Watch Out for the Big Girls

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Watch Out for the Big Girls
J.M. Benjamin
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Urban Books, LLC
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Watch Out for the Big Girls
Copyright © 2016 J.M. Benjamin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6228-6999-2
ISBN 10: 1-62286-848-X
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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To all the strong and sexy women who come in all shapes, sizes and colors of beauty. This one's for you!
“Bubbles, wha'chu doin up in there?” The words of twenty-three-year-old Charles Chase, known to the streets as Chase, penetrated the closed bathroom door of his honeycomb hideout as he impatiently yelled out.
“I'm comin', baby,” was the muffled response he got from the other side of the door.
“Well hurry up and bring that big ass out here then. Shit! You know I ain't got all damn day!” Chase cursed.
He reached over and picked up his chocolate-toned Gucci watch lying on the nightstand next to the bed. He let out a gust of hot air in frustration seeing that he was already fifteen minutes behind schedule. By now, he thought he would be receiving the best oral he'd ever had in his life, followed by the wettest and freakiest sex in existence, compliments of what he called his big girl jump-off piece, known in his neighborhood as Bubbles. Instead, he lay there with a full-blown erection that stood at attention. Chase stroked his hardness as he envisioned what he intended to do to Bubbles once she came out of the bathroom.
He had received a call from her about an hour ago informing him that she was just leaving the gym and was running a little bit behind schedule of their agreed time to meet up. Had it not been for the fact that he was horny, his fiancée was away in Atlanta, and Bubbles was the only one with the ability to make him cum quicker than any other female he'd ever been with, he would've canceled on her when she told him she would be late. Now here it was she was taking even longer freshening up after her workout session at the gym.
This fat
ass bitch,
Chase thought in frustration.
She's been big all her mu'fuckin' life since I've known her and now she wanna start tryin'a lose that shit. Jack La
Lanne himself couldn't help her ass.
Chase snatched up the half-smoked blunt on the nightstand and relit it. He took a long drag of the drug and closed his eyes to marinate in its euphoria to calm his nerves. In less than two hours, he would be picking up his fiancée, Deborah, from McCarran International, and he wanted to get his dick sucked properly before she returned. He felt like being freaky today, something he felt he couldn't be or do at home, but could do with Bubbles. Although he and Deborah had been together for five years and he loved her, sexually she just wasn't enough. He had known Bubbles before his street fame and fortune, since he was a kid, and had been addicted to the way her mouth felt on him and he felt inside her since then. On countless occasions he fantasized of Bubbles's mouth and wetness while Deborah performed oral on him and during sex. He wished Deborah could make him feel the way Bubbles did and then there wouldn't be any need for a Bubbles, he reasoned with himself, but that wasn't the case.
Chase took another pull of the weed then glanced at his watch for a second time. Another six minutes had gone by. “Bubbles!” he barked. The irritation was apparent in his tone. “Bring your big ass out here. Don't nobody give a fuck how big you are. I ain't fuckin' your rolls,” he added, with a light chuckle behind his words.
The drug had taken effect. He was used to talking to her in that manner with no regard to how it made her feel, just as he knew Bubbles was used to hearing it. He had no way of knowing the impact of his words today though and how they had penetrated the other side of the bathroom door.
Twenty-two-year-old Tamara Washington, aka Bubbles, stared at herself in the full-sized mirror. The mascara and foundation she had just applied to her face began to run and smear from the tears that began to pour out of her eyes. She felt like a fool for crying over something and someone who couldn't care less about her, let alone have any type of love for her.
If only my girls could see me now.
It was because of them she was actually there in the first place. She knew they'd be disappointed and upset if they knew she was in the bathroom falling to pieces.
They just don't understand,
thought Tamara as she shook her head with self-pity.
