Tessa's Temptation (4 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Tessa's Temptation
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Chapter Five


When Tess stepped out onto the patio she hardly recognized the place. Chase was throwing his annual company picnic and the people he hired had transformed the back yard into a major function. He said it was going to be a small event, but there had to be at least seventy people there. Employees, their spouses and kids were all enjoying the huge spread, the music and booze. There were at least three bars set up with men behind them serving drinks. Each food station had a server and there were people walking around cleaning up after everyone. She’d never seen anything like this before. People really lived like this?

“There you are.” Chase put his hands on her shoulders as he stepped onto the patio to greet her. “I began to think you weren’t coming down.”

“I couldn’t decide what to wear.” She’d finally settled on a pale pink sundress and her favorite blonde western boots, but after seeing the way some of the other women were dressed she felt awkward. Some had on pretty dresses and designer heels while others wore pants and sparkly tops. “Maybe I should change.”

“Don’t you dare. You look lovely.” He smiled as he settled his hand on the small of her back and guided her out to the lawn. “Come sit over here. You remember Audra?”

“Of course.” She smiled sweetly at the woman.
The ice queen.

“Chase,” the attorney rose from her chair. “Where did you disappear to?”

“I just went to grab Tessa.” He removed his hand from her back when he noticed the whole table of his colleagues staring at him. “She’s staying with me while her father recovers from an accident,” he explained to them.

“How is your dad doing?” Audra asked. “Does he like the new place Chase managed to get him into?”

“He really likes it,” Tess said.

“The waiting list was a mile long.” Audra stared at Chase. “The hoops we had to jump through to get—”

“It wasn’t that big of a deal,” Chase stopped her. “Everything is all set now.”

“Whatever you had to do,” Tess said, “is very appreciated.”

“I know.” He nodded. “Why don’t you get something to eat? I could go over to the buffet with you if you’d like.”

She liked the consideration he was showing her. She wouldn’t have expected him to be so attentive in front of his employees. The stares and whispers as people looked her over were a bit unnerving, but she didn’t intend to let these rich people intimidate her. Chase wanted her there and that was all that mattered to her.

“Hi,” a tall, attractive guy said as he came up behind Chase. He looked to be in his early twenties, clean cut and cute.

“Tanner,” Chase
said. “This is Tessa Burke. Tessa, this is my intern Tanner Peters.”

“Cool.” Tess extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You want to get a drink?” Tanner asked as he shook her hand. “There’s some empty tables by the bar area.”

“Umm, well, I guess I could get a soda.” She looked at Chase who couldn’t stop glaring at Tanner. The intern hadn’t wasted any time.
This could be good.

“I was just going to take Tessa over to get something to eat,” Chase
told him. “Why don’t you get her a drink?”

“Chase,” Audra
said. “John McCormick just arrived. I think you should talk to him about that land you wanted to purchase before he has one too many. Remember what happened at the charity function last week?”

“Yeah, I think he passed out in the bathroom.” Chase looked at Tess. “Would you mind if I spoke with an associate for a few minutes? I want to catch him before he overindulges.”

“It’s fine,” Tess said, still feeling special that he was paying so much thoughtfulness to her. “I’m not here to intrude.”

“She’s a big girl,” Audra chimed in. “Tanner will take good care of her.”

Who asked you?

“I don’t mind, Chase.” Tanner motioned for Tess to come with him. “We can grab a bite to eat and get to know one another.” He reached over and touched her arm. “You’re the only person here close to my age.”

“See.” Audra took Chase’s hand, igniting some kind of fire within Tess. “Tanner’s got this.”

“I won’t be long,” Chase said. “Make sure you eat.”

“I will.” She watched as Audra pulled him across the lawn to a group of men. “What’s with her?” Tess asked as Tanner led her to the bar on the other side of the pool.


“Yeah, she seems like she’s leading Chase around by the nose or something. What’s up with that?” Tess had a feeling there was something going on between them but she wasn’t sure what.

“I guess they could be together.” Tanner pointed to a high top table by the pool. “Want to sit here?”

“Sure.” She focused on Chase and Audra as they spoke to the client. Audra was smiling and stealing glances at Chase.
Seriously? Could she be more obvious?

Tanner pulled out the chair for her.

“So, you think they’re seeing one another?” Tess asked.

“I’m just an intern,” he said. “I don’t get involved in all of that. I just graduated college in the spring. Chase is friends with my cousin and he gave me a shot at his firm. He keeps me busy.”

“You want to be an architect?”

“That’s what my degree is in. I jumped at the opportunity to work with him. Chase is teaching me so much. More than I ever learned in school. He’s amazing. He really knows his stuff.”

“Hmm...” She continued to stare at Chase, jealousy building inside her with each breath. “He is pretty amazing.”

“What’s the deal with the two of you?” Tanner asked. “How come you live here?”

“He’s friends with my dad and is helping us out while my dad recovers from an injury.”

“He’s such a loyal guy, isn’t he? He’s helping me because of my cousin and you because of your dad. He’s like his own charitable organization. Always helping people.”

“I’m not a charity case,” Tess said. “I don’t have to be here.” That wasn’t entirely true since she had no place else to go, but she would have figured it out if Chase hadn’t ridden in on his white horse to save the day. She and her dad were built to survive.

“I’m sorry.” He sat next to her. “I didn’t mean anything by that. I just meant he’s a really great guy.”

“He is.” Her head snapped in the direction of Audra as she cackled from across the pool. Every time Tess looked at them Audra had managed to inch closer to Chase. It made her wonder just how friendly these two were.

“Can I get you a drink?”

