Tempting The Manny (7 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: Tempting The Manny
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He wouldn’t be sticking around tonight to chat. Otherwise he was likely to take her and fuck her

“Hi,” she said. “Where’s Nikki?”

He cleared his throat. “She had to leave early.”

She sighed
very loudly. “I don’t know that she’s going to work out. She can’t get here in time and then she leaves early.”

He didn’t want to tell her he sent her home. “Well, I really have to get going.”

Her eyes showed disappointment. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

Not a good idea
. “Okay”

“I’ll be right back
, Morgan. Watch Emily.”

Jamie walked behind Olivia to the door, letting his eyes enjoy as her ass jiggled. The skirt was
so tight, that even when she moved in the right way, he didn’t know what was underneath. Did she wear matching panties to her bra?

She spun around and gazed at him. It took everything in him not to shove her against the wall, kiss his way from her mouth to h
er cleavage and get lost in that blouse. His face grew hot when he realized he was no longer looking at her face, but straight into her blouse. She noticed too.

“I have to go,” he mumbled.

“Will you be back tomorrow?” she asked.

He had no idea. He wasn’t suppose
d to be back tomorrow, but he didn’t know if he could stay away.

“Only if Nikki calls and needs help.”

Olivia stepped forward and gripped his shirt, pulling him into her. She leaned forward near his ear and whispered, “Since you no longer work for me, we can play any time.”

That was it. H
e was going to explode in his pants. Right as he was about to give into the temptation and take her lips, she released him. On her heels, she spun and strutted away, letting those hips sway, and him with a hard-on.


The girls had been nestled in their beds for at least half an hour. Olivia had changed out of her work clothes finally and was relaxed comfortably on the couch in a baggy t-shirt and sweats. She mindlessly flipped through the channels, but nothing was catching her attention. She needed something to help her drift to sleep. It would be great to be normal and go to sleep in her bed, but being in it reminded her that she was alone.

Maybe it was time to move on. Why was she living somewhere that made her so unhappy? She hated the neighborhood. She hated this big house and what it represented. Everything in here reminded her of Eric and the
sorry state that he’d left her in. Perhaps Jamie was right, and she needed to stop worrying about having the best of everything and living in the
places, and go where she was happy. The girls and she didn’t need this huge place. Besides that, there was no guarantee she could afford it. Eric’s child support and her paycheck were only going to go so far.

Yawning, her eyes closed. Tomorrow she would start searching out a place to call her own. She finally began to feel comfortable and ready to drift off, when a light knock sounded. Who would be here at this hour? A hopeful glimmer
of hope shot through her that maybe it was Jamie. Maybe she tempted him enough that he was coming over to take her in a naughty way.

If only she was wearing something besides sweats, but there was no time to change. Brushing her fingers through her hair, she opened the door.
Her hopeful mood changed instantly.

“Eric, it
’s late.” She crossed her arms. Why was the person she always hoped to see there never there? Instead of the hot man she wanted to see, the one man she didn’t was there.

“I’m guessing the girls are asleep then.”

“Uh, yeah.”
Was he serious

pushed his way inside.

“Oh please, come in.” She
closed the door shut with a thud. Maybe he’d catch the drift she didn’t want him there.

Eric took a seat on the couch, obviously waiting on her to join him.
“I miss this place.”

“You can have it.”

He gazed into her eyes. “I don’t want it without you.”

She rolled her eyes
, not returning the connection he was attempting.

“Have you given any thought to me coming home and us being a family?”
He had a look of hope in his eyes.

She was going to love squashing it too. “No.”

“No you haven’t thought about it?”

“No as in, we aren’t getting back together.


“I don’t think
is what you want. You’re not the family type of man.” It was the truth. The sooner they both faced it, the better.

“I am too,
” he argued.

“Why do you want back then?”
This should be good.

“I miss the girls and you. I miss the house, the neighborhood parties. I liked what we had. It worked.”

“If it worked, why did you turn to another woman?”

He raked his hands through his hair.
“It was so stressful here, and it was easy with her.”

Typical of a man
when things get tough— they stray. Thank God they weren’t married and they didn’t have to file for divorce. She could be done with this asshole a whole lot faster.

