Tessa's Redemption (6 page)

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Authors: Josie Dennis

BOOK: Tessa's Redemption
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Chapter 6

Tessa and Alex followed Angel out of the parlor. It was a pleasure for her to watch him climb the steps in front of her, the taut cheeks of his buttocks clenching with the motion. His clothes might not be as fine as Alex’s, but they certainly did his physique justice. Alex was close behind her on the stairs, and she could feel the heat of him at her back. His smell was evident as well, sharp and spiced. She’d taken note of Angel’s scent along with his taste in the carriage, and his was a bit different. More like soap than spice but also quite pleasant. Her treacherous body began to tremble again as she envisioned once more having both men make love to her.

“You are shaking, love,” Alex whispered in her ear as they reached the top of the stairs. “Are you still vexed with me and your sainted Angel?”

She shook her head, keeping her attention focused on putting one foot in front of the other until she and Alex stood in front of the open doorway to their rooms. Angel was inside already, a fierce look of determination on his face. Answering heat pooled in her belly.

Alex’s low laughter sent her pulse racing. “Give me but a minute, and I shall have you thinking of nothing but passion.”

She slid him a glance out of the corner of her eye. He was so seductive, so sensual. His sly smile, his dark eyes. He was all hers, at least until he grew tired of her. He and Angel both. Angel with his intensity and smoldering looks. His fine form and impressive cock. Setting aside her irritation over their disagreement, tonight would be very easy indeed.

“Come, Tessa,” Angel said, taking her hand. He all but dragged her through the sitting area into the bedchamber. “I have waited long enough for a taste of you.”

At his words, her pussy clenched. The thought of Angel’s beautiful face between her thighs, his full lips and artful tongue stroking her, caused her to flush hot. Again, Alex’s laughter reached her.

“I do not blame you, Angel,” he said. “Tessa’s taste is something I can only describe as delectable.”

She looked between the two of them, biting her tongue until she let out a sigh. “Oh, I can scarcely wait,” she admitted.

They each tore at their own clothing, soon blessedly naked on each side of her. She drank her fill of them both. Their builds were slightly different. Alex was more broad of shoulder while Angel was more lean.

She ran her hands over Alex’s impressive shoulders and chest. His chest hairs tickled her palms, and she gently scraped her nails over him. He pulled her to him and began to work her dress off her shoulders.

“Can you see how hard I am for you, Tessa?” he asked, his mouth hot and moist on her neck. He pressed against her belly, rock hard. “Can you feel it? My cock is full and aching.”

“Yes,” she breathed. She glanced down as she stepped out of her dress, seeing his proud shaft straining toward her. “Oh, yes.”

Angel reached around and removed her stays and corset, his hands cupping her bare breasts in clear possession. “What of my cock, Tessa?” he rasped. “Look how much it wants to be buried inside you tonight.”

She turned her head to stare at his remarkable cock. It was long and thick, throbbing with lust. For her. She stroked his flat, ridged belly to graze the tender skin just below his navel. He sucked in a breath as she scored his shaft with her nails. “Oh, yes,” she softly agreed.

Alex knelt before her and removed her stockings, following his fingers with his mouth to kiss and tickle her until she lost her footing and tumbled onto the bed. She giggled as he kissed the arches of her feet, groaning as he slowly licked his way up her leg.

“I can smell you, love,” he said. “Mmm, you want us.”

Little wonder, that. She was thoroughly wet now, her clit pulsing with every word they uttered.

Angel sat beside her. His hands were in her hair now, unpinning the mass to tumble down around her shoulders. “I’ve dreamed of touching your hair.” He buried his face in her hair. “Christ, you smell good.”

They began to stroke her breasts, each nuzzling her flesh and tweaking her nipples. Their mouths closed over the buds and began to suckle. For two men so argumentative, they were astonishingly in accord at passion play.

Her body thrummed with bursts of fire as they each began to stroke her pussy. Two thumbs, fingers too numerous to count, playing her skillfully like a pianoforte. It was nearly too much, and she sobbed her frustration, squeezing her eyes shut as lights flashed behind her lids.

