Team Niklas (The Saints Team #3) (16 page)

BOOK: Team Niklas (The Saints Team #3)
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Chapter 20



When we landed, Nik had a car waiting for us—must be
that accountant brain, so organized—and even though we gained three hours on
the clock, we arrived at the hotel and were checked in by late afternoon, still
plenty of time for a wander through Central Park. Oh and the hotel... fuck me,
no really I hoped Nik fucked me silly in every room because it was the most
beautiful hotel I had ever seen. When we put the key card in the room, our
single piece of luggage was already there, but I ran around the rooms like a
kid in a candy shop.

“It’s huge,” I said, my eyes wide
as I raced from the suite’s living area with its classic cream, gold and timber
furniture, to the bedroom with the huge bed that we could lose ourselves in
later tonight, and then I saw the master bathroom as it was called—wow. I ran
my hand over the black marble of the deep bathing tub, oh yeah, we would use
that. Nik watched me from the door, his arms folded, a grin on his face. I ran
back over to him and leaped at him, and he caught me in a hug.

“It’s so amazing,” I squealed,
“but we didn’t need a suite, it’s huge.”

“I know, but I wanted a room with
a view of Central Park,” he said, and carried me to the windows where we could
see the park framed by the city skyline. “Look at that!”

“This is so amazing,” I continued
to rave.

“You are,” he agreed, kissed me
and put me down. “Let’s go for a walk through the park, come on.”

I raced to change into my lower-heeled
boots and grabbed a hat for Nik which he didn’t know I had bought him—a classic
wool black porkpie hat. I put on my black hat and presented it to him. He
laughed as I reached up and placed it on his head, he looked adorable—like a
member of a ska band.

“Perfect, suits you.” I grinned at
him, admiring his form in his jeans, black boots, long-sleeve black and white shirt
and now a very well-appointed hat. “Got the key?” I asked at the door.

He flashed it at me.

“Phone, wallet?” I asked. He gave
me a look that implied I was a bit anal and I shrugged. “I like my checklists.”

He patted each pocket to indicate
he had both and held the door open for me. We caught the elevator down and
wandered through the beautiful lobby, out into the streets of New York City—I
know, I had to say it though, so cool—and to the park. It was amazing, Nik was
right. It was like this oasis in the middle of a frantic city... quiet,
peaceful and soul-restoring. I looked up at Nik as he strolled beside me
holding my hand, looking adorable and I couldn’t remember ever being so happy.
I thought I had been granted my happiness quota with Adam, but this was right,
this was better and I was being given a second chance.

“Let’s get a popsicle,” I said, seeing
the van.

Nik smiled. “Wow, I haven’t had
one for years.”

“Me either.” I selected a green
frozen popsicle with a red stripe... something about a rocket on the wrapper.
Nik had an ice-cream. He was probably starving since the last thing he'd eaten
had been cereal hours before.

We sat on a bench, watching the
lake and licking our popsicle and ice-cream. I flashed my tongue at Nik.

“Is it green?” I asked.

He laughed, leaned down and kissed
me, then sucked on my tongue.

“Very green, froggy,” he said,
pulling away from me. “Want a lick of mine?”

“Always,” I said, “oh you mean the
ice-cream, no thanks I’m good.”

Nik shook his head at me. We
finished and wandered around until I found the Alice statue. I took a photo of
it and sent it by text to Alice.

She texted back right away calling
me a lucky duck and saying she was just leaving work now—Jim had given her an
early mark. I forgot work was going on somewhere in the real world. Then Nik
got a text from The Russian and burst out laughing. He read it out.

“He and Lucas said there was going
to be a meeting when I got back. First the girls want to learn to tango after Tomás
performed at the lunch, now the girls want to be taken shopping in New York,”
he said, with a grin.

I read over his shoulder and The
Russian had put in capitals, “IT HAS TO STOP”.

“Tell him to lift his game with
the girls.” I nudged Nik. “You’ve raised the bar.”

