Tears of a Hustler PT 1 (22 page)

BOOK: Tears of a Hustler PT 1
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Go and your money little duffle bag boy,” Skip hummed along with Lil’ Wayne as he and G-money sat staked out in a stolen Honda. “Yo that’s her right there,” Skip said pointing. “Who, that white bitch right there,” G-money asked making sure they were on the same page.

Yeah, the snow bunny,” Skip chuckled. “I guess a sistah ain’t good enough for that clown,” G-money snickered as he threw the Honda into drive and pulled out of the parking spot.

Beverly stood on the sidewalk patiently waiting for the street light to change so that she could cross the street and go get into her S.U.V.

When the light finally changed Beverly crossed the street without a care in the world,, the whole time fishing around in her purse looking for her keys. Seconds later, all that could be heard was the sharp squealing sound of a car burning rubber.

Beverly quickly looked up, only to see a green Honda speeding in her direction. Before she got a chance to do anything, her body bounced viciously off of the Honda.

“Yo, speed up son,” Skip chanted from the passenger seat. “I got this,” G-money said with a smirk on his face as he sped up. “Here we go,” he said his adrenaline pumped in anticipation. “Ohhh shit,” G-money yelled as Beverly’s head came crashing into his windshield.

Beverly’s body flew over the hood of the Honda, and hit the ground making a loud thud sound like she just fell out of a window. “That’s what I’m talking about B,” Skip said. G-money quickly parked the Honda on a deserted block and bailed on foot.



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What’s good for tomorrow,” Skip asked as G-money pulled up in front of his house. “Some stripper is throwing a party tomorrow night at some club downtown. I’m going to probably swing through there, you wanna role?” “Yeah I’m down. Come scoop me up tomorrow.” “Matter of fact I’m going to this stripper’s crib I bagged the other day; she always got friends over there, you wanna roll,” G-money asked.

Nah B, I gotta go home. I haven’t been home in a week following that fucking white bitch around all week,” Skip said as he slid out the passenger seat heading towards his front door.

As soon as Skip stepped foot inside his house, April was right there waiting for him. She rolled her eyes before she spoke. “So where the fuck you been all week,” she asked in a snotty tone snaking her neck.

Working,” Skip answered quickly as he headed to the kitchen. “For a whole week?” “Yeah,” he answered drinking some orange juice straight from the carton. “You’re such a liar. Do I look stupid to you,” April asked in a challenging tone.

Yo I ain’t been in the house for five minutes yet and you already on my back. Damn, can I at least take a shower first,” Skip huffed.

No fuck that, you can take a shower later, right now I want to know where the fuck you been all week,” April hissed placing her hand on her hip.

I already told you, I been working; out getting this money,” Skip said pulling out a big wad of cash wrapped in two rubber bands for extra emphasis.

Don’t be a smart ass,” she sucked her teeth. “I don’t know if you forgot, but you do have a family and we need you too you know?”

Yeah I know, but these bills still have to get paid no matter what you say.”

Don’t you dare try to throw your money in my face. I’m in school so I can better myself, but if that’s not good enough I’ll go get a job.” “Listen I don’t want to fight or argue with you, all I’m saying is what I do out in the streets is for my family. You and my son, in that backroom, is my main focus.”

Is it another woman?” “Yo, you bugging,” Skip said dryly as he brushed past his wife. “Don’t you walk away from me while I’m talking to you.” She grabbed his wrist. “Where you going?” “To take a shower.”

Why you rushing to take a shower, huh?” “Because I’m tired and want to take a shower and get some rest.” “Skip are you cheating on me?” “I’m not even going to answer that,” he said disgusted. “I’m going to take a shower.” “Not until I smell your dick first,” April demanded as she reached for her husband’s belt buckle.

What fuck is wrong with you,” Skip’s voice boomed like thunder. “Look at yourself, you bugging,” he said in a tone of disgust. “Well what you expect me to think? You have never not been home for a week straight before.”

Listen April, you are my wife, not some bitch I’m fucking – remember that,” Skip said leaving her in the kitchen to think on it.






























Chapter 37




Yo shorty, go to the store and get me a slice,” Diesil ordered giving one of the young soldiers a ten dollar bill. “And a Snapple,” he yelled out.

Diesil sat on top of the bench watching the other soldiers roll dice. It was just another day in the hood until he saw Rell strolling through the hood talking on his cell phone. “This nigga must be crazy,” Diesil thought as he looked on in amazement.

A yo, look at this clown walking through like he tough,” Diesil said to his soldiers pointing at Rell. “Yo ya’ll niggas go twist his fucking cap back and get that reward money.”

The seven goons quickly loaded their weapons and headed in Rell’s direction. Rell strolled through the hood without a care in the world talking freely on his cell phone.

Yeah it’s about seven bitch ass niggas headed in my direction.” “Aight, just lead them in the building,” Debo said ending the conversation. Debo stood in the lobby of the building with five killers by his side. It’s about seven mutha fucka headed this way,” he said as he and his shooters got their weapons ready.

Rell quickly stepped inside the building and snatched his P89 from his waist. “Click Clack,” as Debo buzzed him in the building. “Aight, here they come,” Rell said as he and his crew waited patiently for their prey to enter the building. “Yo, I’m going to blow this nigga’s head off,” one of Diesil’s soldiers boasted as the seven of them entered the building.

