Texas Heat (4 page)

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Authors: Barbara McCauley

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Texas Heat
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Jake shut off the engine. The sudden stillness had Emma sitting up. Her eyes shot open and she looked out the car window. “Are we here? Is that your house?”

Savannah glanced at the one-story rambling home. It was a practical house of sturdy brick and rock. No flowers, no frills. Built rugged to survive the elements. Like the man himself, she thought.

Distant windmills dotted the land beyond the house, and a huge barn several hundred yards away caught Emma's attention.

“Do you have horses in there?” Emma asked excitedly. “Can I see them?”

“A little later.” Jake reached over and unbuckled Emma's seat belt. “Right now there're some people who've been waiting to meet you.”

While Jake got the luggage, Savannah quickly pulled a brush through Emma's tangled hair, then her own. Her hand shook slightly as she hurriedly applied lipstick. Jared and Jessica were waiting inside. And while Savannah knew that they certainly would like Emma, she couldn't help but wonder what they would think of her. Would they consider her an outsider? An intruder?

Inside the house there were pink and white balloons and streamers everywhere. They seemed strongly out of place in the masculine interior of dark wood and leather furniture. Jake, with one bag under each arm and another in each hand, kicked the door shut behind him.

A man stood just inside the door, his hands in the back pockets of his faded jeans. He was nearly as tall as Jake, with the same muscular build, but his hair was a shade lighter, and his blue eyes, though smiling, held a strange sadness. The kind of sadness a woman could easily find herself drawn to, Savannah thought.

A young woman wearing a sleeveless white denim shirt and black jeans came out of the kitchen drying her hands on a towel.
The minute Savannah saw her she felt her breath catch. She was beautiful. And if the resemblance between Emma and Jessica's photograph had been strong, in real life it was amazing.

Jessica tossed the towel aside and moved in front of Emma. There was silence for a moment as Jessica and Jared looked at Emma, then Jessica bent down and held out her hand. “Hello, Emma.”

Still clutching the stuffed animal Jake had given her, Emma suddenly turned shy and leaned close to Savannah. “It's all right, Pecan.” Savannah nudged her niece. “Say hello to your sister.”

Emma took a cautious step forward. “Are you really my sister?”

Jessica nodded.

Hesitantly Emma took Jessica's hand. “Are you having a party?” she asked, looking around the room.

Jessica smiled. “It's a welcome party for you.”

“For me?” Emma's eyes widened. “Thank you!”

As Jake watched Emma move into Jessica's arms and give her a hug, he felt his throat tighten. He knew that if his mother hadn't nearly died giving birth to Jessica there would have been a dozen more Stone children. But Jake's father had loved his wife too much to chance losing her and so had made sure no more children were conceived. Something told Jake that if his mother were alive, she would have welcomed this child. His stepmother, on the other hand, was an entirely different matter.

When Emma gave Jared a hug, too, Jake cleared his throat loudly and set the bags down. “Hey, what about me? I brought you here, didn't I?”

Emma ran to Jake and nearly jumped into his arms. Savannah stood by, feeling completely out of place as she watched the family unite. It seemed so natural, she thought, watching Emma wrap her arms around Jake's neck. As if they'd known each other forever.

Jessica, her eyes glistening with tears, stepped forward and took hold of Savannah's hands. “How can we ever thank you?”

Savannah shook her head. “It's not necessary.” And when she glanced at Jake and saw him smiling down at Emma, she knew in that second she'd done the right thing by coming. She knew that no matter what happened to her, Emma would always be loved and cared for.

And as comforting as that realization was, a cold shiver of fear went through Savannah. For she knew in her heart that the love that would protect Emma might also take her away.

Jessica, still holding on to Savannah, took Emma's hand, as well, and pulled them both toward the kitchen. “You two must be starving. I have a pizza almost ready to come out of the oven, cold cuts and potato salad and beans and franks. Oh, and chocolate cake for dessert.”

“So what's Jake going to eat?” Jared teased.

“His boots if he doesn't hurry up,” Jessica called back.

Jake tossed his hat onto a hook in the entry and made his way to the kitchen. “Couldn't tell the difference between my boots and that steak Jared made last week. What was in that marinade, Bro? Boot wax?”

The banter continued through lunch. Emma giggled at the silliness and even Savannah felt herself relaxing. The kitchen was large and sunny, but once again, there was no woman's touch here, she noted. No curtains, no basket of dried flowers or wooden cows hanging on the wall. Simple and utilitarian in appearance, but complete with what appeared to be most of the necessary modern appliances.

