That Moment (20 page)

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Authors: Emily Prior

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: That Moment
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"I can't wait to see it, babe. I'll lock up after I put Precious out in the barn." he said, then went inside, picked up the pup and carried her to the barn, putting her in the stall. Mr. Williams would be there in the morning to feed and water her, the cat and the horses, but Kurt made sure they all had food and water before he left the barn. He went back to the house and turned off all the lights before closing and locking the door.


They got in the car and drove to the coffee shop, Café Z. Andy and Joanie were already there waiting in the parking lot. The girls hugged each other and the guys shook hands, then went inside. They sat at a corner table and a waitress came over and took their order. Kurt and Andy both ordered regular coffee, and the girls ordered a French Vanilla double-shot cappuccino and a Hazelnut espresso. A few moments later, the waitress returned with their coffees and a plate of chocolate chip biscotti cookies. Kurt turned to Joanie and said, "So, Joanie...How was the bachelorette party last weekend? Jessica hasn't said a word about it to me."


Jessica blushed to her toes and gave Joanie a pleading look that said, "Don't you dare tell him!"


Joanie giggled and said, "Oh, nothing much happened, Kurt. We just had some girlfriends over and had a few drinks, opened some presents, played a few games and danced to some great tunes."


"Oh really? Just drank, danced and opened presents? No strippers or anything like that, huh?" he asked with a wink.


Jessica blushed then said, "Would you boys please excuse us? Joanie, come to the ladies room with me, ok?" She grabbed Joanie's hand and pulled her to the bathroom, closing the door behind them. "What are you doing? I don't want him to know that the male stripper gave me oral sex at the party! That will destroy our marriage before it even starts!" Jessica took a deep breath and said to Joanie, "Look, I found out this morning that I'm going to have a baby, Joanie. I was planning on telling Kurt tonight at the hotel. Please, please don't ruin the surprise for me, ok?"


Joanie smiled and hugged Jessica. She said, "Oh My GOD! Jessica, that's great! After you tell Kurt, you both come to our room at the hotel and we'll all celebrate together, ok?"


"Ok Joanie. And I want you to promise me one thing before we go back out there." Jessica said sternly.


"Anything, girlfriend." Joanie said.


"I want you and Andy to be the baby's god parents, if Kurt agrees to it, as well as adopted Aunt & Uncle."


"It's a deal, Jessica." Joanie said.


The girls touched up their make-up and hair, used the toilet and went back out to their husbands, who were chatting about the bachelor party. "So this dude got the attention of one of the strippers, and she gave him a private dance in the bathroom. She tried to get me to join in, but I said 'No Thanks.' so she took him in and they didn't come back out for almost an hour." Andy was saying to Kurt


"Where was I when this happened?" Kurt asked. "You had gone with Joe Williams to get more beer, so you missed it, dude." Andy said.


Jessica and Joanie sat back down and Jessica said, "Well Kurt, honey, it's a good thing you did miss it, because if you had been there, I don't think you would have been able to resist the charms of that female stripper."


She winked and then he said, "Baby, there's no other woman who turns me on as much as you do. If I see another one, she just makes me want you more and more with each passing day." Then he reached over, took her hand and kissed each of her fingers, then turned her hand over and kissed the palm of her hand, sending delightful shivers through her body.


They finished their coffee, and the men paid for them. The ladies went outside to wait by the cars. Jessica said to Joanie, "I need to go to the drug store to get a pregnancy test to double-check that I'm really pregnant. I've missed my monthly twice in a row, so I'm pretty sure I am expecting. Do you want to walk to the drugstore with me?"


Joanie said, "Yeah, sure. I need to pick up some gum and breath mints anyhow." Just then, the men came outside.


Jessica went to Kurt and said, "Joanie and I are going to walk to the drugstore down the street to get some gum and breath mints, ok? Do you want me to pick up anything for you while we're there, honey?"


"No, I don't think I need anything, love. Don't be gone too long, we need to be at the hotel by 3:00, ok?"


She kissed him and said, "Ok Kurt. We'll be back in about ten minutes."


