The Act of Creation (107 page)

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Authors: Arthur Koestler

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Icarus, 46
combination of, 164
concretization of abstract and general, 179
evolution of, 224 et seq.
history of, 19
in literary work, 345-6
in weeping, 278, 279
magic and, 308-9
visual, 527
Il Saggiatore, 682
Illusion, 301-10
and escapism, 306
cathartic value of, 306
direct speech and, 310
dynamics of, 304-9
identification in, 308
power of, 301-3
the value of, 303-4
Image, 320 et seq.
concrete, 179
logical and didactic appeal to intellect, 325
Imagery, dependence on emotive potentials, 321
Imitation, imprinting and, 489 et seq.
Imitative bird-song, 491-2
Impersonation, 56, 90, 179
benefits of, 187-8
bisociation of, 68
parody an aggressive form of, 69
Implication, the technique of, 84
Impressionist painting, 398
and imitation, 489 et seq.
defined, 491
improvisation, musical, 547
Inducers, 425, 426, 427
Infolding, 333 et seq.
Inheritors, The, 168
Innate behaviour, 477
Innate releasing mechanism, 478
Inoculation, 112
Input, in hearing, 513-16
Insects, insight and, 565-7
Gestalt use of the term, 582-4
insects and, 565-7
not learned but dependent on learning, 590
perception of relations, 548
Insight and Outlook, 20, 149
Insight learning, 521-3, 576
characteristics of, 577, 580
criteria of, 577-9
preconditions of, 579-82
Inspirations, false, 212-14
learning and, 477-8
sublimation of, 320
Instinct-behaviour, 475 et seq.
codes, 478
cyclic patterns of, 483-4
genetics of, 476
Integrations, gradual, 220
Intellectual illumination, 383
Intermittent reinforcement, 499
Introjection, 296
analogy and, 199-207
logic and, 112-18
Irony, 73-4
Irrational numbers, 215
Island, 73
Jack-in-the-box, 46, 49, 90
Jackson, Hughlings, 432
Jaensch, E. R., 374
Jakobson, R., 173
James, Henry, 265
James, William, 43, 152, 158, 159, 191, 265, 516, 592, 593
Janus principle in organic hierarchies, 467-8
Jeans, J., 265
Jenner, Edward, 112, 113
Jester, 27, 255, 257
John of Salisbury, 613
Johnson, Samuel, 30, 366, 401, 707
Joke, seeing the, 89
Jonah and the whale, 360-1
Jones, Ernest, 139, 218
note on, 507
Joyce, James, 339, 353
Jung, C. E., note on, 211
Jung, C. G., 166, 187, 353, 462, 647
Juvenal, 72, 505
Juxtaposition of aspects of experience, 352
Kafka's Castle, 73
Kant, E., 131, 150
Kantor, W., 244
Keats, J. 321, 330
Kekulé, F.A. von, 118, 169, 170, 171, 185, 240, 321
Keller, Helen, 222, 595
Kelvin, Lord, 199
Kepes, G., 388, 389
Kepler, J., 48, 103, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128,
131, 145, 148, 163, 176, 199, 213, 217,
220, 228, 234, 237, 260, 261, 265, 290,
327, 330, 461, 463, 507, 576, 625, 649,
662, 675 ,683-4, 707
Galileo and, 679
Kepler's laws, 124-5
Kinetosomes, 420
King Solomon's Ring, 48
Kircher, A., 663
Kluever, H., 531
Knowing and seeing, 527-8
Koehler, Otto, 492, 535, 599, 623
Koenigstein, 219
Koffka, A., 517, 557, 584, 587, 622
Köhler, Wolfgang, 101, 103, 108, 109, 110,
220, 266, 492, 504, 517, 554, 556, 557,
560, 573, 575, 577, 578, 579, 581, 583,
587, 588, 589
Krechevsky, I., 566, 571
Kretschmer, E., 168, 265, 322, 323, 325, 460, 463, 606
Kruesi, J., 197
Kubla Khan, 166, 167, 168
La Ronde, 36
Laboratory disaster, 192
Lamarck, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 143
Lamartine, 150
Lamb, Charles, 186
Lancaster, Osbert, note on, 86
a thought-crystallizer, 173-7
note on, 604
pictorial, 168, 322-5
snares of, 173 et seq.