Oh shit,” a soldier yelled as he watched one of his partner’s head get popped off right in front of his eyes. He tried to fire back, but Rell’s crew swarmed in like a pack of wolves leaving no prisoners. Once all seven off Diesil’s goons were left for dead in the lobby. Rell and his crew made their exit.

Diesil sat on the bench and watched Rell and his crew walk out of the building without a scratch on them. “Fuck,” he yelled out as the two exchanged glares.



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I hope this Spanish cat ain’t working with no garbage,” G-money said as he and Skip slid into his new Porsche. “We running dry as a mutha fucka.” “Yeah I know,” Skip agreed.

It seems like nobody got good work no more. Everything I’ve been seeing lately been all stepped on shit.” “Well I heard this Spanish cat is supposed to have some butter (good coke),” G-money said stopping at a red light.

Skip sat looking out the window, when he felt his cell phone vibrating on his hip. “Yo what’s poppin five,” he answered. “Yo this nigga, Rell, just came through the hood and smoked like seven of my niggas,” Diesil said hotly. “Aight, I’m a get back to you,” Skip said hanging up not wanting to speak too much about that situation over the phone.

“Diesil just called; he said Rell just came through the hood and took out like seven of his soldiers.” “How they let him come in the hood and do that,” G-money asked keeping his eyes on the road. “I don’t know. I told him I would holla at him later.” “Yeah we’ll handle that shit later; first we gotta get our hands on some work,” G-money said sharply.

G-money quickly pulled over to the curb and beeped the horn. Seconds later a filthy crack head slid into the backseat. “Hey, I thought you wasn’t coming for a second,” Dirty Larry said flashing his rotten tooth smile.

I told you I was coming Dirty Larry,” G-money said as he and Skip busted out laughing. “Ya’ll some funny mutha fuckas,” Dirty Larry chuckled feeling embarrassed.

Don’t get all sensitive on me, Larry you know I’m just fucking with you,” G-money half-apologized, as he pulled up into the warehouse’s parking lot. Both men checked and cocked their weapons before they exited the vehicle.

“Pedro what’s poppin?” G-money greeted the Spanish man. “Tired,” he replied dryly. “Lets get this over with so I can go home,” Pedro said handing G-money a duffle bag.

You got the money,” he asked greedily. “Yeah one second,” G-money said as he unzipped the duffle bag and removed one of the bags of cocaine. He flicked open his pocket knife and plunged it into the plastic.

Right on point Dirty Larry tested the product. He snorted a half a gram of cocaine off the tip of the knife. His nose turned into a mini vacuum as the cocaine quickly disappeared up his nose.

Dirty Larry stood there with a stupid look on his face for about a minute, before he spoke in a light stutter. “Ye…yeah its straight; its not all that but its definitely sellable,” he mumbled as his mouth started to foam on the corners.

Nice doing business with you,” G-money said as he handed Pedro the duffle bag full of money. “The pleasure was all mine,” Pedro said as he and his bodyguard made their exit.



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I’m going to kill everyone of them mutha fuckas, especially Gerald,” Rell sobbed as he looked at Beverly’s shinny casket. Hundreds of people stood in the funeral polar to pay their respects to Beverly. “It’s all your fault, you cold hearted bastard,” Beverly’s mother yelled as she spat in Rell’s face.

Without thinking twice, Erica slapped the shit out of Beverly’s mother. Before things could escalate, Debo grabbed Erica and restrained her.

Erica might have been Rell’s side chick, but she wasn’t going to sit back and let no white lady spit in Rell’s face; to her that was just so disrespectful. “Bitch don’t you ever do no shit like that again,” Erica barked trying her best to get free from Debo’s hold.

Seconds later the sound of gunfire sent everybody dropping down to the floor. Shots flew through the front door taking down innocent people who just came to attend a funeral.

Diesil cruised by on his motorcycle with a shooter on the back. The shooter hung on tight with one hand, as he squeezed the trigger on his Uzi with the other hand.

Once the shots finished ringing out, Rell and the rest of his crew quickly ran outside and let off about fifty shots in the direction of the motorcycle.

“These niggas have to go,” Rell barked as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Detective Nelson’s number. “Yeah what’s up,” he answered on the forth ring. “Yo, G-money and his crew have to go,” Rell yelled.

Calm down. What’s wrong?” “They just shot up my baby’s funeral,” Rell sobbed. “Who was it, G-money?” “Nah, it was Diesil. He’s the only one out the crew with a motorcycle,” Rell spoke sharply.

Okay I’m going to take care of him and Ali, but I’m going to leave G-money to you.” “I’m not playing with these fools no more; it’s on.” “Okay stay in touch,” Detective Nelson said as he ended the conversation.


















Chapter 38




Ali laid on the bed watching the news. He looked on in disgust as he listened to the reporter give the world the run down about the “Jena 6” situation. “Fucking racist mutha fuckas,” Ali said shaking his head as he noticed Nancy enter the room. “Hey baby, what’s up?ght= “Hey boo, what you doing,” she asked kissing him on the lips.

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