Text Appeal (31 page)

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Authors: Lexi Ryan

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Text Appeal
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He smoothed her hair back and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I should have seen him for what he is a long time ago.”

She leaned into him. “He had us both fooled.”

“What are you going to do about your poker player?”

She frowned. “I know you don’t approve of him, but he was good for me.
Better than I even realized, and if he would take me back, I’d go without a backward glance.”

Her father raised a brow. “I never said I didn’t approve, Riley. I just asked what you were doing.” He smiled. “Anyone who makes you smile like that one did
all of my approval.”

Riley’s heart pitched. She wrapped her arms around her father and squeezed him tight. Charlie wouldn’t be making her smile anymore, wouldn’t be sweeping her off for romantic dinners or making her feel the shuffle of a thousand playing cards low in her belly. “I am glad he got a sponsor out of this mess. He’s talented. He deserves a long career in poker.” She withdrew and pulled her keys from her purse.

Her father frowned. “Charlie announced his retirement this afternoon.”

Riley heard a clatter at her feet. She blinked down at the keys that had dropped to the floor. “Why would he do that?”

“He wants to be in Vegas fulltime to be near his son.”

Of course.”

“The Devil May Care Poker Club that sponsored him is mine—he agreed to be the face of a new set of poker clubs. And I couldn’t beat the price for such good coverage.”

“You opened a new set of clubs just for Charlie?”
He tucked a lock of hair behind Riley’s ear. “That’s the beautiful thing. Charlie suspected how much I hated owning strip clubs and suggested I turn the Black Diamond clubs into straight poker clubs.”

Riley swallowed hard. It was a good idea. Poker clubs with Charlie’s face would attract a lot of attention. Maybe not the kind poker clubs with naked women attracted, but these would be classier clubs where women would feel comfortable playing, where people could go who were looking for a serious game, not an excuse to stare at naked women. “It’s genius,” she said softly. “Is he going to run the clubs for you?”

Her father shook his head. “I offered, but he wasn’t interested. He just wants an internship at Grand Escape while he works on his Associate’s degree in casino surveillance.”

Some mix of pride and envy rushed through her. Pride that he’d had the courage to make a change, to pursue a new career. And envy for the same reason.

“I hurt him, Daddy. I don’t know how to fix that. I was so wrong because I was scared to trust him.”

“Have you told him that?”

She looked at her feet. “I’d like to, but I don’t know if he wants to see my face right now.”

Her father tipped up her chin and looked into her eyes. “He’s only hurting so much because he loves you. He’ll want to hear what you have to say.”

“Do you know if he’s left yet?”

“The after party is tonight. As the tournament winner, he’ll be expected to be there.”

Riley took a breath. It was Saturday. “I have something I have to do tonight, but I’ll catch up with him tomorrow.” She looked at her watch. If she was going to make it in time, she needed to head home for her things now. “I want you to know something, Daddy.”

Her father rocked back on his heels. “What’s that sweetheart?”

She bit her lip, caught herself,
lifted her chin. “I’m auditioning for a position in a dance company, and I know you don’t approve, but you should know I’m not my mother and I won’t be making the mistakes she did. You just have to trust me on that.”

He sighed. “I trust you, Riley.” Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. “Knock ’
dead, sweetheart.”




Charlie pulled the last shirt off its hanger, folded it, and put it in his suitcase. Bright and early tomorrow morning, he’d check out of Grand Escape and head to Los Angeles to move out of his condo. Next time he returned to this hotel, it wouldn’t be as a VIP guest but as an intern-in-training. The thought was terrifying and humbling. It was invigorating.

His phone buzzed. He grabbed it from the nightstand.
Text from Riley Carter.

Something broke loose in his chest and sunk, its ragged edges clawing the whole way down. He opened the text.

Come to the elevator.




Riley sent the text and darted into the elevator, white-knuckling her purse. She swiped her employee clearance card and jabbed the button for the penthouse, not allowing herself to wonder whether or not he wanted to see her.

The elevator started moving and she squeezed her eyes shut, swallowing the hot ball of fear threatening to spill from her gut.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open.


The image of Charlie before her was a kick in the chest, forcing her heart to double its pace. In jeans and a worn, white oxford that hung unbuttoned and showed his tanned torso, he was every bit as sexy as the man her ING had spent years fantasizing about.

He stepped into the elevator with her and took her hand, pulling her gently toward the doors.

She gave a weak smile, but kept her feet glued where they were.

“It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Come on.”

Her heart warmed at that but she shook her head. “I want to do this here. I’m not afraid.” The doors slid closed behind Charlie and Riley flinched. “Okay, I am afraid—terrified—but I’m not letting that stop me.”

“Okay.” His dark eyes were cautious.

That warm kernel in her gut grew, moved its way up toward her heart.

“I’m so sorry I accused you of releasing that footage,” she said softly. “I know you better than that, but I was scared.”

Charlie let out a ragged breath. “I didn’t give you any reason to believe I hadn’t.”

He stood stock still as she dropped her purse to her feet and slid her hands around his neck. “I love you, Charlie,” she said. Then she pressed her lips to his.

She kissed him tentatively. After what she’d accused him of, he had every right to turn her away. But he didn’t. Instead, he returned the kiss. She opened beneath him and slipped her tongue into his mouth, pressing her body closer to his.

Charlie’s arms wrapped around her.
One hand pulled at her hip, bringing her solidly against him. It wasn’t until she moaned against his mouth that he pulled away. “I love you, Riley.”

She smiled up at him. “I like hearing you say that.”

He grinned. “Good.
Because I like saying it.”
He brushed his lips against hers. “Are you sure you want to be with a washed up old poker player who’s enrolling in college for the first time at the age of thirty-two?”

She ran her thumb over the
growth of beard. He looked a little rugged and completely irresistible. “Sounds like the kind of guy who could teach me how to be brave and live my life for myself. Sounds like the kind of guy who could give me the courage to try out for a dance company.”

He grinned.
At her nodded response, he leaned his head against hers. “You are brave, Riley, and I never should have told you otherwise. Look at you.
Right now.
I’ve never known anyone so brave.”

She swallowed. “I quit my job,” she said. “I got a spot in
dance company, and I’m scared to death.” She looked into his eyes as he stared down at her. “I’m really living for the first time since I was sixteen.”

He pressed his lips to hers and she lost herself there again. Slipping a hand between their bodies, she found his bare chest, hot and hard beneath her fingertips. She moaned and he pulled away.

“As much as I hate to cut this short, we’ve been down this road before.” He gave a meaningful look to the security camera over her head.

She grinned.
“So, what?
Let them watch.” And she kissed him again.
















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