He smiled, shrugged, pocketed the
phone and took my hand again. “Want to try out our bath with champagne?”

“Hell yes,” I said, and increased our
walking speed.

“Are you going to be able to wind
down enough tonight to sleep?” Nik looked at me suspiciously.

“Depends how exhausted I am,” I

“Got it,” Nik said, hatching




Nik took the room service wine list away from me.
“I’ll order, you go run the bath,” he ordered me.

“Why, don’t you trust me to select?”
I asked, a bit offended but kind of happy not to have to pick, as everything
was so expensive.

“No. You’ll try to save me money
and order something horrible,” he said. “Bath.” He nodded to the deep tub
waiting to be filled. I obediently smiled and turned to go. I heard him on the telephone
moments later ordering a bottle of Bollinger. I didn’t know much about
champagne, but I knew that was good, very good.

 Not long after that we sat
surrounded in bubbles... sipping our champagne in the bath. The city skyline
view was visible from our deep bath but with enough of a screen to give us
privacy. Nik massaged my foot. I heard his phone ping with a text message.

“Someone’s after you,” I said,
sipping my champagne.

“Don’t care. You have such cute
little feet.”

“They’re not little,” I assured
him, “they’re just little compared to yours.”

“Mine have to hold me up. Where
shall we go for dinner?”

“I thought you would have that
sorted?” I gave him a surprised look.

“I’ve booked a place for eight,”
he said with a glance to the clock. It was seven o’clock. “But I didn’t want to
dictate if you had somewhere you would like to go.”

“If you trust me with the
shopping, I trust you with the eating,” I told him. “Where are we going?”

“Anton has picked for tomorrow
night, but I went online and found the top ten restaurants in New York City
voted by the public and found one a few streets from here—it’s French. Okay?”

“C'est excellent!” I said, attempting
some French.

Nik grinned. “Do you speak a
little French?”

“Nope,” I assured him. “Thank you
my guy, for all of this. It has been such a huge surprise and so much fun,” I
said, holding his gaze. He colored slightly, not using to being thanked, I

“Thank you
Süsse for coming with me.”

would be girls lined up for miles to come with you,” I reminded him, putting
down my champagne.

you’re the only girl I want to come with me,” he said and grabbing my legs, he
slid me closer, placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me. His hand
moved to behind my neck as he cupped me and tasted me. He pulled away and I
felt down in the water, finding his erection.

this wait until tonight?” I asked. “Because I want to play for a long time later.”

can wait but you had better remove your hand,” he warned. “I love that I get to
have you tonight and have you all night.”

don’t wear yourself completely out,” I threatened him. “I have a big day
planned tomorrow shopping for you.”

for you,” he reminded me, “we’re doing both. Right?”

I agreed.

mean it,” he said.

know, but we’re starting with you,” I said.

nodded. “We’ll wrap that up in an hour or so and then, I want to see you trying
on outfits for me. We should get you a new dress to wear tomorrow night to

shook my head. He was too perfect and I was a goner. His phone beeped again.

had better check it in case it’s a family emergency,” I said, the words slipping
from my tongue before I realized what I said. My eyes widened. It was such a
normal thing to say. “I’m sorry, I mean perhaps Anton is trying to—”

held up his hand. “It’s okay, really.” He reached to the floor for his jeans
and pulled his phone out of the pocket. He thumbed to the text message and
laughed. “You won’t believe this?” he said, and held the phone up for me to
see. It was a picture of the two of us on a bench in Central Park. We were
wearing our hats and eating our cold treats. I had my tongue stuck out and Nik
was laughing.

eyes widened. “Someone spotted you; we were sprung!”

