Teaching the Common Core Math Standards With Hands-On Activities, Grades 3-5 (95 page)

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Authors: Judith A. Muschla,Gary Robert Muschla,Erin Muschla-Berry

Tags: #Education, #Teaching Methods & Materials, #Mathematics, #General

BOOK: Teaching the Common Core Math Standards With Hands-On Activities, Grades 3-5
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Geometry (Grade 3): partitioning shapes into parts with equal areas; using shapes with shared attributes to define a larger category shape

Geometry (Grade 4): classify two-dimensional figures based on parallel or perpendicular lines or angles; draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, and perpendicular and parallels lines; recognize a line of symmetry for two-dimensional figure

Geometry (Grade 5): attributes of two-dimensional figures and its subcategories; classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties; represent problems by graphing points in first quadrant of coordination plan; use perpendicular number lines (axes) to define coordination system

Grade 3 activities: Applying Properties; Area and Finding Perimeter; Balancing Fractions; Breaking into Groups; Classifying Quadrilaterals; Color the Multiples; Combining Groups; Covering the Area; Decomposing Areas; Decomposing Figures; Designing a Vegetable Garden; Equation Tic-Tac-Toe; Finding Sums and Differences; Hand Spans; Helping Zero Find a Place; It's a Match; It's Around; A Lot of Water; Make a Metric Monster; Making Fraction Bars; Measuring Areas; Measuring Areas with Appropriate Tools; Multiplication and Division Bingo; Number Scramble; Perimeter and Finding Area; Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs; Placing Fractions on the Number Line; Squares and Fractions; Tiling and Finding Area; Time to Read; What Does It Equal?; What Time Is It?; Which Equation?

Grade 3 forms: The Area of the Sums; Areas and Perimeters of Rectangles; Equation Bank; Fact Cards; 5-Inch Square; Four Squares; Geometric Figures; Hand Span Data Sheet; Matchings, I; Matchings, II; Measurement Bingo; Multiplication and Division Bingo; Multiplication, Division, and Factors, I; Multiplication, Division, and Factors, II; Multiplication Table; Parts of Figures, I; Parts of Figures, II; Perimeters and Areas of Rectangles; Problem Bank for Multiplication and Division Bingo; Problem Grid; Problem Groups; Products and Problems; Recording the Metric Monster Mass; Rounding Numbers; 10-Centimeter Square; Two-Step Equations; Which One Does Not Belong?

Grade 3 standards and activities: geometry; measurement and data; number and operations– fractions; operations and algebraic thinking

Grade 4 activities: Angle Estimate and Measure Game; Classroom Line Symmetry; Comparing Fractions; Complete the Rows; Decimal Battle; Decomposing a Fraction; Decomposing Angles; Demonstrating Division; Division Puzzles; Drawing Geometric Figures; Drawing Two-Dimensional Figures; Equations and Problems; Expressing Numbers; Finding Equivalent Fractions; Finding Errors in Multiplication; Fraction Bingo; Line Symmetry; Locating Decimals on a Number Line; Making an Angle; Making Models of Place Value; Matching Fractions and Decimals; Measuring Angles Virtually; Measuring Rectangles; Mixed Number Game; Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe; Number Generator; Numbers Chain; Our Two Units of Measurement; Pencils and Line Plots; The Prime Challenge; Problems, Models, and Equations; Rounding Numbers; Shapes and Structures; Stepping Forward with Multiplication; What's the Problem?; Word Problems with Measurement

Grade 4 forms: Angle Instruction Sheet; Angles; Completion Cards; Decimal Battle Cards; Dividends and Quotients; Drawing Geometric Figures; Figures; Finding Errors; Fraction Bars; Fraction Bingo; Fraction Cards and Comparison Symbols; Fraction Problem Bank; Fraction Triangles, I; Fraction Triangles, II; Fraction Word Problems; Game Problem Clues, I; Game Problem Clues, II; Group Data Table; Measurement Word Problems; Mixed Number Game Problems; Number Form Cards; Pencil Lengths; Picture Pencils; Problems and Reasonable Answers; Rays; Sums and Differences

