Testers (3 page)

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Authors: Paul Enock

BOOK: Testers
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Nita was now trapped between the approaching Rosa and the other two on the rug. Rosa’s eyes were hungry and she was breathing heavily as she hobbled inextricably towards Nita. Nita tried to make a dash past Claire and Laura, but her vibrator started and her legs buckled under her. Claire had not moved but Laura was crawling closer. Nita had somehow got tangled up in the bodies as Rosa dropped over Nita and their belts touched, making a loud buzzing sound as the two vibrators acted on the surfaces of each other belt. Laura was trembling as she finally crawled up to Claire and fell against her soft body. All four belts were now working at maximum; the rear phalli were moving rapidly; wobbling in their off-centre trajectories while the phalli themselves spun freely on their bearings, thus imparting an uncontrollable quivering to all four pairs of arse cheeks. But it was the front phalli which were devastating. They were now snaking around inside each woman, moving against their inner surfaces as the vibrators buzzed like angry bees hard against each clitoris. Rosa crawled across Nita, crushing Nita beneath her and pressing her breasts against Nita’s face as she fell on Claire, taking a long nipple in her mouth and sucking hard. Claire screamed as Laura finally latched onto the other one.


The girls soon became one climactic, writhing mass as their belts drove them on to ecstasy and beyond. Nita and Claire were both trembling and had their eyes closed, whilst Rosa and Laura thrashed about on top of them, their mouths locked in a passionate kiss. Eventually, Laura pulled herself slowly away from the mass and flopped on a settee, out of range of the other belts. Then Claire and finally Rosa both moved away in opposite directions to find settees of their own, leaving Nita lying exhausted on the rug. None of the girls could leave the room; they had no idea whether the doors were locked because they had no way of turning the door knobs.


It was now late afternoon and the girls fell into an exhausted sleep. At seven o’clock, Claire stirred as her belt slowly started moving. She looked across the room and Laura was staggering along beside the window in a sleepy daze with Rosa teetering after her. “Please Rosa,” came the soft Edinburgh accent, “I canna take any more,” but Rosa didn’t seem to hear and trapped Laura in the corner of the room; as they came together they both collapsed in a writhing heap on the floor, flapping about like landed fish with their arms locked behind their backs and their arse cheeks jiggling like jellies on a spin dryer..


Claire, however, was still aware that her belt was moving even though Rosa and Laura were way over the other side of the room; then she looked up to see Nita wiggling on her belly over the head end of the long settee, each conical breast popping out provocatively as she slid across the arm.


“Can I come closer?” asked Nita shyly.


“Yes,” came the hoarse whisper from Claire and Nita wiggled nearer, paused as their mouths aligned, and then touched her lips to Claire’s, their tongue entwining and their hips slowly undulating as the phalli moved within them. Then Nita moved her head away, stared into Claire’s eyes for a long moment, and then wriggled on down the settee, her breathing getting shallower as their belts got closer. Just as Nita’s nipple aligned with Claire’s lips and she parted them to lick the hard pointed nub, Nita's head fell upon Claire’s breast and sucked one of Claire’s long teats deep into her mouth. And then their vibrators started again.



It was eight thirty when Sarah entered the sitting room. Rosa and Laura were at opposite ends of the room, Rosa sleeping fitfully and Laura curled up against a chair. Claire and Nita were lying on the rug in front of the fire head to head, their hips slowly gyrating. Sarah turned their belts off and told each of them to return to their dressing rooms where they would be processed.


Claire waited patiently as Mike unbuckled the straps from her arms. “What did you think of that?” asked Mike as he unlocked her belt, the phalli sliding smoothly from her as she leant against the table and quivered’


“My God, I’ve never been so turned on in my life before. There was always some-one wanting more and that some-one switched on other people just by approaching them. If only life could be that simple everywhere.”


