Tethered (The Avenlore Series) (6 page)

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Authors: Tasha Van Der Hyde

BOOK: Tethered (The Avenlore Series)
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Suddenly, he was wrenched
off me and tossed to the side like a bag of garbage. 

Liam stood over me now,
nostrils flared and jaw set as he stared down at the greasy man, his eyes violent and raging.  Head snapping back to me, his eyes widened for a moment before his face settled into a tortured expression.  He fell to his knees beside me as I tried to sit up.  When he realized what I wanted, he helped guide my body to an upright position.  My eyes searched for the man and Liam glanced in his direction as well, nostrils flaring again.  Looking back to me, his eyes searched for injuries, but aside from a few scrapes I was fine.  “Did he hurt you?”  He asked in a voice that was a mix of pain and anger.

I shook my head quickly in response, glancing in the direction of the greasy man again who was stumbling to get to his feet.

Liam looked to him and back to me, cupping my face in his hands and brushing my hair from my face with his thumbs.  “You are safe now.”  He whispered, his face close to mine.

I nodded my head slightly staring into his eyes and whispered back.  “I know.”

“A moment?”  He asked, and though I was confused by his request, I nodded. 

He gently released me and stood spinning toward the man now attempting to crawl away, arrow still lodged in his shoulder.  Liam was pure power and beauty
and rage as he reached down to snatch the man up by his collar and toss him onto his back.  Then, he knelt low over the man, grabbing the arrow beneath the pointed tip and circling it around like stirring coffee as the man screamed in pain.  

When Liam spoke, his words
were low and full of venom.  “Look at my face…and memorize it.  Because, if you so much as ever think of her face again, mine will be the last face you see as I cut your still beating hear from your chest.”  Then, Liam drew back his fist and punched the greasy man full in the nose and the crunch of bone reverberated through the quiet.  Knocked out cold, the man’s head lolled to one side as blood poured from his nose.

With that
, Liam stood and walked to me, gently scooping me into his arms.  Without a glance back, he carried me away from this nightmare.    










Chapter 8

I spent the walk back to the cave with my face buried in Liam’s chest while he spent it murmuring softly that I was safe and that he was so sorry.  I kept meaning to tell him that it was okay, that I didn’t blame him and it wasn’t his fault, but I found it difficult to speak. 

Once we reached the cave, h
e set me carefully on the palate where I’d slept.  Kneeling in front of me, he looked me over, searching for injuries.  He attended the few small abrasions I had, cleaning them and then squeezing a thick liquid from leaves I couldn’t identify onto the cuts.  He finished by wrapping clean strips of linen he retrieved from his saddle bag, which seemed like overkill given the level of my injuries. 

I’d finally regained my ability to speak and started to tell him his efforts were unnecessary, but he silenced me with his simple and
convincing, “Please.”   

That one word from his lips could have me parting with organs.

So, I’d let him continue with no further protests.  When he was done, he eased back to sit, one leg stretched out in front of him, the other bent with his arm draped across it.
  “Are you alright?”  He asked, studying my face.

I nodded in response and looked away at nothing. 
“Who was he?”  I asked quietly and a shudder passed through me at the thought of what had almost been.

“I do not know, Milady.”  He responded, shame flooding his voice.

My gaze tracked back to him and I could see he was shouldering the blame, eyes downcast as a heavy sigh escaped him.  I had to set this right, had to ease his guilt.  I leaned forward and took his hand in both of mine without really having meant to.  “I don’t blame you.  You couldn’t have known…”  I trailed off.

He looked
down at my hand wrapped around his and gently squeezed my fingers.  “That’s very gracious of you, Milady.”  From his tone, I knew I had done nothing to abate his guilt.

I stared at him, waiting until his eyes met mine again.  “No, not gracious, only true.”

“Thank you all the same, then.”  He said as he released my hand.  Digging around in his bag, he came up with a cloth wrapped loaf of bread and some dried meat.  He offered me some and I took it willingly. 

I looked toward the mouth of the cave, thinking of my narrow escape. 
A wave of nausea crashed over me as I ate in silence, promptly taking away my appetite and I put the food down after only a few bites. 

Liam looked at me and down at the food I’d discarded, but didn’t attempt to talk me into finishing the meal.  When he’d finished his own food, Liam started packing up our campsite then stopped abruptly, turning toward me.  “Are you well enough to travel?  If you are not ready, we will w
ait until you are.”  Those pale green eyes appraised me as if I may fall to pieces at any moment.

I swallowed air
before answering.  “It’s fine, we can go.”

He seemed unconvinced and walked over to crouch in front of me where I still remained seated on the ground.  “You’re sure, Milady?” 

I leveled him with a look.  “That again? I told you, my name is Dani.  Danielle Devane, actually but, you can call me Dani.  You may not call me Milady.  And yes, I am ready to go.” 

The look he gave me made me uneasy, like he knew things I didn’t know that were pivotal.  And, I figured that was entirely true but, I still didn’t want to face them.  Not yet. 

A small smile broke his heavy gaze then.  “Very well, Dani.” 

As if noticing it for the first time, he looked down at my dress and I realized then that it was splattered with drops of blood and torn in a few places.  Without a word, he reached and grabbed the bag that held the other dress and handed it to me.  I took it gratefully and changed inside the cave while he stood guard outside
with his back to me.

I quickly pulled off the soiled dress and tossed it aside, happy to be r
id of it. 

