Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord (24 page)

Read Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency historical jane charles england

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord
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Her grandfather was finally looking
out for the family. “Thank you.”

It was nothing.” He
dismissed with a wave of his hand. “After a lengthy interview with
each of your suitors I have decided to grant Lord Wilkes permission
to marry you.”

Elle blanched. She could barely recall
who Lord Wilkes was and she certainly had no desire to marry him.
The few times she had danced with him, he made her feel
uncomfortable. It wasn’t anything she could put her finger on, just
that she wanted to avoid him whenever possible. “I don’t wish to
marry. I need to see to the children.” She reminded her

He dismissed her concern with a wave
of his hand. “The children will be taken care of.”

Elle narrowed her eyes. “Will Lord
Wilkes be willing to take them in?”

Lord Stanhope laughed. “No dear. He
wishes to begin the marriage without such intrusions. I will see
that the children are seen to.”

Elle wanted the children with her.
Especially Jamie since he was so young. He would never understand
why she was gone. “How?”

Leigh will be sent to a
girl’s school to finish her education. I will take the boys and
settle them at the country estate in Yorkshire and bring in tutors
until they can attend Eton.”

Is Lord Wilkes’ estate
close by and will I be able to visit them?” Perhaps her
grandfather’s plan had merit. She would miss them terribly, but he
was giving them opportunities she had only dreamed about but knew
were impossible. “Of course. Neither Wilkes or I am a

He hadn’t answered the question about
the estate. “Where would Lord Wilkes and I live?”

His estate is in

That was too far away.

As if her grandfather read her
thoughts, he continued. “It is not as far as it sounds. You will
see the children at least a couple of times a year.”

Could she stand to see them so little?
Her heart constricted with pain. It would be unbearable. But, she
couldn’t offer them all the things grandfather was now willing to.
Once she was through with her education, Leigh might have the
opportunity to make a good marriage. It was better than anything
she could hope for now. And the boys, to be educated at Eton! They
would never have a worry. They would never have to live like this
again, or worry about how they would feed their families because
they would have a good life, with professions that would keep a
roof over their heads and food on the table. If she turned down her
grandfather’s offer it would be simply because she was too selfish
to be parted from them. If her family had a chance at a better
life, who was she to stand in their way. All she had to do was
marry Lord Wilkes and their future was set.

Dread crept into her belly. He may not
want her when he learned what she had done. She couldn’t marry Lord
Wilkes without telling him the truth. A gentleman expected a chaste
wife. She hadn’t told Clay about her virtue and look how that
ended. No, she must start off her relationship with Wilkes
honestly. If he chose to cry off, it was for the better, though she
would hate to see the children lose this opportunity. However, from
what her grandfather said, he wasn’t the only man who wished to
marry her so perhaps there was one gentleman who would over look
this slight flaw in his future bride.

Still, this decision was too important
to make quickly. “May I have some time to think on

He smiled gently at her. “Of course,
Eleanor. Lord Wilkes arrives tomorrow to speak with you

Lord Wilkes is coming
here?” She hated the sudden squeak in her voice. Surely there was
more time than a day to prepare.

Yes, my dear. He is so
enamored with you that he insisted on visiting in case you rejected
the proposal.”

If he felt so strongly, perhaps he
would accept her soiled state. It also gave her a chance to speak
with him before making her decision. “Very well, I will look to
furthering our acquaintance when we meet.”

Her grandfather stood. “Now, do you
have a spare room that I might use?”

Elle gaped at him. He wanted to stay
here? “There is a nice inn in town.”

He shook his head. “If I am to take
the children to the estate, I should spend time with them here,
with you, to get to know them better.”

It would give her peace of mind,
knowing she was not sending the children off with someone who was a
stranger to them. And, she would be able to see how they got on
with one another. Elle stood. “I’ll have my parent’s room prepared
for you. There are two rooms off the kitchen your driver and valet
can use.”

She exited the room before he could
say anything else. Mama’s room had not been opened since they had
cleaned it following her death. Several times she had considered
moving into the larger chamber, but couldn’t bring herself to, so
they simply closed the door and it hadn’t been opened in almost
three years.

Dust covered everything and the linens
would need to be washed, as well as the curtains taken down and
beaten. She and Leigh set to the task and by the time the floors
were scrubbed and the room habitable again, it was time to prepare
dinner. She should see to the servant’s rooms but there simply
wasn’t enough time.

The day was exhausting but the thought
of her brothers being with her grandfather wasn’t so worrisome.
Often she looked out the window to find him sitting or walking with
one of her younger brothers. They were of an age where they should
have the benefit of a gentleman’s influence. Maybe this was for the

I am not sure I want to go
away to a school,” Leigh muttered as she picked up the bucket of
soiled water and mop.

Elle sighed. “I don’t want you to go
either, but this is a wonderful opportunity and we will spend time
together on occasion.”

Leigh offered her a weak smile. “I
will miss you and the boys.”

Elle came forward and took the mop. “I
know but think of all the books you will get to read, the things
you will learn.”

Her smile broadened.

And all the new friends
you will make.”

Leigh nodded. “I would like all of
those things.”

And you shall have them.”
Elle grinned back.
As long as I can stand
to be married to Lord Wilkes.
But did she
really have a choice. What she really wanted was to talk to Drake
for his opinion, but cleaning the room had kept her in the house
all day and she would not have an opportunity to go see him until
tomorrow, the day Lord Wilkes was to arrive.

