The Alchemist's Key (22 page)

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Authors: Traci Harding

BOOK: The Alchemist's Key
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‘Well, I had to wait until you’d set the machine in motion and led me to the future, or otherwise I would have ceased to exist. But, fear not,’ John assured both the stunned men before him, ‘I came to the twentieth century the old-fashioned way …
via the passing years. The machine is still very much inactive.’

‘But how?’ Both Wade and Hugh questioned at once.

‘It would seem you were correct, Mr Prescott,’ he informed, tipping his head to the scholar. ‘The Ghost’s Gold does give life everlasting if ingested, and it expands consciousness as well.’

‘Amazing,’ mumbled Hugh.

‘Yes, indeed, for with further experimentation I figured out how to prevent the particles dissipating before they could be ingested.’

Hugh broke into a smile of realisation. ‘So, that’s why your corpse went missing, because you never actually died.’

‘I suppose so,’ John confirmed, looking to change the subject. ‘So tell me, is young Andrew still in your employ?’ he looked at Wade to inquire.

‘Yes he is,’ Wade advised. ‘Should I send for him?’

‘Yes, do.’ John instructed. ‘For I have need of him.’


It wasn’t until Andrew came face to face with the young John Ashby that he believed Wade’s claim of the inventor returning to the twentieth century.

‘My God!’ he exclaimed, and for the first time since Grace had been stolen from him did the dispirited expression lift from his face.

‘No, it is only I, John Ashby.’ John made jest of the lad’s surprise. ‘I have a letter for you.’ John handed over the scrolled parchment sealed with wax.

Andrew accepted the communication, and walked away from the others before opening it.

To Andrew, my first love and dear friend,
Grace began.
I deeply regret having never said goodbye, and I send this note in the hope that my good Baron, John Ashby, shall find you safe and well in the distant future. I so want to thank you for a wonderful adventure and a love affair that I shall cherish all my days. At first, it was hard coming to terms with the fact that I would never see you again, but as the years passed the heartbreak eased, although the memories still burn brightly in my heart. I did find love again. I have a husband and children of my own now. Still, if not for your kind act, I realise I would have hung myself in Peggy’s stead and would never have found the happiness and contentment I enjoy today. You’ll be pleased to know that Frances Ashby never bothered me, or indeed any of the female staff, again. Your promise of retribution struck the fear
of God into him until his dying day. I hope this missive finds you in good heart, Andrew, and that you too will find all the peace, love and happiness that I enjoy because of you.

My undying gratitude always, Grace.

Andrew wiped his face in an attempt to dispel the tears. He was happy for Grace, but at the same time he felt even more heartbroken than he had before.

‘Andrew.’ John looked over from the conversation he was having with Wade and Hugh to note the chauffeur had finished reading the letter. ‘Would you mind helping my assistant with my luggage?’ John looked back to Wade. ‘That is if you don’t mind me staying here a while?’

‘My home is your home,’ Wade granted, giving Andrew leave to bring in the luggage.

Andrew shoved the letter in his back pocket, and headed out front quickly, wanting to hide the emotions that were flooding his senses.

The young chauffeur could barely see for the tears welling in his eyes as he approached the taxi. John’s assistant was unloading a multitude of bags from the boot, and Andrew grabbed a couple without introducing himself.

‘Excuse me, could you give me a hand with this one,’ she requested ever so politely.

Both bags slipped from Andrew’s hands as he did an about-face. That voice — he recognised it. ‘Grace!’

The young woman found this frightfully amusing. ‘John told you to call me that, didn’t he? That’s his pet name for me,’ she explained, marking the perplexed look on his face. ‘By God’s Grace, is the full expression he uses … I never did understand it myself.’ She shrugged, dropping the case she was struggling to lift, to hold out her hand to Andrew and introduce herself. ‘Mary-Anne Hunt.’

‘Andrew Jenkins.’ He shook her hand, still stunned.

‘You know, you look awfully familiar.’ She cocked her head to one side. ‘Have we met before?’

‘Could have,’ Andrew nodded, cracking a smile for the first time in a month.


The sound of cars approaching down the Manor drive distracted Andrew from his delightful preoccupation.

Lady Sinclair’s sports car preceded Hannah’s vehicle round the fountain, whereby they parked behind the cab that was being unloaded at the front stairs of the manor.

Louisa was pleased to note Hannah climbing out of the second car, and quickly went to greet her with a huge bunch of flowers. ‘For you,’ she advised Hannah, as she handed the bouquet over.

Hannah was stunned a moment, then smiled as she accepted the gift. ‘Well, thank you, Louisa, they’re beautiful. But —?’

‘I know I’ve been a bitch in the past,’ Louisa came out with her reasons, before Hannah had to ask. ‘But no more. These are just to say sorry for the trouble I caused you and the Baron. I assure you, it won’t happen again.’

‘I hope not,’ Hannah said in all seriousness, before cracking a huge smile as she flashed her new engagement ring.

‘Oh my God!’ Louisa exclaimed, grabbing hold of Hannah’s hand to view the beautiful ring more closely. ‘Congratulations!’ She hugged Hannah, tears of heartfelt well-wishes building in Louisa’s eyes. ‘I am so, so happy for you both.’

As the girls parted from their embrace, they beamed with excitement.

‘You must give me a tutorial on how you bagged a husband.’ Louisa considered she could use all the advice she could get.

‘Oh, Wade took a little additional prompting,’ Hannah advised, patting her still flat belly.

‘No!’ Louisa screeched again, gripping both of Hannah’s arms in disbelief.

