Tears of a Hustler PT 1 (24 page)

BOOK: Tears of a Hustler PT 1
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As soon as Diesil’s mother saw G-money headed in her direction, she quickly met him halfway and melted in his arms. “What happened to my baby,” Ms Jones sobbed as she buried her face in G-money’s chest. “I don’t know,” G-money answered shamefully. “Those crackers been killing kids left and right, and they had the nerve to tell me that they were just doing their jobs, that’s why it took seventy shots to kill two men.” “Yeah you know the NYPD is the biggest gang in New York,” G-money said removing his sunglasses. “G-money please promise me that you’ll kill the person responsible for taking my son away from me,” Ms Jones sobbed crying like a baby. “Promise me.” “I promise,” G-money whispered in Ms Jones’ ear. The soft funeral music playing in the background only made the mood feel even worse.

A few family members stood and said a few good things about Diesil in front of everyone in attendance. Seconds later Ali and Big Mel strolled into the funeral parlor and took a seat in the back.

G-money sat next to Ms Jones when he heard a scuffle break out at the front door. Everybody stood up in unison and headed towards the entrance, where they were met by Detective Nelson with fifteen officers behind him. G-money’s goons blocked the entrance refusing to let the police enter. “What the fuck ya’ll want,” G-money asked with about seventy goons behind him. “We’re just here looking for Ali,” Detective Nelson said calmly. “What’s the problem,” Ali asked making his way to the front of the crowd. “We need you to come downtown and participate in a line up,” Detective Nelson grinned. “We got a witness who said she witnessed the murder of those two police officers in a small coffee shop a few weeks ago.” “So what the fuck does that have to do with me,” Ali asked in a nasty tone. “You fit the description,” Detective Nelson responded pulling out a shinny pair of handcuffs.

Get four cars to follow me down to the station to make sure that’s where they taking me,” Ali whispered in G-money’s ear. G-money nodded in agreement. Detective Nelson quickly handcuffed Ali and escorted him to a squad car.

“Fuck the police,” A few goons yelled out as they watched the Detective lower Ali’s head into the backseat of the squad car. Just like Ali had instructed, four cars full of goons followed the squad car, all the way down to the station. “I’m going to kill that mutha fucka,” G-money said out loud shaking his head in disgust. “Yo, let me holla at you real quick,” Skip said pulling G-money off to the side. “What’s up?” “A few of the goons snatched up those two racist cops that smoked Diesil and Marcus,” Skip said excitedly. “Say word.” “Yeah they got ‘em tied up in the basement in some abandoned building out in Queens,” Skip said anxiously. “Come on, we out,” G-money said as he, Skip, and about five goons hopped in two awaited vehicles and headed to Queens.


* * * *


Why are you looking at me like that,” Detective Nelson chuckled looking at Ali through the rearview mirror. “You’re not my friend no more?” “We were never friends. Fuck you,” Ali replied coldly. “You see a bitch, you use a bitch.” “You the one looking like the bitch right now,” Detective Nelson countered. “Ali, I hate to be the one to break the bad news to you, but…I’m going to kill you, and I’m going to do it real soon,” he said raising an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, I’ll be prepared when the time comes,” Ali said as the two exchanged challenging glares. “If you say so,” Detective Nelson replied smiling at Ali weakly.



* * * *


Yeah what’s up,” G-money answered his ringing cell phone. “Hey baby you busy,” Coco asked innocently. “Kind of; why what’s up?” “Oh, just wanted to talk to you about something.” “Aight, I’m going to talk to you when I get home. I should be there in about an hour.” “Okay boo, I’ll see you then.” Coco said ending the conversation.

