Tex Appeal

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Authors: Alison Kent Kimberly Raye

BOOK: Tex Appeal
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Kimberly Raye
Alison Kent
Cara Summers



Real Good Man


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

I Can Still Feel You…

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9



Kimberly Raye

To all my wonderful readers
Your support and encouragement
mean the world to me!


New Year’s Eve…

going to kiss him.

Sophie Cameron closed her eyes and tried to ignore the strong, purposeful lips that nibbled and teased and begged her to open up. The smell of expensive cologne and rich champagne filled her nostrils. The heat coming off the six-foot-plus of powerful male drew her closer and she stiffened, determined not to lean in, to keep things strictly professional.

The way she’d been doing for the past four years since tall, delicious Jarrod Tucker had taken over the operations division for Deep in the Heart Communications. DITH owned almost every major newspaper in Texas, as well as several local community publications. Sophie had been the marketing director for the past eight years, a job she’d more than earned with a Master’s degree in communications and a hellacious amount of overtime. But since she was the only daughter of newspaper guru and DITH president Jackson Cameron, there’d been several employees who’d resented her waltzing in and taking charge. She’d won them all over and earned their respect by keeping her mind on business and following a strict work ethic. One she was about to shoot to hell and back if she gave in to her desperate hormones, threw her arms around Jarrod and kissed him the way she wanted to. The way she’d dreamt of doing since he’d moved into the office next to hers. Much too close for her peace of mind.

Hell, forget kissing. She wanted to peel off his clothes and see the rest of the dragon tattoo she’d caught peeking over the top of his board shorts at the company pool party last year. She wanted to follow the intricate design all the way down the hard, muscular plane of his lower abdomen until she reached the substantial package pressed up against her.

He shifted, fitting himself more fully against the cradle of her thighs. A missile of heat rushed from her head to her toes and set off tiny explosions along the way. Her pulse throbbed. Her nipples tingled. Her thighs shook. Her knees trembled. Her toes quivered.

She leaned into him just a fraction—

her sanity prodded.
This is a very bad idea. You’re coworkers. You know better than anyone what happens when you mix business with pleasure.

She’d acted on a whim once before and ended up having a one-night stand with one of her father’s interns. Not only had the guy told his buddies in the lunchroom, but he’d turned an hour of so-so sex into a wild, hot night that included a striptease, some S and M and a cat named Coco.

Sophie didn’t even own a cat, much less a gallon of liquid latex.

The truth had meant little, however. It had been her word against the intern’s, and his story had been ten times juicier. It had taken months for the rumors to die down. No way was she putting herself through

But Jarrod wasn’t a hormonal twenty-something with a fridge full of beer and a couple of frat buddies crashed on his couch. He was a thirty-three-year old
Intelligent. Successful. Trustworthy.

She knew that firsthand. While she’d refrained from getting involved with him romantically, they’d become good friends. Sophie didn’t just lust after him. She liked and respected him. Both as a man who spent every Saturday playing the loving uncle to five nieces, and as a colleague who’d helped double the company’s overall circulation.

He’d been instrumental in ironing out a solid implementation plan for her latest marketing endeavor—a Valentine’s Day contest that would run in the “Sex in the Saddle” column, a popular weekly installment for Lonestar singles that appeared in three of DITH’s biggest newspapers—the
Houston Dispatch, San Antonio Star
Austin Herald.
Since each paper had its own “Sex in the Saddle” editor and ran its own content, the contests would vary from city to city. The only requirement? A sexy theme in honor of the holiday. Each city’s paper would pick their own winner, and the contest that received the biggest number of entries would win a bonus to be distributed between the column’s editor and staff.

Jarrod was pulling for San Antonio since it was his home town, while Sophie leaned toward the biggest city—Houston. Not that she really cared who won as long as the overall result meant more subscribers. Still, the planning had been fun. And stressful. She’d spent every day since Christmas brainstorming seductive themes with Jarrod to offer as suggestions to the three “Sex” editors.

They’d finalized all the details less than a few hours ago. Just two hours shy of the New Year. Much too late to make it to the company party being held downtown, but not too late to crack open a bottle of champagne and have a toast of their own.

A drink, her conscience reminded her. No touching. No kissing. Just

Her mouth tingled and her nerves buzzed. Her fingers itched to dive into the short dark hair that brushed the crisp white collar of his dress shirt.

“Aren’t you tired of fighting?” he breathed a heartbeat later when he pulled away. They stood near a wall of windows that overlooked downtown Dallas. A frown tugged at his lips. His deep-blue eyes were glazed with unspent passion. “You know
—you, me—it’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of when.”

