Temporary Husband (22 page)

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Authors: Day Leclaire

BOOK: Temporary Husband
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at the people gathered for Thanksgiving dinner and smiled mistily. She’d never thought she’d be so fortunate, or have so much to be thankful for. Jake met her gaze across the long expanse of the table and winked. Then, breaking off his conversation with Randolph, he lifted his glass.

“I’d like to propose a toast,” he said. He looked at Wynne, his eyes gleaming like polished gold in the candlelight. “To you, elf. I’ve never been more grateful for anything in my life.”

There was a momentary silence and then Randolph lifted his glass. “And to Jake. I’m thankful for having the opportunity to finally straighten out our differences. I’m especially thankful he sold some of his land to me. And though I wouldn’t have minded getting my hands on Chesterfield Ranch…” He grinned to let everyone know he was just kidding.

“He’s happy to settle for a parcel of fine riverfront acreage instead,” Evie finished for him. “And so am I.”

Laura lifted her glass next, sending Peter a blatantly besotted look. “Well, I can’t tell you how thankful I am to discover that Texas men aren’t nearly as bad as I remember.”

“Here, here,” Peter said, shooting her an equally besotted look. “And I can’t tell you how grateful I am to hear her say that.”

Buster grabbed his glass of milk and hefted it with two hands. “I’m thankful, too, ‘cause Jake slewed our dragon.”

All eyes turned to Chick, and Wynne sent up a silent prayer. Slowly he popped his thumb from his mouth. “I’s thankful I can talk,” he announced in a clear, piping voice.

After the laughter had died, Jake glanced at Wynne. “And what about you? What are you thankful for?”

A slow, radiant smile crept across her mouth. “I’m thankful that this house has a nursery.”

Seven sets of eyes pivoted in her direction, reflecting various degrees of shock.

Then Jake said, “You mean—”

* * * * *

Look out next month for ACCIDENTAL WIFE, the second book in Day Leclaire’s wonderful trilogy.


eISBN: 978-14592-7763-2


First North American Publication 1996.

Copyright © 1996 by Day Totton Smith.

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All characters In this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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