Thanks a Million (8 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Thanks a Million
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She jerked as he reached down and slipped a large, long finger into her sopping wet channel. “You’re lubricated enough.” she felt another finger join the one drilling her core. “Let’s try it.”

He positioned his hardness between her folds at the entrance to her deep well and pushed. It went in only a short distance so he retreated some and once more shoved his cock inward. It went in further, he could feel it, but it was in no more than an inch or two. “Spread your legs wider if you can.”

She tried and once more he thrust. It entered another inch. “We’re getting there. The next one should get it.”

“Wait,” She yelled. “We need protection. Don’t you have any condoms?”

She sighed when his cock retreated. He sauntered over to his discarded slacks. He picked up his pants, reached in a front pocket and pulled out three foil packets. He wagged his eyebrows as he threw two in the nightstand drawer. “For tomorrow.”

Positioning himself back between her thighs, he handed a packet to her. “Slide it on, will you?”

Unwrapping it, she placed the condom at the top of his cock, which rose about an inch above his navel, and rolled it down the shaft.

His eyes locked with hers. “I don’t suppose you have any vaginal gel handy? I think we may need some lubricant just to get started.”

She shook her head in confusion. “No. Big dicks are kind of a new thing with me.”

He laughed. “Well darling, tight cunts are kind of new to me, too.”

He reached down and once more inserted his fingers inside her. One at first, then two. Dana enjoyed the foreplay, but what he really looked forward to ramrodding her pussy with his cock. When he decided she was as ready as she was going to get, he took some of the crème from her juiced up cunt and rubbed it over the top and down the length of his shaft. Then, repeating what he’d done before, he placed his manhood between her inner labia at the opening of her tunnel and shoved.

“Ooh!” She gasped.

His cock went in fairly good. Maybe she was getting used to his size. “Spread your legs again, up in the air this time.” She did and once more he plowed into her and it felt like he went in four, maybe even five inches.

“Aww, Jeeze, you’re big.”
He chuckled. “Jeeze, you’re small. Don’t worry, we’re almost there, baby.”
“I hope this is all worth it when you’re in me.”

“It will be.” He pulled back slightly and rammed it in with force. His thrust wrenched a sob of delighted pain from her, as it slid in. “I’m in.”

After a few seconds she said, “Thank God. It feels all right now, but at first it felt as if I’d been ripped apart.”

He didn’t move for a few seconds and when he did he only moved slightly. “I know. I need to let your pussy expand. It’s not used to being stretched this much.” Very slowly and marginally, he began moving in and out, gradually increasing the tempo until after a minute or so he was able to stroke her in a normal rhythm.




Chapter Seven - Conception

To no one’s surprise and Stuart’s glee, Fallon’s period never materialized. So she made an appointment for three days later, with the gynecologist she’d selected. The Doctor confirmed what she already knew, she was three and a half weeks pregnant.


Stuart leaned back in his chair and grinned at the information she’d just fed him. “That’s marvelous news, Fallon and on our first try. I couldn’t be more pleased.”

“Yes, I’m pleased, too, but I really loved the sex. I hope this doesn’t affect my libido. When do we go up there again?”
He smiled and held his hands out as if expressing his lack of control. “Not for awhile.”
Her lips formed a pout.
Stuart stared at her with intensity. “If you want to see if your sex drive is intact, I could make love to you.”

She shrugged. “As much as I would like that, it’s not part of the arrangement. Dana has to be on board for everything we do. It’s only right. He is my husband after all.”

Stuart cupped his chin. “Of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He leaned forward resting his arms on his desk. Let me talk with him. As for now, you can use my private plane to fly up to Tahoe to be with Dana whenever you can get away from the show, providing it’s available.”

Excitement spread through her. “Oh, thank you Stuart.” She went around the desk, put her arms around his neck and kissed him with passion. “If it’s all right, I think I’ll fly up this weekend.”