Joanie kissed Andy and the two ladies went down the street to the drugstore. Jessica went to the aisle and got her pregnancy test while Joanie got her gum and mints. They paid for their purchases and met the guys outside Café Z ten minutes later. They got in their vehicles and drove to the Crystal Springs Hotel, about ten miles south of town. They pulled into the parking lot and got out, the men taking the bags for the girls. They went inside and a bellhop took their bags for them, while they checked in and received the keys to the rooms. They followed the bellhop to the elevator and up to their rooms, which were next to each other on the third floor. Kurt took Jessica's bag inside the room and put it on the bed. Jessica said, "I need to use the bathroom, Kurt. Go ahead and unpack for us, ok honey? I'll be right back." then she went into the bathroom, her purse (with the pregnancy test in it) tucked under her arm.


She took the test and sat it on the sink, sat on the edge of the bathtub and waited for three minutes, according to the directions on the test package: one blue line meaning not pregnant, two lines meaning pregnant. Three minutes later, she looked at the test stick and saw two bright blue lines. She was pregnant! Tears of joy prickled the backs of her eyes. She put the cover over the test stick and put it in her purse, so she could show Kurt later. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands and face. She touched up her makeup and checked her hair in the mirror, then left the bathroom. She emerged from the bathroom with a smile on her face and happiness showing in her eyes. Kurt was just closing the drawer on the dresser after unpacking their clothes. He turned and saw her standing there grinning.


"What's that big smile for, baby?" he asked.


"Well, Kurt, I just happen to be married to the sexiest, most loving man in the world, and I wouldn't give it up for anything." she replied. He quickly went to her and pulled her into his arms for a big bear hug, kissing her deeply. She broke the kiss and said, "I have some news for you, Kurt. But I won't tell you what it is until we're at dinner with Andy and Joanie. I want them to hear the news too."


"Ok baby, I can't wait to hear the news you have for me. I hope it's something good, baby!" he said with a wink.


"Oh, I think you will be extremely happy with this little bit of news, dear. What time do we need to go down to the dining room for dinner, Kurt?"


He looked at the clock on the wall and said with a dramatic sigh, "We still have a couple of hours before dinner, baby. Whatever will we do to pass the time away until dinner?"


"Well, we could just sit here and watch some TV." she said playfully.


He looked at her and started to laugh. "Baby, I have a much better idea of a good time-killer." he said as he kissed her again. His hand wandered down over her back and butt, squeezing gently and pressing her lower body closer to his. She felt his erection pressing and throbbing against her stomach, and she moaned softly. She felt his hands pull up the skirt of her dress and he slipped his hand into her panties, dipping his fingers into her honeypot of love hidden beneath the silky dark curls of her mound. She felt her knees grow weak from the exquisite torture his fingers were giving her. He stopped suddenly and picked her up, carried her to the bed and slowly undressed her.


Her shoes, dress, bra, garter belt, stockings and panties were all piled on the floor within seconds and Kurt was tenderly gazing upon the naked beauty of his wife's body spread out on that crimson red comforter covering the bed. He quickly shed his clothing, tossing it on top of her clothes on the floor. He laid on the bed beside her and started kissing her tenderly as his hands wandered all over her body. She started sliding her hands over the firm muscles of his shoulders, back and arms, down his sides to his butt, and she gave him a playful pinch on his left butt cheek. She giggled and he tickled her, under her right breast, where she was really ticklish. They both laughed. He moved down between her legs, then stopped. He tipped his head sideways a little, like he was listening for something. "What is it, Kurt?" Jessica asked, concerned.

"I hear laughing coming from Andy & Joanie's room. I wonder if they are doing what we are, right now. Hahaha!" he laughed.


Jessica tipped her head and could hear the laughing too. "I wouldn't doubt it, honey. After all, they do have time to kill before going down for dinner too. And I can think of no better way to kill some time than by making love to the handsomest, sexiest man in the world who is now and forever will be, my soulmate, my lover, and my husband." she said.


"Baby, I feel exactly the same way about you, my beautiful, sexy, exotic wife." he replied as he kissed her from the tips of her toes all the way up her legs, past her erotically tantalizing triangle of love, up over her belly, over the twin tanned peaks of her lush breasts, to her neck and up to her lips where his tongue plunged into her mouth and tasted the sweetness of her.


