That Night With the Rich Rancher (13 page)

BOOK: That Night With the Rich Rancher
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That day was inevitable and he probably shouldn’t have called her, but he knew she would want to see the dog. Oh, who was he kidding? He’d called because he wanted to see her. The dog was just an excuse. As much as he told himself to leave her alone and forget her, he couldn’t stay away. His body seemed to crave her, the way a starving man craves food. Maybe tonight would be different, he told himself. Maybe tonight the reluctance and resistance he’d sensed in her would disappear. He could only hope.

He retrieved his hat and headed to his pickup to catch up with Keane and see how they were coming on clearing the land for the new pond.

But as he drove, he couldn’t stop the niggling feeling that something big was going to happen tonight. Something sure as hell was wrong with Lindsay and he could only wonder what.

* * *

Lindsay spent the rest of the day at her house. Part of the time she helped her cook, Rosalee. Part of the time she was shut in her room deciding what to wear and how to tell Tony about her pregnancy.

She had wanted to wait, make her own decisions, but she couldn’t go back to the carefree, happy times when she was with him after the auction. She had decided to tell him immediately and face dealing with him. It would come sooner or later and she wanted the battle over and done.

She wanted to look her best when she told him. When he was dazzled by her, Tony was much more cooperative. Take the night of the auction, for example. But then, that night she’d had surprise on her side. Oh, she had a surprise this time, all right. One that might make him faint.

Rummaging in her closet, she selected a black dress she had bought on impulse when she had been shopping in Dallas. She had never worn it, just because no occasion had arisen, but tonight should be one.

She yanked off her jeans to try on the dress. Before she pulled it on, she stopped to look at herself in the mirror. Even though it was too soon for physical changes, she couldn’t keep from looking for them. It was satisfying to see she looked as slim as ever. Change was inevitable, but she hoped it didn’t show really early. She wanted to keep working on the ranch, and if any of the guys noticed and realized, word would get to Abe. He would insist she stop and if she didn’t, he’d probably talk to her brothers about it.

By five in the afternoon Rosalee had finished and left for the weekend. Lindsay had bathed and still worked to fix her hair, planning to leave it down in long spiral curls around her face.

As the time drew closer for Tony to arrive, her nerves became more raw. She dreaded talking to him, knowing all the peace between them would go up in flames tonight and they would each have to make a big effort to be civil and work out how they would deal with their new situation. Most of the changes would be in her life, but Tony would have adjustments and decisions, too. And their dates, their lovemaking, the fun they’d had—all that was over. It wasn’t something she expected to get back in her life.

Feeling she had reached a point where her appearance was the best she could do, she went to the front window to watch for him coming up the drive. After a moment she stepped out on her porch to sit in a wooden rocker. In spite of the hot weather, she was chilled. Mounting dread about revealing her pregnancy to Tony enveloped her. She could anticipate his reactions and she suspected battles with him would fill the coming weeks. Underneath that dread was an undercurrent of anticipation, because she would finally be with him again.

When his sports car came into view, her pulse jumped. He might be bossy, but he still was the most charming, exciting, sexy man she had ever known. She went inside to take one more look at herself in the mirror, then stood waiting for the doorbell. Was she about to face her biggest struggle ever with Tony?

* * *

As Tony drove up the driveway to Lindsay’s ranch house, his eagerness to see her grew. He’d been nervous all day to find out what disturbed her but, right now, knowing he’d see her in minutes, he couldn’t help hoping for another hot, sexy night of lovemaking.

Never in his life had he been deeply involved in a serious relationship and he knew he wouldn’t start now with Lindsay. They were just too different. Even so, at the moment he wanted to be with her; he missed talking to her and seeing her. He feared their tenuous relationship might be close to termination right now, but he intended to enjoy tonight to the fullest.

When the door swung open, his heart thudded and for seconds all he did was stare.

