The Act of Creation (105 page)

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Authors: Arthur Koestler

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A. General Psychology, Theories, etc.
BARNETT, S. A., 'The expression of emotions', New Biol.
22, 73-90, 1957
DANA, C. L., 'The Anatomic Seat of the Emotions -- A Discussion of the
James-Lang Theory', Arch. Neurology and Psychiatry, 1921.
DARWIN, C., The Expression of Emotions, D. Appleton & Co.
136, 208, 373, 1896.
ENROTH, E., 'Om Graat', Finska LäkSällsk. Handl.
77, 76-88, 1935.
KLINEBERG, Social Psychology, 196, 1940.
LUND, F. H., 'Why do we weep?', J. Soc. Psychol. 1, 136-51, 1930.
LUND, F. H., Emotions, etc. Ronald Press Co., New York, 47 ff., 1939.
PLESSNER, H., 'Das Problem von Lachen und Weinen', Tijdschr. Phil.
2, 317-84, 1940.
PLESSNER, H., Lachen und Weinen, Arnheim, Netherlands, 1950.
RUCMICK, C. A., The Psychology of Feeling and Emotion,
McGraw Hill, New York, 338 ff., 1936.
SPITZ, C., Zur Psychologie des Weinens, Zeulenroda, Sporn., 1935.
SULLEY, J., An Essay on Laughter, Longmans Green, London, 67-70, 1902.
YOUNG, P. T., 'Laughter and weeping, etc. in students',
J. Soc. Psychol. 8, 311-34, 1937
YOUNG, P. T., Emotions in Man and animal, J. Wiley and Sons, London, 1943.
Weeping in chimps, 22;
Utility of, 58;
Cultural determination, 184;
Patterns of, 254-8;
Developmental, 164, 167, 177-9, 254, 255.
B. Physiology
ARNOLD, M. B., Emotion and Personality, Vol. 2, Neurological and
Physiological Aspects, Cassell, London, 1960;
Weeping in thalamic disease, 12, 13;
Weeping and eeg, 162.
CHOROBSKI, S., 'The Syndrome of Crocodile Tears', Arch. Neur.
and Psychiatry, 1951.
FORD, 'Paroxysmal lacrimation etc.', Arch. Neurol. Psychiat.
Chicago, 29, 1933.
GEOFFREY WALSH, E., Physiology of the Nervous System,
Longmans Green, London, 1957.
Crocodile tears, 408.
KLING, C., 'The Role of the Parasympathetic in Emotions',
Psychol. Rev., 1933.
MUTCH, T. R., 'The lacrimation reflex', Brit. J. Ophthal.
28, 317-36, 1944.
ROWBOTHAM, G. F., 'Observations on the effect of trigeminal denervation',
Brain, 62, 364-80, 1939.
WHITE, J. C. and SMITHWICK, R. H. et al (3rd ed.), The Autonomic Nervous
System, 40, 41, 250, 1952
C. Weeping and Personality Development
HUNT, J. Mc. V. (ed.), Personality and the Behaviour Disorders,
Vol. 1, Ronald Press,
Chap. 3, Mowrer, O. H., Dynamic theory of personality, 89, 1944.
RIVIERE, Interntl. J. of Psychoanal. 17, 395-422
(Psychological development in infancy.) 1936.
SULLIVAN, H. S., Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry,
Tavistock Pbns., London, 15, 17, 89, 1953.
SYMONDS, P. M., Dynamic Psychology, Appleton Century Crofts,
New York, 48, 280, 1949.
SYMONDS, P. M., The Ego and the Self, Appleton Century Crofts,
New York, 13, 1951.
D. Ontogenetics of Weeping
AMES, L. B., 'Motor correlates of infant crying',
J. Genet. Psychol., 59, 239-47, 1941.
BAYLEY, N., 'A study of crying in infants etc.',
J. Genet. Psychol., 40, 306-29, 1932.
BORGQUIST, A., 'Crying', Am.J. of Psychol., 1906.
CLARKE, HUNT and HUNT, J. Gen. Psychol. 17, 398-402
(Weeping and startle pattern.), 1937.
GOODENOUGH, F. L., Anger in Young Children, 66-9, 244-9, 1931.
GOODENOUGH, F. L., J. Abn. Soc. Psychol. 27, 328-33
(Weeping in blind and deaf children.), 1932.
GOODENOUGH, F. L., Developmental Psychology (2nd ed.),
Appleton Century. 201, 257; Individual differences, 273, 1945
KANNER, L., Child Psychiatry, Tanner, Illinois. 35, 599, 1960.
LANDIS, C. and HUNT, W. A., The Startle Pattern,
Farrar and Rhinehart, New York, 141, 1939.