Savannah found herself wondering why Jake hadn't married and why this kitchen wasn't filled with his own children. Had it become comfortable living with Jessica and Jared, or was he just too busy to look for a wife?

As if this man would have to look far, she told herself, glancing sideways at him. If word got out he was looking for a wife, the three-hour drive to Midland would be bumper to bumper with eager females.

“Would you like a roll?”

Startled from her thoughts, Savannah realized Jake was talking to her. “Excuse me?”

“A roll.” He offered her a basket of bread. “You want one?”

Jake had no idea what had brought the sudden flush to Savannah's cheeks, but he couldn't stop his own thought, which was wondering if her face flushed with passion as easily as it did with embarrassment. He had a swift and fervent desire to find out, and if Jessica hadn't announced it was time for everyone to have cake, he might have let his imagination wander a bit.

Emma giggled when Jared got chocolate frosting on his chin and the sound flowed through Jake like warm honey. Emma had brought something into his house he hadn't realized he'd missed. People and laughter. She hadn't been here two hours and already he was wondering how he could let her leave. A month was too short.

But that was something he'd deal with later. He looked at Savannah, watching as she licked a spot of frosting from her upper lip. The innocent, but sensuous gesture had his groin tightening painfully, and he began to realize that a month might, in fact, be a very long time.

“Hello? Anybody home?”

Jake went still at the sound of the voice, as did everyone else in the kitchen. Jake frowned at Jessica, then Jared, but they both shook their heads.

He counted to three, struggling to control his temper, furious that this special party was being interrupted.

Myrna had just walked in his front door.


he sudden tension in the room closed around Savannah like a fist. Instinctively she put her arm around Emma, who was busy spearing a bite of cake, oblivious to any change in the atmosphere.

The voice came again. “Jake?”

He scowled. Jared shook his head and quickly covered Jessica's mouth. Jessica pushed Jared's hand away. “In here,” she called out, and punched Jared's arm.

“There you are.” An older redheaded woman in a green crepe suit appeared at the doorway. She slipped her sunglasses off. “Are you having a party?”

Jake stood and faced the woman. “I thought you were in Houston visiting your father this week, Myrna.”

With a sigh, the woman swept into the room, her gaze directed downward as she tucked the sunglasses into her clutch purse. Her heels clicked loudly on Jake's tile floor. “I was, but he was in business meetings night and day, so I decided to come home early. You'd think at seventy-three he could pass up at least one land deal and spend a little time with his only daughter.”

“You usually call me for a ride from the airport,” Jessica said.

“Since that little accident I had, Daddy insisted I hire a driver. So when William came by looking for employment, I took him on.”

“William?” Jake stared at his stepmother. “You mean Billy who used to work for me?”

“Yes, that's him.” She snapped her purse shut and straightened her suit jacket.

Jake nearly choked. “Myrna, I fired the man because he has a drinking problem.”

“Nonsense. William is as dry as—” She stopped, her brow lifting in question as her gaze rested on Savannah. “Oh. You have company.”

The momentary silence was deafening. Who was this woman? Savannah wondered. And why was everyone acting so strangely? She glanced at Jake, and the tight expression on his face had her holding her breath.

“Myrna Stone,” he finally said, “Savannah Roberts.”

Myrna Stone. Savannah had heard the name, but where? Myrna Stone...Myrna Stone... Her breath caught as the realization hit her full force.

J.T.'s wife.

Before she came here, Savannah had realized that she and this woman might meet. But she certainly hadn't expected it the first day. Savannah's fingers stiffened on her niece's back.
Dear Lord, what about Emma?

“A pleasure.” Myrna extended her hand, then glanced down at Emma. “And this must be your daugh—”

Myrna stopped short, her smile frozen on her face. She stared at Emma, then Jessica, recognizing the resemblance.

Savannah stood slowly and faced the woman. “Emma is my niece, Mrs. Stone. Angela Roberts—Emma's mother—was my sister.”

A lifetime passed through the heartbeat of silence.

Emma took hold of Savannah's hand. “Did she know my daddy, too, Aunt Savannah?”

“Yes, sweetheart, she did,” Savannah answered, keeping her gaze on the woman.

Myrna's face had paled at Emma's question, and as she stared at the child, Savannah felt a wave of sympathy for the woman. Of course she'd be in shock at the realization she was staring at the child her husband had fathered as the result of an extramarital affair. Anger surged through Savannah. Anger at Jake. He should have prepared her for the possibility that the woman might drop by, just as he should have prepared his stepmother. But he hadn't.

