The Alexandria Quartet (78 page)

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Authors: Lawrence Durrell

BOOK: The Alexandria Quartet
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Then in a somewhat more thoughtful mood, and a warier walk to match it, he climbed the cold staircase smelling of cobwebs and reached the embrasures in the great hall patrolled by the uniformed janitors. It was late, and most of the inhabitants of what Pursewarden always called the ‘Central Dovecot' had surrendered their tagged keys and vanished. Here and there in the great building were small oases of light behind barred windows. The clink of teacups sounded somewhere out of sight. Someone fell over a pile of scarlet despatch boxes which had been stacked in a corridor against collection. Mountolive sighed with familiar pleasure. He had deliberately chosen the evening hours for his first few interviews because there was Kenilworth to be seen and … his ideas were not very precise upon the point; but he might atone for his dislike of the man by taking him to his club for a drink? For somewhere along the line he had made an enemy of him, he could not guess how, for it had never been marked by any open disagreement. Yet it was there, like a knot in wood.

They had been near-contemporaries at school and university, though never friends. But while he, Mountolive, had climbed smoothly and faultlessly up the ladder of promotion the other had been somehow faulted, had always missed his footing; had drifted about among the departments of little concern, collecting the routine honours, but never somehow catching a favourable current. The man's brilliance and industry were undeniable. Why had he never succeeded? Mountolive asked himself the question fretfully, indignantly. Luck? At any rate here was Kenilworth now heading the new department concerned with Personnel, innocuous enough, to be sure, but his failure embarrassed Mountolive. For a man of his endowment it was really a shame to be merely in charge of one of those blank administrative constructs which offered no openings into the worlds of policy. A dead end. And if he could not develop positively he would soon develop the negative powers of obstruction which always derive from a sense of failure.

As he was thinking this he was climbing slowly to the third floor to report his presence to Granier, moving through the violet crepuscule towards the tall cream doors behind which the Undersecretary sat in a frozen bubble of green light, incising designs on his pink blotter with a paper-knife. Congratulations weighed something here, for they were spiced with professional envy. Granier was a clever, witty and good-tempered man with some of the mental agility and drive of a French grandmother. It was easy to like him. He spoke rapidly and confidently, marking his sentences with little motions of the ivory paper-weight. Mountolive fell in naturally with the charm of his language — the English of fine breeding and polish which carried those invisible diacritical marks, the expression of its caste.

‘You looked in on the Berlin mission, I gather? Good. Anyway, if you've been following P.E. you will see the shape of things to come perhaps, and be able to judge the extent of our preoccupations with your own appointment. Eh?' He did not like to Use the word ‘war'. It sounded theatrical. ‘If the worst comes to the worst we don't need to emphasize a concern for Suez — indeed, for the whole Arab complex of states. But since you've served out there I won't pretend to lecture you about it. But we'll look forward to your papers with interest. And moreover as you know Arabic'

‘My Arabic has all gone, rusted away.'

‘Hush' said Granier, ‘not too loud. You owe your appointment in a very large measure to it. Can you get it back swiftly?'

‘If I am allowed the leave I have accrued.'

‘Of course. Besides, now that the Commission is wound up, we shall have to get
and so on. And of course the Secretary of State will want to confer when he gets back from Washington. Then what about investiture, and kissing hands and all that? Though we regard every appointment of the sort as urgent … well, you know as well as I do the mandarin calm of F.O. movements' He smiled his clever and indulgent smile, lighting a Turkish cigarette. ‘I'm not so sure it isn't a good philosophy either' he went on. ‘At any rate, as a bias for policy. After all, we are always facing the inevitable, the irremediable; more haste, more muddle! More panic and less confidence. In diplomacy one can only propose, never dispose. That is up to God, don't you think?' Granier was one of those worldly Catholics who regarded God as a congenial club-member whose motives are above question. He sighed and was silent for a moment before adding: ‘No, we'll have to set the chessboard up for you properly. It's not everyone who'd consider Egypt a plum. All the better for you.'