G-money headed into the abandoned building with Skip and the rest of the goons on his heels. When G-money entered the basement, he could tell that the goons, who had bought the two cops in, had beat the shit out of them from the dried up blood and bruises they sported on their faces. “These the mutha fuckas who killed Diesil,” a young goon growled as he slapped the shit out of one of the cops. G-money slowly walked up to one of the officers, slowly pulling his .45 from his waistband. He placed the barrel on the cop’s forehead and pulled the trigger without a trace of emotion. The impact from the shot caused the cop’s body to fall backwards, out of the chair he once sat in. “Please don’t kill me…I got four children,” the other officer begged. His cowardly plea was answered with a punch in his face. “I have to go home and take care of something; ya’ll can have fun with this mutha fucka,” G-money yelled over his shoulder as he made his exit. When G-money reached his S.U.V. he could hear the other cop screaming like a bitch. He just shook his head and headed home.



* * * *


Ali stood in the line up with six other men. “Okay, turn to your left,” a voice ordered over the loudspeaker. After three hours of bullshit, Ali was finally released. Detective Nelson knew Ali wasn’t the cop killer, he only brought him downtown to fuck with his mind. Detective Nelson knew he was going to kill, Ali he just didn’t know how yet.


* * * *


G-money stepped into his crib and saw Coco laying on the couch wearing a small tee shirt that looked like a mini skirt on her. “Hey babes what’s up,” he asked kissing Coco on the lips. “You cooked anything?” “Nah, I thought you might want to order something,” Coco said as she stood up. “I’m glad you’re here because I need to talk to you.” “What’s on ya mind,” G-money asked as he took off his shirt revealing his thirteen tattoos that covered his body.

Do you love me,” Coco asked. “Yeah, I love you,” G-money answered quickly. “Why you think I asked you to move in here with me?” “Well if you love me, then why are you out fucking other women,” Coco asked snaking her neck. G-money sucked his teeth. “What you talking about,” he asked faking ignorance. “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Coco folded her arms. “I was in the beauty polar and all I heard was G-money this and G-money that, from all those groupie, gold digging bitches,” Coco said trying her hardest to control her temper. “What am I, not good enough for you?” “Of course you’re good enough for me.” “So why do you fuck other women then?” “I don’t know,” G-money answered feeling sorry for Coco. “I’m sorry baby, I’m just used to having a lot of women. I’m going to be straight up with you, I can’t change overnight but I will slow down until I can control it.” “Slow it down,” Coco echoed rolling her eyes. “You must be crazy if you think I’m just going to sit here while you fucking all these other bitches,” she spat as stomped down the hallway heading towards the bedroom. “Bring ya fine ass over here,” G-money huffed as he followed behind her. “Listen babes, you my wifey aight? Them other bitches ain’t got shit on you, if they did you wouldn’t be living in my house,” G-money said as he placed a soft kiss on Coco’s neck. “I don’t know why you kissing me for, you ain’t getting none of this pussy,” Coco hissed looking G-money up and down.

Three minutes later, G-money watched Coco’s fat ass bounce and grind as she rode his dick backwards nice and slow. Coco moaned, sucking in air through clenched teeth, as she took the dick like a big girl. “I love you baby,” she moaned loving every stroke.

After twenty five minutes of intense lovemaking, Coco came three times and went straight to sleep. G-money just laid in bed listening to Coco’s slow and regular breathing as she slept.























Chapter 42




Detective Nelson really got it out for you I see,” Big Mel stated plainly. “Fuck Detective Nelson,” Ali huffed. “He can kiss my ass.” “You got out the game right on time,” Big Mel said pouring him and Ali both a drink. “I’m in the game for life,” Ali corrected him. “I’m just not participating in certain activities no more. I’m participating in building instead of destroying.” “I ain’t mad at you for that.” Big Mel said shaking around the ice in his glass. “So how do you plan on building?” “I’ve been building from day one. I took all those mutha fuckas just sitting around in the hood and gave them all jobs; it might not have been a 9 to 5 but it still was a job. I done gave out so many turkeys on Thanksgiving that I lost count. Now I got these businesses poppin, giving my people more jobs and opportunities. I’ve done a lot for my people and the hood. People praise me everywhere I go, not because of the bad I’ve done, but for the good I’ve done,” Ali said sipping on his yak. “I done shook more people’s hands then a preacher,” he chuckled as he noticed Nancy fingering for him to come into the bedroom.

