The Age of Radiance (73 page)

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Authors: Craig Nelson

Tags: #Atomic Bomb, #History, #Modern, #Nonfiction, #Retail

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“Help us. The Nazis are killing”
: Rittenmeyer and Skundrick.

“One always thinks life in this world”
: Sime.

“One day, while strolling in the”
: Orear.

“Monday evening, in the lab”
“How beautiful and exciting it”
: Sime.

“Miss Meitner—Professor Meitner”
: “Discovery of Fission.”

“Was it a mistake?”
“Perhaps a drop could divide”; “The charge of a uranium nucleus”
: Frisch.

“These results, I realized”
: Sparberg.

“What is the possibility that uranium 239”
: Rife.

“Dear Otto! I am now almost certain”
: Sime.

“When I came back to Copenhagen”
: “Discovery of Fission.”

“Dear Tante, I was able to speak”
: Sime.

“When we met on the boat”
I rigged up a pulse amplifier”
: “Discovery of Fission.”

“We had bad weather through”
: Stefan Rozenthal.

“Your results present a wonderful”
“Unfortunately I did everything wrong”; “The uranium work is for me”
: Sime.

“We’ve been such dumb assholes!”
: Aczel.

“Fermi wasn’t in his office”
: Herbert Anderson.

“ ‘a scientist not discovering fission’ ”
: Allison.

“If Fermi had published”
: Orear.

“I went up to the thirteenth floor”
: “Discovery of Fission.”

“God!” he said. “This looks like”
: Kinkead.

“All the things which H. G. Wells”
: Weart and Szilard.

“It takes one neutron to split”
: Laura Fermi.

“We turned the switch”
“That night, there was very little doubt”
: P. D. Smith.

5. The Birth of Radiance

“his willingness to accept facts”
: Hargittai,

“predict what would happen”
: “Discovery of Fission.”

“work and dirty my hands”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.

“with the precision of a prosecuting attorney”
: Hargittai,

“You are reinventing the field”
: P. D. Smith.

“We went over to Fermi’s office”
: Weart and Szilard.

“Szilard was not willing to do”
Enrico Fermi Papers,

“During the summer of 1939”
: Teller.

“On matters scientific or technical”
: Weart and Szilard.

“It is like shooting birds”
: Feld and Szilard.

“Contrary to perhaps what is”
: Fermi, “Physics at Columbia University.”

“There’s a wop outside”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.

“Princeton is a wonderful little spot”
: Mehra.

“Let’s give it up”
“How would it be if we”; “Daran habe ich gar nicht gedacht”
: Feld and Szilard.

“The one thing most scientists”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.

“In the United States of those days”
: Orear.

“We did not know just how”
: Feld and Szilard.

“he really only acted as a mailbox”
: Jungk.

“Alex, what you are after”
: Mahaffey.

“Szilard came to the conclusion”
“The question of money arose”
: Herbert Anderson.

“We have now reached the conclusion”
: Frisch and Peierls.

“For the Lord’s sake, don’t”
: Buderi.

“consider a future device for”
: Bush and Conant.

“undoubtedly a Fascist”
: Lt. Col. S. V. Constant report, August 13, 1940,
Leo Szilard Papers.

“oscillated between theoretical and experimental”
: Orear.

“He frequently said, he was amazed”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.

“Cartons of carefully wrapped graphite”
: Herbert Anderson.

“Physicists on the seventh floor”
: Orear.

“within a few years the use”
: Bush and Conant.

“My supervisor at the Met Lab”
: Cowan.

“a style of machine that dropped”
: Kelly.

“These lines are primarily addressed”
: Staff, “Oppenheimer Years, 1943–1945.”

“We found out how coal miners feel”
: Allardice and Trapnell.

“For the construction of the pile”
: Herbert Anderson.

“One aspect of Fermi that wasn’t”
: Orear.

“The pile, according to plan”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi

“Graphite was an awful material”
: Orear.

“It was a great temptation”
: Herbert Anderson.

“just in case an important experiment”
: Lanouette with Silard.

“Marched into Russia. Murdered the Jews”
: Rittenmeyer and Skundrick.

“The whole atmosphere there was”
: “To Fermi—with Love.”

“Well, what do you do”
: “Fermi Facts, Fables.”

“The pile is not performing now”
: Laura Fermi.

“Pull it to thirteen feet”
“This is not it”; “I’m hungry. Let’s go to lunch”; “This is going to do it”
: Allardice and Trapnell.

“Fermi had, the night before”
: “To Fermi—with Love.”

“At first you could hear the sounds”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb

“I couldn’t see the instruments”
“The reaction is self-sustaining”
: Allardice and Trapnell.

“Nothing very spectacular had happened”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb

“Probably for Fermi, however, the real victory”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi

“The Italian navigator has landed”
: Bush and Conant.

