Tempest of Vengeance (33 page)

Read Tempest of Vengeance Online

Authors: Tara Fox Hall

Tags: #vampire, #tragedy, #magic, #rape, #sex, #love triangle, #shifter, #bond, #were, #sire

BOOK: Tempest of Vengeance
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Dave arrived shortly, and set up his
equipment. Devlin looked over and did a double take. “That’s an
Ovation,” he said, his eyes wide. He got up, and went over to talk
to Dave.

Lash rolled his eyes a little. “Devlin always
had a thing for music.”

Devlin spent the next half hour talking to
the musician as he set up, casting glances our way every so often
to make sure we weren’t having too much fun without him.

Lash went back to the buffet four times by
the time Lori brought out my dinner and our appetizer. “Sorry about
bringing the mushrooms so late,” she said apologetically, setting
everything down. “We’re busy tonight.”

“Not a problem,” I replied, giving her a
smile. She smiled back, and left.

“Why are you being so nice?” Lash asked,
eating a forkful of fish. “You’re usually way more exacting.”

“Because she’s a friend of mine, and it’s not
a big deal,” I said with a shrug. “Here, try one.”

“I don’t eat fungus,” Lash said with the look
of someone who expected to eat a piece of mushroom and find out it
was poisoned.

“Try one,” I said cajolingly. “You’ll like
the crab meat, if nothing else.”

Lash watched me savor two before he tried
one. He ate the filling, and then the mushroom. Then he ate the
rest, one after the other. “You were right, those were good!” he
said, grinning.

I rolled my eyes, and Lash looked immediately
uneasy. “Shit!” he hissed. “I’m sorry. I probably wasn’t supposed
to eat them all myself.”

I put his hand on mine, and felt him tense.
“Why are you so nervous? Are you regretting coming here with

Lash took a deep breath and let it out. “It
is because I want to be here, that I wanted to be with you like
this so much, and I’m worried about fucking it up,” he whispered.
“I’ve had women friends and acquaintances over the years, Sar, like
Robin and Gina. I’ve been with a lot of women. But I’ve never been
intimate with a woman I called my friend, and wanted more than to
just be her friend and have sex with her. There were a very few
women through the years who were both lover and friend, but even
they were more ‘friends with benefits’ than girlfriends. But I
never felt like I was missing out. I thought that was all there
was, before you came along. It’s complicated to explain, and I’m
doing a bad job of it. Fuck!”

“I think you’re doing fine. Go on.”

“I’m not like Dev,” Lash continued in a blunt
yet hesitant tone. “When I told you in the spring that I wasn’t
good at the after part of sex, I meant the before part too, or any
part that’s not about physical love. I don’t know any poetry, or
pretty compliments to tell you. I’m not used to caring so much
about every word I say.”

“So don’t,” I offered, patting his hand.
“Just be yourself with me. That’s who I want to be here with

Lash gave me an uneasy look.

“Tell me something funny,” I said, smiling
widely. “I love your sense of humor.”

“Well, I do have one joke I could tell.”

I leaned closer, and Lash whispered a few
phrases in my ear. I blushed soundly, and he laughed. “You are
vile,” I teased.

Lash laughed harder. “I’m funny-vile!” he
corrected, smirking.

The rest of the evening passed quickly.
Devlin seemed content to play the single friend to our loving
couple. Lash relaxed after a while, and was his normal funny self.
I only got a little annoyed when he began to talk longingly about a
sixteen-year-old girl behind us that Dev had been eying
appreciatively for the last half hour.

“I can almost see her breast, Dev, she
doesn’t have a bra on.”

Devlin leaned over to get Lash’s view,
looking very interested and hopeful.

“I’m getting you a shirt that says ‘Old
Letch’ on it,” I threatened. “Stop staring!”

“You’re right, she doesn’t have a bra on,”
Devlin said lustily. “Very nice.”

“You probably want to have sex with her,” I
said, rolling my eyes.

Devlin looked at me, and began to protest his
faithfulness. “I said I wouldn’t, Sar.”

“Yes, I’d like to have sex with her,” Lash
said bluntly. “I’m admitting it right here. She’s young, and hot,
and it’s natural, that as a male were, I’d like to have her.

“But nothing,” I interrupted. “I’d shut up,
if I were you.”

“I’m just saying—”

“You ever want to get laid again, Mate,
you’ll shut up right about now.”