“What’s up baby?” “Nothing, I’m about to go shopping with Coco.” “So what you need me for,” Ali asked confused. “I wanted to get a quickie before Coco got here,” she said seductively pulling down Ali’s sweatpants.

Before Ali could respond, he felt Nancy’s soft wet lips wrap around his dick. Nancy loved when Ali fucked her mouth; something about that made her pussy get wet. Nancy slowly removed her pants, revealing her firm juicy caramel ass. Ali quickly bent Nancy over the dresser, pulled her red laced panties down to her ankles and went inside her from behind. Ali delivered fast quick strokes and quickly exploded as he heard Big Mel in the living room talking to Coco.

“Thanks baby, I love you. I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” Nancy said as she kissed Ali on the lips then headed into the living room. Ali turned on the T.V. as he glanced over and saw the baby sleeping peacefully in his crib.

“Hey girl you ready to go,” Nancy asked as she kissed Coco on the cheek. “I’m waiting on you,” Coco replied as the two headed out the door. The two divas hopped into Ali’s Lexus and headed to their favorite stores.

I think I’m going to tie the knot real soon,” Ali said reentering the living room. “You sure she’s the right one for you?” “Yeah, I just feel good when I’m around her; you know what I mean?” “Yeah, I can dig it. I was in love once in myself,” Big Mel chuckled thinking back on when he was in love. “Hopefully I’ll stay alive or out of prison long enough to get married,” Ali said in deep thought. “Why you say that?” “You know how you just get one of those fillings that something bad is just going to happen,” Ali said looking at Big Mel. “I just been feeling like something bad is about to happen.” “We just going to have to stay on point and make sure nothing bad happens.” Ali chuckled, “Whatever happens is meant to be, it’s all in God’s plan.” “Fuck that, I’m taking my life in my own hands,” Big Mel huffed. “If I wait for God, I’ll be waiting forever,” he said sourly. The two men’s conversation came to an end when Ali heard the baby crying.



* * * *



Nancy stood in the small dressing room trying on some new jeans, when she overheard some loud ghetto chicks enter the store. She looked at how the jeans hugged her ass and hips and decided to purchase them. When Nancy stepped out of the dressing room she noticed a strange look on Coco’s face.

“What’s wrong Coco?” “These loud ass bitches coming up in here giving black women a bad name,” Coco said looking over at the hood rats. “Excuse me, you got a problem with your eyes,” one of the ghetto girls asked with an attitude. “Yup, I sure do,” Coco shot back looking the hood rat up and down.

Nancy was about to tell Coco to chill until she noticed one of hood rats was Dave’s girlfriend, Rita. Rita stared at Nancy for about ten seconds until the face registered in her brain. “Yeah bitch, what’s poppin now,” Rita growled as she headed in Nancy and Coco’s direction with her two home girls behind her. “It’s your fault Dave is dead right now,” she screamed as she ran full speed towards Nancy tackling her on a table that had some shirts neatly folded on top.

Coco quickly jumped into the fight, landing four punches to the back of Rita’s head before one of Rita’s girlfriends pulled Coco down to the floor by her hair. As soon as the fight broke out, the young clerk immediately picked up the phone and dialed 911.

Rita did her best to pull out as much of Nancy’s hair as she could, the whole time clawing away at Nancy’s face. Meanwhile Rita’s two girlfriends assaulted Coco over in the corner. But Coco wasn’t going out like a chump, she just dropped her head and swung wildly delivering blows as she took some.

When Nancy and Rita finally made it back to their feet, it was on. Both women grabbed each other’s hair with one hand and threw vicious punches to one another’s face with their free hand, knocking over racks of clothes in the process as they got their scrap on.

Seconds later, three police officers stormed into the store and pulled the women apart. Nancy fought her hardest to get loose from the officer’s hold. “Bitch, every time I see you I’m a bust ya ass,” Rita yelled out as one of the officer’s handcuffed her. “You ain’t saying nothing, hoe,” Nancy capped back as the officers escorted her and Coco out of the store, placing them into the backseat of the squad car.

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