the dawn of, 220-3
thinking and, 603
Language matrices, 640-1
Laplace, 103
Lashley, K. S., 413, 434, 458, 481, 491, 552, 554, 609, 636
Laughing through ones tears, 277
Laughter, 27 et seq. (See also Comic technique, Humour)
and emotion, 51 et seq.
and weeping, 271-3
audible, 29-30
breathing changes in, 29, 30, 59
defined, 29
discharge mechanism, 55
hinders biological drives, 51
illustrations of, 32 et seq.
laboratory experiments, 30
list of occasions for, 60
logic of, 32 et seq.
mechanisms of, 59-61
muscle contractions in, 29, 30, 59
Old Testament references to, 52-3
paradox of, 30-1
prevents biological drives, 51
rebellion against habit, 63
theory of degradation, 53
weeping and crying contrasted with, 272
Laughter reflex, 28-30
Law and order, 325-7
Lawrence, D. H., 90, 496
Lawrence, T. E., 67
Lawrence, W., 534
Laycock, Sir T., 152
Le Corbusier, 329
Le Rire, 32
a bisociative process, 588-90
ability, differences in, 496-7
animal, 562-5
anticipatory behaviour of, 576
associative, 587
by trial and error, 576, 577
criteria of insight, 577-9
definitions of, 477
drive-reduction theory, 497, 504
feedback process in, 491
guided, 575, 612
in telegraphy, 544-5
insight, 576
instinct and, 477-8
motivation for, to learn, 506
motor, 550, 552
optimum, 496
perception and memory involved in, 513
perceptual, 490
piano-playing, 546-7
preconditions of insight, 579-82
serial, 545
skills, summarized, 549-54
stamping in, 577
symbolic coding, 533
through play, 509
to speak, 592 et seq.
to think, 606 et seq.
uniform factors in, 575-6
visual, 526-7
Learning potentials, reserve surplus of needs, 493
Learning processes, 490
reversal of hierarchic sequence of operations, 547
Learning theory
basic differences of psychological schools, 561-2
pitfalls of, 556 et seq.
retrospect, 556-7
Lee, Vernon, 374
Leerlauf activities, 484-5
Leibniz, 110, 131, 150, 228, 240
Lenin, 194
Leonardo da Vinci, 72, 329, 333, 375, 394
Leonine verse, 314
Letter-habit, 551
in telegraphy, 544
in touch-typing, 546
Leverrier, 234
note on, 254
Leviathan, 53
Lévy-Bruhl, L., 293, 309, 624
Lewin, K., 498
Leyden jars, 202, 203, 204, 666
Libido-theory, 496
Lichtenburg, 150
Lidice, 297
Liebig, 240
corpuscular theory of, 240
speed of, 243, 244
wave-theory of, 240
Lightning conductor, 202, 203
Lindauer, M., 487
Lindsley, D. B., 505
Linear awareness,, 632
Linnaeus, 131, 132, 228
Linné, Carl von, 131, 132
Linnean Society, 142
archetypal patterns, 353-5, 354-7, 358-65
archetypes, 353-4
art of, defined, 301
conflict in novels, 350-2
dawn of, 309-10
forgeries, 401
identification in, 345-6
puppets and strings, 355-7
villains in, 351
Loadstones and amber, 661 et seq.