’s not going to get any easier. The girls will get older, and they are going to demand more. The teenage years are still ahead. I’m sorry, but just because it didn’t work out with this lady you were seeing, when things get tough again, who’s it going to be next? Are you going to tough it out like I do and just hope it gets better, or are you going to stray to some other woman whose willing to open her legs and make you feel all better?”

Eric shook his head and she had his answer. He couldn’t promise her.

“It’s over, Eric. I’ve accepted it and I had thought you already had.”

“I don’t want it to be though.” He sounded genuine and she actually believed that at this moment, he meant it. He wanted it to work, but he also knew deep down that it wouldn’t.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Eric finally stood. He walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her. Her body froze for a moment and then relaxed. She hugged him back, knowing this is what he needed at the moment. It was the embrace that signified it was the end and it was mutual. A tear trickled down her cheek. This was the official end and even though it was what she wanted, she was sad to see this chapter closing.

Eric released her then stared into her eye. She saw a slight moistness in the corners.
“I hope you and Jamie are happy.”

“I don’t know that he wants anything to do with me,” she said.

“He’s in love with you. Whatever you did, he’ll forgive.”

“I hope you’re right.”

This was awkward, getting advice from her ex on her current interest.

“Listen, we can work out the details later, but the girls and I are going to move someplace else. Something smaller. I can’t stay here.”

He raised an eyebrow.
“You sure?”

“Yeah, even if it was
affordable, I need to move on.”

“Well, we’ll sell it and split the money. I don’t want it either if we aren’t all going to be here together.” He glanced around, taking in the room. “Take as long as you need though. We’ll talk about the details soon.”

“Sounds good.”

Eric nodded and then went toward the front door to leave. Olivia stood there feeling at peace. She wasn’t at all sure how long
she and Eric would be getting along, but she would take it. Maybe, deep down, Eric knew it was over before he even came here. He certainly didn’t put up much of a fight when she told him.

Once again, she let out a loud yawn. Maybe tonight she would try to fall asleep in her bed after all. Turning the TV and lights off, she wandered through the darkness to her room. Once she climbed into her bed, she pulled the covers up, tucking them under her head and snuggled in.
Tomorrow was a new beginning.


Chapter Nine


It was Friday, finally. Olivia never knew she would love this day so much. Even better, she was getting out early. She had promised to take the girls out to eat for being so great with the new nanny. Nikki was doing better and was really good with the girls. She just wasn’t flexible. Though, that might be good with Dr. Collins. Give him an inch and he took a mile.

As she drove home without anything to distract her, Jamie came to mind. It
had been three days since she’d seen him. Three long and miserable days. He’d only been in her life a short amount of time, but there was no turning back. She needed him. However, she still had a few things to take care of before she went to him. She knew she had to show him she wasn’t the same woman who was concerned with petty gossip and neighborhood social power struggles.

After dinner,
she had an appointment with a realtor. This week Olivia had chatted back and forth with Mary the realtor, and she found what she hoped was the perfect house in the right price range. It was only to rent for now, which was fine. Olivia was nowhere near ready to buy a house.

Once dinner was finished
at a local-all-you-can-eat-buffet, they headed toward what she hoped was their future home. Pulling up to the house, it looked perfect. It was a typical ranch style house. Not a thousand windows and arches that made your house better than anyone else’s. Just a simple white, one story rectangle with black shutters. Morgan was the first out of the car. Olivia followed as soon as she got Emily.

realtor wasn’t there yet. Probably running late. Around back, Morgan had already found a simple wooden play set and was swinging. This could work. They could be happy here. All she needed now was the paper to sign.

Her cell
phone rang. It was most likely Mary calling that she was almost there. Not even glancing at the screen, she answered. She recognized the deep voice instantly. Her heart literally skipped a beat.

“Jamie,” she said.

“It’s been so tough being away from you these few days.”

She smiled. “Well, hopefully soon we can see each other. The girls miss you.”

“I miss them too.” The tone of his voice told her he was disappointed she hadn’t immediately said she missed him.

Right as she was getting ready to tell him she missed him,
Mary pulled up. “Listen, Jamie, it’s not a good time. Can I call you back?”

“I’d like that. Talk to you soon.”

“Wait, Jamie.” She started, but it was too late. He’s already hung up. Crap.