“One of the things that I shall”
“There was a crowd there”
: “Discovery of Fission.”

6. The Secret of All Secrets

“proton merry-go-round”
“Oh, sugar”
: Herken,

“He was tall, nervous and intent”
: Rhodes, “I Am Become Death.”

“He wanted everything and everyone”
: Conant,
109 East Palace.

“Oppenheimer was Jewish, but wished”
: Rhodes, “I Am Become Death.”

“Robert could make people feel”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.

“Oppenheimer’s prestige and ascendancy were great”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi

“J. Robert Oppenheimer, 30, associate professor”
: Staff, “Prof Takes Girl for a Ride.”

“Hot dog”
“My two great loves are”
: Bird and Sherman.

“I remember exactly how I”
“When Alvarez told me the news”
: Kelly.

“That’s impossible”
: Bird and Sherman.

“prospects for useful nuclear energy”
: Herken,

“Time is very much of the essence”
: Bush and Conant.

The world would be better”
: Conant,
109 East Palace.

“The Secretary of War has selected”
: Baggott.

“When Groves saw that the usual”
“He’s a genius”
: Conant,
109 East Palace

“The investigation of Szilard should”
: Groves to Calvert, June 12, 1943, Manhattan Engineer District Records, National Archives.

“The prospect of coming to Los Alamos”
: United States Atomic Energy Commission,
In the Matter.

“People I knew well began”
: Kelly.

“I went by train to a place”
: Bernstein.

“I drove right through the square”
: Conant,
109 East Palace.

“Here at Los Alamos”
: Rhodes, “I Am Become Death.”

“In spite of the difficulties”
“It was an unforgettable experience”
: Smith and Weiner.

“At great expense, we have gathered”
: Laura Fermi.

“Oppenheimer was very patient”
: Feynman.

“The water supply had been built”
: Bernstein.

“I would like that very much”
: Frisch.

“I will have nothing to do”
: Sime.

“ ‘Welcome to Los Alamos’ ”
: Zoellner.

“the culmination of three centuries of physics”
: Bird and Sherman.

“Behind us lay the Sangre de Cristo”
: Kelly.

“The Mesa was indented by”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi

“They had this notion that we”
“Soon Johnny will know so much”; “It is my fault”
: Lang.

“Kitty was a very strange woman”
“The General’s in a stew”; “You know, usually on a military post”
: Conant,
109 East Palace.

“Though I had an excellent time”
: Bernstein.

“The Army routinely leveled every”
“Fermi once told me with hardly”; “wrote an official letter to”
: Teller.

“Teller had worked on the bomb project”
: Bernstein.

“Throughout the ten years, Oppie”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.

“God protect us from the enemy”
: Conant,
109 East Palace.

“Fermi was simply unable to”
: Mahaffey.

“Below her, she had Rudolf”
: Orear.

“he told the horse in a firm voice”
: Teller.

“I required a special small laboratory”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi

“someday will be filled with great”
: “Atoms in Appalachia.”

“Mr. President, I agree that”
: Kelly.

“trained like soldiers not to reason why”
: Nichols.

“If you walked along the wooden”
“It was so darned bleak”; “Fermi was very discreet”
: Kelly.

“Enrico, when I was in”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi

“All science stopped during the war”
“was like tickling the tail”
: Feynman.

“The Critical Assemblies Group decided”
: Orear.

“Just as a beam of light”
: Teller.

“Only he was fully awake”
“Pray, what is the candidate’s tailor”; “an almost primitive lack of ability”
: George Dyson.

“At the start I had regarded Teller”
: Bethe, “Comments.”

“The first Sunday I was there”
: Laura Fermi.

“While Klaus was a mere”
“somewhat plump, greenish pale”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun

“The Mosquito flew at a great height”
: Bird and Sherman.

“Both the father and the son”
: Kelly.

“You see, I told you”
: Teller.

“When Niels and Aage Bohr arrived”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi

“the Nazis’ work was held”
: Lang.

“main theme was that it”
: Staff, “Jewish Spirit.”

“Even if my brother steals”
: Teller.

“People must learn to prevent”
: Baggott.

“With the beginning of the war”
: Heisenberg.

“Heisenberg stated that he was”
“stressed how important it was”; “Dear Heisenberg, I have seen”
: Niels Bohr Library & Archives.

“He said that his main aim”
: Bernstein.

“The big problem was”
: Conant,
109 East Palace

“Recent reports both through the newspapers”
Oppenheimer Papers,
H. A. Bethe folder.

“the only way we could lose”
: Bird and Sherman.

“deny the enemy his brain”
“We wouldn’t have had the moral”; “I think it was dreadful”
: Baggott.

“since there was not even the remotest”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun

’s passionate hatred of Hitler was”
: Max von Laue to Theodor von Laue, August 19, 1945, Laue Papers, Deutsches Museum Archives, Munich.

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