Eyes wide, Myrna continued to stare at Emma. “You mean, this is...she's my husband's—”

Jessica stood quickly. “Emma, why don't we go wash some of that chocolate off your face? When we're done, if it's okay with your aunt, we can go out to the barn and feed Jake's new calf.”

“Is it okay, Aunt Savannah? Can I?” Emma asked eagerly.

“Of course you can, sweetie.” Savannah forced herself to smile at her niece. “I'll join you in a few minutes.”

Emma chattered all the way down the hall. When they were out of earshot, Myrna turned to Jake. “Would you please explain to me what's going on?”

Jake had known he'd have to deal with his stepmother sooner or later, he'd just hoped it would be later.
Why couldn't she have stayed in Houston like she was supposed to? “Emma is J.T.'s daughter, Myrna. Her mother died eight months ago and Emma lives with Savannah now. I've invited them to stay here for a while.”

“Stay here?” Myrna looked genuinely confused. “You've invited my husband's illegitimate child to stay

Jake saw the indignant lift of Savannah's chin and stiffness in her shoulders. It was all he could do not to throttle his stepmother. “Emma is my sister, Myrna—”

“Our sister,” Jared added sharply, rising from his seat.

Jake stood a step closer to Myrna. “
sister,” he repeated. “And I might remind you that she has Stone blood in her veins.”

Distress deepened the lines around Myrna's eyes. “Jake, surely you can understand my reaction. It's not easy to have J.T.'s—” she hesitated, as if searching for another word “—indiscretion waved under my nose like this.”

Jake said through clenched teeth. “Her name is Emma. You refer to her as anything other than her given name, and so help me, I'll personally show you the door.”

Myrna clutched a hand to her throat, then looked at Savannah. “Miss Roberts, forgive me. I meant no offense. It's just that this has all come as a shock to me. I had no idea that you and...Emma were staying here.”

“I understand your surprise, Mrs. Stone.” Savannah shot Jake a heated look. “But you needn't worry yourself about it. We'll be leaving tomorrow.”

Jake's head turned sharply. “What are you talking about?”

Savannah gathered up a few dirty dishes. “There's an afternoon flight tomorrow. I'm sure we'll be able to catch it.” Ignoring the dark look on Jake's face, she moved around him and deposited the dishes in the sink. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll join my niece in the barn.”

She'd barely made it off the front porch before Jake's hand took hold of her arm and pulled her around to face him.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?” he snapped.

“I'm going to the barn.”

“You know what I mean. We had an agreement.”

“That's right, we did.” Savannah put her hands on her hips and leaned forward. “I told you that if you or anyone in your family hurt Emma, we'd be gone before you could blink.”

“Myrna was supposed to be in Houston. I had no idea she'd turn up here today.”

“I'm not talking about Myrna. I'm talking about you. You never considered what might happen or how Emma would feel if your stepmother showed up. You only thought about what you wanted.”

His eyes narrowed as he stared down at her. “Okay. I messed up.”

“You got that right, mister.” The air was dry outside and a hot wind whipped her hair in front of her face, but she ignored it. She leaned even closer to Jake and lifted her face to his. “When Angela died I made a vow that nothing was ever going to hurt Emma again. Nothing—” she pressed a finger to Jake's chest “—and no one.”

Frustration had Jake wrapping his hand tightly around Savannah's. “Dammit, Savannah, I care about Emma. We all do. I admit I made a mistake and I can't promise I won't make more. But I can promise I'll try my damnedest.” He loosened his hold on her and his voice softened. “Give me a chance.”

Could she take that kind of risk when it came to Emma? Savannah asked herself as she stared into Jake's eyes. She'd sworn that her niece would never feel pain again, but in reality, she knew that some pain was inevitable. There were times when people would be cruel. And a loving supportive family would be the only safe haven. Jake and Jared and Jessica had already proved they could supply that haven by the way they'd banded together to handle their stepmother. In her heart she knew it would be wrong to take Emma away so soon.

But Savannah's heart was telling her something else. Something she did not want to listen to. Something was happening here between her and Jake. Something that would only complicate matters. She stared at Jake's hand still covering her own and suddenly realized how close she was standing to him. Her fingers rested against his rock-hard chest and she felt the steady beat of his heart.

“She's just a little girl, Jake,” Savannah said quietly. “Angela and I have always done our best to shelter her. She doesn't understand how cruel some people can be.”

He stroked the soft skin of her palm, and it was impossible for Savannah to stop the shiver that coursed up her arm and through her body.