Locke, John, 131, 149
Locomotor actions of fish and crab, 438-44
Locomotor hierarchies, 432-8
Loeb, J., 48
Loewi, Otto, 204-5, 206, 207, 220
Logic, 625-9
and intuition, 112-18
limits of, 145-7
mechanical, 160, 161, 162
reversal of, 191-9, 464
Longitude Found, The, 663
Longitude Not Found, The, 663
Longtailed Tits, consummatory acts of, 483
Lorenz, K. L, 48, 478, 481, 482, 492, 502, 506, 511, 557
Lorimer, F., 616
Lot's wife, 48
Lotus and the Robot, The, 177 note
Lucretius, 131
Ludic, 511-12
Ludic behaviour, 509 et seq.
Ludicrous, the, 511-12
Lysozyme, 194
McDougall, W., 53, 491, 501
McGill University, 158
McGlashan, A., 21
Mach, Karl, 649
Machine, man and, 45-9
Macpherson, James, 401
Maestlin, 625
Magic, 626
identification and, 308-9
of names, 613-14
of the stage, 308
participation in, 294
primitive and contemporary, 308
sublimation and, 258-63
word and symbol, 293
Magic Mountain, 90
Magical thinking, 261
Magician, Benevolent, 255, 256, 257
Magician Pope, 255
and electricity, 661 et seq.
unification with electricity, 230
Maillet, de, 131
Maimonides, 255
Maliphant, R., 21
Mallarmé, 337
Malskat, L., 400, 401
Malthus, 140, 14I, 142, 143, 207
Mammalia, regeneration in, 451
Man and animal, bisociation of, 67
Man and machine, 45-9
Manet, 69
Mangold, Hilde, 425
Manipulation, 558
Mantras, 313
Marbe's Law, 644
Marie, Pierre, 532
Mariner's compass, 661
Marquis, the Bishop and the, 33-4, 56, 92
Mars, orbit of, 128
'Martyrdom of St. Sebastian', 386-7
Marx, Groucho, 61
Marx, K., 694
Maskelyne, 230
Masochist, 65
Mass-psychology, 297
Mathematical games, 91
Mathematiclan's Apology, 329
aesthetic feeling of, 329
dependence on irrationalities, 147
Mathematics, 621-5
abstraction of individual numbers, 622
counting, 623
discovery a bisociative act, 164
intuitionists v formalists, 241
learned in explicit verbal form, 637
matching, 623, 624
number concept, 622, 623
thought processes, 39, 40
Matrices, 38, 44, 66, 76, 96, 221, 222, 424,
431, 471-3, 490-1, 524, 592, 640-1,
642 et seq., 654, 656 et seq., 705
and codes, note on, 50
any two can produce a comic effect, 66
bisociation of incompatible, 59, 220
blocked, 224-5
collision of, 45
dual control of, 415
emotive potential of, 321
flexibility of auditory-vocal, 492
language, 640-1
of verbal thought, 38
defined, 38
note on term, 50
remedy for a blocked, 163
Mau-Mau oath, 294
Maximes et Pensées, 53
Maxwell, James Clerk, 230, 258, 265, 669, 670, 671,
687, 688-92, 704, 705, 706, 708
Mayer, Robert, 239
Measure and meaning, 312-14
Mechanical encrusted on the living, 46
Mechanical logic, 160, 161
interference with, 162
Mechanisms, physiological, 48
Mechnikoff, E., 199
Medium, artist's, 333-4
Meister, Josef, 114
Melody, tracing a, 520-1
Melville, H., 361
analysing-devices, 524-6
association, 538-9
auditory, 533-5
discrimination, 537
generalization of input, 537
images, 531-3
in all learning processes, 576
levels of, 528-31
perception and, 513 et seq.
photographic, 529
picture-strip recall, 524-6, 530, 531
recognition and recall, 539-41
related to auditory perception, 518-19
Memory-formation, 347, 348
parsimony in, 523
Memory-systems, hierarchy of, 523
Mendel, note on, 254
Mental evolution, 226
Mental scanning, comparison with visual 161
difference between primitive and modern, 626
tribal, 308
Mentality of Apes, The, 101, 504, 560, 579, 582, 583
Mesmer, 239, 256
Messenger RNA, 419
Metaphors, 167, 320, 321
Metaphysics, Maxwell and, 688-92
Metric patterns, 314
Michelson, 243
Microbiology, 194
Midsummer Night's Dream, A, 53, 172
Miller, D. C., 244, 433, 443, 499
note on, 254
Milton, J., 674
Minkovsky, 175
Misadventure, discovety by, 192 et seq.