Lindsay wore another pair of stiletto heels with thin sexy straps crossing her slender feet, which matched her black sleeveless dress. Her plunging vee neckline revved his pulse another notch. Her straight, short skirt revealed her legs for him to view. Had she left her hair falling freely around her face to please him? Probably not, but he’d enjoy it anyway.

“You look gorgeous, Lindsay,” he said. He was breathless, his voice deeper. “That black dress is killer on you.”

She smiled at him, but it wasn’t the wholehearted smile he had received before. “You’ve never been in my house. Come on in and look around.”

He stepped in and the second he inhaled her perfume, he wanted to hold her and kiss her and forget about going out to dinner or eating anything for hours. He could cancel the reservations in Fort Worth and stay right here beside her.

He walked alongside her through a short hallway that opened out into a wide hall with a spiral staircase to the next floor. Above, a beamed ceiling was three stories high with skylights that let light pour into the house.

On either side of the stairs, the house opened up into spacious areas defined only by columns, furniture groupings and area rugs. The open rooms, high ceilings and lots of glass made the already large house seem twice as big.

“Like many other things about you, your house surprises me,” he said. “It’s beautiful, but not what I ever expected. I pictured you in a house more Western, but not the way you pictured mine would be. Just leather furniture and Western scenes in the paintings and traditional Western decor.” He strolled into a living area he’d glimpsed from the hall and noticed a second-floor balcony extending over the length of one side of the room and the French period pieces upholstered in elegant silks and antique satins.

“Now I can picture you in your house,” he said. “At least in part of it.”

He turned to find her staring at him intently with a slight frown. Her expression jolted him. Just as he’d feared, something was very wrong and he didn’t have a clue what it was.

“Lindsay, what’s the problem?” he asked, unfastening the one button on his jacket and slipping out of it. He placed it on a chair. “Looks as if we need to talk.”

As she wound her fingers together, her knuckles whitened. He took her hands in his.

“The weight of the world might as well be on your shoulders. Whatever is bothering you can’t be that bad.” He bent his knees so he could look directly into her eyes. Silently, he studied her.

“Before we talk, I think it would be wise to cancel our dinner reservation. I debated just telling you to come over for dinner, but I thought I might not have the courage to talk to you tonight—”

“Damn, Lindsay, what the hell? Is it—”

“Don’t start guessing. Cancel the dinner reservation. My cook was here today and I had her leave us a casserole if either of us feels like eating later.”

Watching her, he pulled out his phone, looked down and sent a short text. He put away his phone.

“I think you might like a drink. I’ll get you a beer,” she said.

Mystified, he stared after her. Whatever this was, the problem disturbed her a hell of a lot more than any other she’d encountered while he’d known her. From the way she was acting, it seemed even catastrophic.

Was it the ranch? Did she have to sell it? If she did, she wouldn’t have any trouble telling him. Nor could it involve anyone in her family; he didn’t think she would hesitate letting him know that.

He knew she had gone to Dallas recently. He also realized she had another life away from her ranch. Was it someone else? Did she have a lover in Dallas? No, she wouldn’t have stayed with Tony if there’d been anyone else.

So why did she go to Dallas? Did she have some illness and need a big-city doctor?

She looked as healthy as anyone could hope to be, even though that was no indication of how she might feel or why she would have to see a doctor. The thought that Lindsay was sick was like a punch to his middle. What was wrong and how serious was it? Was it incurable? That question almost buckled his knees.

He watched her behind the bar fixing their drinks and went to join her. The more he thought about it, the more convinced he was that she had gone to Dallas because of a medical problem. She knew when she told him he’d need a drink.

What the hell could be so wrong that she knew ahead of time and it involved him enough for her to expect him to be upset?

His knees did almost cave on that one. He sat on the nearest bar stool while he stared without seeing anything and his head spun.

One possibility occurred to him and he knew in every inch of his being that he guessed correctly. Taking deep breaths, he looked up to see her coming around the bar with a glass of ice water for herself and a whiskey on the rocks for him.

“I thought you might prefer this,” she said, handing him his drink. She frowned. “Tony, you look white as a sheet.”

