Terrible Swift Sword (77 page)

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Authors: Joseph Wheelan

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Loudon County, Shenandoah Valley
African Americans murdered, in New Orleans
under martial law
presidential election, contested
Sheridan sent on political mission
constitutional convention
rejects Fourteenth Amendment
Louisiana Levee Board
Ludlow, William, Sheridan champions
Luray Valley
Lynchburg, Virginia,
battle at
importance of
Lyon, Fort, Colorado Territory
Lytle, William
MacArthur, Arthur, Jr.
Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell
Mackenzie, Ranald
4th Cavalry
life and career
mental illness
Northern Plains campaign
rheumatism, due to war injuries
Southern Plains campaign
Magazine gun
Maguey plant
Mahan, Dennis Hart
“Elementary Treatise on Advanced-Guard, Out-Post, and Detachment Service of Troops, and the Manner of Posting and Handling Them in the Presence of the Enemy,”
Mahone, William
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone
National Hotel
Manassas, First Battle of
Manassas Gap
Manifest Destiny
Manypenny, George
Marias River, Montana
Marine Band
Martial law, and Reconstruction
Mary Martin
Mason, R.B.
Massanutten Mountain
Masterson, Bat
Maximilian, Ferdinand, Emperor of Mexico
Mayer, Frank
McClellan, George
McCook, Alexander
McKinley, William
McKinstry, Justus
McLean, Wilmer, house
furniture purchased, by Union officers
McMaster, Charles
McMillan, James
McPherson, James
“From Limited War to Total War in America,”
Meade, George
nominated for commander of Middle Military Division
orders march on Amelia Court House
and Sheridan's insubordination
strategy, at Dinwiddie Court House
Mechanics Institute, New Orleans
Medicine Lodge Treaty
Medill, Joseph
Meehagh, Mary (Philip Sheridan's mother).
Sheridan, Mary Meehagh (Philip's mother)
Meigs, John
Meigs, Montgomery
Memphis, Tennessee, African Americans, murdered
Merritt, Wesley
burns Loudon County
cavalry division
at Dinwiddie Court House
division sent to destroy Virginia Central Railroad
division sent to San Antonio, Texas
leads Cavalry Corps in Grand Review
march to Petersburg
negotiates formal surrender
as pallbearer
promoted to brevet major general
on total war
Mexican border, violated
Mexican insurgents, arms supplied by Sheridan
Mexican militia
Mexican War
border towns
as Confederate ally
ex-Confederate population
France in
Native Americans in
presidential election
Middle Military Division, Union Army
Sheridan appointed commander
Miles, Nelson
Military Division of the Missouri, headquarters, moved
Military Division of the Southwest
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
Miller, Silas
Military Division of the Gulf
Mine exploded, at Petersburg
Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga
Mississippi River
history of total war
Jefferson Barracks
Monahsetah (Cheyenne woman)
Monroe, Fort, Artillery School
Monroe, John
Monroe Doctrine
Sheridan inspects
Mosby, John “the Gray Ghost,”
letter to Sheridan
seeks vengeance for executions
Mosby's Confederacy
Mosby's Rangers
command, divided
home county, burned
Mount Rushmore
Mount Sheridan, Yellowstone
Mountain Chief (Blackfeet)
Mule pack trains
My Life on the Plains
Nagler, Jörg and Stig Förster,
On the Road to Total War
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon III
Narrative of Military Service, A
Nashville, Tennessee, as Union base
Nation, The
National Hotel, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone
National Park Service
National Rifle Association
National Road
National Union Party
Native Americans.
see also
under individual tribes
buffalo hunting culture
chiefs, taken hostage
Dog Soldiers
hold settlers hostage
hunting and roaming restricted
living in Canada
living in Mexico
Peace Policy
as prisoners
raid settlements
rape, of settlers
total war on
Trail of Tears
treaties with
undersupervised, by undermanned military
winter camp raided
women, forced to help soldiers
Navajo Indians, winter camp raided
Nelson, William “Bull,” killed by Jefferson C. Davis
New Mexico, Navajo Indians
New Orleans Bee
New Orleans, Louisiana
under martial law
public transportation, integrated
Sheridan sent on political mission
New Orleans Riot
African Americans murdered
Congressional Select Committee report
New Orleans Times
New York Herald
New York Semi-Weekly Tribune
