Terran Times 01 - Arena Station (6 page)

Read Terran Times 01 - Arena Station Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Champions of Terra

BOOK: Terran Times 01 - Arena Station
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He flipped her to her back bringing his mouth once again to her swollen breast, one hand snaking between her thighs to plunge two fingers and then a third into her cum smeared cunt. The teeth gnawing gently at her breasts was in a direct counter point to the fingers fucking her furiously below. It was less than two minutes later that she was howling her own satisfaction.

After she had rested once again, Tiergar woke her with a tender but thorough kiss. He gently draped the shift she had worn the evening before over her.

“It is time for you to leave now.” He bowed formally from the waist, elegant even in his naked state.


Champions of Terra - Arena Station

“But…” Kyra had no reason to stay. Her task was done. He seemed in complete control of his faculties, so she guessed it was over. “Ok, bye.”

She turned to him as she reached the door,

“Nice, uh, meeting you.”

“You as well, Kyra. The guards are waiting outside. They have been there for some time.” He turned and went back into the chamber he had emerged from all those hours before. The door slid shut behind him.

Kyra went to the exit and waited for it to open.

As it slid aside she saw the same two guards who had escorted her in the first place. They wrinkled their noses at the smell of hot sex that was wrapped around her in a column. Making jokes about her evening for the entire walk back to medical.

The Selna was still undergoing repairs. Dr.

Telnor was astonished at her glowing appearance and pronounced that barring some scratches on her back (that she did not remember receiving) she was in perfect health and could return to the fight roster, once she spent some time in the hygienic chamber to remove the residue of the evening of course.

When she returned to her bunk in the female fighter quarters she used the small com terminal to check her credit balance. The amount that appeared on the read-out was staggering.

Apparently, it was worth over two hundred 33

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thousand credits to spend an evening with a horny alien. Who would have believed it?

She won her next four fights without any trouble. A new energy seemed to have invaded her limbs, which meant that her physical response time was greatly enhanced. She chalked it up to the vitamin injection she had received in medical and continued training and fighting in the arena.

She had been summoned for additional check-ups after her winning streak was published in the arena records, but the doctors were unable to explain the changes in her fitness level.

The only obvious lasting effect of the coupling itself, seemed to be that she could still smell him on her body. The scent seemed to trigger a result that she could not have anticipated. Every night for several weeks after she was returned to the barracks she awoke sweating and writhing with the feeling of him moving deep within her, her body aching for completion. She pushed herself harder in training and eventually the dreams stopped.


Champions of Terra - Arena Station
Chapter 3

he nest egg for her escape became Tunnecessary two weeks later when the Alliance forces landed and freed all of the fighters who had been captured by the arena owners. The fighters were removed from the barracks one at a time and when Kyra’s turn came about she received several shocks.

The first was that she knew the Alliance representative that was sent to greet her.

Negotiator Tyrell appeared in full armour at the entrance to the barracks and called out her name.

“Kyra Dannick of the Protectorate of Terra, please present yourself for processing.” The hollow metallic voice echoed in the partially empty room.

“Negotiator Tyrell, it is an honour to meet you again. What brings you here?” Kyra could not stop the foolish grin that crossed her face at the sight of her old friend in full Alliance regalia.

“A porn tape. But that story will wait for later, 35

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please come with me.” The negotiator swung around and led the way out of the barracks sweeping past the Alliance guards at the entrance.

Amy Tyrell was wearing a full suit of armour that concealed every feature that identified her species. A faceplate with a speaker built into the sides allowed her to speak and filtered the air that she breathed. The Negotiator armour had been designed to conceal and protect the occupant.

Every species who had a member in the Alliance with full citizenship, or who was under the protection of the Alliance sent suitable candidates to the Negotiator corp. Earth was just such a planet.

The Alliance was going to make sure that all of the fighters who had been abducted were properly returned to their points of origin, but that did not make them fools. Several of the fighters had been stolen from penal colonies, and those would be returned to finish their sentences.

Kyra followed her friend in silence, nodding to the Alliance guards that were stationed at every checkpoint. Several wore the insignia of the Battle Cruiser P’tal, one of the flagships of the Alliance.

Kyra did wonder why they would have sent a star-breaker class ship to set the arena fighters free. The answer was not long in coming.

The negotiator opened a door to a private chamber, not unlike the one Kyra had shared with Tiergar and gestured for her to sit. There was a 36

Champions of Terra - Arena Station
small table set for tea and two chairs in the room, one of them occupied by an Ontex dressed in the formal robes of an Alliance Councillor.

“Councillor Tajn! How nice to see you again.”

Kyra walked forward and bowed formally. “I haven’t seen you since my last day on earth.”

“Welcome and be seated my dear. I am so glad to see you in good health. We’ve been worried about you.” Tajn waved her into the chair and when she was seated he poured her a cup of tea.

“How did you find us? I thought the station was impervious to detection.” Kyra looked curiously at Tyrell who was standing nearby like an armoured statue.

“We will come on to that in a minute my dear. I have some rather bad news for you, along with some very good news.” Tajn beamed at her, his grey face lighting up.

“Ok, what is the bad news?” Kyra braced herself, but what she heard was beyond anything she had anticipated.

“You are no longer a viable candidate to represent your planet, the medical teams here enhanced your DNA and you no longer meet the specifications for your species. You still have your Champion status.” He amended quickly as he watched horror cross her face.

“The discovery of Admar after all these years is an archaeological marvel that no amount of genetic tampering can erase. We were able to keep 37

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your standing as the First Champion of your race, but you can no longer be a representative of your race.” Councillor Tajn paused for a moment until Kyra got herself under control.

Tears seeped from her eyes as she realized that everything she had worked for was now out of her grasp. Her one goal in leaving her home world had been to represent her planet’s interests in the Alliance. Because of the jackasses at the arena her life as she knew it was over. They had made her faster, stronger, and taller, with the result being her loss of everything she had known.

“Ok,” She sniffed and drew herself up, “What is the good news?”

“Through the tireless efforts of Negotiator Tyrell we have a new assignment for you. You may not represent your planet, but you can still represent the Alliance.” Tajn looked vaguely uncomfortable and his gaze darted over to Tyrell.

“What assignment? Where am I going?” Kyra looked at Tajn and he turned a funny shade of green, the Ontex was blushing!

“I will leave you to explain, Negotiator. Kyra, I wish you well and hope to see you before your departure.” Tajn beat a hasty retreat and left the room, closing the door behind him.

“Okay Tyrell, what the hell is going on? I have never seen an Ontex that uncomfortable unless someone was talking about sex.” Kyra crossed her arms and gave her friend a steely glare.


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