Testers (8 page)

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Authors: Paul Enock

BOOK: Testers
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“Well, we didn’t find any sign of this mysterious lip stick,” he said to Claire. “You are sure about what you said you saw?”


“I am sure,” said Claire, still wearing the motivator.


“Remove that thing,” said Ian to Mike, and Claire looked at them both with total relief.


“Thank you,” she said as once again she was naked but at least in control of her own body. “I know what I saw. I don’t know for sure that the lip stick was a camera, but what else could it have been. And if it was just a lip stick, you would have found it.”


“Where were you?” asked Mike to Ian.


“I was in Sarah’s office. She asked me to call in to sign something and then wanted to talk about the marketing strategy for the new products. Said we ought to take more photographs while we have the models available. I expected to only be a few seconds but I was actually there for almost five minutes.”


“Have you told Sarah?” asked Claire.


“No, not yet. I was leaving it until we had more proof.”


“I don’t think you ought to say anything to anyone else just yet. If this is industrial espionage, you don’t know who may be involved.”


“You’re right. We should continue as if nothing has happened. What about Nita?”


“She won’t say anything. I’ll speak to her this evening.”


“Okay. Then everybody just stay alert,” said Ian and left Mike and Claire together.


Mike leant against the table beside Claire. “This could destroy this company; we have so much invested in these new devices. If the plans get out before we’ve got the patents filed than that would prevent us protecting any of the designs. Or, worse still, someone may even beat us to the patent and then it would all be for nothing.”


“Do you have many competitors?”


“Not with this degree of technology. I suppose the Japanese could probably do it as well but it may be more difficult for them given their culture and legal system.” Mike turned to gaze at her face, “Are you enjoying being here?”


“It’s changing me. Look at me; sitting here naked next to a man who’s seen more of me than my own mother, and I actually feel quite comfortable next to you. Your toys are, of course, very discomforting. They’re humiliating, embarrassing, controlling, they take me whether I want it or not, they make me repeatedly climax and I can’t stop. They’re incredibly exciting.”


“You are a very surprising and beautiful woman,” said Mike and for the first time he looked shy himself. Claire put an arm around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips. Mike seemed to melt and drew her to him, holding her behind her shoulders he touched his mouth to hers as she opened to receive him.



At breakfast the next morning they were all there; the four girls had just put on casual jeans and sweaters knowing that they probably won’t be wearing them long. Sarah was looking stunning in a grey pencil skirt with a split at the back, high heeled boots and seamed stockings, and on her top half a black leather basque. She'd tied her hair back in a ponytail, the tight ringlets falling behind her back. Ian looked across at her and she grinned back knowingly.


After breakfast, Ian announced that today the girls would experience the robo-frame, a sort of motorised exo-skeleton, and they should all make their way to their changing rooms.


Mike was waiting for Claire when she arrived and it was him that acted shyly as he asked her to undress. “I didn’t do the programming for this one so you can’t blame me!” he said as she stood on a small motorised platform, her feet buckled into high heeled shoes that were fixed to the base of the platform. About her was an alloy framework that was articulated and motorised using flat ‘stepper’ motors – the types used to position computerised machinery - at points that aligned with joints in the human body. The frame grew upwards from two motorised pivots thirty inches apart and eight inches above the platform; these were in line with Claire’s ankles. The next motorised joints seventeen inches higher aligned with her knees and were connected to ‘thigh’ struts that terminated level with her hip joints. The ‘thigh’ struts were clamped to Claire’s actual legs by horizontal bars joined to steel bands just above her knees and at the top of her thighs. Above the hip joints were short struts that aligned with her waist and the motorised units at the top of these were fixed to a deep waist band buckled tightly around Claire.


So far so good. By operating a remote control that looked like it should control television channels, Mike was now able to make Claire squat and rock her hips backwards and forwards. Next came the structure that controlled her upper body. A strut from the back of the waist band went up to a tee piece tightly strapped to the back of Claire’s shoulder blades. From the centre of this was a motorised structure to a broad neck collar and up to a band that encircled her forehead. Claire’s arms were not included in the control mechanism and her wrist cuffs were merely clipped to the outside of the bars leading to her waist. Now Mike had nearly full control over Claire’s movements. He could move her waist in and out, get her to bend over, twist her shoulders, nod her head, and even get her to thrust her chin in and out.


“Oh, very nice,” said Claire sarcastically. “So now I’m the robot.” Mike tapped some keys on the remote and Claire thrust her upper body forward as she pushed her arse back; leaning over slightly, she then began to rock her shoulders making her breasts swing provocatively from side to side. “Hey, stop that!” she said and Mike smiled.