Claire redressed in her own clothes, a woollen sweater and a pair of jeans, and made her way to the dining room for her evening meal. Every-one was there - the four girls, Sarah, Mike, and the technicians - talking and eating as if this was an ordinary day. Claire couldn’t help but glance at Nita’s breasts, firm and smooth with hard pointed nipples concealed behind a check shirt, and Laura’s, soft and delicate hidden by a woollen cardigan, and Rosa’s, full with their large dark areolas and nipples behind her colourful cotton dress. Were the others thinking thoughts like this? Were they just pretending to be apathetic, aloof? Then she looked hard at their faces; Nita stole a furtive glance her way, Laura seemed unnaturally preoccupied with her cutlery, turning the fork over and over and avoiding eye contact with anyone, and Rosa just stared at the technicians with a haughty look, defying them to make some sort of comment. The technicians themselves, those faceless engineers to whom they hadn’t even been properly introduced, were totally professional; they didn’t grin at the girls or make ‘in jokes’ at their expense even though they must have seen more of these girls’ bodies and minds than a lot of husbands see of their wives’. Sarah was stern, uncompromising, a mother hen keeping her brood in order. And there was something else as she looked at the girls, was it desire or was it more a longing? Did she want the girls or did she want to be the girls? Whatever it was, it was unsettling for Claire.


After the meal, Sarah tapped the table and made an announcement. "You've now been introduced to each other and tomorrow it will be time for you to meet the rest of the staff. It'll be an early start because I want you all assembled and ready to greet Ian when he gets here about ten thirty. So have breakfast and shower, and be ready in your changing rooms at eight."


That's nice
, thought Claire.
I'd like to meet the rest of the staff.




Ian's car pulled up outside the main entrance shortly after ten thirty and he gathered together his coat and brief cases. The doors to the main house opened automatically as he approached and his new test operatives were all lined up in the foyer ready to greet him. They weren't exactly dressed the same, but they shared a lot of similarities. For instance, they all wore leather hoods laced up the back of their heads that prevented them from seeing anything. Inside the hoods, their mouths were filled with inflatable gags that effectively prevented all vocal sound escaping and their ears were covered with noise cancelling ear-phones. The girls stood about seven feet apart in a line between the entrance door and the doorway leading into the ground floor corridor. They were all wearing thumbless mittens buckled onto their wrists, and at the tip of each mitten was a ring. Laura was attached to the wall next to the door frame by a cord that tightly encircled the base of her left breast, then went through a ring fixed to the wall, and was tied off to the ring of her left mitten. Her right mitten was tied by another cord to the left breast of the girl standing to her right, Claire. Claire's left mitten was in turn tied to Laura's right breast. As so it went on: each girl had her arms spread and her hands tied to the base of the nearest breast on either side. The girls at the ends, Laura and Rosa, had their outside arms held open wide by cords that looped through rings on the walls and were then tied off to their own outside breast. The effect was a an interlocking pattern of spread arms tied off to neighbouring breasts that kept the girls in a taut line; any tug anywhere along the line would be felt by all.


Laura was wearing a red leather corset that extended from just below her bust to the top of her hips. From its lower edge hung six thick elastic straps which supported a pair of black stockings. On her feet were black, patent court shoes with five inch heels and her ankles were kept apart by a two foot stretcher bar.


Claire's dress was different. She wore a leather harness of black straps which were buckled about her body, over her shoulders, and between her breasts. There were two straps which looped from the outside of her hips, between her legs and under her arse cheeks back to her hips again. These straps had the effect of spreading her pussy and squeezing her legs just under her arse so that her cheeks appeared much larger than they actually were and hung over the straps. Claire wore black lace hold-up stockings,  thigh length boots with five inch heels, and, of course, a two foot spreader bar.


Nita was next, her arms pulling on the breasts of Claire and Rosa. Nita wore a lace cupless 'balcony' bra with fluffy lace trim and around her waist was a lace garter belt holding up lacy stockings. She wore pretty, high heeled sandals on her feet and a thin lacy skirt about her waist. It wasn't a very long skirt; not long enough, for instance, to cover her pussy or arse cheeks. There was a stretcher bar between her ankles.


Rosa was last in the line and was wearing high rubber stockings and high heeled shoes. On her torso was a short black rubber sleeveless jacket with short rubber tubes on the chest through which Rosa's breasts were extruded. The tubes were about three inches diameter and two inches long, and at the ends of these tubes Rosa's substantial breasts spread out to form fleshy, nippled balls which wobbled like the eyes of some strange snail.


Her legs were held apart by a stretcher bar...


At the end of the line was a notice pinned to the wall. It read
Please Touch!.


