Tethered (The Avenlore Series) (7 page)

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Authors: Tasha Van Der Hyde

BOOK: Tethered (The Avenlore Series)
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The King dismounted, as did the two knights to either side of him, but I scarcely noticed that.  The King had my attention and I studied him like there would be a test on him later.

The crown was nestled into his chestnut colored curls peppered with gray, that fell to just above his ears.  He had a handsome face with laugh lines that were present in the smile he was aiming at me.  He was tall and just beginning to lean toward stocky.  The sk
in at the corners of his bright hazel eyes crinkled with his smile.  A cream colored cloak was draped around his shoulders over a matching tunic, both outlined with thick, gold stitching, that bore the same sun emblem from the banners.  Thin discs, like the ones on Liam’s belt circled his waist, only they were golden.  Simple brown pants and boots completed his ensemble.

Out of my peripheral vision, I noticed Liam kneel.  I looked to him and he was on one knee, head bowed and he uttered a single word.  “Sire.”

I looked back to the King and back at Liam, then feel awkwardly to my knees and bowed my head as well.  The King was moving quickly toward me and my heart leaped into my throat.  I was sure I was in trouble, I hadn’t done the bowing thing correctly I was certain.  Maybe that was a capital offense here.

I didn’t dare look up.  “I’m sorry, I know I didn’t do that right.”  I said to the ground.  The words came out in a rush, but the ground was very understanding.  Liam turned his head slightly to me and gave me a very reserved, but knowing smile
…like he was in on a joke I wasn’t.

The King crouched down in front of me and spoke so low only Liam and I could hear.  “Sweet girl, you do not bow to me.”  He said in a rich baritone.

I looked up at him from beneath my lashes and a disarming smile warmed his face.  I responded with a tentative smile of my own.  “Why not?”  I said, my tone low to match his. 

He took a deep breath and his smile saddened a little.  “You are as beautiful as your mother.  I always knew you would be.”  I could barely hear what he said next for my own pulse pounding in my ears.  “You are the P
rincess of Avenlore, but more than that, you are my daughter.” 

And that…is when I blacked out.


As I emerged from unconsciousness, I became acutely aware of two men bickering nearby.  One voice I did not recognize but, the other was unmistakably Liam.  I opened my eyes to find
the King and several of the knights circled around me looking worried and unsure of what to do. 

“Are you all right, my dear?”  The King asked.  I blinked a few times and nodded in response.

Had he really just told me I was his daughter?

I sat up slowly with his assistance, eyes searching for Liam.  I found him through a hole in the circle several feet away.  I could only see the boots of the man he was arguing and the pommel of his sword, it stood out because it was white where the others were silver.  The rest of him was blocked from my sight by a guard standing in the circle around me.

Liam was speaking with his voice slightly raised, hands animated to emphasize his words.  “She is not ready to know everything!”

The other voice responded just as passionately.  “Oh and you know what’s best for her?  She deserves to know who she is, the blood that runs through her ve
ins, the reason for her absence.” 

Liam ran a hand through his hair and let out a long breath before speaking.  “Of course she does, but it should be on her terms.  Forcing it on her is unwise.  You see how well she responded to this last bit of know--.”  He gestured in my direction, then looked toward me.  He stopped mid-word when his eyes met mine.  He dropped to one knee and looked at me from beneath the dark fringe of
his lashes.  “Forgive me, Princess.”

I stared back at him, unsure of what to say or do.  Like dominoes, the Knights all began to fall to one knee, heads bowed.  I realized this show of respect was for me and I had no idea what to do with that.

I glanced toward the King who was looking at me apologetically.  As my eyes roamed over the scene, I spotted the white pommel again.  I also spotted the face that went with it.  Apart from Liam, he was the only one whose eyes were on me.  

There must be something in the water.