LANDRETH, C., 'Factors associated with crying in young children',
Child Dev. 12, 81-97, 1941.
MOWRER, O. H. and MOWRER, W. M., 'The meaning and measurement of crying',
Child Study, 15, 104-7, 1938.
MUNN, N. L., Evolution and Growth of Human Behaviour,
Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 407 ff., 1955.
ROSENZWEIG, S., 'Babies are taught to cry; a hypothesis',
Men,. Hyg. New York, 38, 81-4, 1954
RUJA, H., 'The relation between neonate crying and length of labour',
J. Genet. Psychol. 73, 53-5
(Test of Rankian birth cry hypothesis.), 1948.
VALENTINE, C. W., Psychology of Early Childhood (3rd ed.), Methuen,
London, 1946.
Early Appearance, 86 ff.;
Inhibition of, 117;
Social, 293;
Resentment of, 297;
Sympathy, 298.
E. Psychopathology and Weeping
DAVISON, C. and KELLMAN, 'Pathological laughing and crying',
Arch. Neurol. Psychiat.. 42, 595-633, 1939.
GREENACRE, P., 'Pathological weeping', Psychoanal. Quart. 14,
62-75, 1945.
GREENACRE, P., 'Urination and weeping', Am. J. Orthopsychiat.
15, 81-8, 1945.
KELLEY, G. A., The Psychology of Personal Constructs, Vol. 2,
Clinical Diagnosis and Psychotherapy, Norton and Co., New York,
896 ff., 1113 ff., 1955.
LACOMBE, P., 'A special mechanism of pathological weeping',
Psychoanal. Quart. 27, 248-51, 1958.
F. Depth Psychological Formulations
ABRAHAM, K., Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis, Hogarth Press, 483
(Weeping in women as unconscious wish to urinate like a man.), 1954
BREUER, J. and FREUD, S., Studies in Hysteria, Hogarth Interntl.
Psychoanalytical Library No. 50, 162 ff., 163 fn.
(Weeping and abreaction arrears.), 1956.
FELDMAN, S. S., 'Crying at the happy ending', J. Am. Psychoanal. Ass.
4, 477-85, 1956.
(See GREENACRE 1945, 2, in Section E above.)
HEILBRUNN, G., 'On weeping', Psychoanal. Quart. 24, 245-55, 1955.
MONTAGUE, M.F.A., 'On the physiology and psychology of swearing',
Psychiat., 189-201
(Weeping in women as aggression outlet, substitute for function
swearing performs for men.), 1942.
PETO, E., 'Weeping and laughter', Intern. J. of Psychoanal.
27, 129-33, 1956.
WEISS, J., 'Crying at the happy ending', Psychoan. Rev., 1952.
G. Relation of weeping to Psychosomatic Pathology.
ALEXANDER, F., Psychosomatic Medicine etc., G. Allen and Unwin,
London, 1952;
and Asthma, 139;
Hysterical, 58;
and Urticaria, 203.
DUNBAR, F., Emotions and Bodily Changes, Columbia, New York, 43
(Weeping and neurosis in Urticaria.), 1954.
HALLIDAY, J. C., 'Approach to asthma', Brit. J. Med. Psychol.
17, 1, 1937.
SAUL, L. J. and BERNSTEIN, C., 'The emotional settings of some attacks of
Urticatia', Psychosom. Med. 3, 349, 1941.
The author and publishers wish to thank the following for permission to
quote from various works:
Basic Books, Inc., New York (The Unconscious Before Freud,
by L. L. Whyte).
Doubleday & Co., Inc., New York (Pasteur and Modern Science,
by Rene Dubos) © 1960, by Educational Services, Inc. (Anchor
Science Study Series), and Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution,
by Gertrude Himmelfarb, © 1959, 1962, by Gertrude Kristol).
The Clarendon Press, Oxford (The Study of Instinct,
by Dr. N. Tinbergen).
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (Cerebral Mechanism in Behaviour --
The Hixon Symposium, ed. L.A. Jeffress).
Little, Brown & Co., Boston (Louis Pasteur, by Rene Dubos,
© 1950, by Rene Dubos).
George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London (Thinking,
by Sir Frederick Bartlett).
Europa Verlag, Zürich (Albert Einstein, by Garl Seelig).
Cambridge University Press, New York (The Name and Nature of Poetry,
by A. E. Housman).
G. Bell, London (Gestalt Psychology, by W. Köhler).
Allyn & Bacon, Boston (Psychology, ed. A. D. Calvin,
© 1961, by Allyn & Bacon).
Methuen & Co., London (Learning and Instinct in Animals,
by W. H. Thorpe).
Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London (Personal Knowledge, by
Michel Polànyi, Mentality of Apes, by W. Köhler,
The Symbolic Process, by J. F. Markey, The Growth of
Reason, by F. Lorimer, and Invention and the Unconscious,
by J.-M. Montmasson).
Absolute pitch, 521
Abstract art, 374
Abstract painting, 370
Abstract thought, 607-10
Abstraction, 607-10
and practicality, 705-6
perceptual and conceptual, 535-6
Adam, 47
Adaptation, 448
second order, 450
Addams, Charles, 52
Adrenal-sympathico system, 274
Adrenalin, 205
Aesop, 101
Aesthetic experience
bisociative patterns in, 383-5
difficulty of analysing, 391
essence of, 328, 329, 383
Aesthetic judgement,
snobbety and, 400 et seq.
Aesthetic satisfaction,
difference from sensory gratification, 385
hedonist, 385
association by sound, 314-15
After-images, 529
Age of enlightenment, 147
Aggressive-defensive impulses,
sublimation of, 259
Aggressive-defensive tendency in humour, 52, 54, 56, 62, 89, 92, 95
Agrippa, 256
Albert the Great, 255
Alchemist's Rosarium, 145
Alchemists, 256
rules for learning, 638
Alice, 78, 174
Alkhazen, 255
Allport, G. W., 501, 507
loadstones and, 661 et seq.
Amino-acids, 418
Ammophila, 566
Ampère, A. M., 117, 230, 668, 669
An Essay on the Principle of Population, 140
hidden, 179
intuition and, 199-207
Analytical geometry, 230
creative, 229-30, 335
Anatomists, 256
Anatomy, 265
Anaximander, 13x, 137
"Ancient Mariner, The", 362
Animal behaviour,
patterns of, 477
Animal electricity, 667
Animal Farm, 90
Animal Intelligence, 570
Animal learning, 562-5
exploratory drive in, 505-6
fear and curiosity, 502-3
inquisitivessess of, 502 et seq.
latent learning in, 498
originality in captivity, 493
tournament fights between, 475 (see also Chimpanzees, Dogs)
Annalen der Chemie, 240
Anthropomorphism, 296
Antibiotics, 194
Anticipatory behaviour, 576
see Chimpanzees
Aphasic patients, 599, 601, 602
note on, 604, 605
Aphrodite, 47
Apollonius of Perga, 102, 335
Appetitive behaviour, 480-4
Archetypes, 353-4, 389, 390
Archimedes, 212, 676
principle of, 105-8, 109
Aristarchus, 234, 677
Aristophanes, 53, 73
Aristotle, 53, 131, 176, 258, 307
on motivation, 675-6
Aristotelian physics, 216, 228
and progress, 393 et seq.
appraisal of work of, 404-5
ascending gradients in, 390-1
bisociative patterns in, 383-5
bisociative processes in, 371-3
clichés in, 376, 377, 378
cumulative progress in, 393-5
economy in, 335-40
evolution of, 335
explicit statement to implicit hint, 337-8
folded in, 338 et seq.
forgeries, 400, 401, 402
form of communication, 266
Greek, 394, 395-6
history of, 336, 367-9, 393-6
infolding, 398, 399
Italian, 394-5, 397
law of infolding and, 387-8
motif, 372-3
motion and rest in, 387-90
originality and emphasis, 333-5
period-consciousness, 406-7
pigment and meaning in, 370-1
progress not towards unitary laws, 352
relationship with science, 27, 28
school of self-transcendence, 328
statement and implication, 396-9
taste and distaste, 385-7
unity in, 387-90
visual inferences, 373-6
visual representation in, 367-9
Art and Illusion, 378
turning points in history of, 334-5
Articulation, 534
Artist, 27, 255, 257
and caricature, 70-72
bisociative act a juxtaposition of experience, 352
catharsis of experiences, 328
deadening influences on, 336-7
element of explorer inherent, 507
his medium, 333-4
individual style of, 334
law of infolding and the, 341-2
measure of originality, 334
stale techniques and the, 336
As You Like It, 68
Asexual reproduction, 451
Association, 642 et seq.
by sound affinity, 314-15
by similarity, 200, 646, 651
controlled, 646
free, 646
in memorizing, 538-9
types of, 646-7
Association tests, 39-40
Associationism, 642, 646-7
Associative contexts, 38, 40
condensation in, 179
Associative learning, 587
Associative routine,
criteria distinguishing bisociative originality from, 657-60
Astronomers, 48, 242, 251, 252
(see also Universe, Copernicus, Kepler)
Astronomy, synthesis with Physics, 124
(see also names of astronomers, e.g. Copernicus, Kepler)
Atheism, Darwin and, 692-6
Atoms, hooked, 164-6
ATP 420, 421, 437
Attunements, multiple, 642-6
Auditory perception, 513 et seq.