Mispronunciation, bisociation and, 76-7
Mitochoncitia, 420
Mitty, Walter, 179
Mnemic processes, 528-31
Moby Dick, 361
Molecular constitution, theory of, 169-70
Molecules, theories on structure of orginic, 240
Momentary regressions, 169
Mondrian, 389, 390
Monotony, 551
Montaigne, 148
Morgan, Lloyd, 145, 513, 559, 560
axial gradients in, 455
specialistion in, 423
Morphogenetic fields, 423, 424
Motif, in Art, 372-3
Motivation, 495 et seq., 635
Aristotle on, 675-6
by expectancy, 497, 500
for learning, 500
in embryonic development, 476
negative type, 495 et seq.
secondary drives, 497, 500
summary of psychologists' views on, 495-8
Motivational drive in scientists, 675
Motor activities
controlled and modified by the CNS, 447
independence of, 444
Motor-car, driving a, 469-70
Motor learning, 550, 552
Motor-patterns, self-assertive tendencies of, 552
Motor reflexes, in laughter, 30-1
Motor responses, lowering of in emergency reactions, 57
Motor skills, 544 et seq.
automatization of, 632
emergency-reorganizations in, 554
verbal symbolism and learning, 599
Moulin, L., 703
"Mountains like White Elephants", 339
Mourning, as reason for weeping, 274-6
Mowrer, O. H., 495
Mueller, Johann, 704
Multiple potential, 706
Munn, N.L, 567
functioning of, 435-7
selective response of, 442
Music, 313-14, 515 et seq,
aesthetic appreciation, 385-6
composing, 547
reversibility in, 198
Musical phrase, in piano-playing, 546
Myers, F.W.H., 69, 152
Mysteries of nature, 260
Mysterium Cosmographicum, 125
"Name and Nature of Poetry, The", 435
Names, magic of, 613-14
Napier's logarithms, 625
Narcissus, 48
Natural selection, Darwin and, 131-44
Nature, looking at, 366-9
"Nature of Explanation, The", 506
Needham, J., 426, 432, 467
Neo-Behaviourists, 561
Neoplatonists, 131, 148
Nerve-impulses, Chemical transmission of, 204-7
Nervous system, 426, 427
control on growth completion, 432
development of the, 430-2
super flexibility of functions, 459
Neumann, J. von, 32
Neurology, reflex-formula and, 498
Neurophysiology, 231
and exploratory drive, 505, 506
controversy, 241
New Astronomy Based on Causation or Physics of the Sky, A,
124, 128, 129, 217, 234, 265
New Landscape, The, 388
New Yorker, 37, 85
Newton, Alfred, 144
Newton, Eric, 388, 394, 395
Newton, Sir I., 69, 110, 124, 131, 176, 200, 228, 240, 256, 290, 663,
684-5, 708
first Law of Motion, 237
Nicolas of Cuss, 260
Nicolle, Charles, 257
Nicolson, Marjorie, 674
Nietzsche, 153
Night journey, 358-60
1984, 90
Nissen, H. W., 502
Noise, 514
Non-representational art, 370
Nonsense humour, bisociation of, 78
Normal conditions, defined, 449
Norris, John, 149
Note habit, in piano-playing, 546
Novel, conflict, 350-2
Nucleus, action of cytoplasm on, 422
Number-concepts, 622
individual, 622-3
personalized, 623
Numbers, irrational, 215
Objective verifiability, 28
Oceanic feeling, 88, 260, 263,
Oceanic wonder, 327, 318, 634
Oedipus Rex, 355
Oedipus story, 32, 35, 68
Oersted, H. C., 230, 668
Oistrakh, D., 59, 60
Old Testament
quoted, 323
references to laughter, 52-3
On Growth and Form, 466
On the Face in the Disc of the Moon, 237
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, 125, 677
Ontogenesis, 451
Operant behaviour, 496, 499
Operators, 419
Optical pun, 179, 182
Optical realism, 585
Optics, 131
Order, law and, 325-7
Organelles, 420
Organic life governed by rules, 631
adaptations, 448, 450
code for making, 417 et seq.