New York Times
New York World
Newhall, Frederick
Nez Perce Indians
19th Kansas Cavalry, missing
Nonquitt, Massachusetts
Northern Pacific Railroad
Northern Plains campaign
Indians surrender
and migration of whites
7th Cavalry
White House meeting
winter weather
Offensive warfare
cardinal rules
Office of the Dead
Ohio, Sheridan family in
O'Keefe, Joseph
Oklahoma, Indian raids
Old Faithful (geyser)
O'Leary, Patrick
On the Road to Total War
(Förster and Nagler)
“On Wisconsin!,”
Ord, Edward O. C.
at Appomattox Court House
commands Department of the Platte
114th New York Infantry
122nd Ohio Infantry
Oregon Territory
Ortega, Jesus Gonzalez
Osage Indians
Overland Campaign
Palo Duro Canyon, Texas
Pamunkey River
Panic of 1873
Paris Commune
Parker, Quanah
Parsons, Edwin
Patton, George S.
Pea Ridge, Battle of
Pea Ridge Brigade
Peace conference, off Hampton Roads
Peace Policy, for Native Americans
Pease, E. M.
Pegram, John
Pendleton, William
Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883
Peninsula Campaign
Perryville, Battle of
Personal Memoirs
Personal Memoirs
(Philip H. Sheridan)
Personal Memoirs,
revised (Philip H. and Michael Sheridan)
Petersburg, march to
condition of roads
Custer at
inappropriate music played
rain, and condition of roads
Petersburg, Union troops enter
Petersburg, Virginia
Confederate Army retreats
mine exploded
rain, and condition of roads
under siege
surprise attack
Phil Sheridan and His Army
Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Mint, casts marksmanship medals
Pickett, George
defense of Petersburg
at Dinwiddie Court House
at Five Forks
at Petersburg
Pickett's Charge
relieved of command
Piedras Negras, Mexico
Piegan Blackfeet
Pig Foots (boy gang)
Pillow, Fort
Pio Pio Mox Mox (Indian chief)
Plains Indians
dispute, with cattlemen
ethnological study
form war party
moved to reservations
wars, as preventable
Pleasonton, Alfred
Polk, Leonidas
Ponies, shot
Pope, John
Porter, Horace
Potato famine, Ireland
Potomac River
Poverty, of Confederates
emergency rations sent
Powder River
Powell, William
division at Battle of Cedar Creek
division sent to destroy Virginia Central Railroad
Presidential election, contested
Presidential election, Mexico
Prisoners of war
intelligence from
released, in reward for cooperation
taken at Five Forks
taken at Sailor's Creek
Prisoners of war, Confederate
guerrilla fighters
Prisoners of war, Union
Franco-Prussian War
Pullman, George
Pullman, Mrs. George
Railroad workers, strike
Ramseur, Stephen Dodson
fatally wounded and captured
Rape, of settlers by Indians
Rapidan River
Rappahannock River
Rawlins, John
Read, Theodore
Read, Thomas Buchanan, “Sheridan's Ride” (poem)
Reading, Fort, California
Rebel Yell
and martial law
Reconstruction Congress
Army and Tenure of Office Acts
Reconstruction Act Number
Select Committee on New Orleans Riot
Red Cloud Agency
Red Cloud (Sioux chief)
Regimental bands
Reno, Marcus
Repeating carbines
Reynolds, J. J., Arkansas Corps
Reynolds, Joseph
defense of
Union cavalry arrives in
Union troops enter
Richmond Railroad
Richmond Whig
Rienzi (horse)
Rio Grande Valley
River Queen
Roberts, George
“Rock of Ages” (hymn)
Rodes, Robert
Roman Nose (Indian)
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rosebud, Battle of the (Northern Plains campaign)
Rosecrans, William
at the Battle of Chickamauga
commands Division of the Missouri
commends Sheridan
and Edwin Stanton
plans new supply line
relieved of command
religiosity of
replaces Buell
Rosser, Thomas
at Appomattox
at Battle of Cedar Creek
defense of Petersburg
on Jubal Early
plans attack on B & O Railroad
Round Top Mountain
Rousseau, Lovell Harrison
Rucker, Daniel H.
Rucker, Irene (later Sheridan)
Saber companies
Sacramento, California
Sailor's Creek
Saint Mary's Female Academy
San Antonio, Texas
Sand Creek massacre, Cheyenne village
Sandoz, Mari,
Buffalo Hunters: The Story of the Hide Men
Santa Fe Trail
Satanta (Kiowa chief)
Schaefer, Frederick
School of Application for Cavalry and Infantry, Fort Leavenworth
Schurz, Carl
“Science of War” seminar, West Point
Scott, Sir Walter, Waverly novels
Scott, Winfield
Scouts of the Prairie
2nd Iowa Cavalry
2nd Michigan Cavalry
Sedgwick, John
Senate Committee on Territories
Settlers, held hostage
Settlers, population increases
7th Cavalry
in the Black Hills

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