Dark mahogany curls threw a sharp contrast to his vivid, clear blue eyes.  They were different, electric, deep set and outlined in long, dark lashes.  They were almost as beautiful as Liam’s, almost.  His face was mapped out in attractive planes, cheek bones prominent, but not feminine, jaw angular.  His nose was slim and proportioned to his face appropriately, but imperfect, crooked.  His lips weren’t thin, but not full either but that didn’t matter, there was something pleasant in the set of his mouth. 

And he exuded a certain something.  That thing that’s intangible and difficult to explain but absolutely there.

I broke our mutual gaze to glance at Liam and found his expression uneasy, almost offended.  I looked down, unable to hold his gaze and realized he was still kneeling.  They were all still kneeling.  My head swiveled slowly back toward the King.  “How do, um…could you make them get up please?”  I asked sheepishly.

He gave me a warm smile then turned toward his Knights.  “Rise.  Make ready, we ride soon.”  They were instantly in motion, following the command.  All but Liam and the man he’d been arguing with. 

They exchanged a look of mutual distaste and then both set off in my direction.  The King helped me to my feet and suddenly I was standing face to face with the blue-eyed stranger.  He continued to study me, like I was a puzzle or a chess board. 

“My Dear, allow me to present Sir Nikolas of House Belmont, head of the royal guard and Captain of the Knights of Castle Lux.”  The King said proudly. 

All I could think was he looked awfully young to hold such lucrative titles.

“A pleasure, P
rincess.”  Sir Belmont said smoothly as he bent at the waist.

“Um, likewise, S
—Sir Belmont.  I’m Dani.”  I replied, extending my hand.  I was thinking handshake, but he took my hand and placed a lite kiss on it, his lips lingering a beat longer than necessary.  Then he shot me a grin I was sure had caused many a girl to go weak in the knees.  He had one of those megawatt smiles that lit up his face.  It was equal parts charm and mischief.  It was trouble,
was trouble. 

“Call me Nikolas.”  He said simply, still aiming that dangerous smile at me.

Despite myself, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.  I glanced toward Liam, but his expression was unreadable.  I looked back to the King and realized I didn’t even know his name.  “What do I, I mean…what is your name?”

His eyes saddened at my question.  “How rude of me, of course I should’ve introduced myself.  I am Elias of
House Connolly, King of Avenlore.”  

I thought it was a good name, it sounded like E-lie-us.  It was melodic and pleasing to the ear.  In my opinion, it was just what a King’s name should be.

“I like that name.  It’s a good name.”  I said with a small smile and some of the sadness in his eyes retreated.  Then something dawned on me.  “Wait…if you’re…you said you were my,”  I paused, rolling the word over in my mind, “father?”

The king hesitated, like I would spook at sudden movement.  “Yes.”  He said quietly.

I nodded, several times, all quick and choppy.  “Okay, and you were born here.”  I’d meant for it to come out as a statement, but it was more like an accusation.  

“Yes…as were you.”  King Elias said slowly.

“And…what is my name, I mean…what did you name me?”  I asked slowly.

King Elias smiled.  “We named you Danica, actually.  It means, morning star.”  He said proudly.

It was a pretty name, I had to admit that.  Definitely an improvement over Danielle, which is just the feminine form of Daniel.

I nodded frantically again.  “Huh.” 
I squeaked out.  I looked at him, eyes wide.  “How do I know you are telling me the truth, how do I know you’re not the bad guys?”

The K
ing’s thick brows knitted together as he looked down at me.  “I am afraid I have no proof that is definitive.  Trust is simply a choice you will have to make.”  He spoke to me softly, his voice soothing.

I looked into his hazel eyes, knowing he meant me no harm, and somehow knowing he was my father.  Somewhere insid
e of me, something recognized him…remembered him.

The knights and Liam were giving us a respectable amount of room, but they were plenty close enough to hear every word and I became aware of all their eyes again.  “Okay, I trust…I trust you.”  I could have sworn I heard a collective sigh of relief.  I could feel the power of someone’s stare and turned to meet those electric blue eyes.  “What?”  I asked defensively.

He smirked.  “Nothing, Princess.  I am just relieved that you have chosen to trust.  It would have been a shame to have to haul you up over my shoulder and drag you home kicking and screaming.”