Augustine, 148
Automatization of skills, 155, 156
Autonomous activities, 468
Autonomous nervous system, 57, 58, 62
Antotomy in animals, 451
Awareness, 632
defined, 155
degrees of, 154-7
linear gradient of, 156
linear scale of, 180
peripheral, 159
periphery of, 164
subsidiary, 159
Axial gradients in regeneration, 455
Bacon, Francis, 53, 74, 251, 342
Bacon, Roger, 227
Baerends, G. P., 476, 565, 567
Bain, A., 53, 200
Balancing skills, 42, 548
Ball, John, 326
"Ballad of Reading Gaol," 77
Balzac, H., 83, 318
Bambi, 67
Bartlett, Sir Frederick, 43, 515, 525, 539
quoted, 231
Basilar membrane of ear, 516
Bates, H. W., 141
B.B.C. Brains Trust, 80
Beagle, H.M.S., 134, 135, 692, 694
a function of truth, 331
truth and, 327-31
Beck, E., 550
Becquerel, H., 195-6
Bede, the Venerable, 255
Beerbohm, Max, 53
acquired, 509
anticipatory, 576
appetitive, 480-4
exploratory, 501, 502, 504-7
functional analysis, 497
genetics of, 475-7
innate, 509
unit of, 499
verbal, in speaking, 593
Behaviour of Organisms, 556
Behaviour-patterns, instinct-based, 485-8
Behavioural matrices, 549
Behaviourism, 44, 495,496
Watsonian, 559
Behaviourists, 557, 558
and the unconscious, 157
Benevolent Magician, 255, 256, 257
Bergson, H. L., 32, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 61, 78, 92, 312, 363
Berlyne, D. E., 501, 505, 509, 510
Bernard, Claude, 706
Beveridge, W.I.B., 211, 213, 254
Bicycle, riding a, 42, 548
stamping-in, 550
Binet-Mueller test, 532
Biological evolution, 226
Biological ripeness, 109
Bird-song, 491-2
counting ability of, 492
prelinguistic number sense of, 535-6
Birkhoff, G. D., 177
Bishop, the Marquis and the, 33-4
Bisociated contexts, clean-cut example of, 78
Bisociation, 35 et seq.
artistic, 352
chimpanzee and, 573-5
displacement of attention, 77-8
impersonation, 67-8
in caricature and satire, 70-4
incompatible matrices, 59
metaphorical and literal meanings, 66
misfits and, 74-5
of child-adult, 68-9
of coincidence, 78
of incompatibles, 622
of man and animal, 67
of nonsense humour, 78-9
of pun, 64-5
of rhythm and meaning, 312
of sound and meaning, 90
of structure and function, 75-7
of tickling, 79-81
of trivial and exalted, 69-70
of wine-press and seal, 123
play of ideas, 65-6
professional and commonsense logic, 65-6
scientists and, 72
synthesis of signs and things, 222
the clown and, 81-2
Bisociative mechanisms, and the comic, 182
Bisociative originality,
criteria distinguishing associative routine from, 657-60
Bisociative patterns, 45
in aesthetic experience, 383
in dreams, 179
Bisociative thinking, passive, in dreaming, 178
Bit learning, 522
Black Magician, 257, 259
Blackborough, Peter, 663
Blake, William, 316, 322, 326, 340, 362
Blimp, Colonel, 61
Blood-brother ceremony, 294
Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage, 55, 280
Bodily changes, in weeping and crying, 271-2
Bodkin, Maud, 362
Boehme, Jacob, 148
Bohr, Niels, 198, 669, 671
Boillot, M., 697, 698
Boltzmann, 265
Bond, Henry, 663
Born, Max, 245
Botticelli, 329, 330
Boze, H., 204
Bragg, Sir L., 233
Brain, conceptual and speech mechanisms of, 602
Brain surgery, 315, 316
Brain-teaser, example of, 183-4
Brain-twisters, 91
Brandt, G. W., 352
Braque, 329
Brave New World, 73
Bronowski, J., 200, 230
note on, 254
Browne, Sir Thomas, 207
Brucke, Professor, 217
Bryan, W. L., 432, 544
Buddhist monk problem, 183-4, 189
Budding, 451
Buffon, Comte de, 131, 132, 228
Burner, J., 219
Burt, Sir Cyril, 21, 48, 603
note on, 96
Butler, Samuel, 144
Butterfield, H., 235, 260

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