Mountolive was mentally unrolling a map of Egypt with its green central spine bounded by deserts, the dusty anomalies of its peoples and creeds; and then watching it fade in three directions into incoherent desert and grassland; to the north Suez like a caesarian section through which the East was untimely ripped; then again the sinuous complex of mountains and dead granite, orchards and plains which were geographically distributed about the map at hazard, boundaries marked by dots.… The metaphor from chess was an apposite one. Cairo lay to the centre of this cobweb. He sighed and took his leave, preparing a new face with which to greet the unhappy Kenilworth.

As he walked thoughtfully back to the janitors on the first floor he noted with alarm that he was already ten minutes late for his second interview and prayed under his breath that this would not be regarded as a deliberate slight.

‘Mr. Kenilworth has phoned down twice, sir. I told him where you were.'

Mountolive breathed more freely and addressed himself once more to the staircase, only to turn right this time and wind down several cold but odourless corridors to where Kenilworth waited, tapping his rimless pince-nez against a large and shapely thumb. They greeted one another with a grotesque effusion which effectively masked a reciprocal distaste. ‘My
David'.… Was it, Mountolive wondered, simply an antipathy to a physical type? Kenilworth was of a large and porcine aspect, over two hundred pounds of food-and-culture snob. He was prematurely grey. His fat, well-manicured fingers held a pen with a delicacy suggesting incipient crewel-work or crochet. ‘My
David!' They embraced warmly. All the fat on Kenilworth's large body hung down when he stood up. His flesh was knitted in a heavy cable stitch. ‘My
Kenny' said Mountolive with apprehension and self-disgust. ‘What splendid news. I flatter myself' Kenilworth put on an arch expression ‘that I may have had something, quite small, quite insignificant, to do with it. Your Arabic weighed with the S. of S. and it was I who remembered it! A long memory. Paper work.' He chuckled confusedly and sat down motioning Mountolive to a chair. They discussed commonplaces for a while and at last Kenilworth joined his fingers into a gesture reminiscent of a pout and said: ‘But to our
, dear boy. I've assembled all the personal papers for you to browse over. It is all in order. It's a well-found mission, you'll find, very well-found. I've every confidence in your Head of Chancery, Errol. Of course, your own recommendations will weigh. You will look into the staff structure, won't you, and let me know? Think about an A.D.C. too, eh? And I don't know how you feel about a P.A. unless you can rob the typists' pool. But as a bachelor, you'll need someone for the social side, won't you? I don't think your third secretary would be much good.'

‘Surely I can do all this on the spot?'

‘Of course, of course. I was just anxious to see you settled in as comfortably as possible.'

‘Thank you.'

‘There is only one change I was contemplating on my own. That was Pursewarden as first political.'

‘Pursewarden?' said Mountolive with a start.

‘I am transferring him. He has done statutory time, and he isn't really happy about it. Needs a change in my view.'

‘Has he said so?'

‘Not in so many words.'

Mountolive's heart sank. He took out the cigarette holder which he only used in moments of perplexity, charged it from the silver box on the desk, and sat back in the heavy old-fashioned chair. ‘Have you any other reasons?' he asked quietly. ‘Because I should personally like to keep him, at least for a time.' Kenilworth's small eyes narrowed. His heavy neck became contused by the blush of annoyance which was trying to find its way up to his face. ‘To be frank with you, yes' he said shortly.

‘Do tell me.'

‘You will find a long report on him by Errol in the papers I've assembled. I don't think he is altogether suitable. But then contract officers have never been as dependable as officers of the career. It's a generalization, I know. I won't say that our friend isn't faithful to the firm — far from it. But I can say that he is opinionated and difficult. Well,
He's a writer, isn't he?' Kenilworth ingratiated himself with the image of Pursewarden by a brief smile of unconscious contempt. ‘There has been endless friction with Errol. You see, since the gradual break-up of the High Commission after the signing of the Treaty, there has been a huge gap created, a hiatus; all the agencies which have grown up there since 1918 and which worked to the Commission have been cut adrift now that the parent body is giving place to an Embassy. There will be some thorough-going decisions for you to make. Everything is at sixes and sevens. Suspended animation has been the keynote of the last year and a half — and unsuspended hostilities between an Embassy lacking a Chief, and all these parentless bodies struggling against their own demise. Do you see? Now Pursewarden may be brilliant but he has put a lot of backs up — not only in the mission; people like Maskelyne, for example, who runs the War Office I.C. Branch and has this past five years. They are at each other's throats.'

