Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off (21 page)

BOOK: Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off
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Although, he did give up everything for her, too. I contemplated if that was the secret behind it all…

Did she want Sebastian, because he wasn’t tainted with VIP?

He was only hers; he’d never been with another VIP.

“Ummm… yeah, I guess,” she answered, taking me away from my thoughts.

Her voice was different and I knew it wasn’t from jealously… she loved Sebastian.

It was from caution.

She knew what it was like being a VIP. We made men fall in love with us, not because we wanted to.

But because we could.

I was the illusion.

I was the dream.

It was a game.

A game I wanted to play…


With Devon.


I danced on him all night and I could feel his hard cock the entire time. He wanted me… maybe even more than I wanted him. We exchanged goodbyes with Ysabelle and Sebastian and as they walked away, I looked over at Devon; backing away from him toward the direction of my condo.

“Aren’t you going to walk me home? I mean a girl like me could get into a lot of trouble on these streets.”

He chuckled. “For some reason I think you could hold your own.”

I smiled. “Walk me home anyway.”

He nodded, stepping toward me. I turned knowing he was following, and purposely swayed my ass even more.

He cleared his throat and I internally giggled.

“How far down do you live?” he asked.

“A couple blocks.”

“Don’t your feet hurt? I don’t understand how you can even walk in those heels. They look painful.”

I looked back at him, laughing. “Let me tell you a little secret… they’re called, ‘Fuck me heels’ for a reason.” I kissed the air before looking back in front of me. He quickly caught up with me and we walked side-by-side for a few seconds.

“You don’t ever stop, do you?” His tone of voice definitely caught me off guard.

“Excuse me?”

“This act,” he explained, pointing back and forth between us.

“This act?” I repeated with raised eyebrows, looking over at him.

He caught my stare and we locked eyes. “Yeah. This act.”

I laughed so hard that my head fell back. “No wonder Ysabelle loves you. You really are a nice guy. Wow,” I breathed out. “I haven’t met a nice guy in a really long time, Devon. I didn’t even know you guys still existed.” And for some reason Landon’s face appeared in my mind and I swiftly brushed it away.

“You mean you don’t meet nice guys doing what you do?”

“Doing what I do? Oh, come on… Devon, I’m a big girl, you can say the word.”

“VIPing… you don’t meet nice guys VIPing?”

I inadvertently smiled. It was sweet that he wouldn’t call me what I truly was. It warmed my heart a little bit, but I quickly brushed that away, too.

I shook my head. “I do. However, it’s usually an act.”

“How do you know I’m not acting?” he responded, still looking at me.

I peeked up at him through my lashes. “Because you’re no good at it.”

He smirked and fuck did it look sexy on him. Devon was devastatingly handsome and I knew he had no problem getting pussy. His tan skin and chocolate brown eyes would make panties drop; he didn’t even have to open his mouth.

“You think you can read me that well, huh?”

I nodded. “I’d like to think so. I think Ysabelle told me you run a bar on South Beach… The Cove? Right?”

He nodded still grinning, but now it was from being amused.

“You work all the time and I know that because the bouncer didn’t recognize you. So, that tells me even though you could pull rank, you don’t. You’re a workaholic… but it works for you. It’s where you get pussy. It’s thrown at you constantly; you don’t even have to try.” I paused to let my words sink in. “Here’s your loophole, Mr. Hill, you let them stay the night.  You probably even cuddle with them. Not because you might want to fuck in the middle of the night like most men would. It’s because you don’t want them to feel used, even though you probably won’t ever call them again. You come from a loving family, no father… You said you grew up with sisters and a mother. Which is why you’re such a nice guy. You never stood a chance… but…” I hesitated, not knowing if I wanted to say the rest. “You have secrets. The only reason I can tell, is from the way you’re looking at me right now. You’re terrified I can see them.” I raised an eyebrow. “So… how warm am I?”

He immediately looked away, not answering my question. Not wanting to look at me anymore. We continued to walk in silence for a while. I was beginning to think that I overstepped my boundaries, and pissed him off.

“You know, Bambi, I’m really good at reading people too,” he spoke; looking straight ahead, almost like it pained him to look at me.

“Try me,” I baited.

“You asked for it,” he warned in the same tone he had used earlier. “You grew up spoiled. Probably had everything you ever wanted; provided by mommy and daddy, of course. I’d say you come from money; a lot of money. So, this lifestyle you lead now doesn’t surprise you in the least. You’re not in it for the money or seeing the world, like Ysabelle described it to me. You’re a VIP, because you’re lost. You’re so lost you can’t even see straight. So you play this VIP part exceptionally well, not because you love it… it’s because you hide. I think you’ve been doing that for a very long time. No one knows you…” He stopped walking and grabbed my arm. I looked up at him with a concentrated stare. “Especially you.”