“Just testing. What about this?” and he tapped more keys. Claire sank to a squatting position and her head started to move in and out.


“I just can’t imagine what this action’s for,” she said without breaking stroke.


“Hmmm. Well, we’re not finished yet,” And Mike returned her to the upright position. “Open wide,” and he wiggled a ring gag behind her teeth and placed a blindfold over her eyes. “One last feature of this device,” he said as he pressed a key and a phallus rose out of the floor of the platform on a telescopic shaft. It rose up between Claire’s legs and smoothly entered her accompanied by a loud, surprised squeak. “You may be hanging around for quite long periods, so this little device is to keep you ‘simmering’ so to speak.”


“Ee ot ittal,” said Claire.


Mike pressed another key and the phallus started to slowly rotate within Claire.


“Oh, od!” said Claire.


“Now you’ll go to the assembly point and from there, well, who knows?” and Mike pressed ‘Home’ and the cart started to move with Claire held rigidly erect on her motorised pole. It manoeuvred itself carefully through the doorway and along the corridor to the sitting room, and aligned itself with the other three ‘units’ which were already there. The four girls were all held in a line in exactly the same pose; head high, chest and belly thrust forward, arse pushed back, pussy impaled on a slowly rotating shaft.


Ian walked along the line tweaking each pair of nipples, each time eliciting a high pitched squeal but no movement other than a jiggling of breasts. “Now Ladies, or should I say robots? You will be deployed about the building to be used by anyone who wants some entertainment. You may or may not know who you are entertaining, that’s up to them. Enjoy yourselves and I shall see you all at supper.” With that, he clicked a master control unit he was holding and each ‘entertainment module’ set off to a different destination.


Claire thought she was parked in the lobby next to the main entrance. Each time it was opened she felt a cool breeze waft around her naked body and usually wandering hands touching her, rolling her nipples, patting or kneading her arse cheeks. Mike watched for a while from the shadow of the stair well as a maid looked about her before stooping to take one of Claire’s long nipples in her mouth and suck greedily, her fingers flicking rapidly across the surface of Claire’s clitoris. Before Claire could climax footsteps sounded down the corridor and the maid was gone.


It was one of the other technicians. He run his hands across Claire’s nipples and tapped the remote control hanging around her neck. Claire’s platform jumped into life and set off down the corridor with its escort following. Mike watched them leave with something close to jealousy in his heart and walked disconsolately up the corridor towards his office. As he turned the corner he saw Nita trundling along back to her station outside the dining room, her smooth conical breasts seeming to part the air before her. “Why not?” he thought and followed along behind her until she spun round and came to a stop beside the dining room door. He picked up the remote and punched in the co-ordinates of his office, and silently Nita moved off again.


He stood before her in his office and run his fingers over her extraordinary breasts, their smooth surfaces almost shining in the sunlight and their tapered profile projecting forwards with a soft resilience. He curled his hands about their bases and let his fingers trace their surfaces as they continued in an unbroken straight line from polished, coffee coloured silk through darker glossy areolas to firm pointed nipples. He smiled to himself and, unable to resist the temptation, he tapped a couple of keys on the remote and Nita started swinging her shoulders, flapping her nipples against Mike’s fingers. He bent and let the soft breasts push to and fro against his face, then he stopped the motion and took a nipple in his mouth. As he moved it with his tongue he could feel it flicking against the roof of his mouth. Nita was moaning quietly. He touched her cheek, her neck, ran his hands down the outside of her arms and she shivered. Then he held his palm against her belly and let it slide slowly down over her pubis until his fingers were resting against her labia. They delved inside and he touched her clitoris as she groaned and shivered again. He walked round behind her and cupped her soft, rounded arse cheek, then, letting his fingers trace the cleft between them, he touched the flower that was her anus.


Mike walked to the front again and worked the remote. The phallus quickly withdrew and disappeared into the base of the platform and Nita squatted in front of him, her mouth held open invitingly. He released his prick from the confines of his jeans and it sprang out thick and hard. He placed in inside Nita’s open mouth and pressed a key; Nita started to stroke her head in and out, drawing him deep into her throat before withdrawing as she sucked hard. He let her stroke for some minutes and the feeling was exquisite but he didn’t climax. Instead, he withdrew and stood her up again before bending her at the waist in such a way that forced her arse back and her pelvis up, pushing her vulva out behind her. He squatted there, staring at the swell of her hips, the smooth plump folds of her labia, her clitoris just visible within them beneath her mons. Then he leant forward and pushed his tongue into her, revelling in her sweet taste and musky smell. He drew his tongue repeatedly along the cleft of her lips starting and ending against the clitoris and each time darting deep into her pussy; then he sucked on her little bud and drew it from its sheltering folds. He sucked it in and out of his mouth, feeling its stem grow thick and hard and Nita’s breath became light and rapid. Her thighs began to tremble and she began to moan with quick, short beats. Then, as he sucked her clitoris hard and held it between his lips, gently stroking its surface with the tip of his tongue; Nita climaxed.