“Lord, you are amazing,” Angel murmured, his breath fanning over the wet nipple between his teeth.

“Sermons, Angel.” Alex growled, lifting his mouth from her other breast. “Do you wish to find true enlightenment? Bury your face in Tessa’s pussy.”

“Alex!” she cried, her eyes flying open.

Angel stiffened then quickly spread her legs wide. He shifted and settled his mouth on her, groaning as he began to lick and suck at her. It was far different from Alex’s schooled seduction, a bit clumsy and tentative, but pleasurable. And vexing.

“There, Angel,” she sighed, falling back on her elbows. “A bit to your left.”

Alex laughed out loud. “Darling Tessa.” He stroked her nipples as he chuckled, the pads of his thumbs circling delightfully. “She might be quiet most of the time, Angel, but she is not too bashful to say what she likes in the bedchamber.”

She felt her cheeks heat but set aside any embarrassment. Angel seemed to catch on to the matter, for she was soon cresting toward pleasure. She arched sharply. She was so close. So tantalizingly close.

“Stop!” Alex said, grabbing Angel’s shoulder and jerking him from her. “Not yet.”

“Damn it, Alex,” Angel began.

He was panting, and when she opened her eyes she saw his cock weeping that first salty drop from its head.

“We shall both take her tonight,” Alex said.

She blinked up at him. “Surely you do not mean…No!”

Alex eased her to a sitting position, his eyes twinkling. “What, love? What don’t I mean?”

She could not say it. Alex had taken her in her bottom before, and it had been both startling and delightful. Surely he cannot mean to let Angel take her pussy while he did

“I daresay I would love to know what you’re thinking, Tessa.” Alex grinned.

“I cannot say it,” she told him.

He shrugged. “No matter. I promise you there will be time to do everything you can envision.” He winked. “And several things you cannot.”

Her mouth gaped as she pondered the possibilities.

“Make yourself clear to
, then,” Angel demanded. His fists were clenched and his body was as rigid as his cock. “I was about to bring her to climax, I am sure of it!”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that,” Alex said. “I merely thought you might like to find your pleasure at the same time.”

Angel and she looked at each other in confusion until Alex pulled her to stand beside the bed.

“Lie on your back, Angel. Across the bed.”

Enlightenment was clear in Angel’s eyes, and he eagerly did as Alex bade. His cock was massive from this angle, and she suddenly longed to impale her aching pussy on it. To take it high inside her. Lord, could she even manage to take all of it? She wished to find out. She wanted to experience everything with them before this ended.

“Straddle him, Tessa,” Alex said.

She climbed back on the bed and moved her leg over Angel’s waist. His cock grazed her bottom and she gave a shiver. Alex suddenly gripped her hips.

“No, love. His face.”

She stilled then nodded. “And suck his cock?”

Alex laughed again. “That’s my girl.”

girl,” Angel corrected. His voice was rough with wanting. “

“All right,” Alex grumbled. “

She placed her knees on either side of Angel’s head and gasped as he flicked his tongue over her clit. “Oh!”

Arching, she rubbed against his mouth and lowered herself toward his cock. Her breasts stroked over his hair-roughened chest as she moved above him. It was amazing, his mouth working on her pussy as his cock begged for her attention. She and Alex had done this before, and she knew her and Angel’s climaxes would be incredible.

When Alex’s hands began to knead her buttocks, she felt her passion rise higher. Angel gripped her thighs and held her still as he made up for any restraint he’d been practicing earlier. His mouth was relentless, so she returned his tender assault in full measure. She licked and nibbled him, tracing the ridge around the head.

“Yes,” she murmured, her mouth filled with his cock. “Yes, Angel…”

Sweat coated their bodies as the passion between them climbed. Angel’s smell was sharper now, their bodies sliding deliciously against each other’s.

The bed dipped as Alex apparently joined them. She lifted her head to question him, closing her mouth with a snap when she felt his finger slipped into her bottom. He must have used the balm she’d recalled from the earlier time he’d taken her ass, for now he easily filled her with two more fingers. The pressure was incredible, and she tried to shift both away and toward him.