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you? You’re carrying my baby.”


ow did you find out?”

He closed his eyes. “Wow,” he whispered. “I just figured it out. I tried to think of reasons for you to go to Dallas. And reasons for the big change in you since the way you were with me before you went to Dallas. And when you offered to get a drink for me, I realized it had to involve me, too. There was only one thing I could think of.” He reached for the drink she held out. “I think I need that whiskey now.”

He downed it in one swallow and set down an empty glass. “I’m in shock. You’re going to have to give me a minute to digest this bit of news,” he said. “You’ve had time to think about it a little.”

He sat there staring at the floor but not seeing anything, just thinking about the changes coming in his life—changes that would be monumental.

He would be a father. Lindsay would have his child.

He was so dazed he knew he couldn’t even fathom the changes that would downright transform his life. He couldn’t even try.

There would be no financial worries for either one of them, so he could cross that concern off his list. But there was one giant problem—and only one solution.

He pulled himself together as best he could and stood up to take her hand.

“Lindsay, marry me.”

His words didn’t have the desired effect. Instead, he watched a transformation come over her and he had a sinking feeling a proposal wasn’t what she wanted. Once again her stubbornness surfaced. He could see that in the set to her jaw and the fire in her eyes. Annoyance filled him as it always had. From the start he had known she always stirred up conflict, and this was no exception.

“Tony, that’s a knee-jerk reaction. You take some time and think this through. I’m financially well-fixed, so that’s not a consideration. I have a big, supportive family, so I’ll have all the help I need. The biggest reason I can’t marry you is that we are basically not compatible.” Before he could make a point, she added, “You’re bossy and arrogant and you want to take charge of every situation—which is exactly what you’re doing right now. I don’t want you telling me what to do.”

Impatience stabbed him. Every issue was a conflict with her. Why did he think for one second this wouldn’t be? She was, as always, her usual stubborn self. But then his gaze roamed over her and for an instant he forgot everything. She was stunning. Even steeped in worry, when he looked at her, she took his breath away.

“Lindsay, stop and think and consider my proposal. Don’t answer now. It’s the logical solution for a lot of reasons, plus we get along great in some ways.”

With a slight frown, she started to answer, and he placed his finger on her soft lips. “Shh. Don’t answer me now—give my proposal time and think of all the positive reasons to do this. We can be compatible, we have these big families that have drawn close and we’ll be thrown together constantly. All you’re thinking about right now is that I’m a rancher and how I run my ranch. Just think of all the things in our lives and give my offer consideration.” He walked behind the bar to pour another drink. He stood there, not saying a word, sipping the whiskey while she was quiet. He suspected she was getting her argument lined up.

Shock still reverberated in him. Of all people—Lindsay would have his baby.

Everything fell into place—why she didn’t want to see him, why she was so somber. He walked to the window with his back to Lindsay and the room and stared outside. His entire life was about to change drastically. After a few moments he turned around to find her still standing where he had left her. She looked at him but said nothing.

His mind reeled with questions. He gave one voice. “When did you find out?”

She told him. “As soon as I realized I was late, I had a feeling. I went to a doctor and had the lab work done. I wanted to confirm it before I told you.”

He nodded. “This is something I thought would never happen—an unplanned pregnancy. I know you thought the same thing.”

They lapsed into silence again as he contemplated the changes coming in his life. Fatherhood. Coming fast and unexpected.

“Did you get a doctor in Dallas? I assume that’s why you went.”

“No. I know too many people there. I called Savannah and got an appointment with her doctor in Little Rock. I didn’t want word to get back to you until I could tell you myself. I didn’t think about you guessing correctly.”

“Well, you’ll have to find a doc closer than Little Rock,” he remarked drily. “Damn.”

“I will. I just couldn’t take a chance going to any big Texas city where I could have run into someone I know.”

Another silence fell and he was thankful again that she was giving him a chance to adjust to his new status before they talked very much.