Mike stood Nita upright, the phallus sliding back into her and restarting its ceaseless and frustrating orbits. He tapped the home key and Nita silently glided through the door back to the dining room. Mike wandered back to the lobby but Claire was not there. He was feeling cross with himself. He had let Claire go and now didn’t know where she was. He had also taken advantage of Nita, but he didn’t feel too bad about that; after all, that’s what she was there for. What was wrong with him? Why was he suddenly in such a black mood? It was that duplicitous bitch Rosa that was the cause of the unease and he wondered how she was fairing.


He walked across the yard to the stable block and Rosa was there outside the barn; erect on her pole, her large, soft breasts thrust out in front of her and her high arse cheeks pushed out behind. She had a stunning figure thought Mike as he approached; long glossy black legs locked by their bands and her trim little waist clasped tightly by the frame. She still wore the blindfold and ring gag and tensed as she sensed his approach. He didn’t say anything but lifted her breasts from her chest, feeling their weight. He held her nipples and lifted them again as she groaned. Then he pressed the keypad and Rosa spun round on her trolley and headed into the dark recesses of the barn. Mike followed, picking up a piece of light shuttering two foot long and four inches wide from a bench as he passed.


Rosa stood before him, proud and beautiful and deceitful. He tapped a key and Rosa gasped as the phallus withdrew and she was leant forward at an angle of forty five degrees, her large breasts now hanging free beneath her and her arse high behind her. He bent and caught hold of a nipple again and swung it wildly about, making her breasts vibrate and jiggle. Then he swung the light board in front of her and it hit the side of her breast with a loud slap. Rosa shrieked and jumped as her breasts were both set in motion by the impact. Then he did it again to the other breast, and again and again.  Rosa was beginning to sob and trying to plead with her tormentor for leniency, but Mike wasn’t feeling very lenient. He slapped the board up from below her, striking her nipples and pan-caking her breasts against her chest until they were red, and then he moved round behind her. He struck a cheek and the impact caused ripples to radiate from the impact. Rosa was powerless to prevent the assault and Mike continued until both her cheeks were an even tone of blush pink. Then he stood looking at her; her hips flaring wide before him, her vulva soft and inviting, her arms splayed out to either side, and her open mouth facing down with dribble dripping from her chin.


Mike reached for a rake and positioned it upright with the round end of the handle below her mouth, then he carefully tapped the keys until Rosa bent just enough for the tip of the handle to enter her ring gag. He pressed a key and Rosa’s head started to move in and out, stroking the handle with her mouth as if it were a man. Then he went back behind Rosa and lubricated her anus.


Mike stood with his erect member pointing at the bobbing Rosa then slowly moved forward until he was pressing on her sphincter muscle. Rosa squealed but didn’t stop stroking the rack handle. As Mike pressed, Rosa slowly dilated and after a short while, he slid slowly inside. Once passed her anal ring, Rosa could do little to affect events and Mike pushed into her up to the hilt. Rosa gasped and closed her sphincter about him, squeezing tightly as Mike started to move in and out, slapping the sides of her cheeks with the board and holding tightly to a breast with his free hand. It was the relief he craved and soon Mike climaxed, emptying himself deep inside Rosa’s rectum.


He rested, laying over Rosa’s arse and draping his arms around her waist, clinging onto the soft, big breasts as her head still bobbed up and down on the rake. Eventually he roused himself and withdrew his flaccid member from her arse. Briefly, he was tempted to push something else into her instead, but the sexual release he experienced had drained the animosity from him and he stood her up again, the phallus sliding back into place. Mike parked her back outside the stables and made his way back to his office.




Claire, meanwhile, was continuing to expand her record of experiences as she would unexpectedly find herself touched and probed by unknown persons. Sometimes she would be surprised when the platform would spin round and set off to some unknown destination and new stimuli. She thought she had been with both the other technicians but not Mike. And she knew she had been with Ian because he had removed her blindfold. She had shamelessly and helplessly knelt before them and serviced them, and then bent over and whimpered as they took their pleasure, crying out as the climaxes hit. But she was upset that Mike had not called for her.