“Hold her, Angel,” Alex said, his voice low. “Take her closer.”

Angel followed Alex’s command, his hands tight despite his slippery hold. He licked her, twirling his tongue around her clit and stabbing deep inside her. She sucked hard on Angel’s shaft as Alex placed the head of his cock between her buttocks. Easing inside of her, he let out a shout as he seated himself fully.

She was so full of him, so close to release from Angel’s ministrations, that she screamed. Angel began to come, and she fastened her mouth over the broad cockhead, drinking his unique essence. He groaned beneath her, and she answered him in kind. He continued to lick her as Alex moved in and out of her bottom. She needed something more, though. Something to ease the ache spreading outward from her pussy.

“Put your fingers in me, Angel.” She gasped.

He stilled then did as she asked. It was just the touch she needed, and she screamed again as her climax took her. She faintly registered Alex’s shout of release as he shook from behind her.

Alex withdrew from her with a grunt then smacked her bottom playfully. “That was unbelievable,” he breathed.

She managed a nod of agreement, her heart racing and her body shaking. She was damp and replete and oh so satisfied.

“Christ,” Angel moaned, using what she guessed was his favorite epithet. He would have made an interesting vicar, that was certain.

He shifted as she climbed off of him. “Your taste, Tessa. God, your mouth.”

Alex slumped on the bed, that knowing grin on his face. She fell beside him as Angel slowly sat up. “Oh, Alex.”

“Was my lady pleased?” he asked.

Angel let out a lusty yawn and settled on her other side. “
lady,” he corrected.

“Do not argue now, pray,” she said, closing her eyes. If they continued to stare each other down, she paid it no mind, nor any attention.

“Tessa,” Alex began.

She held up one hand. “No, Alex. Maintain your prickly association if you desire. I, however, am content to ignore it at present.”

The two men fell silent. In surprise or obedience, she cared not. She chose instead to give herself over to the boneless sensation of being completely and utterly sated.

* * * *


Alex cradled Tessa in his arms, feeling the fine sheen of perspiration that coated her silken skin. She began to slumber, he knew. He could always tell when she drifted off to sleep. It was little wonder that she was worn out after tonight’s encounter.

She’d sucked Angel’s cock deep down her throat, a feat to be sure. She’d rubbed her sweet pussy all over Angel’s pretty face as the man had clumsily eaten her. Their girl was so responsive her orgasm was probably more due to her innate sensuality than Angel’s clumsy manipulations. He grinned in the dark. Her sensuality and his cock buried deep in her tight ass.

“I hadn’t expected that,” Angel said in a low voice.

“What precisely do you mean?” Alex asked in return.

“That you would…You took her in her bottom,” he whispered.

“And it was delightful. If you weren’t so bloody big I would have suggested you do that.”

He sensed Angel shift on Tessa’s other side. “Truly?”

The man’s voice held a note of cautious hope, and Alex was briefly seized with a desire to crush it. He listened for Tessa’s steady breathing, assuring himself that she slept now before he spoke. “We have an agreement, Angel.”

Silence met his words. Angel said nothing more, and Alex was not going to broach the subject of Tessa’s odd behavior in the dining room. She’d been vexed, something he’d never seen. Even when Angel had set her from him, the fool, she’d been hurt rather than angry. Alex, however, had been outraged. And astonished by the incredible stroke of luck that had brought her back to him.

Now it seemed Tessa was becoming the woman he always suspected was inside. Beneath the docile exterior beat the heart of a goddess. She held a power over the two men in her life, though she didn’t quite accept it yet. He couldn’t be certain of Angel’s feelings, but for his part he relished the notion of his Tessa coming into her own.

She was more than a sexual plaything, though she didn’t see that yet. She was everything to him. And, he suspected, to Angel. Damn his hide. With every encounter the three of them shared, Alex felt the rightness of what had started as a desperate measure to keep Tessa to him. Now? Now, unbelievably, he felt pleasure when Angel took Tessa.

If she finally let herself go, the three of them could have the passion they’d just shared forever.

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