His smile seemed devious. “Why don’t you hold off until I talk to Dana? Who knows what can be worked out?”

“All right, but don’t wait too long. I have to get back to the showroom. We’re rehearsing at one p.m.”

* * * *

Dana picked up the intercom. “Yes.”
“Hi, it’s me. You have a call on one from the Big Kahuna in Vegas.”
“I wish you wouldn’t call him that.”
“Alright, have it your way.”
“Thanks Lora.”
“Yes, darling.”
“I’m still sore.”
“Shush, someone might hear you. I have to take this call, now. We’ll talk later.” He pushed line one. “Dana Allen.”
“Hey Dana, it’s Stu. How’re we doing up there?”
“Not bad, I can’t speak for the rest of the hotel, but we’re on schedule.”
“That’s great. I have some great news, too. Fallon is with child.”

His heart fluttered as he exhaled sharply. For the first time the gravity of the situation eclipsed the dollar signs in his mind. My wife was going to have Stuart Wynne’s baby. But then his greed overtook his remorse. She was carrying a million dollar jackpot.”

“Dana? Are you there?”

The urgency in Stu’s voice brought him back to reality. “Yes, I’m here. I suppose, I feel mixed emotions.”

“Understandable. As you know, the contract provides for us to have polyandrous intimacies at least monthly, until the sixth month.”

“Yes, I remember. Should I expect you and Fallon here in two weeks?”

“No, that won’t work. In her condition, I wouldn’t want Fallon traveling so often. I think you should come here every weekend.”

My God.
He has two insatiable wildcats on his hands and now he has to go to Vegas and fuck his wife, too? “Ah, umm. I’m thinking I hate to leave the hotel at such a critical time.”

“Good point, I appreciate your loyalty, but what about Fallon? She’s a sexual woman. She shouldn’t have to go without sex.”

So that’s the reason for the call
. “Do you have any suggestions?”

“Obviously, I could take care of her needs, but she would never go for it without your approval.”
Stu paused, but Dana waited for him to continue. “If you were to give her that approval, I’d make it worth your while.”
“In what way?”
“I would send you a five thousand dollar check for each time.”

Dollar signs again. “You know, I’d have to take your word for that and though, I have no reason to think you’d cheat me, I’d feel better if we made it a flat quarter of a million.”

“Fifty thousand.”
“Two hundred thousand.”
“One hundred thousand, otherwise, you can plan on every other weekend here in Vegas.”
“All right, one hundred thousand. How will we do this?”

“I’ll pen a letter of permission and email it to you to sign. When I get it back signed, I’ll wire you half. When we reach the sixth month, I’ll wire the rest.”

“All right, but I’m not giving up all rights with her. I reserve the right to join you in Vegas.”

“Of course. In fact, I just told Fallon she could use the plane when I’m not. So don’t be surprised if she shows up looking for some loving. Oh, one more thing. If you tell her about this money, you forfeit the million dollars.”

“I wouldn’t tell her, but why?”

“It’s for your benefit as much as mine. If you're getting paid for her to go to bed with me, it makes you look like a pimp and her like you know what.”

“I understand, she’ll never hear it from me.”

* * * *

Staring across the table in the cafeteria, Lora took a bite of her Cesar Salad. After swallowing, she batted those gorgeous, big, blue eyes at him. “So, is there some way you could get a penis reduction for me.”

He shook his head in disbelief at the audacity of her suggestion. “Oh, it could be done, but there’s no way I’d ever do it.”

“But what about me? I can’t go through life with a sore vagina.”

He struggled to keep from raising his voice. “Lora, you have a sumptuous body, a heavenly face and you’re a great fuck. But in case you haven’t noticed, I’m cheating on my mistress with you, who in turn, I’m cheating on my wife with. There couldn’t possibly be a ‘go through life’ with you in the picture.”