Well, there was nothing at this moment she could do. Tossing the phone into her purse, she greeted
Mary. Olivia called to Morgan, and they headed inside to take a tour of the house. Fingers crossed the inside was as perfect as the outside.



The house
had been as perfect as she had hoped and they could move in as soon as they were ready. Olivia dropped the girls off with Eric Saturday morning and went home to get a head start on packing. She was so excited; she wanted to get everything in boxes before the upcoming weekend when the girls would be with their father. It felt so good taking charge of her future and no longer being dependant on anyone.

Her thoughts drifted back to another moment she had been proud of herself. Kelly had stopped her one night last week after work.


“Olivia!” Kelly had called.

At the mailbox, Olivia turned to see Kelly in her jogging suit, going on her evening walk, making sure to keep that size zero figure.

, Kelly.”

“Well look at you. You look so tired. Being a single and working mom looks like it
’s been rough on you.”

Olivia rolled her eyes
, but also felt sorry for Kelly. This woman had to be miserable in her own life to always nit-pick someone else’s life. Olivia saw that now.

“It is a change,” Olivia said.

“I couldn’t do it. Can’t you and Eric make it work?”

“No, that’s over.”

“Well, I tell you, I’ve missed seeing that man you had watching your kids. He was some eye-candy. Too bad he was gay. It seems like all the good ones are.”

Actually,” Olivia said. “He isn’t. He’s straight and I had to get a new sitter because he’s my lover.” Okay, maybe she went a little too far. She probably could have just said he was straight and she was seeing him, but seeing the reaction on Kelly’s face made it all worth it. She was going to be so jealous.

“You were sleeping with the help?” Kelly looked absolutely shocked.

It was then Olivia realized it didn’t matter one bit what she said. Somehow Kelly was going to turn it around and try to make her feel bad about it. Truth was, Kelly had to do it to make herself feel better. Her kids were brats with no manners. Her house might be gorgeous and well kept, but it wasn’t from her skills. Most likely, she was a lonely housewife with nothing better to do then make those around her feel bad about their lives.

“Good nigh
t, Kelly. I’ll see you around.” Olivia wasn’t going to indulge her anymore. Let Kelly have the satisfaction she had won. Maybe then she would at least jog the rest of the way home with a smile on her face.


Olivia really was not going to miss living here. She started in Emily’s room. She needed the least of the things in here. Plus, it would be the quickest to pack and would leave her feeling as though she accomplished something. Taping together a few boxes, she opened the closet. Winter clothes could be packed obviously. They weren’t going to be needed anytime soon. Debating to herself whether to take the clothes off the hangers or leave them, she was startled by the door bell. Who the hell was here now? Why was it someone was always interrupting her?

Sighing, she figured there was only one way to get rid of
whoever was there. Her feet were heavy on the floor as she headed toward the door. Swinging the door open, she was surprised. 

“Jamie, hi,” she said.

“I couldn’t stay away. And you never called me back.” He stared longingly at her.

“Shit, sorry.” Olivia stepped back. “Come on in. I’m packing.”

“Packing?” He came into the house, glancing around with a worried expression.

She waved her arm.
“Follow me, I’ll explain.”

Olivia led him into the living room and took a seat onto the couch. He’d been on her mind to call, but she wanted it to be the right time. He’d come to her though.

“We’re moving.”

“Eric’s kicking you out?”

Olivia grinned. “No no, I made the choice.”

He appeared to be confused. She couldn’t blame him. She’d been avoiding him with reason.

“I did a lot of thinking after you left. And I’ve been really trying. The first thing I knew I needed to do was to get my own place. So, I’m packing. I found a great, much smaller house on the outskirts of town.”

“That’s great. But what I said, I didn’t mean for you to leave your home.”

She laughed. “I’m doing it because I hate it here. It’s holding me back. I can’t move on from Eric if everywhere I turn here reminds me of him.”

you’re not getting back together with him then?” There was hope in his voice.

it’s over.” She gazed into his eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell me any of this sooner?”

“To be honest, I had to do this for myself. You were right. I put way too much into what others thought of me. I want to make things better.”

There was a strong pull between them and it wouldn’t be much longer until she was crawling in his lap.

“In fact, I told Kelly you weren’t gay.” She waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. “I told her you were my lover.”

