples and fucking her cunt until her breath quickened once again and her body shook under him.

“Have you ever had a second consecutive orgasm, Lynn?” He whispered in her ear. She shook her head and gave a little squeak. “Don’t be scared, baby. I’m about to make your goddamn night.”

Matthew placed a kiss on her neck and returned to her nipples. He flicked them with his tongue and gave them each a nibble, and then took one in his mouth and bit down. Right on cue, her body rocked and rolled. She dug her fingernails into his back and bucked wildly beneath him. She finally settled, panting and grinning.

“Was that good?” He asked in her ear, hands caressing her breasts and down her stomach. “You were awfully ready to go.”

“I may have been waiting.” Lynn kissed him hard. She then pushed him off her and stood, gorgeous naked body covered in bubbles. He wanted to pop each one with his tongue. She draped herself in a robe and crooked her finger towards him in a
come hither
sort of way.

Matthew nearly slipped and fell in his haste to obey. He scrubbed the bubbles off his legs and cock and hurried to meet her. Lynn had the television on, flipping through channels.

“Bored of me already?”

She clicked it off and shook her head. “I was hoping for an old rerun of
I Love Lucy
, but you can use your imagination.”

I Love Lucy
? His cock remembered before his brain did. And then his cock bounced up and down, as if dancing.
Blow job! Blow job! Blow job!


“Oh.” Lynn dropped her robe and stretched out on the floor like a cat. “Sit.”

He obeyed again, and kinda dug it. This whole being bossed around business was hot. “We never did get to see how the scene finished. Should I sit back and look unaffected?”

Lynn crawled to him, tits swinging beneath her, and spread his knees. “Whatever you want, big boy.”

Matthew leaned back in the chair and watched as his Vivian licked along the length of his cock with the flat of her tongue. The last few times they’d been intimate, they were rushed and hiding in public places, but now he would finally get to sit back and watch her work magic on his cock. She had told him once she was very good at it, and she was so very right.

Lynn pumped his dick with one hand and sucked on his head. Matthew felt his eyes cross and uncross at her touch. Her throaty laugh rumbled against him. She was hungry and his cock was the only thing to satiate her. He wound his hands in her hair, but she needed no guidance from him. She made love to his cock with the same passion his fingers fucked her.

Edward Lewis, he decided, was a moron for not scooping up Vivian Ward immediately. Julia Roberts wasn’t his cup of tea, but the allure was the same. A gorgeous woman, on her knees, sucking his cock and fucking him with her eyes was unbelievable. It wasn’t like he’d never experienced a blow job before, or even a really excellent one, but this was different.

This was his woman,
his woman
, giving him oral pleasure and enjoying it. He watched her slide a hand down her stomach and disappear into the lean folds of her center. Watching her rock back and forth against her fingers, moaning against his cock as she took in his whole length, completely undid him. And like the good, dirty girl his Lynn was, she swallowed every drop.

“God, you’re incredible.” Matthew mumbled, his arms draped across his face. “You can’t be real.” He felt her straddle him and wrapped his arms around her, eyes still closed.

“I can, and I am.” She kissed his collarbone. “We are amazing together, Matthew. People kill themselves for a chance at happiness as ripe as this.”

“I still don’t know why you thought I was worth your time.”

“I still don’t know why you wanted to rob the cradle.”

Matthew pinched her lightly on her bare ass. “It was your tits. You have really amazing tits.”

“I hear my pussy is pretty sweet, too.”

“I’m going to need a taste soon.” He brushed her hair over a shoulder and kissed along her exposed skin. She was soft from the bath, and smelled sweet and clean. “Think we can arrange that?”

“If my
Pretty Woman
knowledge is correct, and I’m never wrong, we still have a round of sex waiting for us.”

Matthew’s head was still fuzzy from the bourbon and now fuzzier from the orgasm. This was his favorite kind of sex: loose, wild, intense. He picked her up and tossed her on the bed. Lynn sat up on her knees and ran her hands through her hair. Her lip stuck out just a bit and her breasts hung just right. It was so hot.

“Come to me, Aria.”

Slowly, before his words were even able to register with his brain, Lynn melted from aroused to infuriated. Just as she looked like she was about to unhinge her jaw and eat him, his words caught up to his brain.

God. Fucking. Dammit. If he could hurl himself from the roof of the building right now, he would.

“What the fuck did you just call me?”

Time to deny like a motherfucker. “Lynn? Why would I call you a name that’s not yours?”

“Well, I don’t fucking know, Matthew, why don’t you tell me why the fuck you just called me Aria’s name while looking like you wanted to stick your dick in me, hmm?” She grabbed a pillow at threw it at him. “What the fuck!”

“I’m sorry!” Matthew held out his hands and ducked from the next pillow she chunked at him. “It was an accident, I swear!”

“Oh, what a common mistake to make! Lynn, Aria, our names sound
exactly the fucking same
.” She threw a pen at him next, having exhausted the pillows. “Oh. Wait a minute, no they fucking don’t!”

“Look, I know I fucked up. I’m really sorry. Let’s just forget it and …”

Forget it
?” She found the bible kept in the bedside table and threw it. Matthew barely ducked in time to keep his head. “Do you think I’m stupid? What, because I’m young I’m supposed to sit back and accept you calling me another girl’s name—one belonging to my arch fucking nemesis, no less, and the bitch likely responsible for blackmailing you—and act like it’s no big deal? Are
fucking stupid?”

“I don’t think you’re stupid—“

Are you fucking her
?” Lynn roared. She dove at him and missed. “Oh my god, you’re cheating on me. Are these notes staged? You set me up! Of course, it all makes sense now. Notes to cover your trail, saying you have a friend to meet tonight so you can fuck her first. You certainly looked like you enjoyed watching her fuck herself on stage for auditions. You bastard!”

She got in him the head with a notepad, and his anger flared. “Look, I said I was sorry! I am not fucking Aria. It was an honest mistake, okay? A fucking stupid one, but a mistake. I have to spend half my days coaching her now, and it was just a slip. I’m fucking tipsy and you mix hot water with alcohol and it intensifies. You would know this if you were older—“

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