It was not to be. Just as Elle put on
her bonnet for the short walk to Drake’s, a carriage pulled in
front of the house and out stepped Lord Wilkes. Her stomach

Lord Wilkes was all that was handsome
and elegant. His manners and dress were impeccable. A head taller
than she, he had blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Though not nearly
as striking as Bentley, he was handsome in his own right and cut a
fine figure in his tailored brown coat and fawn

Ah, Miss Westin.” He bowed
over her hand. “It was a shame you left the Season so early. I had
planned on furthering our acquaintance.” His cold clammy, ungloved
hand grasped hers and Eleanor wanted to snatch it back. His touch
did the queerest things to her belly, and not in the pleasant
manner. Completely unlike Bentley’s touch.

I tired of the Season,
Lord Wilkes. I much prefer the quietness of the

He smiled, eyes narrowing as he
scanned her body from the top of her head to the bottom of her
toes. If she didn’t know better, she would have believed he saw
through her clothing. It wasn’t so much of a smile as a leer. She
quelled the sudden bout of nausea.

I, too, prefer the country
and travel to London only when absolutely necessary.”

At least they had that in common. If
she never attended another Season she would be happy. With the
exception of when Leigh made her coming out. Eleanor wouldn’t miss
that for the world. And, perhaps with financial worries behind them
and a husband on her arm, the Season might not be so daunting, but
somewhat enjoyable. With the exception of having to see Bentley, of
course. Especially if he married. No, her heart couldn’t handle
watching him and a wife. It was a good thing Leigh would not be
introduced for four more years because it would take all that time
to forget Bentley, if she ever could.

He held his arm out. “Would you care
for a stroll in the gardens?”

Elle chuckled. “I apologize, but we
don’t have any gardens, but we can walk outside.”

She led him out the front door and
around the side of the house to the bench beneath the shade tree.
There really wasn’t anywhere to walk, unless one considered the
path through the woods that connected her property to that owned by
Drake. But, she didn’t want to be alone with Wilkes any more than
necessary, and certainly not in the woods. Besides, that path took
them by the summer house and she had no wish to visit there again
for a very long time, if ever.

I know this is short
notice and we barely know one another, but I knew the moment I saw
you that I wanted you as my wife.”

How odd. Had that been the case, why
hadn’t he attempted to court her? They had shared but two

I was tied up with urgent
business at the time and planned on courting you properly, but you
were gone before I had the chance.”

Her one season only lasted a few
weeks, so maybe what he spoke was the truth.

For a short while I feared
Bentley had managed to steal you from me, but when he remained
after you had gone, I knew I still had a chance.”

His mention of Bentley’s name put her
on edge. Somehow she must manage to tell Wilkes the truth, but not
yet. She wasn’t even sure she wished to marry him. Yet, did she
really have a choice? The future of her siblings was at stake and
she may not get another chance to do right by them. “Lord Bentley
and I did not suit.” It was a simple enough explanation.

Wilkes grinned. “That does not
surprise me. He is rather difficult if you ask me.”

Elle wanted to argue and defend
Bentley, but held her tongue. What right did she have and did he
deserve her defense after what had happened. Besides, she didn’t
want Wilkes to suspect that she may still care for Bentley.
Emotions she would need to kill and bury in the dark recesses of
her heart.

Wilkes stopped before her and knelt to
one knee.


Please say yes, Miss
Westin. Say you will be my wife. You are the woman I must

Elle stared down into his eyes, trying
to find warmth or some feeling, but they were as cold as his hands.
Perhaps it was because she did not know him and that would change
in the future. Hadn’t Bentley been cold and judgmental at first?
There were many more layers to him than she realized during that
first dance. Perhaps the same could be said for Wilkes. And, this
would save her family. She could live with the coldness if they
were protected. Besides, how bad could it be being married to this
gentleman? She had heard nothing in society that should concern
her. In fact, she heard nothing about him at all, which meant he
must lead a quiet existence. The type of life she wanted to

Yes, Lord Wilkes. I’ll
marry you.”

He smiled triumphantly, got to his
feet and took her lips. Elle should have felt at least relief, but
all she could do was fight the desire to pull away from him as
coldness settled inside her belly.

Chapter 20

Clay closed the ledger and turned in
his chair to look out the window. He drummed his fingers on top of
the desk. This idealness was driving him insane. There was only so
much he could do at the mill. All of the accounting was up to date.
He had gone over the ledgers, orders for raw wool, orders placed
and anything else necessary to keep the business running. There
wasn’t anything else he could do to fill his day.

The sounds of the weaving could barely
be heard through the crack in the window. It was such a beautiful
day and he hated that children had to spend it inside, working when
they should be playing. Was one day enough for play? Of course,
they didn’t know any better, but did that make it right? Was it too
young for an eight-year-old to start learning a trade when there
were kites and fishing poles waiting?

Of course, for the poor and merchant
class, children did learn their trade at their father’s knee at a
very young age. It had always been that way. Instead of having
fathers, these boys had him. So, it was up to Clay to decide how
their days should be filled.

Clay turned and opened the ledgers
once again. His business was more profitable than he ever dreamed
possible. He had more funds than were necessary to keep the mill
afloat, pay wages and put the rest in the bank for later use. He
could make changes and why shouldn’t he? It was his mill. These
were changes Eleanor would be pleased with and if she hadn’t been
so adamant in the past, they never would have occurred to

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