Several of the knights close by thought this was quite funny and even t
he King chuckled.  “Enough now, Nik.  Sweet girl, you may find Sir Belmont to be somewhat of an acquired taste.”

I was still shocked Nikolas had said such a thing to me and I turned my attention to him again
.  “Excuse me?”

“Please do not be offended, Princess.  I only meant I intended to get you home safely.  Safe and happy is desirable, certainly, but happiness could be acquired later…you
r safety is paramount and must be immediate.”  With that he gave me his dazzling, mischievous grin and turned to bark out orders to his men.

I stared after him in disbelief for a moment longer than I should have. 

King Elias studied Liam as he walked toward me a moment later, then finally joined us where we stood.  “And what is the name of the man who took such good care of my daughter?”  He looked at me and his expression seemed to ask if it was okay to call me that.  I nodded and gave him a small smile.  It really was okay with me, odd, but still okay.  The whole thing was daunting, but there was something familiar and comforting about him, my father. 

Liam bent at the waist, then spoke.  “I am Liam of Shirebrook, Sire.  My intention was to deliver the Lady to Castle Lux, where she would be safe, but when I learned the Black Knights were riding, I thought it best she be escorted by a proper regimen.  That’s when I sent the letter.  I’d intended to meet you in the next town, as the letter said, but we were delayed.” 

He looked to me and I shook my head only enough for him to notice.  The unspoken plea for him to keep the events of this morning between us in my eyes.  His head moved infinitesimally to affirm he would not speak of it.

“Well, I am forever indebted to you, Liam of Shirebrook.  Name what you will and it is yours as a show of my gratitude.”  My father (King Elias) said as he clapped Liam on the back and
gave him a warm smile.

“I only wish for her safety, Sire.  Nothing more.”  Liam turned his gaze on me and sparks danced inside me once more. 

This time, Nikolas spoke, having returned from his order barking.  “Your services are greatly appreciated, Sir.  You have my word she will come to no harm.  May your journey be safe.”  The words were not unkind, but obviously a dismissal. 

Liam looked to the ground and nodded his assent.
  There was loneliness that hung about him, a sadness as he turned to walk toward his horse, one that had been there all along, really, and I realized for all I knew, this would be the last time I ever saw him.

That was not okay with me.

“No!”  I said with all the finality I could muster.  Liam stopped and turned to look at me, eyes boring into my soul.   Looking back at…my father, the King, I continued.  “I will not leave without him.”

“Sweet girl, whatever you need is yours.”  My father told me as he took my hand
tentatively and gave it a gentle squeeze. 

“But, Your Grace…P
rincess, you do not know him.”  Nikolas begged.  To his credit, he seemed genuinely concerned.

I leveled him with a look.  “I know him better than you.”

“Nikolas, if he wanted to harm her, he could’ve done, many times over.  She is safe.  He has not touched her.”  My father said to him kindly.  Then looking back to Liam he added, “and if by chance young Liam becomes a threat, you have my blessing in parting his body from his head.”  It was said in jest, but the truth of the words was still there.

Nikolas looked from him to me and nodded
, his smirk returning.

Liam had made his way back to us now.  He looked to me and then turned his gaze on my father.  “Sire, by my life or limb, I will protect the princess.”  He looked back to me and I blushed from my toes to the crown of my head.

My father seemed to be satisfied for the present.  “Then it is done.  If my daughter trusts you, so do I.” He clapped Liam on the back, nearly knocking him to his knees.  “Make your horse ready.  We ride for Castle Lux.”    



Chapter 10

I was going to help Liam pack up our campsite and question him in private about his message to my father which he’d failed to mention to me.  He assured me quickly that he would gather our things and I should stay with my father while he took care of it.  And that’s what he said, ‘your father,’ and those words spoken aloud blew my mind.  I was trying to think of him that way in my head and even then my mind balked at the term.  Hearing it said out loud, especially by someone else was surreal.  I’d never called anyone that so far as I could remember. 

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