“In a bit.” Tess reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “First you need to tell me all about you.” It was time to step up her game. Chase Carlisle would notice her tonight. One way or the other. She smiled as she gazed into Tanner’s big brown puppy dog eyes. “Don’t leave out a single detail.”




“Well, that took much longer than anticipated,” Chase said as they moved away from the man. “Did you have to keep asking McCormick questions?”

“You want the land, don’t you?” Audra asked. “That was me helping you get it.”

“We don’t know that we have it yet.” Chase looked around the yard, searching for Tessa.

“I’ll work my contract magic on Monday,” Audra assured him. “You’ll get what you want. You always do.” She took his hand in hers. “Want to get a beer and sit by the stream?”

“Audra?” He let go of her hand. “What’s up?” She’d been awfully affectionate this afternoon.

“What?” She shrugged. “We’ve never had a problem with casual before.”

“Yeah, we have.” Chase reminded her. “When it didn’t work out between us and you ended up leaving the firm, remember? You needed an extended vacation. When you came back we agreed.”

“That was a few months ago,” she said. “I think we need to revisit the terms of our relationship.”

“You’re my attorney and my friend. I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Chase, I’m a little worried for you.” She took his hand again. “I didn’t want to say anything but I can’t keep quiet anymore.”

“What’s the problem?” What was she up to?

“You haven’t been yourself ever since that girl came to live with you. I think she might be a distraction.”

“Tessa isn’t a distraction.”
I’m such a liar.

“You’re not interested in her?”

“Of course not.” He tried to sound convincing. “She’s a guest in my home. The daughter of a good friend of mine.”

“Then why do you look at her like you want to ravish her?”

“Don’t be absurd.”

“I’m serious. I saw it that night when I stopped by and again when she went off with Tanner.” Audra turned to face him. “Whatever you’re thinking when it comes to her, it’s not a good idea. She’s young and impressionable. You’re too experienced for her. She can’t handle you. I know what you’re capable of.”

He hated that he had ever gotten involved with her. Things were working in the beginning when they were having fun. The sex was good, but he soon realized that was all there was between them. They weren’t compatible in any other aspect of their lives. She was looking to replace her ex-boyfriend and he wasn’t willing to settle.

“I thought we decided to put our past behind us when you came back to work for me.” He hoped she wasn’t going to make him regret it. “I don’t want to talk about Tessa with you. Can you please respect that?”

“Absolutely,” Audra said. “But you’re not seeing one another?”

“No, we’re not.”

“Good because it looks like your young Tanner has your young Tessa quite buttoned up.” She laughed as she looked over his shoulder. “Wouldn’t it be great to be twenty and not have a care in the world again?”


“Look.” She pointed across the pool. “They’re really hitting it off.”

Chase turned around to find Tessa practically sitting in Tanner’s lap as he dipped a strawberry into a bowl of chocolate and fed it to her.

Oh, fuck no
“What the hell is he doing?” Chase took a deep breath because beating the shit out of Tanner wasn’t an option. At least not in public.

“Making his move,” Audra said. “Can you blame him? He’s young and horny and she’s hot and willing. Perfect match if you ask me. You sure you don’t want to get that beer now?”

“No.” He headed toward Tessa and Tanner. With each step he increased his stride. He couldn’t get to her fast enough.

“What are you doing?” Audra followed him.

“Putting a stop to whatever that is.”

“You can’t do that.” She reached for his arm but he pulled away.

“Watch me.” He took the last few steps to them and looked pointedly at Tessa. “Having fun?”

“Chase.” Tessa shot him a slow seductive smile. The kind that usually sent his libido into overdrive. Those soft, glistening lips made him lose all sense of reasoning. “I was wondering when you’d be back. You’re missing all the fun.”

“He was working,” Audra said. “He does that a lot.”

“That’s why he’s so successful.” Tessa turned and smiled at Tanner. “You were right, Audra, Tanner took really good care of me.”

“I see.” Chase’s voice came out on a growl as he gritted his teeth.

“Tess is so funny,” Tanner said. “Her laugh is infectious.”

It’s Tessa, and her laugh belongs to me.

“You do a good job of making me laugh.” She retrieved her napkin from her lap and wiped her mouth. “And feeding me. I’m stuffed. I told you I didn’t need the strawberries.” She looked up at Chase. “Tanner insisted I try them. They were delicious.”

“Really?” Chase tried to control the urge to throttle his misguided intern.

“She’s never had chocolate covered strawberries before.” Tanner couldn’t stop looking at her. “I made her try them.”

“I’m quite certain she’s fed herself before,” Chase said. “I don’t think you needed to do that.”

“He was just being polite,” Tessa said. “Sharing his strawberries.”

“Is that all?” Chase stared Tanner down.

“How did the talk go with McCormick?” Tanner moved his chair slightly away from Tessa.

That’s better.

“It went well,” Audra said. “Chase had him sold on the deal before he could finish his first drink.”

Chase couldn’t stop staring at Tessa. It was as if they were the only two there. He no longer heard the din of his guests, the music, the movement around him, and she hadn’t looked away from him since he’d interrupted her little flirting act with Tanner. What was she trying to do? Obviously she had no idea the rage she had let loose or else she wouldn’t be playing such a dangerous game.

“Chase?” Audra interrupted his thoughts. “Why don’t you tell Tanner about the deal?”

“There is no deal yet,” he reminded her. How could he be expected to concentrate on anything other than the redheaded vixen who had not only invaded his home but his every waking thought?

“There will be on Monday morning,” Audra assured him.

“I think I’ll let you guys talk.” Tessa slipped off the high stool, revealing her long, booted legs that had been hidden beneath the table.

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