The last dress was frillier than the other two had been.  It
was coral colored, beautiful and vibrant, and I even loved the way my auburn curls popped against the color as they flowed loosely down around my shoulders. The color was set off by white ruffles at the sleeves and around the neckline.  I gasped when I realized this dress apparently did magic tricks as it had actually managed to make me look as if I had a chest to speak of.  The fabric of the dress gathered and bunched my breasts in a way that provided the illusion of cleavage (which was insane to me because Dolly Pardon I was not).  Small, white ruffles trimmed the edges of the coral overlay that split at the front, revealing pure white ruffles that cascaded down to the ground.

new, clean dress had a calming effect, helping to erase some the dirtiness I’d felt after my encounter with the greasy man.  And of course there was Liam, who provided a feeling of security and something else I tried not to dwell on.

I emerged from th
e cave, feeling much better to leave the tattered dress behind me.  “Okay, I’m descent.”  I said as I stepped out of the cave.

Liam was busying himself with securing the saddle to the black stallion he rode and when he was satisfied with how tightly it fit to the horse he turned toward me.  He looked up at me and his every movement halted. 
He surveyed me from head to toe, and tingles skated down my spine, the good kind.  His cheeks were a little pink when his eyes found mine.  “If I may…you…you look enchanting.”

The blood rushed to my own cheeks now. He walked slowly toward me and I looked
to the ground.  “That’s the most...”  I trailed off.  Then in a whisper, meant for myself, “No one’s ever said anything like that to me before.”

I didn’t think he’d heard, but he’d closed most of the distance between us as I’d stared at the dirt, and he
had.  He took my chin between his index finger and thumb and tipped my head back until I looked up at him.  “They should’ve done.”  He whispered. 

I stood there, under his spell
, lost in his green eyes.  His words hit a nerve.  They brought to light something I’d never really considered before.  He looked at me as if he cared, like, really and truly cared for me.  Nobody else ever had.  Not my aunt, not Jones, no one. 

I’d always known that my aunt and I didn’t have the best relationship
, always longed for what other parents and children seemed to share.  She kept me fed and clothed and she was never really mean to me, she just seemed…indifferent.  I guess maybe she was because I wasn’t family, not really. 

But, until
this moment, I never realized what I was missing.  And my desperate heart clutched at the images forming in my mind, even as my brain worked furiously to beat them back.  I was aware of what could be and I wanted it.  Images flashed through my mind…Liam and I kissing, holding hands, laughing and happy.  They played out like scenes from a movie in my head.  I wanted those things, all of them, I wanted Liam. 

My mind screamed in warning.

Danger.  Danger.  Danger.

But, I was already gone

I used to buy into that whole school of thought, you know, expect the worst and you’ll never be disappointed.

What a load of bull.  You could absolutely be disappointed.  Every day.

His hand moved from my chin to cup my face and he stepped closer, only a breath of air separated our bodies now. 

His pale green eyes were almost glowing as he looked at me and sparks danced inside my chest.  His eyes dropped to my mouth and his lips parted.

I could make out warring emotions in his eyes
and then one side emerged victorious as his expression became decided.  With his other hand, he reached up and laced his fingers into the hair at the nape of my neck.

Until this point, my hands had hung loosely at my sides.  I had feared to move, afraid he may spook again, like he had before.  But my self-control was long gone now and I reached out
a hand and placed it on his arm at the crook of his elbow while the other hand gripped the material of his shirt at his waist.

My body hummed its approval and my br
eath came out in a small gasp as my eyes found his lips. 

He tipped his head down and I could feel his warm
breath against my skin.  He pulled my face gently toward his own and my eyes closed in anticipation, fingers tightening around his arm.

The earth shuttered and at first I thought it was like when people talk about the ‘earth moving’ in a moment like this, but then I heard it. 

Hoof beats.  Lots of them, so many more than I’d heard even that night in the woods.

My eyes shot open and I looked at Liam as he stared back at me with wide eyes that matched my own
.  He turned on the spot while retrieving the bow I hadn’t known was slung across his back. 

Liam nocked an arrow just before a banner popped into sight.  The only thing I could make out about the flag was that it was cream colored, not black.  That seemed to mean what I hoped it would because Liam lowered his bow.

Pressing myself closer behind him, I tugged on the back of his shirt.  “Who are they?”

He turned only his heel
and looked at me to respond.  “The Knights of Castle Lux.” 





Chapter 9

The Knights of Castle Lux got an A for showmanship, I’d give them that.  Like a scene from an epic movie I would’ve loved, banners flapped proudly in the breeze as they made their way to us.  They rode up in a loose formation, but the discipline in their ranks was unmistakable.  Their numbers had to be topping fifty easily.  

The banner I couldn’t quite make out before was clear now.  A simple golden sun, not quite identical to my birthmark, but similar enough that goose bumps rose on my arms, was woven into a cream colored background.  Despite the simplicity of the design, it seemed appropriate and regal.  It wasn’t flashy or extravagant, but the Knights who rode beneath the colors did so proudly.  I could feel it. 

It wasn’t that annoying, unbearable, entitled type of pride, this was far different from that.  I could see it on their faces that every soul here felt honored to ride beneath those colors. 

I stepp
ed out to the side a little, but still kept partially behind Liam.  About 20 yards shy of us, the procession halted.  I noticed a man sitting atop a fine horse the color of buckskin with a mane like corn silks and a matching tail. 

I gasped when I spotted the golden crown encrusted with rubies and emeralds that rested on his head.  “Is that a…I mean is that the…Is he the King?”

Liam looked back over his shoulder at me with a strange expression on his face and nodded.

“Holy crap.”  I responded and Liam’s eyes widened in response, then the corner of one side of his mouth pulled up slightly before he faced forward again.  I’d never been in the presence of royalty before.  The closest I’d ever come was reading tabloid headlines about the royal family in England in line at the supermarket.  I felt like I should bow or something, but I was too shocked to move. 

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