Jamie snickered. “What did she say?”

“She basically looked at me with disgust since I was sleeping with the help. But you know what? I just let it roll off my shoulders. I didn’t care.”

Jamie scooted closer and took a hold of her hands. “Is that all I
am, a lover?”

His gaze was so hot, he just might burn a hole through her. “No.
You’re so much more.”

released her hands and gripped her waist, lifting her into his lap. His erection was pressed against her ass. “I’ve waited a long time to meet someone like you, Olivia. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Olivia chose not to say anything, but to show him that there was no one else for her. She met his lips with a hard force, immediately thrusting her tongue in. Each time his tongue entered her, she wrapped her lips around it, sucking. His groan of plea
sure moistened her panties.

A desire stirred through her and she had to taste him. Her mouth craved his thick cock and
its salty taste. She roughly began yanking at his pants, trying to get them down.

“Hold on, I have to unbutton them,” he said. “What’s the hurry?”

“I want your dick in my mouth

gaze told her he had no problem with what she wanted. Their hands each pulled at his pants and boxers until he was kicking them off and they were flying across the room. She shoved him into a lying position. Then she pushed his legs wide open and took in his erection, she licked her lips.

“Touch yourself,” she whispered. “I want to see your hand wrapped around you
r big cock.”

He hesitated a minute. It was something he may not have ever done in front of someone, but she didn’t care.


With her plea,
he gripped his dick. There was no stopping it; she had to watch as he gently jerked. He looked so comfortable while he did it. Letting her gaze return to his face she found his eyes dark with passion and focused on her. She lingered there before putting her attention back to him pleasuring himself.

Her core ached to be touched, but it could wait. Leaning forward, she placed a hand over his and her mouth at the tip. He grunted and she moaned against his cock. As a drop of cum seeped from the head, she swallowed the salty liquid, craving more.
Licking and sucking only the tip, his hand moved faster.

“Enough,” he cried out.

Letting his cock linger a moment right at her lips, she left a light kiss on the tip before standing up. Quickly, she started to undress. She knew he was ready to fuck her and her pussy was so wet she was ready too. Right as she removed her panties and kicked them away, he had already placed the condom over his swollen erection.

He moved up behind her now. Nudging her toward the couch, he placed her hands along the back on it. Her knees were touching the cushions.

“Open your legs more,” he instructed.

And she happily obliged. A long finger slid into her pussy and her back arched right away. She was so turned out she might c
ome on his finger right now. But she held off.

“You’re so wet and ready.” He positioned his cock right at the opening of her ass.

Sucking in her breath, he lightly pushed, but didn’t force. Gripping her waist now, his cock pressed at her opening. With one thrust he was inside and stretching her. Closing her eyes, she could see fireworks shooting off as he pumped into her with a vengeance. It wouldn’t be long for either of them before they climaxed. She could tell he was holding off, waiting on her.

Removing one hand from the back of the couch, she flicked across a nipple. Pinching it
slightly as a wave of pleasure began to erupt from her. There was no holding it back. She screamed loudly, the orgasm ripping through her.

Jamie drove into
her over and over until he was biting into the back of her neck, grunting as his seed left his body. His body relaxed, but he held her tightly. He was still inside her and she very much liked feeling them joined together as one. If this was any other position, she would want to stay this way forever, but her knees began to give out.

The warmth of Jamie’s body moved away, and he pulled her next to him, sitting on the couch now. Her breathing wasn’t as ragged anymore.

“You’re wonderful,” he whispered.

“You’re pretty special yourself.”

“I don’t think I can leave you again.”

“I hope you don’t.” She turned toward him. “I’m glad you came to me tonight. If you’d waited on me it would have been at least another week.”

Jamie laughed. “There is no way I could wait another week to have you in my arms again.”

Too bad you can’t be my manny anymore. I’d love to come home to you each and every day.”

“Hey, you’re the one who tempted the help right into your bed.”

Punching him lightly in the chest, she said, “You did plenty of tempting yourself.”

He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. “Here’s to a future of tempting only one another.”

“I like that future.” Wrapping her hands around his neck, she pulled into him as close as she could get.

Jamie made her feel safe and warm. Her life was finally getting to where she wanted it and she wasn’t letting this hunk of a man go anywhere.

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