Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off (23 page)

BOOK: Tempting BAD: VIP Spin Off
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I sucked in my bottom lip and spread my legs, while bringing my panties up to my mouth and rubbing them all over my face

It was the view he wanted.

It was the show he wanted.

He wanted the dirty girl.

The one you can’t bring home to mom.

The one who will let you come on her face and then lick it off and beg for more.

I placed my panties in my mouth and his jaw dropped.

And then I leaned back… on my elbows and rotated my hips against the ground like I was fucking it.

I think he may have come in his pants.

The epilogue of the song was rising; I removed the panties and replaced them with my fingers, deep throating them down and grabbing as much spit as possible. I placed them on my pussy and showed him exactly where I wanted his cock to go. My head fell back and I rode my climax along with the chorus. Manipulating my bundle of nerves and fucking myself only like I could do.

It didn’t take long for me to feel his tongue where my fingers were. I looked down at him and shoved my fingers into his mouth; he licked them clean without even thinking twice. So I smeared them all over his face, grinning the entire time.

He wanted more and I happily let him have it.

He ate my pussy; he fucked me with his tongue and fingers. He even licked my asshole. Probing his tongue into the tight hole, as deep as it would go. I spread open my cheeks, allowing him to do whatever he wanted.

He was paying for the illusion.

He was paying for the dream.

He was paying for a VIP.

I pushed him back onto the ground and ripped off his shirt. Buttons flew everywhere across the room. I lowered myself down his body, licking and slightly biting until I got to his pants. His cock was rock hard and I rubbed it with my nose and all over my face, purring the entire time. I freed it lose and there was already pre-come dripping down his head; I licked that too, never taking my eyes off of him.

“Where do you want it?” I panted in a desperate tone.

“In your mouth, I want it in your mouth. Take me as deep as you can, I want to hear you fucking gag, while my come falls down your gorgeous fucking face.”

I moaned in response.

I did as I was told till my eyes watered and tears were falling down my cheeks. He grabbed me by my hair and brought me up to his face, plunging his tongue deep into my mouth and then biting my lower lip. He kissed me everywhere; all at once. His hands were rough and demanding. He placed me on top of his dick and slammed me down on his shaft, in one swift thrust.

I screamed out in pain, but also in pleasure.

“Fuck…” I whispered.

He firmly held me with one hand at the nook of my neck and the other on my ass.

“Ride me, ride me so fucking hard you won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” he growled.

I took his lead, he pushed when I pulled and vice versa. Our in-sync rhythm was flawless and I couldn’t stop coming. I came to the point where I shook and trembled in a stupor of ecstasy.

I felt him come deep inside me. He let me go and pushed my face down onto his dick. He wanted me to lick him clean…

And I did.


I wish I could tell you I knew why I went there.

I wish I could tell you I had it all planned out.

I wish I could tell you I wasn’t going to hurt him.

I wish I could tell you he wasn’t going to fall in love with me.

I mostly wish I could tell you I wasn’t going to fall in love with him either…

But I would be lying.

Nothing made sense and it didn’t matter, because it still led me right to his doorstep.

I started it.

I insinuated it.

I opened Pandora’s box.

I tempted Brooke and Devon…

I rang the doorbell and he answered.

And that’s what started it all…



“What are you doing here?” I asked shocked. I hadn’t heard, or seen her since I left the penthouse that night two weeks ago.

Bambi was standing in front of me like a deer in headlights. Completely bewildered and disheveled. I never wanted to hold her more than I did in that moment. Not because I wanted to rescue or save her.

I wanted to protect her.

From herself…

“I don’t know why I’m here,” she replied in autopilot.


“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

I laughed. “Yeah, sorry…” I stepped aside and she walked past me, looking all around my house.

“You’re place is beautiful. It’s so homey.”

“My mom and sisters helped decorate. It’s more like they did everything, I just gave them a credit card.”

She nodded, half-smiling. “Do you have anything to drink?”

“Yeah, what would you like? I have water, ice tea—”

“Whiskey,” she blurted.

I laughed again. “I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl who drinks whiskey like you do.”

“That’s all my dad used to have in his bar, I used to steal it with friends and stuff.”

