Tempted Again

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Authors: Cathie Linz

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Praise for the novels of Cathie Linz


Luck Be a Lady


“You can always count on Cathie Linz to create a feisty, non-stereotypical librarian in her stories…Linz has written another fast-paced romantic comedy with just the right amount of heartfelt emotion.”

(starred review)

“Filled with an assortment of odd yet engaging characters, this funny, madcap adventure is lively, sweetly sexy entertainment that fans won’t want to miss.”

Library Journal

“If you’re looking for a book that will make you laugh out loud and allow you to walk away feeling completely satisfied, then this is the perfect story for you to pick up!”

Night Owl Reviews
(4 stars)

“Once again Cathie Linz gives us a character that just can’t be stereotyped. Wisecracking, well-endowed and smart to boot, with Megan West she broke the librarian mold.
Luck Be a Lady
is a fun romp filled with some bizarre, lovable, quirky and endearing folks.”

Fresh Fiction

Mad, Bad and Blonde


“For lighthearted contemporary romance, it’s hard to beat Linz. Filled with believable characters and witty dialogue, her books never fail to entertain.”

(starred review)

“Lively pacing, a pair of magnetic, thoroughly appealing protagonists and well-defined secondary characters…make this sexy story sparkle with humor and pizzazz, while great geographic and cultural Chicago detail, an intriguing mystery and a dash of
add complexity.”

Library Journal

Smart Girls Think Twice


“The brainy girl and hunky guy have never been so much fun. No need to think twice about grabbing this book when you’re looking for pure entertainment.”

—Susan Wiggs

“Readers will be captivated as they watch the introverted academic get in touch with her inner warrior and realize her true potential. Funny and poignant by turns, Linz’s latest is sure to charm.”

(starred review)

“A prim heroine with a fiery core and a haunted, searching hero who thrives on the rush of adrenaline join with an abundance of quirky characters to drive the classic plot of this funny, spicy romance to a satisfying conclusion.

Library Journal

Big Girls Don’t Cry


“The characters spring to life, and readers will be thrilled to find that individuals from Linz’s earlier novels pop in and out like old friends. And kudos to Linz for creating a heroine who looks and acts like a real woman.”

(starred review)

“[A] sweetly charming, splendidly funny and supremely satisfying contemporary romance.”

Chicago Tribune

“Another keeper.”

Contemporary Romance Writers

“A must-read. Top pick!”

Romance Reader at Heart

Bad Girls Don’t


“Cathie Linz gives her beautifully matched protagonists lots of sexy chemistry and some delightfully snappy dialogue, and the quirky cast of secondary characters gives
Bad Girls Don’t
its irresistible charm.”

Chicago Tribune

“Linz, known for her fast-paced, snappy romantic comedies, once again sparkles in this heartwarming, funny tale. And her secondary characters…make an already excellent story exceptional.”

(starred review)

“Linz’s characterizations are absolutely wonderful. I fell in love with the protagonists from the first page…It has always been a pleasure to read her books, but I must say that this one is a fantastic novel!”


“Totally delightful.”

Fresh Fiction

Good Girls Do


“Humor and warmth…Readers are going to love this!”

—Susan Elizabeth Phillips

“Cathie Linz is the author that readers of romantic comedy have been waiting for. She knows how to do it—characters with depth, sharp dialogue and a compelling story. The result is a charming, offbeat world, one you’ll hate to leave.”

—Jayne Ann Krentz

“Sometimes even good girls need to take a walk on the wild side. Linz deftly seasons her writing with her usual delectable wit, and the book’s quirky cast of endearing secondary characters adds another measure of humor to this sweetly sexy, fabulously fun contemporary romance.”

(starred review)

“Sexy, sassy and graced with exceptional dialogue, this fast-paced story is both hilarious and heartwarming, featuring wonderfully wacky secondary characters and well-developed protagonists you will come to love.”

Library Journal

“Lively and fun, and you won’t be able to put it down.”

Fresh Fiction

Berkley Sensation Titles by Cathie Linz









Tempted Again



Cathie Linz


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.




A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author


Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / January 2012


Copyright © 2012 by Cathie L. Baumgardner.
Cover art by Shutterstock.
Cover design by George Long.


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ISBN: 978-0-425-24454-8



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This book is dedicated to the incredibly brave Andrea Markell, her husband, Vic, and her kids, Katie and Victor, as well as all those affected by the terrible tornadoes in the South and in Joplin, Missouri, in the spring of 2011. My thoughts are with you all.


Special thanks go to Amy Alessio for her help regarding Young Adult librarians. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all you readers who have been there for me over the years, as well as the hundreds of librarians and booksellers who have given me your support. Please know how much I value each and every one of you. You are simply the best!

Chapter One



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