It’s online, my manager just sent it to me; cute photo,” Nik said.

our first photo together,” I said, romantically, “even if my tongue is out.”

partial to your tongue.” Nik glanced at my mouth. “I’m going to get my manager
to buy two copies of the shot from the photographer and send it to me—one for
both of us. Ja?”

great thanks.” I waited until he texted back. “So who is your manager? You
never call him by his name.”

put the phone down. “I only met him when I came here late last year; he’s a
nice guy, James Moffat, in his forties or so, married, two teenage kids...
that’s all I know. Anton recommended him.”

he live in Santa Ana?” I asked.

he lives in Los Angeles but he visits and we have lunch once a month to go over
stuff. He’s with an international company and they assign the nearest agent to
the sports person, so in my case, it’s James.”

you his only Saint?” I asked.

am, but he’s got other soccer guys, a few baseball players, female tennis
players, and basketball guys,” Nik explained. “He looks after pretty much
anything related to my contract, sponsorships, requests, management fees,

I should get a manager,” I teased.

gave me a slow smile. “I’m happy to take on the responsibility of managing your
sexual satisfaction.”

raised an eyebrow in his direction. “It’s a very important job,” I said.

one I’d take lightly,” he said, and began to prove it. I pulled away and he

I remind you Niklas that we said we would wait until we got home later to work
that big bed and we have a dinner appointment in less than thirty minutes? You
need to lead by example and get out of the bath,” I bossed him.

muttered a few German words, looked like he’d been banished and pulled himself
out of the bath. Magnificent view. I just loved it how well he followed orders,
most of the time.




We walked to the restaurant which was good for our
appetites, and fortunately I had selected heels I could do a marathon in. We
weren’t big eaters, just particular eaters... although Nik could consume a fair
bit of food with his size. We were placed in a window seat and I hoped we
weren’t going to see our photo on some online social site tomorrow. Nik checked
I had underwear on before he ordered—his logic was that if I tempted him, he
wasn’t going to be trapped having to feed me first like last time. Lucky for me
I wore panties and a matching bra.

The French food was good, a bit
rich but I had taste buds more tolerant of that than Nik. We decided we would
skip dessert—I know, almost unheard of for me, but the entree and main were so
delicate and I was kind of keen to get home to bed... and not to sleep. I
snuggled under Nik’s arm on the way home, as we took in the atmosphere and

“I’m giving that restaurant seven-and-a-half
out of ten,” he said.

I looked up at him. “Wow, that’s
tough. I was thinking eight-and-a-half.”

“It was too fussy, too many sauces.”
He shook his head.

“Yeah, well there was no sauerkraut
on the menu,” I teased him and he got me in a pretend headlock and mussed my

“Very funny, Sah-sha,” he said,
releasing me and I grinned up at him while attempting to fix my hair which was
messy by nature anyway. We entered the lobby of our plush hotel and took the elevator
to our floor. When we entered our beautiful suite, Nik slipped his suit jacket
off and disappeared into one of the bathrooms and I went into the other. He
came out smelling of fresh mint and fresh skin... just right for licking.

He stopped when he saw me; I had
brought some new lingerie for tonight and I was hoping it would get his
attention. It was an unlined baby doll set with matching panties in soft lilac,
very short, and at the back it had a deep plunge back with a satin crisscross

“Wow,” Nik said, and breathed in
deeply. Just the reaction I was hoping for. His lips twitched in a smile and I
did a full turn for him. “I get to unwrap that bow,” he said with a look that
was part lust, part longing. He didn’t take his eyes off me as I lingered near
the bed; he slipped off his shoes and socks, undid his belt and slipped off his
coat pants. Oh my indeed... nothing like a tall, blond man in fitted white
boxer briefs. He hesitated for a moment then slipped his shirt off, revealing
his naked and tanned chest, scars, ink and all... superb. He moved towards me,
sat himself on the end of the bed and reaching out for me with those long,
muscly arms, he pulled me between his legs. The hard, heavy length of his
erection pushed against the fabric of his boxers and it took all my restraint
not to knock him back on the bed, pull those briefs off and take him in my
mouth... my self-control is incredible.

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