“I'll horse-drag anyone who even looks at her cross-eyed, myself included,” he said. “You can ride the horse.”

“I suppose Emma would be upset if we left so soon,” she murmured, and found that her throat was as dry as the Texas dust swirling around her feet. She felt the heat of his skin radiate through his cotton shirt.

“So would I.”

Without her realizing when, he'd pulled her against him. They stood there at the base of the porch, their bodies touching, his hand stroking hers. It seemed to Savannah that her bones were softening and she felt a yearning she'd never experienced before. She leaned against Jake, felt the heat of the sun on her back and his muscled body pressed against her thighs and breasts. Desire spilled through her, making her ache to be closer, to—

“Aunt Savannah!”

Savannah jerked her hand away from Jake's at the sound of Emma's call. Her niece was running back from the barn with Jessica several feet behind.

“Aunt Savannah! Come see the baby cow! My sister, Jessica, says I can feed it a bottle.”

Savannah hadn't seen that big a smile on Emma's face since before Angela had died. It was worth all the gold in the world to Savannah. She waved to her niece with a shaky hand. “I'll be right there, Pecan.”

She looked back at Jake and nodded slowly. “Okay, Mr. Stone, I'll give you another chance.” She turned to follow Emma, wondering how she could walk on knees that felt like warm rubber.

Jake watched Savannah walk away and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The first day and already he'd nearly blown it. Myrna hadn't been expected until next week. He'd planned on telling Savannah about his stepmother then. How the hell could he have known that she'd show up today of all days?


He turned. Billy stood behind him, his hat in his hand, his gaze cast downward. Myrna's white luxury sedan was parked a few feet away.

“Hello, Billy.”

“I know you're probably still sore at me, but I just wanna say I'm sorry for any trouble I caused ya. I oughtn't not been drinking like that on your time.”

Jake frowned at the man. He looked as if he'd tied one on the night before. Jake sighed inwardly. Only his stepmother would hire a drunk to drive for her. “You go to any AA meetings yet?”


“Get yourself straightened out, then come see me in the fall.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jake turned and went back into the house. Billy was Myrna's problem. And right now, he and his stepmother were going to have to get a few things straight about Savannah and Emma.

Because now that he had them here, he intended to make sure they stayed.

* * *

The hot water did wonders for Savannah's frazzled nerves. Sighing, she stood under the pounding shower head, letting the needlelike spray relax her tense shoulders. To say that her first day at Stone Creek had been long was the understatement of the century, but after Myrna had left, everyone, including herself, had calmed down and enjoyed the rest of the day.

Emma was already asleep. Savannah had tucked her in only minutes ago and the child's eyes had closed immediately, a smile on her angelic face. Savannah's own lips curved as she recalled the excitement on Emma's face as she'd bottle-fed the calf that afternoon. The nine-year-old had never even seen a cow before, let alone fed one.

Eyes closed, Savannah leaned her head back and rinsed her hair. Shampoo and water sluiced over her flushed skin. She felt herself slowly relax, and she let her mind wander, assessing her first day at Stone Creek and the man who had brought her here.

Jake Stone. Hardworking rancher, as devoted to his family's land as he was to the family itself. Yet he had no family of his own. No wife. No children. He seemed to hold part of himself back, watching more than participating.

And he'd watched her, too, she realized. He'd watched her with the same intensity that a wild animal might observe its prey. Calculating and bold. Determined. She shivered despite the heat of the pulsing water. She'd felt, more than seen, the heat of his stare. Felt it on some primal level she didn't understand and had never experienced before with any man. It frightened her.

It excited her.

Reluctantly Savannah shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. Her first day here and already she'd made a fool of herself. She'd practically melted in the man's arms this afternoon. She groaned softly, remembering how she'd leaned into him when he'd held her hand.

She refused to give in to any attraction she might feel for Jake. The feeling would pass, she told herself, though she really hadn't much experience to base that belief on. She'd never met, or reacted to, any man like Jake before. She was completely out of her element. It was much easier, and much more comfortable, to date men who didn't intimidate the hell out of her.

Savannah couldn't imagine that there would be anything easy or comfortable when it came to Jake. He'd barely touched her this afternoon, and yet she could still feel the coarse texture of his thumb on her palm and the electricity that touch had sent through her. She rubbed the towel roughly over her skin and her hair, as if she might scour the feeling away, but it only intensified.

Swearing under her breath, she yanked a comb through her tangled hair and slipped on her nightgown and robe. Thank goodness Jessica was here as a buffer, she thought. A month would go by quickly and she and Emma would leave, no worse for wear.

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