Tempting Fate

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Authors: A N Busch

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Tempting Fate
A N Busch
Abigail Dalton had it all- a loving
husband, a successful career at a well-respected architectural agency, and three
wonderful children. Then one night her dreams took her back to her college days
in Tennessee, only something was different about them. Every night the dreams
continued to torture her with images of a man she had no recollection of ever
knowing. Westly and his love for her was so intense. Abigail was left feeling
guilty and confused. Questions to an old college friend about this mystery man
went unanswered, leaving her wanting to ask more.
During the day she tried to
push the dreams and Westly from her mind, but the lingering feeling of his hands
on her skin was hard to ignore. She did her best to focus on work, her husband,
her children, anything to erase the haunting images of Westly. However, soon a
trip to New York City to make a presentation, would take her on a completely
unexpected journey. What she would discover would not only stop the dreams but
also answer all of her questions.
In one day, her life would change in more
ways than one. She would be tempted to alter what Fate had planned for her life.
If she could change things, would she want to give up all she had at home in
Texas? Tempting Fate’s plans could cause her to lose everything.

Tempting Fate


Aimee N. Busch


Kindle Edition


Editor: Katie Molnar


Cover Photo: Jaclyn Rodriguez


Copyright ©2012 Aimee N. Busch


All Rights Reserved. Except as specified by U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or media or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without prior written permission of the author. License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text, please contact the author at [email protected]


This work represents a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations or locations are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity, and are used fictitiously. All other characters, and all incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.



Chapter 1


The second semester of the year would start in just two days. Abby was happy to be on her way back to school but was sad to have left the warm weather of Texas and her family. It was hard to be so far away, but the charm of the school was what had pulled her to it. It was like home in so many ways. The biggest similarity being that, like home, it was a small town nowhere close to a big city. Now in her second year, she found herself feeling more like her Tennessee campus was her home.

She had a small group of friends that she had met in her first year; in most ways they were her family. Paul was the fatherly type, who always felt the need to look out for her and a few other girls. He lived on the same floor as her last year and Abby had convinced him to become an RA this year. He was the kind of guy you knew you could count on for anything, at any time, day or night.

Abby let out a little giggle as the thought of when he came barreling down the hall to her aid last year after hearing her screaming came to her mind. She had a spider in her room the size of a quarter. He let out a huge laugh as he killed it because it was just a, “little thing.”

Melanie was her suite mate for the second year now, and they got along perfectly right from the start. Mel was a very serious student and was like an older sister to her. Abby loved that she could talk to her about anything and Melanie would drop anything, except her coffee, to listen. Somehow she always knew the perfect things to say or the right advice to give her. Even with Melanie’s busy schedule of classes, studying and two jobs, she always found time to spend with her friends.

Jamal was like having an older brother that was a health nut and a work-out fanatic. They met last year when she was buying a fruit smoothie. She yawned after she placed her order, and he chimed in to tell her about an energy boosting concoction that she should add to it. Before long they became good friends, and she learned how to ignore his constant health advice. Eventually, he had convinced her to go running with him a few times a week. Abby became quite impressed with herself and found running was a surprisingly refreshing addition to her days.

Last but not least, because she would never have had it that way, was Rachel. Abby’s first course in college was a prerequisite math class at eight in the morning. Abby had worn her pajama pants and a sweatshirt. It was eight in the morning, and really, who did she need to impress anyway? Rachel walked into the lecture hall dressed to impress in a short skirt and high heels. When she sat down beside her, Rachel seemed far too happy for eight in the morning. It wasn’t long before Rachel told her, “I can totally tell that we should be best friends.” Rachel was probably the most outrageous person Abby had ever known, aside from her crazy Aunt Melissa anyway. Describing Rachel would be like trying to describe an erratic bolt of lightning that never stopped moving.

As the taxi from the airport approached the small college, she let out a long sigh as a calming feeling of being home came over her. Abby was looking forward to seeing her friends again. Between being at home with her family, and trying to work at the bar where her aunt worked, she had stayed very busy over the break. She only called Rachel one time over break, this morning before she left for the airport to let her know about what time she would be back. Melanie had no family and was practically alone in the dorms for the whole break, so Abby had made a point to call her everyday and check in.

When the driver stopped outside her hall, she couldn’t pay him and get out of the taxi fast enough. It was kind of an expensive ride, but Abby was too anxious to mind. Next time Rachel offered to pick her up, maybe she’d take her up on it. As she grabbed her bags from the trunk, she was mad at herself for tipping him so well. All the driver had done was pop the trunk open for her. She tossed her book bag onto her back and pulled out the handle on her oversized suite case, thankful it had wheels. The other bag she tried her best to sling over her shoulder as she headed for the door.

Walking into the front door put a smile on her face instantly as the unique smell of old furniture and cleaning products in the lobby hit her nose. Even with the heavy bags in her hands, it was like she had never left. She didn’t get five steps in the door before Paul quickly came out from behind the front desk. His smile was a welcoming sight as he grabbed the big duffle bag from her shoulder and slung it over his own.