“But I thought—“

They both glanced up at the beautiful black woman who had stopped at their table, holding a cafeteria tray. “Hi Mr. Allen. I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I see you so seldom. Anyway, there’s a situation that I need to discuss with you.”

Dana smiled. “Trudy, so good to see you. How many times do I have to tell you? My name is Dana. What do you need to talk about?”
He noticed her glance at Lora. “Oh, I’m sorry, Trudy, This is my secretary, Lora Nelson.”
Trudy smiled at Lora. “Lora. Pleased to meet you.”
Lora smiled too and hitched her head. “The pleasure is all mine.”
“Trudy my door is always open to you. Come by any time or if you prefer, you can call.”
Trudy nodded and smiled. “Thank you Mr…Dana. I’ll do that. Sorry, I disturbed your lunch.”
Lora smiled and nodded. While Dana said, “Don’t worry about it.”
Lora watched as Trudy sashayed away.
“Where were we now? Oh, I remember.—”

Lora turned back toward me and watched Trudy walk away. “Who
that woman?”

“Her name’s Trudy. Sorry, I don’t know her last name.”
Lora sighed. “She’s gorgeous. What does she do?”
“Right now she’s an escort. When the hotel opens she’ll one of the hotel’s escorts.”
Lora shifted in her chair. “Well, she’s beautiful.”
“So are you?”

“Humph! If I am, I’m beautiful like a million cookie cutter beautiful, blue-eyed, blonde Barbie dolls. She was exquisite. I’d like to look like her. She is exotic. I can picture her with a beautiful white man, like you.”

I pursed my lips. “Yeah, well, I already have my hands full with three very beautiful women, which brings me to the point I wanted to make, before Miss Exotic interrupted us.”

“Which is?”

He fidgeted in the seat from exasperation. “You’re low woman on my totem pole.” He chuckled at his own corny joke. “Besides, you are tight because you’re inexperienced, but you’re not that tight. Having rough strenuous sex, like we have, every morning for the last six days, would make anyone sore.”

She pursed her lips. “Maybe you’re right. Why do we do it first thing in the morning?”

“It’s better that way. We’re less likely to be missed and if we are, they would think we came in late. Besides, Michelle never comes in before, eleven. She stays with the choreographers and production people until eight, then visits me in my suite.”

She gulped. “You’re fucking her, too?”

“Of course. I don’t want to give her any reason to suspect us.”

Lora got a very naughty look on her face. “Wouldn’t it be easier on you to merge both of us into one session? Aren’t men supposed to fantasize about being with two women?”

He had to think about it. The idea was titillating. “You wouldn’t mind that?”

“She’s so beautiful, I find the idea intriguing. Maybe, she would, too?”

“Yes, she is beautiful, but no more than you. I could go for watching you two go at it and I would fuck both of you. Mmmm, I’m getting hard picturing it.”

* * * *

“Stuart! What brings a busy man like you down to the stage area?”

He edged up to Fallon, wrapped his arms around her and while kissing her lifted her and swung her in a circle. She was dizzy when he set her down so she held on to him to steady herself. “Wow! What’s going on? The whole time I was the principal showgirl, I never saw you here, and now, here you are, kissing and hugging and making me dizzy.”

“I’m very happy. Dana is so busy with the upcoming opening, he will not be able to join us here. Let me ask you. If Dana said you could sleep with me would you?”

That took her aback. Having sex with her husband and another was one thing. Having sex with just the other alone was another matter. Still, if he couldn’t join in as agreed and wanted her to continue as an extension of what they’d agreed, why not. “I would lay with you as my lover if it’s what my husband wants, but you must not sleep in my bed as my husband would. I only have one husband.”

“Those conditions are fine with me. Now, that you are expecting my child, I would like you to move into the suite next to mine so I can come to your bed.”

“I could do that. It would even make it easier to run the show, but I need to know it’s all right with Dana.”

He unfolded a piece of paper and handed it to her to read.

To Whom It May Concern,

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