function of nervous system, 506
incentive to exploratory activities, 507
not masses reacting to environment, 498
regenerative span of, 450-2
super-flexibility of, 450
perceptual, 587
principles of, 467 et seq.
Organizers, 425
Origin and Nature of the Emotions, The, 285
Origin of Species, The, 132, 134, 135, 142, 707
and emphasis, 333-5
criteria distinguishing routine from, 654
degrees of, 654-7
forgetting a prerequisite of, 190
habit and, 44-5, 649 et seq.
Orphic mysticism, 260
Orthodox, pitfalls of, 639
Orwell, George, 67, 73, 323
Osgood, C.E., 559, 568, 644
Ossian, 401
Othello, 33, 56
Over-learning, 551
Overshooting characteristic of evolution, 493
Over-statements of the body, 58
Paget, Sir, R., 534
Painter, engaged in learning to see, 507
Papageno, 61
Paracelsus, 148, 256
Paradox, the humorist and, 93-4
Paradoxes, logical, 91
Paranormal conditions, 449
Parasympathetic reactions, 305
Parasympathetic system, 274
Parody, bisociation in, 69-70
Parrot-talk, 491-2
Parsimony, Principle of, 495
Participation, Law of, 293
Participatory tendencies, 54
Pascal, 103, 228, 704
Pasteur, Louis, 112, 113, 114, 115, 200, 225,
241, 256. 261, 696-702, 707
germ theory, 247
study of crystallography, 193
Pathology of thought, 235-40
Pattern-learning, 522
Pavlov, I. P., 498, 504, 505, 557, 576, 584, 611, 628
Pavlov's dogs, 563-4, 565, 580, 582
Pendulum problem, 189-90
Penfield, W., 597, 599, 601, 602
Penicillin, 194
and memory, 513 et seq.
conditioning and insight in, 521-2
of relations, 548
of sound patterns, 533
Perceptual codes, 347, 348, 376-80
learning, 490
organization, 587
projection, 295, 373
Peregrine, Peter, 227, 661
Peripheral awareness, 159, 18o
Personal equation, 231
Perspective, 374
Persuaders, hidden, 42-4
Phagocytes, 199
Philosophie Zoologique, 138
Philosophy of the Unconscious, 153
Phoenix of Astronomy, 678
Phonetic matrices, 640
Phonograph, 197
Photography, 195
Photosynthesis, 42o
Phrase-habit, 551
Phrenology, 215
Physical causality, 584
Physics, science of
reasons for delay in emergence of true, 236
synthesis with Astronomy, 124
Physiological isolation, 452-3
creativity and, 463
Physiological regeneration, 451
Piaget, J., 292, 585, 596, 598, 614, 627
Piano-playing, 42, 551, 552
learning habits in, 546-7
Picasso, 71, 92, 120, 402
and the 'fakes', 82, 84
Pictorial thinking, 168, 322-5
Picture postcards, 383-5
Picture-strip language, 606
Picture-strip recall, 524-6, 530, 531
Pigment, 370-1
Place-learning, 545
Planck, Max, 147, 213
Platner, E., 151
Plato, 131
Plato's Cave, 73

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