Louisa’s excitement was fueling Hannah’s own. Her smile could not have been broader as she winked to confirm. ‘The new Baron Ashby,’ she announced proudly. ‘So, how do you feel about being a godmother?’ Hannah knew this was what Wade wanted, but only now did she realise this was what she wanted too.

That was it. Louisa’s joyful tears began to flow. ‘You would really want such a bitch as godmother to your child?’

Hannah nodded as she placed an arm around Louisa to walk her to the house. ‘Well, someone has got to teach him how to run the family business.’

Louisa smiled through her tears. ‘That shall be my great honour, Baroness.’

The girls passed Andrew and Mary-Anne who were exiting the house to get a second load of luggage from the car.

‘Good morning, Andrew,’ commented Hannah. ‘Grace,’ she added when she spotted his companion.

‘Grace!’ Hannah and Louisa responded at once.

Andrew corrected their mistake, introducing Mary-Anne. ‘Miss Hunt is John Ashby’s assistant.’

‘John Ashby!’ both woman echoed, again stunned.

Andrew nodded. ‘You’ll find him in the lower drawing room with the Baron and Mr Prescott.’

Louisa and Hannah stared at each other in astonishment, before hurrying up into the manor to see for themselves.


When the women entered the drawing room, the conversation the men were having was interrupted with kisses of hello and congratulations all round. Wade then introduced Lady Sinclair and his wife-to-be to John Ashby.

‘No pistol this time?’ Hannah queried cautiously as she shook the inventor’s hand.

‘I do apologise about that,’ John said sincerely, ‘I assure you, it wasn’t loaded.’

‘John was just about to tell us what happened to the missing keys.’ Wade got back to the subject that was of more concern at present, and they moved to take a seat. ‘Did you retrieve them?’

‘Aye. They were destroyed during my experimentation on the particles,’ John fibbed. ‘You need not concern yourself on that count.’

‘So what’s to stop you from making another set?’ Hugh posed.

‘Why, acquiring a supply of the base metal, of course,’ replied John.

‘But there’s still one thing I don’t understand,’ Wade frowned. ‘The dreams about the temple? How did you do that?’

John cocked one eyebrow, considering this a good question. Still, he wasn’t sure the young Baron would fathom the answer. ‘As I have already said, the substance within the crystal keys not only granted me immortality but it expanded my consciousness as well. For sometime after taking the substance, I was forced to live in isolation, until I learned how to channel the information I sought to perceive or send, and block out all other thought waves. I still find big cities very taxing,’ John told his captivated audience. ‘Therefore, in answer to your question, Wade, you perceived the dreams by means of a telepathic transfer.’

‘You can not only read minds, but implant thoughts into the minds of others. Is that what you’re saying?’ Wade was fascinated by the notion.

Hugh, of course, was sceptical and when John nodded, Hugh had to challenge the inventor to prove the claim. ‘Then, what am I thinking?’

John Ashby smiled, the answer was all too easy.
‘You desire to know the secret of ‘Ghost’s Gold’, the key that unlocks the door to Alchemy, that has been lost for centuries.’

‘And the base metal was?’ Hugh ventured, with a look of great anticipation on his face.

‘Ah,’ John raised his brow to hold Hugh in suspense. ‘Perhaps when I know you better, I’ll share the secret. But until then, my friend, you shall just have to continue to speculate.’

n the work front, I would like to thank my listeners — Karen and Lisa; my editors — Sue and Stephanie; my agent — Selwa Anthony; my living encyclopedia of ancient knowledge and good friend — Caiseal Mor; and all the team at HarperCollins for another very successful year.

Infinite gratitude and praise to my husband, David, for the energy and time he spent in successfully bringing to life images from my imagination to grace the inner and outer pages of this book.

Blessings to the many readers who wrote to voice their appreciation of
The Ancient Future Trilogy

all requests to continue the journey of the Chosen Ones have been heard and granted by the ‘powers that be’ at HarperCollins
Australia and it shall be my great pleasure to continue this journey.

On a personal note, David and I would like to thank all our family and friends for seeing us through what has been the greatest year of change and challenge in all our fourteen years of married life. In particular, we would like to acknowledge my father, Terry Ludgate, and his chosen other, Gill Moran, for their miraculous efforts in helping us to rebuild a house in seven months. Also, my brother, Steven, and his wonderful team of plasterboarders, for constructing an interior in two days! Many thanks to my mother, Toni Ludgate, and my best friend, Sue Moran, for their assistance in bringing our baby daughter, Sarah Jane, into this world.

Lastly, my thanks to Sarah Jane for being such an angel whilst I completed this manuscript. I have truly been blessed.

About the Author

Since 1996, Traci Harding has had four trilogies and three stand-alone novels published by HarperVoyager Australia. Her books are published in several different languages, and are also available in e-book format from the Apple iBookstore, Amazon, Kobo, Google, ReadCloud, and Selected titles are also available as a digital audio download through iTunes and Amazon — and as an audio book through Bolinda Audio.

To find quick links to all of the above, Traci’s other websites, and keep abreast of news, competitions and releases by Traci Harding, visit her new website:

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the home on the web for lovers of science fiction and fantasy.

First published in 1999
This edition published in 2012
by HarperCollins
Pty Limited
ACN 009 913 517
A member of the HarperCollins
(Australia) Pty Limited Group

Text copyright © Traci Harding 1999
Illustration copyright © David Harding 1999

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to the publishers.

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National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

Harding, Traci.
The alchemist’s key.
ISBN 978 0 7322 6672 1 (pbk)
ISBN 978 1 74309 617 8 (epub)
I. Title

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