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Authors: Joseph Wheelan

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Abell, Edward
Abraham Lincoln, Fort
Adobe Walls, Northern Texas
African American soldiers
African Americans
integrate New Orleans public transportation
suffrage for
in Texas
Alcott, Louisa May
Alexander, E. Porter
Alexis, Grand Duke of Russia
Alger, Russell
Allegheny Mountains
Allen, Vanderbilt
Amelia Court House
Anderson, Richard
divisions at Sailor's Creek
leaves Shenandoah Valley
relieved of command
Apache Indians
Geronimo (Apache chief)
Appomattox Court House
Confederate brigade refuses to surrender
truce at
Appomattox River, bridges burned
Appomattox Station
Arapahoe Indians
Arkansas Corps
Army, United States, modernization
Army and Navy Journal
Army Corps of Engineers
Army of Northern Virginia
at Appomattox
on eve of surrender
march to Appomattox
officers urge surrender
in retreat
shortage of horses
targeted by Grant
Army of the Cumberland
at Chattanooga, Tennessee
Rosecrans relieved of command
at Stones River, Tennessee
Army of the Gulf
Army of the James
Army of the Ohio, leadership problems
Army of the Potomac
Cavalry Corps, Union.
Cavalry Corps, Union
crosses the James River
Grand Review of the Armies
march to Richmond
at Spotsylvania
troops sent to Army of the Shenandoah
Army of the Shenandoah (Union)
assault at Winchester planned
Battle at Tom's Brook (“Woodstock Races”)
as elite
as “Harper's Weekly,”
integration of cavalry and infantry in
march to Petersburg
Army of the Tennessee
Army of the Valley (Shenandoah)
characteristics, of troops
number of troops
outside Washington, D.C.
after Third Battle of Winchester
Army of the West
Arthur, Chester
Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Virginia
Asboth, Alexander
Asche, Morris
Ashby's Gap
Associated Press
Atlanta, fall of
Audubon Society
Augur, Christopher
Averell, William
Avery, Captain
Ayres, Romeyn
B&O Railroad
Babcock, Orville
Bad Hand (Ranald Mackenzie).
see also
Mackenzie, Ranald

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