She fought for a deep breath and her control. “Does that line usually work?”

“Sometimes.” He shrugged. “But if all else fails, I have to get creative.”

“As in?”

“You must be a parking ticket because you’ve got
written all over you.”

A grin tugged at her mouth, dying a quick death as her gaze locked with his and she couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, he was right. Her heart gave a double thump. She definitely felt something for him. Something she’d never felt for any other man. Something that scared as much as it excited her.

“Out of all the newspapers in the world, I walked into yours,” he told her. “I had a dozen offers, several better than this. But I came here.”

“You were born and raised in Texas. You wanted to come home.”

“Maybe. And maybe I had a gut feeling about this job. About you.”

“And maybe you’re just horny.”

A smile played at the edge of his sensuous lips. “That, too.” The expression faltered. “I mean it, Sophie. There’s more here than just lust. I like you. You like me. It’s fate.”

She shook her head. “There’s no such thing.”

Not as far as Sophie was concerned. The daughter of a news-paperman, she’d been raised to reveal hard facts. She didn’t put her money on intangibles. She left that to the tabloids.

His gaze caught hers. “Come home with me tonight.”

“And what happens on Monday? I don’t want an awkward morning-after.”

“Who says it’ll be awkward? I really like you, Sophie. And I want you. I always have. Give it a chance. Give us a chance. It’s meant to be.”

Yeah, right.
That’s what she wanted to tell him. What she had every intention of telling him. But when she opened her mouth, her hormones slid into the driver’s seat and she heard herself say, “Are you willing to bet on that?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“The Valentine’s Day promo. Why not put more on the line than an employee bonus?” When he looked intrigued, she added, “You say it’s fate. I say it’s lust. Let’s put it to the test. I’ll take Houston. You take San Antonio. We’ll leave Austin to chance. If you win, we spend the night together. If I win, we forget the attraction and keep our relationship strictly professional.”

“And if Austin wins?”

“Then it’s fate and we get together.” She smiled. “I’m offering two out of three. You can’t beat odds like that.” She licked her lips and his gaze snagged on the motion.

“Okay.” His eyes smoldered and he swallowed. “You’re on.”


Skull Creek, Texas (forty-five miles north of San Antonio)
One week before Valentine’s Day…

a penis.

Cheryl Anne Cash drew a deep breath and tried to calm her frantic nerves. A sophisticated, worldly, do-anything city girl
did not
freak out at the sight of a guy’s johnson. And she certainly didn’t hesitate. Or blush. No, she simply tackled the situation with an interested gaze, a steady hand and an attitude that said
no biggee.

Except that it was a biggee. A gargantuan monster, in fact, compared to the average male penis which was only five and a half inches long when erect—a little tidbit she’d picked up during her Internet research on the subject.

She eyed the specimen at her fingertips. This baby came in at a full twelve inches. Easy.

She drew a deep breath and gathered her composure. Reaching out, she touched the long, smooth shaft and eased her trembling fingers up and down in a quick slide.

There. That wasn’t so bad. The thing didn’t sprout horns. Or jump up and bite her. Even more, she didn’t pass out from embarrassment. Nor did steam shoot out of her ears. A major coup since her cheeks felt as if they were on fire.

She shifted her attention to the forty-eight-inch plasma television her parents had bought her as a going away present six weeks ago. She studied the latest technique being demonstrated by a buxom blonde with bedroom eyes, bee-stung lips and crimson-tipped nails. After a few thoughtful seconds, Cheryl tackled the task with both hands.

“The key is to keep a firm grip,” Buxom Blonde said, her tone bold and pronounced. While the appearance said
ditzy porn star,
the voice told a very different story. Smart. Educated. Knowledgeable. At least when it came to sex. “Despite male perception, the penis is far from invincible. It’s very possible to cause serious bodily injury during an intricate hand technique, which would obviously undermine the overall objective—to increase the pleasure for both partners. Therefore make sure the fingers are touching at all points, but
do not

Cheryl Anne fought down her reservations and followed along for the next few minutes, practicing the various movements on the sizeable member in her grasp. Her right hand did a twist and curl around the base of the shaft. Her left petted and stroked. She even practiced licking her lips and lowering her eyelids just enough to give her that hooded, bedroom look as she eyed the object of her attention.

Soon she moved with confidence, her grip just right, her technique smooth and polished, as if she’d been doing it for six years rather than a measly six weeks.

She could definitely do this.

In private, a voice reminded her. With the instructional video
Hand Jobs Made Easy
blazing in front of her.

But could she do it in front of a bunch of paying customers eager to beef up their own sexual résumé?

Maybe. Maybe not.