What they had continuously coached her through was not any easy task. Especially when it involved the man she loved. For as long as she could remember, she had a schoolgirl crush on Charles Chase and carried a torch for him. Ever since he moved right next door to her in the Carey Arms Apartments when she had lived with her grandmother, he was all she ever wanted. It was love at first sight for Tamara. Chase was actually the first person to make her feel beautiful and wanted. When her grandmother would launch her verbal assault about her weight and eating habits, it was Chase who told her how pretty she was and how God had created her the way He wanted her to be. When other kids teased her in the neighborhood and in school, it was Chase who used to come to her aid and fight them off. And when all the kids used to play hide-go-get-it, it was Chase who she always wanted to catch her and it was only Chase she would let get it. He was her first and she gave it to him whenever and however he wanted it. He was the only one who had ever made her feel special. Once he started hustling, things became different; he became different. Girls slimmer and prettier became his primary targets and she became secondary, sometimes third or fourth.
Bubbles could recall as if it were yesterday the first time he had publicly humiliated her, making her feel lower than she never thought possible. She could never forget how excited she was to see him around their housing projects apartments one day after getting off the Cheyenne High School bus. To Bubbles, she remembered Chase looking like something straight out of
magazine, as he sat on the hood of his BMW 325i, while a pretty, chocolate-toned girl leaned between his legs and some of the project guys flocked around him. Until this day, she regretted ever speaking to him. Bubbles closed her eyes and relived the traumatic incident as the degrading sound of his voice filled her ears.
“Chase, you know her?” Karmen asked in disgust. She shot Bubbles a twisted look and then looked up at Chase with a frown plastered on her face.
“What? Know her like what?” Chase looked from Bubbles back to Karmen.
“Man, you know you fuckin' Big Bubbles,” one of Chase's boys joked. The rest of his boys broke into laughter.
Bubbles stood there with tears forming in her eyes. She was sure Chase would come to her rescue and save her the way he always had.
“I know you ain't fuckin' with nothin' like that and tryin'a fuck with me too?” Karmen spat with attitude.
“Man, y'all buggin' the fuck out,” Chase barked. “I don't fuck with no fat bitches!”
His words nearly caused Bubbles to faint. She felt as if she couldn't breathe and her heart nearly stopped. She became dizzy as the crowd doubled over in laughter. With what little strength she had left in her body, she took flight. Later that evening, Chase picked her up and apologized a thousand times as they drove through Winslow Park. Bubbles forgave him, like she always did, right before he pulled over and unzipped his jeans zipper in his BMW and guided her head between his legs.
That was the first incident, but it was not the last. Now here it was, after enduring years of mental, emotional, and verbal abuse, and settling for less, Tamara Washington came to the realization that Charles Chase was no different than the others who contributed to tearing her down and trying to break her spirits. She shook her head and laughed to herself, but there was no humor in her tone. It was more a self-pitying type of laughter. She couldn't help but reflect on the damaging words that had pierced her heart and broken her down like a double-barreled shotgun two weeks prior to today when she thought she was carrying Chase's child. The words
“You're not even worthy to have my baby,”
“All the dudes you fuckin', that shit can't be mine,”
echoed inside Bubbles's mind. She took one last look at herself in the mirror. She adjusted her bra and the straps of her negligee. “You can do this,” she said aloud before she took a deep breath. Then she turned and reached for the bathroom door handle.
“Damn, what took you so long?” Chase complained as Bubbles entered the room. “And you still look the same,” he added.
Bubbles flashed half a smile and made her way over to the bed.
“Yeah, come to daddy.” Chase stroked his hardness.
Bubbles crawled onto the bed and grabbed hold of Chase's dick. She peered up at him, licked the tip of his helmet, and then wrapped her lips around it.
“Ooh yeah,” Chase cooed. He looked down at Bubbles as she swirled her tongue around the head. The two of them locked eyes as she toyed with dick. A devilish grin appeared across Bubbles's face before she took all of him into her mouth. Chase's toes curled and his ass cheeks tensed up.
