Temperature Rising (9 page)

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Authors: Alysia S. Knight

BOOK: Temperature Rising
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Laken’s heart pounded with his. She fought to fight back, clawing at him from the inside, but his excitement rose higher. Adrenaline, driven by the anticipated kill, flared through him. He burned with madness. His hand came out to catch the back of the woman’s collar. The yank dropped her to her knees. She cried out like a frightened animal. He gloried in it.

Dragging her back to her feet, he turned her to face him. As she came around, her hand came up, arching toward his face. Laken caught a glimpse of something in her hand at the same time the hunter did. His hand knocked hers aside just as the spray burst out. It missed the hunter’s face but was close enough to bring water to his eyes, blurring Laken’s vision.

Through watery waves she saw the hunter’s hand come out, striking the woman across her face. “Stupid witch.” The words roared in her mind. Before the woman could muster another attack, he pulled her back to him, slamming her hard against his body. Fear filled the woman’s eyes as she looked up into his face. Laken knew his hand was coming up. She screamed again in her mind, but it did nothing to stop the knife from plunging down. Shock registered on the woman’s face a second before emptiness filled her eyes.

He released her, giving a little shove so that she fell face down amidst the trash. Her arm banged off a garbage can, but the hunter didn’t seem to notice. He stepped forward and bent down, deliberately wiping the knife off on her, leaving a garish red streak. Straightening, he placed his foot in the small of her back and ground down before turning away. The calmness that came over him allowed Laken to slip free.


Laken awoke sweat-soaked and shaking. Her head and heart pounded. Images of the dream flashed before her. It took three tries for her trembling fingers to lock onto the quilt to pull it up over her body. Several minutes elapsed before the tremors eased enough that she decided she could try for the lamp beside her bed. She managed to click it on just as she knocked it over. Fortunately, it didn’t break or go out. The warm glow it gave off helped push back the lingering shadows of the dream, but there was only one thing that she could think of that would help rid her of the fear.

It wasn’t until she picked up her cell phone from the night stand that she realized she didn’t have Mac’s number. Despair swamped her as she stared at the phone for a full minute before her brain came up with the realization that he had tried to call her several times and that his number would be recorded in recent calls.

The relief of seeing it there brought tears to her eyes, and she pressed the connect symbol. With each ring she feared he wouldn’t answer then a groggy voice came over the phone.


For the first time Laken glanced at the clock and realized it was after one o’clock. “Sorry.” The word trembled out. She shouldn’t have called, but it was too late now, and she needed to hear his voice desperately.

“Laken.” Her name came back over the line, now sounding totally alert. “What is it?”

“I dreamed,” she got out, pushing back the sob before it could slip out.

“I’m sorry.” His voice was soothing. “I guess it was too much today having you go over it like that. We can sit and talk until you feel all right.”

“No,” she gasped out, stopping him. “He killed again. It wasn’t the same. He killed again.” Tears ripped free as she cried out.

There was silence on the line a second before he said, “I’ll be right there. Stay on the line with me.”

Laken could hear movements from the other end. She thought about telling him not to come but couldn’t bring herself to do it. Cuddling into the blanket, she listened to him ramble to her about nonsensical things. His voice pushed away the chill from her body.

It was only fifteen minutes later that he said he was coming up the stairs, and she crawled from the bed, pulling the blanket with her. She staggered the first steps, unsteady on her feet, as she made her way to the door. The instant she got the door opened he caught her and pulled her to him, which was a good thing because her knees gave out.


Mac felt her sag against him and tightened his hold. The shivers that shook her body were alarming, as was the slight temperature he felt lingering on her forehead. Shifting slightly, he lifted her into his arms, using his elbow to close the door.

“You shouldn’t carry me,” she mumbled against his neck.

“We’re not going far. My leg can make it.” Placing weight on it cautiously, he prayed that it was true. It wouldn’t look real macho if he fell on her. It was with relief that he settled on the couch with her cradled across his lap. He relished the feel of her arms wrapped around him. She clung to him as he moved his hands over her back. He forced himself to be patient until she was ready to tell him what happened.