In exactly five hours and forty-five minutes—at seven-thirty that very evening—she was going to find out.

She would have half the females in Skull Creek sitting in her sparse living room, looking to her for guidance.

Women who were sacrificing time with their significant other in the name of education. They would expect expert advice on how to jumpstart their relationships, and plenty of snacks to fuel the process.

Her gaze swept the small card table set up in her microscopic dining room. She had a half dozen bowls overflowing with everything from Chex Mix to Doritos, Cheez-Its to trail mix. She even had a vegetable tray that she’d sliced and diced herself.

The snacks she had covered.

As for the expert advice…

Eyeing the newly framed diploma from the UniversityofLove.com that hung on her wall, she tried to summon her courage. She’d completed every assignment of the online course
she’d made a perfect score on the final exam, and so she’d earned the title of Carnal Coach, as well as the Pleasure Chest of educational tools sitting on her coffee table and the phallic-shaped name tag pinned to her chest. She was more than ready to instruct her first group of paying customers.

getting embarrassed.

The thing is, when she’d signed up at the UniversityofLove, she’d expected to learn something about, well,

To have and to hold. ’Til death do us part. Forever and ever…
That sort of thing. But other than a small section entitled “Revving up the romance”—which offered tips like writing daily love notes and starting the morning with a lingering kiss—the majority of what she’d learned revolved around the big S.

Not that being a sexpert was bad. It was great for a woman determined to do a complete one-eighty from boring, naive, sheltered country girl to exciting, knowledgeable, worldly woman.

Cheryl Anne drew a deep breath and went over her demonstration a few more times using the gonzo “penis”—also known as a banana.

Being the youngest and only daughter of overprotective parents, she’d lived her entire life being coddled. Her mother and father were both obsessive-compulsives who worried about
from allergies to natural disasters. There’d been a can of disinfectant in every room, a No Pets Allowed sign posted in the front yard and a half dozen weather alert radios scattered throughout the large farmhouse. They’d gone out of their way to keep their children safe, to the point that they’d isolated Cheryl and her older brother Dillon from the rest of the world.

Dillon had been a bookworm who’d spent most of his time indoors because of their mother’s fear of pollen and insect bites. He’d never mowed the grass (dangerous machinery) or camped out with his friends (the woods at night? Shudder). He’d never even played sports. Not that their parents had forbidden anything, but they’d had a way of pushing their children in the “right” direction.

Other than one wild night when she’d turned eighteen and gone skinny-dipping down at Skull Creek, she’d spent her entire life playing it safe. Partly because she hadn’t wanted to hurt her parents who, while extreme, had always meant well. And partly because, after leading such a sheltered life and being dubbed a geek, she’d actually
like one.

She wasn’t very pretty or overly charming or supermodel skinny. Rather, she had dirty-blond hair and an okay personality and a little too much junk in the trunk—and not enough in the chest. Sure, she had nice eyes and a cute smile, but she was still just average. Plain. Blah.

Ditto for her older brother.

Cheryl and Dillon had been the only twenty-somethings in Skull Creek still living at home. While Dillon had finally moved out six months ago, he’d still been the same geeky guy she’d grown up with.

Until last month, that is.

Just like that, he’d ditched his thick black glasses and pocket protector. He’d gone from bony to buff, traded in his slacks and button-downs for T-shirts and leather pants, and he’d even bought a custom-made motorcycle. He now spent his nights cruising around town. And—and this was the biggee—he had half the women in town panting after him.

Cheryl, on the other hand, had never had anyone panting after her.

Sure, there was Dayne Branson, her longtime steady boyfriend, but he didn’t count. Dayne, a once-upon-a-time steer roper who now owned a local construction company, never panted, even when he faced off with a wily calf or picked up a nail gun to help out his crew. Rather, he smiled a lot. And winked. And oozed good ol’ boy charm.

Enough to stir her hormones into a frenzy every Saturday night when they met for their weekly date aka roll in the hay. Despite their first wild night together (see the skinny-dipping above), Dayne had become just another part of her routine. While the sex itself was good, it was always the same.

Same time. Same place. Same position.



No more.

She wasn’t sure what had prompted her brother’s about-face. She only knew that it had forced her to take a long, hard look at herself. If Dillon—known to the fine, upstanding citizens of their desperately small town as Dill Pickle thanks to the costume he’d worn as a kid in the Skull Creek Elementary health pageant—could declare his independence and go after his dreams, so could she.

Cheryl Anne was through with safe. She wanted to spread her wings, to take some chances, to shake things up.

Professionally and personally.