She was standing in the lobby again when a silky voice whispered in her ear. “Well, sweetie! Come and play with me,” said Sarah as she picked up the remote and tapped in the co-ordinates of her bedroom. Claire moved off down the corridor with Sarah following.


Sarah closed the bedroom door as Claire stood motionless in the centre of the room. “I’ve been looking forward to you all day,” she said and caressed Claire as she stood blind and erect in the frame. Sarah stooped to suck up a nipple as her hands cupped Claire’s arse cheeks and her fingers probed around her anus. “Lean forward,” she said, “you can do the same for me,” and she tapped the keys and the phallus withdrew as Claire tilted forward. Sarah was still wearing the black leather basque over the grey pencil skirt and boots, looking every inch a domme. She unhooked the corset down her front and it fell away, freeing her breasts which bobbed invitingly before Claire. Sarah moved forward and pressed a nipple against Claire’s ring gag and Claire dutifully drew it into her mouth. After a while, Sarah moved away dissatisfied. “I think we should dispense with this gag so you can do your work properly,” she said and unbuckled the gag. Then she removed the blindfold and Claire could see again. She looked about her, at the big double bed in front of her and at Sarah standing before her in her high boots, seamed stockings and tight skirt, her naked breasts flaunted in front of her. Sarah once again moved towards Claire so that she could reach a nipple and this time Claire sucked it deep into her mouth. Sarah sighed as Claire’s tongue pushed the nipple from side to side, teasing its tip. Then Claire sucked hard and pressed it against the roof of her mouth, nipping it with her teeth as Sarah withdrew.


“Ooo, you are fun,” said Sarah.


“I try to please,” said Claire, now conversant but unable to move her head.


“Well, let’s see how good you are with the next stage,” and Sarah unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, revealing a black lace suspender belt but no panties. Claire stared at the bald pubis framed by the belt, suspenders and black stockings as Sarah lounged on her bed. She lay back towards the foot and spread her legs wide as she tapped the keys on the remote and Claire glided forward and down to press her mouth against Sarah clitoris. Sarah produced a long handled quirt, a thin horse whip with a leather flap at its end. “This is to encourage you,” she said and slapped it over Claire’s back so that the leather flap flicked down and gave her arse a sharp sting. Claire sucked deep, drawing the clitoris into her mouth and releasing it slowly between her lips as Sarah lay back and idly flicked the quirt again.


After perhaps five minutes, Sarah moved away, again dissatisfied, and Claire stood upright in response to the controller. “Let’s try something else,” she said and went to a draw to recover a long curved dildo on a harness. The harness went around Claire’s face, buckling tightly around her neck and over her forehead to leave the dildo projecting forwards from her chin. This time, Sarah got Claire to squat at the foot of the bed and wriggled down until the dildo was lodged in her pussy and her feet were on Claire’s shoulders. Then she tapped a key and Claire’s head started to move back and forth, working the dildo in and out of Sarah. With each stroke, Claire’s mouth was pushed against Sarah’s clitoris and she sucked hard as her head was pulled back and the clitoris slid from her lips. This time Sarah seemed well please by her automaton’s efforts and let Claire stroke in and out for some time as her breathing became shorter and she started to quiver. Finally, Sarah stopped Claire’s motion in the fully extended position and let her lick and suck until Sarah orgasmed, thrashing around on the dildo as Claire continued her ministrations.


Finally, Sarah wriggled from the dildo and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Claire still squatting at the foot of the bed with the dildo still strapped to her face.
Oh, great
thought Claire,
I’ll just stay here shall I? A
nd she listened to the taps running in the adjacent room. Then she spotted something; tucked under a pillow and just visible from Claire’s low position was the lip stick. There was no mistaking it. It was orange with a chrome band; the same one that Rosa had. Claire froze; actually she was as good as frozen anyway trapped as she was in the frame, but if she could have moved, she wouldn’t have.


Sarah came from the bathroom and smiled at Claire. “You’ve been so good, I’m going to give you a reward,” and she strapped a double ended dildo in a harness about her waist, feeding one end of the dildo into herself. She then stood Claire up and leant her forward, getting her to swivel her hips to thrust out her vulva. Sarah pounded into Claire for maybe ten minutes, with Claire motionless like the Spirit of Ecstasy on the bonnet of a Rolls Royce, whilst Sarah worked herself up to another climax and Claire stared at the pillow under which she knew the lipstick camera was concealed. Claire didn’t climax but Sarah did again.


Fully sated, Sarah put Claire back together; she stood her upright and the phallus rose into her and energised, and she replaced Claire’s ring gag and blindfold. Then she pressed the home key on the remote control and Claire glided off through the door back to the lobby.

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