Lash shut up, and Devlin laughed. I cast a
scathing glance his way, and he promptly shut up too.

After dinner, Lash and I had dessert, apple
pie for him, and cheesecake for me.

“So now you’re my mate, you kind of have to
make me pie, right?”

“I don’t have to do anything, Tristan,” I
said loftily. “But I’ll make you some pie, if you’re nice.”

“I’m always nice.”

“You two have got it bad,” Devlin said,
grinning. Lash gave him an uneasy look, and went quiet. I also went
quiet, unwilling to bring attention to what Devlin was alluding

Soon after, Devlin paid the bill, and we got
up. We’d walked almost to the door, when I realized we’d forgotten
to tip Dave. He’d been on a break, and it had slipped my mind. I
began rooting in my purse for some bills.

“What is it?” Devlin said, giving me a
strange look. “I already paid for the meal, and left a tip.”

“We need to tip Dave,” I said, not looking up
from my search. “I forgot.”

“I can go back,” Lash offered, digging in his
pocket for his wallet. “I should have paid for something tonight,

“No, I’ll go” Devlin said, reopening the
inside door. “I feel embarrassed for not remembering to tip him,
after talking to him for a good portion of the night. I did what he
does, in my early years as vampire, and it’s sometimes a hard time
making a go of it. And I didn’t need to pay for food.”

I thought about mentioning that Dave got paid
separately from tips. But I knew he’d appreciate a big tip, so I
stayed silent and let Devlin go back in.

“Do you want to wait inside, or go outside?”
Lash asked.

“Outside,” I said. “I don't want to block the

As we walked out under the door canopy, I
noticed it was sleeting.
Oiy. At least I’m not driving.

“Come here,” I said, pulling Lash close. “I
need a little.”

Lash gave me a gentle kiss, and then drew
back. But I’d had a large glass of wine, and I wanted to feel him
wanting me. “Kiss me like you mean it!” I said with a ribald

“What do you mean, ‘kiss you like I mean it’?
I always mean it!” Lash hissed, and then he was kissing me over and
over. The more he did, the more I giggled, and he chuckled, until
we were laughing hard, too hard to really kiss at all, but neither
of us cared.

Devlin came out, and gave us an annoyed look,
once he saw we had been having fun without him. “Are you both ready
to go home?” he said jealously.

Lash let me go, and walked ahead of us to the
car, watching around us in case of attack. Devlin slipped his arm
around me, and we strolled a few paces behind him. Lash got in when
he reached the car, and I moved to do the same, but Devlin blocked

“Kiss me,” he said jealously, his eyes hot.
“And I want to feel that you mean it, Sar.”

“Get in the car,” Lash hissed from inside.
“We don’t have time for this. Sar’s getting cold.”

There’s a better way to handle this than
“Not out here,” I said seductively. “Get in the

Devlin bared his fangs, and I put my finger
to one of them, touching the razor sharp point carefully. “Get
inside, if you know what’s good for you.”

Devlin studied me for a second, then got into
the car, scooting over so I could slide in next to him. “Lash,
don’t start the car,” I said. “I’m going to try to take us and the
SUV to right outside Hayden’s gates.”

“Okay,” he said.

With a concentrated effort, I teleported the
three of us, and the vehicle to outside Hayden’s gate. Lash buzzed
us through, and began to drive us up to the house.

“Lash will you stop the car, and stand guard
for us?” I asked throatily.

“Sure,” Lash replied, surprised. “Let me park
in a place that I can see in all directions, though we should be
safe enough here on the grounds.” He pulled over into a turn off to
an access road, and shut off the Hummer. “We’re good,” he said.

I grabbed the front of Devlin’s shirt, and
pulled him to me, kissing him hard. In a second, his arms were
wrapped around me, and he was pulling me onto his lap. I could feel
him ready for me, and I rubbed him with my hips. Devlin growled a
little, and began to slide my denim skirt up.

“No,” I said. “Hold still.”

I undid his pants, and freed his cock,
stroking him with my hand. Devlin’s eyes closed, his lips parting.
I eased myself down on my knees, thinking to myself it was good
Hummers had a big back seat. Devlin was breathing fast now, his
golden eyes almost glowing. I kissed his prick and nibbled gently
with my teeth, as I had that day months ago, when he’d first told
me that he was so sensitive. He moaned, and his body jerked beneath
my lips. I took the tip of him in my mouth, and he tried
immediately to slide himself into me. I pulled back, and looked up
at him. “You had better not move again, or I’ll stop for good,” I
said, grinning.