“There are a few things I think we can decide tonight.”

As he stared at her, he thought,
Here we go
. She sat at the edge of a pale antique satin sofa and crossed her legs. Long, beautiful legs—the best pair of legs he had ever seen. As he looked at her, he noted that her blond hair was like a halo around her head. In almost every respect, he knew this woman would be the best mother possible for his child. He just hadn’t planned on fatherhood so soon. And he and Lindsay were not in love. She didn’t like ranchers. He didn’t like her stubborn streak, her knack for constantly living in conflict.

“We should keep this between us for a little longer, if possible,” he said, “until we make some major decisions about the future.”

She nodded. “When people hear I’m expecting a baby, I’m going to get questions.”

“That’s fine with me. Whatever you want. You said Savannah knows and, I’m assuming, Mike. Who else?”

“Besides you, no one else. Believe me, Mike and Savannah know how to keep quiet.”

“Good. It’s better for both of us to keep it quiet for now,” he repeated. “You don’t show at all and I doubt if you will for another month. That gives us time.” He became silent, his thoughts swirling in his head. Like a mantra, one statement kept reverberating in his mind. Lindsay was pregnant with his baby.

His gaze swept over her again. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever known. And the sexiest. He remembered their lovemaking, which was never out of his thoughts long. Marriage to her would have big pluses, if her stubbornness didn’t overshadow the rest.

She’d had a bit of time to think about this and adjust to the prospect of being pregnant, so she might have already made decisions about the future. He’d better come out of shock and plan what they should do.

Minutes ticked past while he tried to sort through the jumble of thoughts, possibilities and outcomes. Finally, her voice broke the silence.

“I never thought this would be a problem I’d have,” she said, gazing up at him. Her blue eyes were wide and clear.

“There’s a simple solution I’ve already given you.” She directed a steady look at him and he could feel the battles looming between them. “Lindsay, we’re going to have a baby,” he said. “You know I’ll love this baby with all my heart.”

“I know you will,” she replied.

“Did the doctor tell you an approximate due date?”

“Next May.”

“Then we should have that wedding soon,” he said, and her eyes flared.

“I’ll do what I feel I have to do,” she said, the old tension coming between them again. He could feel the first stir of his own anger over her answer. Trying to curb it, reminding himself of the huge upheaval this would cause in her life, he crossed the space between them to draw her to her feet and place his hands on her shoulders. She stiffened.

He could feel barriers coming up between them. Anger plagued him over her stubborn refusal to cooperate, which showed in her body language as well as her facial expression.

But who was he kidding? In spite of the problems and differences between them, he still wanted her—in his arms, in his bed. The minute he touched her, that familiar desire flared up in every part of him, and if he wasn’t mistaken, he caught the same response in her.

Unable to resist any longer, he pulled her into his arms to kiss her hard and passionately. For an instant she pushed against him, but he couldn’t step away if he wanted to, and in seconds, her arm went around his neck and she surrendered to his kiss. It was all the invitation he needed.

In one motion he peeled away her black dress while he continued to kiss her. When her bra was gone, he caressed her breasts, kissing first one and then the other. Her moans and soft breaths encouraged him to take her. He paused only long enough to strip off his clothes. Then, naked and hard, he picked her up and lowered her onto the sofa. Without a second’s hesitation he entered her in one smooth thrust. She was ready for him. Hard and fast, they moved together. Quickly, desperately, she clutched him to her as she climaxed with him, her cries muted by his frantic kisses. They both gasped for breath as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over them.

For Tony, though it was fast and furious, this was the best lovemaking he’d ever had. He leaned back to tell her as much till he saw the look in her eyes. He’d expected a contented haze; instead, he found a storm brewing in their blue depths.

She stared at him and he could feel her anger rising again.

Instead of lashing out, she simply pushed him off her. “I’m going to shower, Tony. I’ll be back shortly,” she said, still breathless. She yanked up her clothes and left.