‘But what has an I. Branch to do with us?'

‘Exactly, nothing. But the High Commissioner's Political Section depended on Maskelyne's Intelligence reports. I.C. Intelligence Collation was the central agency for the Middle East Central Archives and all that sort of thing.'

‘Where's the quarrel?'

‘Pursewarden as political feels that the Embassy has also in a way inherited Maskelyne's department from the Commission. Maskelyne refuses to countenance this. He demands parity or even complete freedom for his show. It is military after all.'

‘Then set it under a military attache for the time being.'

‘Good, but Maskelyne refuses to agree to become part of your mission as his seniority is greater than your attaché designate's.'

‘What rubbish all this is. What is his rank?'

‘Brigadier. You see, since the end of the '18 show, Cairo has been the senior post office of the intelligence network and all intelligence was funnelled through Maskelyne. Now Pursewarden is trying to appropriate him, bring him to heel. Battle royal, of course. Poor Errol, who I admit is rather weak in some ways, is flapping between them like a loose sail. That is why I thought your task would be easier if you shed Pursewarden.'

‘Or Maskelyne.'

‘Good, but he's a War Office body. You couldn't. At any rate, he is most eager for you to arrive and arbitrate. He feels sure you will establish his complete autonomy.'

‘I can't tolerate an autonomous War Office Agency in a territory to which I am accredited, can I?'

‘I agree. I agree, my dear fellow.'

‘What does the War Office say?'

‘You know the military! They will stand by any decision you choose to make. They'll have to. But they have been dug in there for years now. Own staff branches and their transmitter up in Alexandria. I think they would like to stay.'

‘Not independently. How could I?'

‘Exactly. That is what Pursewarden maintains. Good, but someone will have to go in the interests of equity. We can't have all this pin-pricking.'

‘What pin-pricking?'

‘Well, Maskelyne withholding reports and being forced to disgorge them to Political Branch. Then Pursewarden criticizing their accuracy and questioning the value of I.C. Branch. I tell you, real fireworks. No joke. Better shed the fellow. Besides, you know, he's something of a … , keeps odd company. Enrol is troubled about his security. Mind you, there is nothing
Pursewarden. It's simply that's he's, well … a bit of a vulgarian, would you say? I don't know how to qualify it. It's Errol's paper.'

Mountolive sighed. ‘It's surely only the difference between, say, Eton and Worthing, isn't it?' They stared at one another. Neither thought the remark was funny. Kenilworth shrugged his shoulders with obvious pique. ‘My dear chap' he said, ‘if you propose to make an issue of it with the S. of S. I can't help it; you will get my proposals overruled. But my views have gone on record now. You'll forgive me if I let them stay like that, as a comment upon Errol's reports. After all, he has been running the show.'

‘I know.'

‘It is hardly fair on him.'

Stirring vaguely in his subconscious Mountolive felt once more the intimations of power now available to him — a power to take decisions in factors like these which had hitherto been left to fate, or the haphazard dictation of mediating wills; factors which had been unworth the resentments and doubts which their summary resolution by an act of thought would have bred. But if he was ever to claim the world of action as his true inheritance he must begin somewhere. A Head of Mission had the right to propose and sponsor the staff of his choice. Why should Pursewarden suffer through these small administrative troubles, endure the discomfort of a new posting to some uncongenial place?

‘I'm afraid the F.O. will lose him altogether if we play about with him' he said unconvincingly; and then, as if to atone for a proposition so circuitous, added crisply: ‘At any rate, I propose to keep him for a while.'

The smile on Kenilworth's face was one in which his eyes played no part. Mountolive felt the silence close upon them like the door of a vault. There was nothing to be done about it. He rose with an exaggerated purposefulness and extruded his cigarette-end into the ugly ashtray as he said: ‘At any rate, those are my views; and I can always send him packing if he is no use to me.'

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