“I could tie him down for you, so he can’t,”
Lash hissed mirthfully.

“He’ll behave,” I said seductively. “Please
hold my hair, Lash?”

I felt him gather it, and hold it gently out
of the way.

“Say you’re going to behave, Dev,” I said
seductively, running my tongue over him. “Say it!”

“I’ll behave,” Devlin moaned, twitching under
my hands. “I’ll behave!”

I began kissing him, over and over, stroking
him with my hands and lips until his muscles were contracting
anyway, despite his efforts to keep still.

“Please,” Devlin groaned, reaching his arms
out for me. “Please, Sar, I’m so close—”

I could tell he was—could taste it on his
skin. “Then come for me,” I purred. Taking a deep breath to fill my
lungs with air, I took all of his cock into me. I immediately
fought the urge to throw up. I shook slightly, fighting myself.
Devlin grabbed my head, holding me still as he thrust up into me,
once, twice, and then he was screaming, spasming in my throat as he
orgasmed. “Ah!”

Devlin thrust into me, letting out cry after
cry. I let him, until my air ran out. Then I gently pushed against
him, and he released me, slipping out of me.
He’s still hard;
he’s not done.

Devlin pulled me up to straddle him. He
pushed my moist underwear aside, and slid himself up inside me to
the hilt. I was slippery with excitement from Devlin’s sexual
release, my channel accepting his large stiff penis eagerly. I let
out a passionate cry and began moving my hips immediately, feeling
my climax already beginning to build.

“You think you’re the only one who can
tease?” Devlin growled, laughter and lust mixed in the throaty
sound. “Lash, hold her.”

Lash grabbed my arms from behind, then drew
my hands over my head, folding them just in back of my neck.

“Hold still for him,” Lash whispered, kissing
my ear lightly.

I trembled, but continued to move my hips.
Devlin stopped me, forcing my hips to stay still. “I decide when
you come,” Devlin purred. “And I say you’re going to wait,

I opened my mouth to protest, but Devlin
pushed up my shirt, and pushed down the cloth of my underwire bra,
baring my breasts. He leaned in, sucking my nipple, and my
objection became a groan of desire. But he held my hips firm
beneath him, not letting me move.

I began to jerk in his grasp, crying out.
“Please, please!”

“No,” Devlin taunted, releasing one breast,
and turning his attentions to the other, tearing another gasp from
my throat. “But I’ll give you something to tide you over.”

Devlin grasped my hips firmly in his hands,
and gave one long thrust into me, pushing himself all the way in.
He held himself motionless, then slowly, five seconds later, he
pulled back out, and began again. I let out a long low moan, and
tried to fight him, tried to move on him, but Lash held me still,
and so did Devlin, making me wait, prolonging the agony. Desperate
for release, I tried to bite Devlin, as he suckled me, and he drew
back with a laugh. “Tell me you love me,” he whispered. “Tell me
you’re mine.”

“After I come,” I snarled in my frustration.
“And only if you rock my world!”

Lash let out a snicker, and Devlin’s eyes
went red. “Lash, move her when it’s time,” he growled. “You know
what to do. Until I’m done with her, hold her fast in place.”

I had a second to wonder what that was about,
and then Devlin was thrusting into me, moving me on him, and two
seconds later I was closing my eyes and screaming my release.
Devlin bit down on my neck, still moving in me, just as Lash yanked
my hair backwards. My head jerked back, and Lash grabbed hold of
the back of my neck and pushed my face down into Devlin’s throat,
stifling my startled cry.

I tasted warm maple sugar with a faint
coppery flavor, and my orgasm intensified to mind-blowing. I bit
down hard, wanting more of Devlin’s blood. Lash released my arms,
so I could twine them around Devlin. I sucked hard, drinking him
down as he was drinking me, as he loved me. Dev convulsed, pushing
his hips hard to mine as he spasmed, his fangs coming free of me as
he screamed out over and over as I fed from him. His wound closed a
few seconds later, as our orgasm ebbed. By that time, I was panting
in his arms, as he kissed my neck wound lightly, healing it.

“Well?” he said, looking very pleased with

“I love you, Dev,” I said, snuggling into
him. “I’m yours.”

“And mine,” Lash added softly, caressing my

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