He watched her walk away and wondered if he could ever get her to listen and cooperate or if they were at an impasse. Gathering his clothes, he went to find a bathroom and dress. As he did, his thoughts were on Lindsay. Would she even talk to him when she came back?

* * *

He returned to wait and soon she entered the room. As always, she made his heart beat faster. “You look gorgeous.”

She had changed from her dress and wore a white linen blouse and white slacks with white high-heeled sandals and she still looked good enough to model.

“Thank you,” she said in a dismissive manner, as if she barely heard what he had said. “Tony, I think our evening is over. I don’t feel like dinner together.”

He tried to curb the flash of anger that returned. Stubborn, stubborn woman who wanted life her way and her way only.

He wouldn’t leave, not without reiterating his proposal. “Lindsay, the logical thing is for us to get married. Think about it tonight.”

“I will,” she said, but from the way she replied, with anger in her voice, he suspected the next time he saw her, he would get only arguments about marrying.

She raised her chin. “Do you really think we can get along in day-to-day living?”

They stared at each other and he felt the palpable clash of wills.

“See. I proved my point,” she said. “Frankly, Tony, I’m trying to hang on to my temper. I really would like to scream at you for getting me pregnant, except I know full well that I had as much part in that happening as you did.”

“Thank you for that one.” At least she was rational. “Lindsay, I just see one solution and I hope you’ll come to the same conclusion.”

“We irritate each other.”

“Sometimes, but we can get past the problems. I know now that beneath the tough rancher is a stunning, sexy woman who can simply melt me.”

“Tony,” she said impatiently, “whatever we found compatible in the past few weeks since the night of the’s gone. That’s over.”

“Not altogether,” he remarked drily. “We found it again less than an hour ago.”

Anger flashed in her expression. She closed her mouth tightly while she glared at him.

“I know we need to work this out,” she said after a few minutes of silence. “I just can’t be the same person with you that I was.”

“Don’t stop communicating. I won’t be cut off from my child. I want this baby in my life and I feel strongly that, if possible, a baby needs both a mom and a dad. That isn’t always feasible, but in this case, it damn sure is, Lindsay,” he said, trying to keep his temper.

Again, he got a glacial stare. “I know it, Tony. We both caused this and I agree that we both need to be in our baby’s life. But don’t pressure me,” she snapped.

“Dammit, Lindsay. Before you make any decisions, stop and think about our baby. I’ll talk to you later.” He walked out before he lost it with her.

He slammed the door and hurried to his car, then drove away. Had she already closed her mind to his proposal?

* * *

Lindsay felt as if all the frustration and anger building in her since realizing she was pregnant had finally burst and she couldn’t act as if nothing had changed between them.

His controlling personality had surfaced in a big way tonight—a glimpse of what she would live with if she even considered his proposal. She couldn’t imagine being married to him and taking orders from him every day.

She hadn’t been able to resist his kisses, succumbing to sex, but afterward she regretted the intimacy. Sure, there was no doubt they were sexually compatible but, as she’d said many times, sex wasn’t everything. Outside the bedroom, she couldn’t live with him.

She had wanted him to leave. She wanted to tell him goodbye and not see him again until she worked things out for her future.

One thing her feelings were certain about was that she was not going to marry Tony. That would be disastrous for both of them.

Just as she’d expected, he had tried to take over her life tonight. In marriage he would take over her ranch, tell her what to do on a daily basis. Besides, they weren’t in love.

She could imagine Tony wanting to put both ranches together with him running everything while she stayed home to raise their child. That wasn’t going to happen.

In spite of her irritation with him, when she looked at the sofa, she saw Tony there, his marvelous, strong body, his vitality, his sexy lovemaking that still now made a tremor run through her. But it was over.

Though she was too upset to sleep, she got ready for bed and sat in a chair in the dark, her eyes adjusting to the moonlight that spilled into her bedroom.

Knowing she should go to bed but certain she would just stare into the darkness and sleep would still escape her, she sat where she was until she finally fell asleep in her chair.

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