He wondered if she had fallen asleep just before she finally raised her head to look up at him. “I’m sorry I woke you, but thank you for coming.”

“You’re welcome.” He kissed her forehead, pleased to feel her temperature seemed back to normal. “You want to tell me about it?”

“No,” she said honestly, “but I will.” She took him through the vision step by step.

“Did you know the victim?” he asked when she finished.

She shook her head. “No. I’ve never seen her before.”

“Do you know where it was?”

“No, it wasn’t anywhere I could recognize.”

“Okay, I want you to think of him, anything that you can recall, impressions.”

Laken sat quiet a minute. A shudder shook her body. “I think he was at a club or a party. There was something about someone trying to pick her up, and her rejecting him. That was what drew the hunter’s attention.”

“Good. You always refer to him as the hunter. Why?”

Laken looked shocked as if she didn’t realize it. “I don’t know. I guess it’s because that’s how he sees himself. He doesn’t think of himself as a killer. He thinks they deserve to die. That they’ve forgotten their place, and he’s to hunt them out and exterminate them.” She paused, thoughtful, then continued. “It’s that they think they’re as good as men. That’s why he kills them. He’s proving he is better than they are.” Shivers went through her again. Mac tightened his hold, and she rested against him.

“It’s okay.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “It’s okay,” he repeated. “Sweetheart, do you think you can describe her to me?”

Laken’s nod was slow in coming. “She’s taller and wearing a business suit with slacks. Her hair is dark. Brown, I think. It hangs straight at her chin. Her eyes are dark too. Brown also, I’d guess. She’s pretty with sharp features. You know what they call chiseled nose, strong chin. She has an assertive air about her, strong-willed.”

Yes, the fight back with pepper spray would fit,
Mac thought. “Anything else you can give me?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

He pulled the blanket still wrapped around her up higher and continued to rub his hands over her back. She relaxed in his arms. After a while, he felt her lips press down over his heart and smiled, warmed by the motion. “Feeling better?”


“Ready to try to get some sleep?”

She was quiet a moment as if she really had to debate about it. “Yes,” she finally answered.

“All right, let’s get you to bed.” He eased her off his lap so he could stand then helped her up.

When he started to lead her to the bedroom, she hesitated. “I need to lock up after you.”

“I’m not leaving. I’ll be out here on the couch if you need me.” He brought her hand to his lips brushing a kiss over her knuckles before drawing her over the threshold. The first thing he saw was the lamp on the floor. With a questioning glance, he leaned over to pick it up.

“I knocked it over when I tried to turn it on. I should have picked it up before going to the door.”

“It’s okay, no harm done. Do you have a blanket I can use?” he asked as she climbed into bed.

“The top of the closet… there are several.”

He pulled up the fuzzy blanket and the old fashioned quilt and spread them over her before placing a quick kiss on her lips. “Get some sleep. I’m right here.” He had to force himself to turn away from the appealing sight she made in the bed. Mac opened the closet and took down two blankets. He made it to the doorway before he gave in to the urge to look back at her. She was settled in bed, her eyes half closed with sleep. A smile crested her lips as she watched him. His heart pounded. He longed to go to her. “Good night.” The words rumbled out as he stepped through the door.

“Good night, Mac.”

He heard the soft reply. Mac figured he wouldn’t be getting much sleep, but after writing down her statement, to his surprise, he went right out when he laid down.


Mac woke to the smell of something cooking. When he shifted his head toward the kitchen, he was rewarded with the sight of Laken by the stove. She’d obviously showered and was dressed for work but still wore her slippers. Light slipped in from the small window, framing her. She was so beautiful. When she turned and saw him awake, she smiled and his heart lurched. He wanted to wake up to that smile the rest of his life.

“Good morning,” he said, his voice sleep-roughened.

“Good morning.”

“I didn’t expect breakfast in bed.”

“You’re not in bed. And it’s the least I can do after last night. I hope you like omelets. It’s what I had the stuff for.”

“Sounds great to me.” Burnt toast would’ve been fine if he got to look at her while he ate it. “How are you feeling today?”

“Actually, better than I figured. Now what? Do I have to come make a statement?” she asked, putting the omelets on the plate.