Grade 4 standards and activities: geometry; measurement and data; number and operations– fractions; number and operations in Base Ten; operations and algebraic thinking

Grade 5 activities: Adding and Subtracting Fractions; Adding Parts of a Whole; Analyzing and Graphing Patterns; Building a Rectangular Prism; Charting Patterns in Powers of 10; Constructing a Coordination Plane; Creating Numbers; Dividing Unit Fractions; Evaluating Expressions; Expanding a Recipe; The Expression Game; Finding a Match; Finding Errors in Multiplication; Finding the Volume of a Rectangular Prism; Finding Volume; Graphing Relationships; A Hierarchy of Two-Dimensional Figures; Line Plots and Plant Height; Measurement Bingo; Measurement, Conversions, and Word Problems; Modeling Division; Modeling Multiplication; Modeling Multiplication and Division of Decimals; Modeling Multiplication of Fractions; Naming Quadrilaterals; Packing Rectangular Prism; Piecing Together Division; Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction of Decimals; Relating Fractions to Division; Round the Number; Scaling Numbers for Multiplication; Tiling Rectangles with Fractions; Using Formulas to Find the Volume of Rectangular Prisms; What's My Number?

Grade 5 forms: Bean Plant Growth; Bean Plant Growth Class Data; Build a Problem; Conversion Bank; Directions for Constructing a Coordinate Plane; Division– Unit Fraction Cards, I; Division– Unit Fraction Cards, II; Estimating, Adding, and Subtracting Fractions; Expression Game Cards; Expressions for Evaluation, I; Expressions for Evaluation, II; Expressions for Evaluation, III; Figures and Diagonals; Finding a Match Problem Cards (1 Set Per Game); Finding a Match Problem Cards (2 Sets Per Game); Finding Dividend, Divisors, and Quotients; Game Cards for Numbers, I; Game Cards for Numbers, II; Mandi's Party Punch; Measurement Word Problems; Measures; Multi-Digit Multiplication Quiz; Multiplication of Fractions; Naming Quadrilaterals; Number Cards; Number Clues; Organizing Quadrilaterals; Polygon Hierarchy Pattern; Polygons: Definitions and Properties; Quadrilaterals; Rectangular Prism Net; Round the Number Game Cards; Unit Squares for Constructing Rectangles

Grade 5 standards and activities: geometry; measurement and data; number and operations– fractions; number and operations in Base Ten; operations and algebraic thinking

Graphing Relationships activity (Grade 5)

Group Data Table form (Grade 4)

Groups: breaking into; combining


Hand Span Data Sheet form (Grade 3)

Hand Spans activity (Grade 3)

Helping Zero Find a Place activity (Grade 3)

A Hierarchy of Two-Dimensional Figures activity (Grade 5)

Hundreds chart: used to generate a variety of numbers; Number Generator activity using a


Internet: Adding Parts of a Whole activity (Grade 5) using the; Line Symmetry activity (Grade 4) using the; Measuring Angles Virtually activity (Grade 4) using the

Intervals of time: know relative sizes of measurement units in; solving word problems involving addition/subtraction of; word problems involving

It's a Match activity (Grade 3)

It's Around activity (Grade 3)


Line plots: to display data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (Grade 3); to display data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (Grade 4); to display data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (Grade 5)

Line Plots and Plant Height activity (Grade 5)

Line segment: definition of; draw and identify in two-dimensional figures

Line Symmetry activity (Grade 4)

Lines: classify two-dimensional figures based on presence or absence of; definition of; draw and identify in two-dimensional figures; line of symmetry for two-dimensional figure; parallel; perpendicular

Lines of symmetry: game on identifying number of; identifying two-dimensional figures in classroom with

Liquid volumes: attribute of solid figures and concepts of measuring; know relative sizes of measurement units in; measured by counting unit cubes; solving word problems with

Locating Decimals on a Number Line activity (Grade 4)

LoPresti, Angeline Sparagna

A Lot of Water activity (Grade 3)


Make a Metric Monster activity (Grade 3)

Making an Angle activity (Grade 4)

Making Fraction Bars activity (Grade 3)