He moved back down between her legs and began stroking and licking her wet hot flesh, nuzzling his face in the silky curls. She brought her legs up and placed her feet on his shoulders, which opened her up to his probing tongue even more. His tongue plunged deep into her moist flesh, licking and caressing every little spot, while his fingers gently caressed her swollen clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. He slid his hands under her butt and buried his mouth and tongue in the honeyed sweetness of her mound, licking, stroking and tasting every single drop of her essence. Her hands tangled in his long dark hair and she pressed his face deeper into her.


She moaned loudly and said, "Kurt, let me taste you now!" Then she pulled him up and pressed him back onto the bed. She went to the suitcase and removed a blindfold and three of the silk scarves.


Kurt looked at her, his eyebrows raised, and asked, "Honey? What are you going to do with those?"


She looked down at the blindfold and scarves in her hands and giggled, "You'll find out soon enough, baby. Hot Mama's got a nice little surprise for her Big Daddy!" she said with a wink. She walked over to the bed and put the blindfold on Kurt so he couldn't see. Then she took his left wrist and tied one end of one of the scarves around it, just tight enough so he couldn't get loose, then tied the other end to the headboard of the bed. She did the same thing with his right wrist and another scarf. He jerked on the bindings, but couldn't get loose. Jessica smiled.


"Baby, where did you learn this from? No, No, don't tell me. Let it be your secret. I like this so far, honey." he said. She was quiet, and he thought she had left the room. "Baby? Are you still in here?" No answer. "Jessica? Where are you? I'm not liking this now!" he said firmly. Then suddenly, she was on him, his cock in her hand, her tongue tracing a line down the length of his partially erect shaft. "Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh Babyyyyyyyy!!" he gasped with surprise.


She turned herself around and positioned her bottom over his mouth so her breasts were brushing against his belly. "I'm right here, Kurt. Stick out your tongue and lick me, baby! Let me feel that magic tongue on my hot, wet flesh!" she said as she lowered herself to meet his tongue.


She continued to lick his shaft, which was now fully erect. She opened her mouth and took him inside, almost all nine inches of him. She stroked him and sucked him until she felt him start to tremble, like he always did right before he lost himself. When she felt the trembling, she stopped and he groaned, "Don't stop baby! I'm almost ready to shoot!"


"Oh, no you don't, Kurt! I'm not going to let you come until I'm ready for you to. So just lay there and enjoy the ride, baby!" she said as she turned around to face him. She leaned down and kissed him fully on the lips, her tongue diving between his lips and caressing his teeth and tongue sensually. She broke the kiss and straddled his waist, lowering herself onto his hard shaft. He struggled against the scarves holding his wrists above his head, knowing that he wanted to put his hands on her hips to speed her movements. She laughed seductively at his struggles, which made him go deeper into her sheath.


She moved slowly upon him, drawing out the length of the strokes to prolong the pleasure for both of them. Within a matter of moments, Kurt was practically begging her for release. She increased the speed of her movements as his hips raised to meet her thrust for thrust, until she felt him stiffen and release his load inside her at the same time she arched her back and reached her climax. She collapsed on him, panting, her skin glistening with perspiration. She brushed a lock of damp hair back from his face after she removed the blindfold and untied his wrists. He put his arms around her and said, "Wow Baby, that was incredible! We are definitely going to have to do that more often, only take turns being the blind and tied up person."


"I agree Kurt. That was totally awesome!" she panted as she rolled off him, his shaft slipping free easily. Kurt looked at the clock and saw that it read 4:15 pm.


"Baby, time to get cleaned up for dinner." They got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower before meeting Andy and Joanie in the lobby.


They showered together, dried off and got dressed. Jessica dried and brushed her hair after putting her bra, panties, stockings, garter belt and blue dress on. She re-applied her makeup while Kurt, still wrapped only in a towel, shaved and put on his cologne and deodorant. Kurt dressed in a white short-sleeve polo shirt, a pair of blue boxer shorts, black jeans, socks and his black sneakers. Kurt fastened the buttons on the back of her dress for her, and she put on her blue high heels. She took her jewelry pouch from the pocket in the suitcase and removed a pair of sapphire earrings, a sapphire necklace, bracelet and ankle bracelet. She put on the jewelry, Kurt helping with the necklace, and they were ready to go after a final look in the mirror.

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