She’d left her parents’ place and bought a small house near the main square of town—hardly the bustling metropolis she envisioned herself living in, but still a step in the right direction. She’d sold her piano, packed away her chess set and adopted a puppy from the local SPCA. She’d ditched her old tennis shoes and sweats and spent an entire day shopping in San Antonio.
she’d left her job as a nail technician for an exciting career helping clueless women revive their stale relationships.

At least, that had been the job description listed online. In reality, however, it was more like a semi-embarrassing career giving verbal instruction and hands-on demonstrations for every sexual technique in the eighty-five-page course syllabus she’d recently memorized.

She ignored a niggle of regret. Sure, it wasn’t exactly what she’d envisioned, but it was much more stimulating than listening to customers debate the merits of acrylic verses gel.

Bottom line, she’d said goodbye to her old routine, including Dayne.

She wasn’t sure if he’d taken the news well or not—she’d broken up with him via voice mail—but he had left her a message agreeing to give her some space. She knew he thought she was just going through a phase and that she would change her mind.

She wouldn’t, even if she did sort of miss him.

Not that it was Dayne she actually missed. It was the idea of having a steady boyfriend, even one whose idea of a romantic evening was a slap on the rump and a “Hop on, honey!” But steady was overrated. For ten years they had drifted along, never seriously discussing their future. She wasn’t even sure if Dayne wanted to get married or have kids.

No more. She needed a new man. Someone romantic. Wild. Spontaneous.

Which was why she’d signed herself up for several online dating services. She’d also paid for a class at the local junior college—Mingling in the New Millennium. She’d become a faithful
magazine subscriber, and had started reading the weekly “Sex in the Saddle” column in the
San Antonio Star.
She’d even entered the Valentine’s Day contest being sponsored by the newspaper. In honor of the holiday, the
was offering a free sensual home makeover—Romancing the Room they were calling it—to the geekiest subscriber. To enter, she’d had to describe in fifty words or less why she deserved to win.

She’d done it in thirty.

Of course, she didn’t
to win. The contest was open to any and all readers—those who actually lived in the city as well as the surrounding areas—so the paper had undoubtedly been flooded with entries from equally clueless individuals.

Still, it was the principle of the thing. Writing the entry had been her way of saying goodbye to the old Cheryl Anne. She was taking every possible step in her life to ditch the
and grab some

She stared at her small living room lined with the folding metal chairs she’d borrowed from the seniors’ center. Rather than take her mother’s old gingham couch that was collecting dust in the attic, she’d made up her mind to buy all new furniture. She’d even invested in several decorating magazines and mapped out the perfect decor for her new home—lots of pale colors and clean accents. Something tasteful and modern—the opposite of the paisley-print room she’d had at home.

All the more reason to can her doubts and get her act together. She needed money and so, she had a job to do.

She finished up with the banana and added it to the overflowing stack that sat in a fruit bowl near her Pleasure Chest. The three dozen extra-large, passion purple vibrators she’d ordered hadn’t come in yet and so she’d had to improvise. She’d wanted cucumbers because they had a wider girth and were, therefore, more challenging to women with smaller hands, but Mr. Presley at the Piggly Wiggly had been running a special on Chiquitas. Since she’d sunk most of her money into the vibrators, she’d gone the cheaper route.

A bad move, she decided as she eyed the long, slender fruit. This was her first workshop. It would set the stage for all others to come. The registrants would either tell all of their friends, who would tell all of
friends, who would tell all of
friends, or demand their money back. The last thing she needed was to cut corners, particularly with Old Lady Shubert signed up.

The woman was always the first picked for the tug-o-war team during the senior Olympics. And she’d been single-handedly responsible for cracking and shelling the twelve dozen pecans used in the pies featured at the last Senior Ladies’ Bake Sale. Five seconds in the Widow Shubert’s grip and the banana would be history.

“I need cucumbers,” she announced to the ball of sleeping fluff parked under a nearby folding chair.

Taz, part doormat/part frantic puppy, lifted his head and started to wiggle his tail.

“Sorry, buddy. You can’t come this time. But I promise to take you for a walk this evening if all goes well.” She scooped up the dog and headed for the bathroom. She set him on the brand-new pet bed set up in one corner, rushed back to the kitchen and snatched up her purse. If she hurried, she could make it before the market closed—

“Congratulations!” the cry rang out as she hauled open the front door and found herself blinded by several camera flashes.

She blinked and tried to focus on the handful of strangers crowding her front porch. “Excuse me?”

“Cheryl Anne Cash?” asked a hunky, handsome man with the whitest teeth she’d ever seen. He wore slacks and a pullover Henley, and she knew right away that it wasn’t the UPS guy.

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