As Ian entered, a cool breeze must have wafted down the line because all the girls became restless and their bodies moved in a gentle wave as their arms pulled on the girls to either side. Ian smiled at Sarah standing next to the doorway and surveyed the row of near naked women. He touched one of Laura's nipples and she jumped, pulling hard on Claire. Then he knelt and looked closely at her pussy. Laura had plump, full lips which hung down either side of her vulva, and she jumped again when Ian moved them with his finger tip. Then he let his finger slide the length of her pussy and they emerged glistening with Laura's own lubrication. "She's very wet," said Ian.


"The staff have been introducing themselves and all the girls have already had more than one climax this morning."


"Good," said Ian. We must get them in the right frame of mind for these trials as soon as possible." Ian moved on to Claire and looked at her pussy stretched wide by the belts; her clitoris was plainly visible. He took hold of one of her long nipples between his thumb and forefinger and rolled it around. Without letting go he cupped her pubis with his other hand and curled his two middle fingers into her as she squirmed. She lifted a leg to close her thighs but a couple of seconds later she let it drop and her thighs parted again. Ian let go of the nipple and grabbed a handful of arse cheek overhanging the belt around the top of her thigh and gave it a squeeze and a shake as the fingers of his other hand still curled and wriggled within her. Claire twisted and gave both Laura and Nita a forceful pull. Claire in turn got pulled back as the girls tried to recover their equilibrium.


Nita was a graceful creature with flawless skin that seemed to glow. Her nipples pointed out to Ian invitingly as her breasts nestled in the frothy lace of the balcony bra and her vulva gaped as her thighs pulled her lips open. Ian couldn't resist and knelt in front of her staring at the delicate folds. Gently, he cupped each arse cheek and drew her onto his mouth as he licked and sucked at her clitoris. Within a minute. Nita's legs started to tremble and within two she was in the throes of a full blown climax, and pulled hard on Claire and Rosa. Rosa pulled hard back with such force that Laura ended up pulling hard on her own breast at the end.


Finally, Ian looked at Rosa and was intrigued by the spherical breasts bobbing two inches in front of her chest. He looked at Sarah and she grinned.  "They're great, aren't they? The staff have been rocking them up and down all morning."


"They are certainly different," said Ian and he clasped both spheres and squeezed. Then he pushed both breasts down onto her stomach and let them go in turn; they bobbed back up and started nodding alternately. He looked at Rosa's pubis, smooth and plump, and then at her arse. In common with many girls of African extraction, Rosa's cheeks were very round and carried high. Ian patted them, and then he patted her pubis.


"This is good," said Ian. "Let the staff play with them as much as they want. Slide a vibrating dildos on a pole into Laura and leave it there until she climaxes, then move it on to the next one. Then you should alternate that with a good slapping from a leather paddle; bums, pussy and tits.  Don't give them any warning. We should get quite a few cycles in before lunch."


"You don't think you're coming on too strong too soon, do you?"


"Do you see them complaining?"


Sarah looked at the line of naked girls, each with her legs spread awaiting their next encounter and had to agree; none of them were complaining.


Ian moved on towards his office and Sarah retrieved a thick dildo mounted on the top of an adjustable rod about three foot long. Taped to the side of the rod just below the dildo was a large vibrator with a tennis ball sized head. Sarah lubricated the dildo and plugged it into a wall socket, and then knelt in front of Laura. She touched Laura's pussy, wiping her fingers along its length, and then fed the end of the dildo into her pussy and pushed it all the way up until Laura's clitoris was pressed hard onto the vibrator. Then she adjusted the length of the rod so that it sat vertically on the carpeted floor and turned the vibrator on. Laura would have screamed if she could, but instead the only sound was a muffled hum as her hips squirmed and gyrated on the dildo.


Sarah left Laura then and moved in front of Nita. In her hand was now a heavy leather paddle. She looked at a dark, shining nipple as it protruded from its smooth, coffee coloured breast nestling in the lacy folds of the balcony bra and lifted the paddle high in front of the unsuspecting Nita. There was a loud slap as the paddle struck the top surface of her breast and the breast and nipple jumped high on the rebound. Nita involuntarily pulled her arms in to her chest and the other girls were momentarily stretched between Nita and the walls; then Nita was stretched as everybody tried to regain their equilibrium and Sarah lifted the paddle to strike the other nipple.

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