“Fuck,” he moaned. Chase placed his right hand on top of Bubbles's head. “Yeah, right there.” He pushed Bubbles's head down, tossed his head back, and closed his eyes while she devoured him with her mouth.
Bubbles took another glance up at him. She knew it was just a matter of mere minutes before her oral skills forced Chase to explode. She began to attack his shaft vigorously. She deep throated him like there was no tomorrow. This always had Chase squirming. He thrust his dick into Bubbles's mouth. She knew he always did that when he was about to cum. She tightened her lips and let him roughly sex her mouth. Five seconds later, Chase had reached the point of no return, and so did Bubbles.
“Sshiit, fuck!” He twisted and turned as if he were going into convulsions. “Agh! Fuck! Yo, what the fuck? Agh! Agh!” The sharp pain he felt to the side instantly changed Chase's pleasurable moans into painful cries.
But Bubbles paid them no mind. She was in a zone. She blocked his cries out as she stabbed Chase repeatedly in the midsection with the sharp blade she had tucked in her bra. The only thing on her mind was all the pain he had caused her over the years. Chase tried to fight off the attack at first, but because of the fact that he was high and never worked out a day in his life, his five foot five, 160-pound frame was no match for Bubbles's five foot nine, 195-pound frame that went to the gym five times a week.
Bubbles was so engrossed in the deadly assault that she hadn't realized Chase had long ago stopped moving. It wasn't until she felt a hand on her shoulder that she broke out of her trance. Bubbles looked up at Chase, who lay lifeless and wide-eyed on the bed. All the blood nearly caused her to vomit, but she shook it off.
“You did good, baby girl,” the voice echoed in her ear.
Bubbles turned and looked back. She was glad to see her girls. They were standing there with admiration plastered across their faces.
“Normally, we would have had you handle this differently for business-related purposes, but he was no use to us. I made this one personal for you,” the woman who she respected the most, known as Starr, announced.
A half smile appeared on Bubbles's face. The words brought comfort to her once nervous-wreck demeanor.
“Go clean up and get dressed.”
Bubbles nodded and climbed off the bed. Ten minutes later, she exited the bathroom bloodless and clothed.
“You ready?” Starr asked, standing in the middle of the room.
Bubbles shook her head.
“Okay, place your right hand on your chest and listen carefully,” Starr instructed. The serious look plastered across her face was enough for Bubbles to know this was no joke; that what she was about to commit to there was no turning back from. She took a deep breath and did as she was told.
“I am confident, I am bold, and I am beautiful. I am big both in heart and in flesh and I am who I am because God designed me this way. I am a woman who makes no excuses for who and what I am and I refuse to let anyone pass judgment. Most importantly, I refuse to be oppressed by any living man and will stop at nothing to ensure that neither myself nor my sisters will ever be. No man shall ever or any longer degrade me, belittle me, or disrespect me, nor shall they lay a hand on me in any form or fashion with or without my consent. I am a Double G, which means I am double the trouble and I am a Gangsta Girl. I swear that if another violates or crosses me or my family, the consequences and penalties shall be severe. Double G is not a gang; it is a way of life, a life I pledge to live until I breathe my last breath!”
Bubbles stood in awe and listened attentively until Starr had ended the Double G initiation pledge. As Starr recited the pledge, Bubbles could feel herself growing stronger with each word. She knew she had made the right choice.
“Do you accept this pledge?” Starr asked.
“Yes, I do.” Bubbles nodded.
Starr grinned. “Good. Well then you're one of us now. Welcome to the family.”
Bubbles embraced her as she threw her arms around her and delivered a warming hug. The two women standing in the background behind Starr nodded in agreement as they watched the exchange.
“Double Gs for life!” Starr chanted as soon as she released Bubbles.
As if on cue, her girls followed suit. “Double Gs for life,” her two crime partners, Diamond and Felicia, sang in unison.
“Double Gs for life,” Bubbles joined them, as she was welcomed into her new family.

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