“Abby, welcome back! How was your break? It was lonely around here without you!”

“Hi Paul, thanks for the help. Break was good, I guess. Made a little pocket money and spent a lot of time with the family. How was yours? Did you even leave this place?”

The two of them talked about the break on their way up in the elevator. The closer Abby got to her room, the more she was happy to be back. When she rounded the corner from the elevator, she could see that Melanie’s door was open and rushed inside to find her.

“Melanie I’m back! Did you miss me?”

Melanie poked her head out of the bathroom doorway and smiled. “Abby, are you kidding of course I missed you! It was strange around here with you gone and absolutely boring!”

Abby could not drop her bag fast enough to give her a big hug; it was good to see her. She had been so worried about her over the break, talking to her on the phone was not really enough.

“I missed you too Mel and please don’t throw a fit, but my mom and dad sent some presents for you. They were really sad that you couldn’t get a little time off work to come stay with us for Christmas.”

“Abby no, why did you let them do that?” Even as she said it, Abby could see right through the scowl on her face; she was happy and she wanted them as soon as possible. Melanie loved Abby’s parents; she had come out to visit over the summer for a couple weeks. They had taken Melanie in like she was part of the family right away. Before leaving she cried and told Abby that she had never been made to feel so much like she belonged to a family before.

Abby had never seen her cry before then and never did again. It took a lot to break Melanie down; she was a very strong willed person. Anyone could see just by looking at her she was full of confidence. Not just in the way she dressed, like a woman ready to rule the world. It was the way she held herself, even if she was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She always had the sophistication of a woman in her forties that was in charge. Abby thought Melanie already knew her place in the world, and she was going to make it no matter who tried to get in her way.

Abby turned around to say thank you to Paul, but he was already gone and her bag was inside the door with her. “Oh Paul is gone; he helped carry my bags up. I guess he had to get back to the front desk.” Abby shrugged her shoulders as she looked back at Melanie. “Oh well I’ll thank him later. Hey do you want your presents now?”

Melanie was already giggling. “Oh, he is so in love with you, and you know it. Why must you tease him so much?”

“I do not Mel! What am I supposed to do, not be nice to him when he is so nice to me?” As Abby leaned down to pull Melanie’s presents out of her bag, she kept talking. “He knows we are just friends; he is
just Paul
to me. Besides, he is just as nice to you too. So you stop being a tease!”

“Right he is not interested at all in sweeping you off your feet.” The look on her face was starting to look like a lovesick teenybopper as she went on. “If you went downstairs and kissed him right now, he would die of happiness. He’s nice to me, but he’s not in love with me.”

“Stop it, you’re crazy! Here open your gifts.” The phone was already ringing in Abby’s room. “I’ll be back; if I don’t answer, she’ll just keep calling till I do.” Abby groaned as she got up. She had not even been in the door five minutes, but she knew it would be her aunt calling to check on her.

“This is the third time in the last five minutes it’s rung. It’s why I opened my door.” Melanie’s voice flowed behind her with the sound of ripping paper.

She got to the phone just before the last ring, “Hello Missa. I’m here safely; you can stop worrying now.” Abby’s Aunt Melissa was only ten years older than her and was in a lot of ways her best friend. The two of them had spent a lot of time together growing up, mostly because there were not a lot of young people where they lived. While her aunt talked on and on, Melanie came through the bathroom pulling something behind her – Abby’s bags. Shoot, she had just left them on Mel’s floor.

Mel whispered to her after she dropped the heavy bags, “Sorry, I have to get going. Thanks for the gifts.. I love them! Tell your mom and dad thanks for me, okay! Bye.”

Abby nodded and mouthed a quick sorry pointing to the bags on the floor before waving goodbye. She was listening to her aunt go on and on about work. Even though she was just there two nights ago, her aunt thought she had missed a lot. There was always some new drama in a small town country bar. With the waitresses and regulars, the band, and the bar fights outside every night was sure to be different.

Her aunt may have only been ten years older than her, but she was determined to stay twenty-one forever, wearing tight jeans and slinky tops. She had a loud and wild personality. Her hair was past her waist, straight and blacker than a raven. She insisted on wearing bright red lipstick that accentuated her small lips but made her eyes darker than they really were. Melissa wasn’t much taller than Abby but was always wearing heels that gave her another three to four inches. Somehow she knew just how to make her long lean body seem even longer. She was always pushing Abby to be more like her, but it just wasn’t the way she was.

Abby looked just like a younger version of her mother, so different from her aunt. She also wore her hair long, but it was a bright gold blonde color. A toe-head was what some people back home referred to her as. Her eyes, to her were her best feature, bright and a deep green like large emeralds. Her lashes were very long and the color of her hair. Abby genuinely thought of herself as an average or plain person, even if others told her different. Her aunt insisted that she should wear more things to show off the curves of her body. Every piece of clothing she had bought for Abby over the past two years was on the tight side or showed too much skin for her own taste.

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