“No. I don’t have a crime yet. I wrote down everything after you went to bed last night so we’ll go with that, but if you think of anything else, let me know.”

“Mac, what if there was a murder?”

He got up, came to stand behind her, and slid his arms around her, pulling her back against him. “Then we face it.”

“I wish it would end.” She turned, wrapping her arms around him. “But I’m really glad you’re here.”

“Me, too.” He tilted her face up to kiss her. For a moment, everything was right with his world.


“Mac, she’s playing you. What is this? You’re smarter than this.” Jonesy tossed the notes he’d made from what Laken had told him back on his desk. “She’s figured out just how to get to you. You’re the hero type. She calls you in the middle of the night and you come running to the rescue. She has you wrapped around her finger.”

“I’m not asking you to help me.” Mac glared up at him.

“No, but you’re wasting time with this nonsense.”

“I don’t think it’s nonsense. I think there really is something to what she dreams.”

His partner snorted.

“Dr. Shannon believes her also, and I doubt she would be fooled by Laken’s feminine wiles like you seem to think I am.”

“You said Dr. Shannon was fascinated by the whole thing that happened during the hypnosis. Maybe it was all an act, a very convincing act. And you yourself were saying just last week how long it had been since you we’re in a relationship. You’re vulnerable.”

Mac couldn’t keep in the roar of laughter. “I can’t believe you said that. Where’d you get that from? Connie?”

This time the man looked decidedly embarrassed. “We were talking about you. She’s worried about you too.”

“She hasn’t even met Laken yet. What did you tell her?”

“Just everything that happened, and you can’t say it wasn’t weird.”

“Okay, I can grant that. It was odd. But you just need a chance to get to know her. Laken is not like what you think.” The doubt was still evident on Jonesy’s face. “How about we all go for dinner? I’ll call and see if she’s free tonight. Is that good for you?” Mac knew he was challenging his partner and he’d accept it, so he was already reaching for the phone by the time the answer came.

“Yeah, we don’t have any plans.”

“Good.” Mac waited as the phone rang.

“Hello.” The greeting sounded distracted.

“Catch you at a bad time?” Mac asked her.

“Mac.” Laken’s tone warmed. “I’m searching for a missing blueprint page I was assigned to redo today.” He heard the sound of papers shuffling in the background. “Robert’s wife went into labor so he won’t be in to do it. He called and told me he did it… it’s just not where it’s supposed to be.”

“Sounds like you need a detective.”

“Only if you’re volunteering.”

“Actually, what I’m volunteering is dinner.” He pictured her in his mind. The phone pressed to her ear as she thumbed through papers.

“I think I still owe you one.”

“Well, this dinner is with my partner and his wife.” The noise on the line stopped. He couldn’t even hear her breathing. “I want him to get to know you. I’ve talked him into giving you a chance.”

“This is important to you?” There was no mistaking the hesitation.

“Yes, it is.”

A sigh came over the phone before she answered. “All right, what time?”

Mac looked at his partner. “Seven okay?”

Jones nodded, and Laken answered. “Okay.” Her answer was followed by a gasp.

“Laken, you all right?”

“I can’t believe it.” There was definite distress. Her words sounded labored and he became alarmed.


“That dirty — He took my designs. He stole them. That’s why I wasn’t invited to the presentation, and why he’s been avoiding my questions.”

“Laken, what is it?” Mac called her attention.

“What? Oh, Hoster, my boss… he put his name on my plans for the Galaxy building. That’s the one I told you about. I just found a page of my design with the name plate changed. His name is on it. He took credit for my plans.” Her throat tightened on the words making them hard to get out.

“Are you okay?”

“I just can’t believe it! Did he think I wouldn’t find out? I can’t believe it, after all that work.” Pain filled her voice.

“I’ll be right there.”

“No, no, don’t do that. It’ll cause more trouble. He was ballistic when you were here before. He’s looking for a reason to fire me. Now I know why. I’m going to see if I can talk to him. I’ll see you tonight.” The phone went dead in Mac’s ear, and he found himself wanting to go to her.

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