I roughly pulled my arm away and smiled high. Neither one of us said anything for what felt like hours. I couldn’t take the silence any longer, so I turned and walked away from him.

Who the fuck does he think he is?


“Brooke!” I yelled, turning around to face him. “Brooke,
, my name is Brooke.”

He looked apprehensive and regretful. “Listen… I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to offend you. I thought—”

“You didn’t offend me. Don’t apologize.” I smiled. “You don’t even know me,
. You can’t hurt someone, unless they let you.”


I had no idea how we went from flirty banter and sexual tension, to this heated conversation. Her demeanor was strong and confident, but her eyes gave her away… Bambi was indeed fragile and she was hurt by what I said to her. It wasn’t my intention.

“Let’s start over,
,” I said purposely reaching over and pulling the hair out of her face. I desperately wanted to see her hair pulled back and away from her façade. She was like a deer in headlights; like a fawn scared of the world.

But she had a beautiful face, and those penetrating eyes.

She narrowed her eyes at me, contemplating what to do. I could read her internal struggle that she so badly wanted to hide. She didn’t understand what I was doing to her, and that was okay because I didn’t understand it either. All I knew was that I wanted to know her.

To really know her.

I wanted us to learn together.

How absurd is that? I just met her…

It’s as if she could read my mind… And just like that her eyes glazed over and it was gone. She wasn’t Bambi anymore.

She was a VIP.

I looked deep into her piercing blue eyes that hid her dark elusive secrets.

“I know all about hiding,” I murmured so close to her mouth that I could taste her if I wanted to. “I perfected it,” I admitted. I had never shared that with anyone, and I could tell that she knew that.

She didn’t take her stare away from mine, studying me like I was some lab rat on a table. I wanted to read her thoughts and know what she was thinking, but her mind ran rapid. All I could see was chaos and turmoil behind her baby blues.

She grabbed my hand and brought it to her mouth. She ran the tips of my fingers against her pouty red lips; it was the most seductive gesture any woman had ever done to me. Her tongue peeked out and she slowly licked her lips, barely touching my fingers.

She glanced up at me through her eyelashes, and her gaze was sinful. Her eyes were dark blue and dilated; the color changing as fast as her mood.

“You have no idea who you are fucking with, Devon. Are you sure you still want to play?” she whispered.

I blinked and she was gone. She didn’t even give me a chance to reply. She walked in front of me and I followed for a few more blocks.

She didn’t want to hear my answer…

She was scared it was going to be no.

But she was petrified that it was going to be yes.

The guard greeted her with a nod and we took a private elevator to the penthouse floor. The elevator doors opened to a lavish living space that had bay windows all across the back walls of the suite; it overlooked all of South Beach. This place must have cost a fortune. There was white elegant furniture perfectly placed everywhere, and a piano sat in the corner of the room.

She walked toward the bar that was on the other side of the room.

“What’s your poison?” she hollered.

“What do you have?”

“Everything,” she simply stated.

“I’ll take a whiskey neat.”

I looked around the room and although it was classy and refined, it didn’t feel homey. It felt cold and detached. I made my way over to stand in front of the bay window. The view was breathtaking.

It was then that I realized this wasn’t a place to sleep.

It was a place to fuck.

“This isn’t your home, is it?”

“No,” she stated in my ear, behind me.

“I see.”

“It’s Madam’s.”

“Where do you live?”

She handed me my drink and took hers down in one gulp, placing the empty glass on the table. She moved to stand in front of me and leaned against the bay window. The lighting made her look like an angel.

“Don’t worry about it,” she stated, reaching up unclasping her hair. It flowed loosely down and she shook it out, making it fall right in front of her face. I knew she did it on purpose.


I let her have her security.

For now.

“I thought you wanted to play, Devon?”

I laughed. “Bambi, I couldn’t afford you,” I blurted without thinking. Her eyes widened with a mixture of hurt and confusion, but just like before, it was gone before it even fully appeared.

“What if I don’t want you to pay?” she offered surprised by her own words.

“Does it work like that? Kinda like a drug dealer, huh? Give the first sample for free and have me coming back for more?” I teased, trying to break the intensity of our stares.

Now it was her turn to laugh. “Something like that. So are you going to take me up on my offer?”

“What’s in it for me?”

“The time of your life.”

“Sounds tempting. Except I don’t want to fuck a VIP.”

She raised an eyebrow intrigued, but also cautious.

“I don’t want to be just another client. You can be whoever you want with everyone else… with me… you’re Brooke Stevens. My Bambi. And I’m Devon Hill.”

“What’s in it for me?” she mocked, throwing my words right back at me.

I finished my drink and placed it next to hers on the table and walked over to her. Her chest was rising and lifting with every step I took. She was turned on as much as she was petrified.

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