I nodded toward the living room. “Make yourself at home, I’ll be right back.”

“Ummm… bathroom?”

“Oh, down the hall to the right.”

She smiled weakly and left.

When I walked back into the room, she was looking at all my family photos on the mantel. She had the one of Ethan in her hand.

I placed the glasses on the table and the noise brought her eyes to me.

“You have a son?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“I do.”

“Is he here?”

“He’s sleeping.”

“Oh.” She looked around the room like she just realized where she was, and what she had done. “I should probably go, I don’t—”

“No. You’re fine. I have your drink.”

She sighed and bit her cheek.

“He’s two and a half, talks all the time about random things I hardly understand. He doesn’t ever cry though and he sleeps like the dead,” I informed, wanting to ease her apprehension.

She chuckled. “What’s his name?”


“Where’s his mom?”

I shrugged. I didn’t want to talk about Christine and she nodded, understanding.

She placed the picture back on the mantel, grabbed her drink and sat down on the couch; I followed suit. We sat there in uncomfortable silence for I don’t know how long and I couldn’t take it anymore.

“You smell like sex,” I announced, breaking the stillness.

“I came right over after being with a client,” she stated, staring straight in front of her.

“Do you normally not shower after being with clients?”

“I always shower. This is the first time I haven’t.”

“Why is that?”

“I wish I knew.”

“How did you know where I lived?”

“I asked Siri, there were only two Devon Hill’s in the area.”

“What do you want, Bambi?”

She turned and looked at me. “What do you want, Devon?” she countered.

“I want to be your friend.”

Her eyebrows lowered. “My friend? Is that your nice guy way of saying you want to be my fuck buddy?”

I grinned. “That doesn’t sound like a very nice guy to me.”

“I don’t have any friends outside of VIP.”

“Well then… I guess it looks like you may need one.”

“You’re being serious?”

“As a heart attack.”

“Aren’t we a little old to be friends?”

“I didn’t know that there was an age cut off to being friends.”

“What if I want to fuck you?” she asked with a serious tone.

“I can guarantee you that feeling is mutual, but you already know my rules on us being intimate.”

“Oh my God, you can’t even say the word!” she slightly shouted.

“Fuck, Bambi, fuck… do I want to fuck you? Ab-so-fucking-lute-ly.” I cocked an eyebrow. “Better?”

She didn’t falter. “Us being friends doesn’t change anything. I’m still a VIP. You do realize that, right? I’m not going to change who I am or what I do.”

“I’m aware and I didn’t ask you to.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

“I have to be, it’s part of being friends.”

“What if I told you that I wanted to play by your rules and I would say what you wanted me, too? Would you fuck me right now?”

“No,” I simply stated. “I don’t want our first time to be tainted. It will be you and I and that’s all. Do you understand?”

“You’re actually turning down sex? Are you for real?”

“I guess it’s the nice guy curse.”

“You’re like an alien,” she joked.

“You deserve to be treated like a lady, Bambi. I don’t understand why you can’t see that.”

Her mouth parted and she shook her head. “Wow… I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before. You just have all these names for me, huh? I’m far from a lady, Devon. Trust me on that one.”

“Well then you don’t see what I see.”

She took a deep breath, contemplating what I was saying. “I better go.”

“Okay,” I replied understanding.

She stood and I followed her out.

“So… friends…” she declared, turning when she walked out the door.

I stepped closer to her and kissed the tip of her nose. “Friends,” I whispered before pulling away.

Her hand went to where my lips had been and she smiled.


I took a shower and put on a nightie, before crawling into bed. My phone chimed with a text message and I reached over to grab it. I didn’t recognize the number when I swiped the screen.


Did you make it home okay?


B: How did you get my number?

D: I have my ways…

I laughed.

B: So you’re a nice guy and a detective?

D: That’s Special Agent Hill to you, Bambi.

B: I do like a man in a uniform…

D: I also go commando.

I laughed again and I think I was blushing.

B: Well then that makes two of us.

D: Thanks for that mental picture my hand appreciates it.

I smiled.

B: That’s what friends do for each other…

D: I think I’m going to like being your friend.

I hesitated; I didn’t know what to reply.

D: You know you’re going to like being my friend too… it’s okay to say it.

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