Making Models of Place Value activity (Grade 4)

Mandi's Party Punch form (Grade 5)

Masses of objects: know relative sizes of measurement units in; word problems involving

Matching activity (Grade 3)

Matching Fractions and Decimals activity (Grade 4)

Matchings, I form (Grade 3)

Matchings, II form (Grade 3)

Measurement and data (Grade 3): hand span to represent data; measure areas by counting unit squares; picture graphs and bar graphs to represent and interpret data; recognize areas as attribute of plane figures; relate area to operations of multiplication and division; solve word problems with intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects; time to the nearest minute and time intervals

Measurement and data (Grade 4): apply area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in problems; know relative sizes of measurement units; line plot to display data set of measurements in fractions of a unit; measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor; recognize angle measures as additive; recognize angles as geometric shapes and measure them; solve word problems involving measurements

Measurement and data (Grade 5): convert among different-sized standard measurement units with given measurement system; make line plot to display data set of measurements in fractions of a unit; measure volumes by counting unit cubes; relate volume to multiplication and addition to solve volume problems; volume as attribute of solid figures and concepts of volume measurement

Measurement Bingo activity (Grade 5)

Measurement Bingo form (Grade 5)

Measurement, Conversions, and Word Problems activity (Grade 5)

Measurement units: apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles; convert among different-sized; identifying and record relative sizes of; line plot used to display fractions (Grade 3) of; line plot used to display fractions (Grade 4) of; line plot used to display fractions (Grade 5) of; make a line plot to display a data set in fractions of a; solve word problems involving different.
See also
Angle measurement

Measurement Word Problems form (Grade 4)

Measurement Word Problems form (Grade 5)

Measures form (Grade 5)

Measuring Angles Virtually activity (Grade 4)

Measuring Areas activity (Grade 3)

Measuring Areas with Appropriate Tools activity (Grade 3)

Measuring Rectangles activity (Grade 4)

Mixed Number Game activity (Grade 4)

Mixed Number Game Problems form (Grade 4)

Modeling Division activity (Grade 5)

Modeling Multiplication activity (Grade 5)

Modeling Multiplication and Division of Decimals activity (Grade 5)

Modeling Multiplication of Fractions activity (Grade 5)

Multi-digit arithmetic: find whole-numbers quotients and remainders to perform; fluently add and subtract within 1,000; multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10; multiplying whole numbers using properties of operations and place value; use place value understanding to perform; use place value understanding to round whole numbers

Multi-Digit Multiplication Quiz (Grade 5)

Multi-digit whole numbers: find whole-number quotients of; fluently add and subtract using the standard algorithm; fluently multiply using standard algorithm; perform operations with decimals to hundredths and; properties of operations and place value used for multiplying; read, write, and compare multi-digit whole numbers; recognizing different values in; understanding place value for; use place value understanding to perform; use place value understanding to round.
See also
Whole numbers

Multiplication: apply properties of operations as strategies for; combining whole number groups using; described as a comparison between the product and its factors; determining the unknown whole number in equation; finding whole-number quotients and remainders using; fluently multiply and divide within 100; fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using standard algorithm; fraction equivalence used to solve work problems involving; identifying patterns of; interpreting a multiplication equation as a comparison; matching word problems with equations, diagrams, and answers; modeling multiplication and division of decimals; of multi-digit whole numbers based on place value and properties of operations; multiply a fraction by a whole number; relate areas to the operations of division and; representing and solve problems involving; scaling (resizing) for; to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison; solving volume problems by relating volume to addition and; thought of as process of repeated addition; understand division as an unknown-factor problem and relationship to; world problems involving time intervals in minutes

Multiplication and Division Bingo activity (Grade 3)

Multiplication and Division Bingo form (Grade 3)

Multiplication of Fractions form (Grade 5)

Multiplication Table form (Grade 3)

Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe activity (Grade 4)


Naming Quadrilaterals activity (Grade 5)

Number and operations– Fractions (Grade 3): explain equivalence of fractions in special cases and comparing fractions by size; understanding fraction as number on the number line; understanding how a fraction quantity is formed

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