THE ALPHAS Box Set (11 page)

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Authors: A.J. Winter

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Matt stormed down the road to the wall. It was still early in the day and he wasn’t on watch until sundown. He didn’t want to work in the garden or help with the wall. He wanted to punch someone. He was walking down his driveway when he heard the laughing. Sean was watering the garden and spraying Pauline whenever he got the chance.  Matt’s scowl deepened and he retreated inside the house.

Pauline squealed again as the cold water rained down on her and then laughed. It had probably been fifteen years since she’d had a water fight and given that they were suddenly on high alert it felt good to laugh instead of worrying. It did not feel good to be chilly and wet, however, and she half-heartedly tossed a small, plastic hand trowel in Sean’s direction.

He dodged her missile easily enough and he said, “I’ll get you for that!”

She scrambled but not fast enough and he got her again. She shook drips of water from her fingers and wiped her face. “I’m going to get changed,” she laughed.

“Might as well go out with a bang then,” Sean said and opened fire on her full-force. She shrieked as the jet-stream of water hit her back and ran for the house, almost colliding with Anne who had suddenly appeared on the porch.

“I was wondering what the ruckus was all about,” Anne said with a shake of her head. “Men can be such children sometimes. It’s a pity you’re stuck with two of them.”

“Stuck!?” Sean said. He pointed the hose at Anne. “You mean privileged!”

“Of course,” Anne said with a ‘whatever you say’ smile. Ryan laughed and Sean sprayed him, since he knew better than to actually spray Anne.

“Okay, that’s it,” Ryan growled and charged across the lawn at his friend, ignoring the constant stream of water aimed at him.

While the two men hollered at each other and wrestled for the hose Pauline and Anne slipped inside, smiling. “They’ll be in soon to change,” Pauline said.

“Good, we’ll have an early dinner tonight since all three of them are on watch, all night.”

“Who were those people, anyway?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t like the look of them.” Actually, they had all be exceptionally attractive, each in their own way. They were all fit and muscular, enough so that it was evident even under the travel clothes they wore. But that sense of overall ‘perfection’ was what had Anne on edge. How did they all manage to look so much alike?

Ryan and Sean burst through the back door and chased across the house to the stairs. The girls could hear them banging all the way down and then the door at the far end of the basement slamming open, then shut, then open again.

“I should go down and make sure they don’t break something we can’t replace. Do you need help with supper?”

“No. Probably tuna tonight.”

Pauline nodded and followed the wet, muddy footprints down the stairs. They had learned very quickly not to jump out and scare her but the suddenly quiet basement still made her nervous. She needn’t have worried, they weren’t up to trouble, they were both lying on her bed, naked.

“Is this an apology?” she asked from the doorway.

“Yes,” Ryan said, though he hadn’t sprayed her.

“And we’re cold,” Sean added.

She stripped off her wet clothes and shivered. “It is cold,” she said and crawled into bed with them. They started touching her immediately. They barely had the self-control to keep their hands off her body when they were upstairs or out in public. Down here, with all her beautiful curves exposed, there was no stopping them and she didn’t want to try.

She was kissing Ryan while Sean rubbed her back when Sean leaned forward and whispered, “Do you want to try something kinky?”

So far their lovemaking had been very safe and fairly normal, except that most often they were both in her bed. The idea of trying something new, something not as normal, something dirty, suddenly appealed to her. Maybe it was the way Ryan was rubbing his leg between hers, or the way he was chewing on her lip. Or maybe it was just that she trusted them and wanted to explore even further with them. Whatever had her worked up didn’t matter, she nodded.

“Heads or tails,” Sean said.

Pauline wasn’t sure what they meant but when Ryan broke off kissing her and said, “Isn’t that up to her?” she assumed the question wasn’t actually meant for her.

Sean’s lips brushed Pauline’s ear and he whispered, “Do you trust us?”

She nodded and said, “Yes.”

“Then this time it’s up to us.”

“I’m feeling lazy,” Ryan said and snuck another kiss before Sean rolled Pauline away from him. Ryan scooted up the bed until he was sitting against the headboard revealing a thick, hard cock. Pauline smiled and crawled over, giving the length of his cock a slow lick.

“Go ahead,” Sean said. “He wants you to suck him off.”

‘Heads or tails? Someone has to teach him to be a little less vulgar,’
she thought as she took Ryan’s cock in her mouth. That was something she had noticed – Ryan was almost always sweet and romantic and considerate while Sean was forward to the point of being blunt, but he never pushed her too far.

She took her time with Ryan, starting with just the head and swirling her tongue around it. Sean knelt down behind her and slipped two fingers inside her. She squirmed and he said, “Now I get to watch you wiggle that fine ass.”

She tried to ignore Sean and turned her full attention to Ryan and his delicious cock. She made a deliberate wet slurping noise, something Ryan enjoyed and Sean begged for. Her head bobbed up and down as she got down to business.

Ryan could only sit back and moan. It was like this every time she wrapped her perfect, lush lips around his cock. Her lips were soft and her tongue was talented – better than anyone he’d dated, or had the pleasure of a one night stand with. She made this wave motion with her tongue, like the way a belly dancer moved, and it stroked every nerve in just the right way in just the right order to send him soaring toward the top.

Behind her Sean pulled his fingers out and rubbed the head of his cock over her sopping pussy. Sucking cock always left her wet, he’d had the privilege of fucking her right after she’d finished milking Ryan’s cock, but never had she allowed him to fuck her while she was sucking away.

When she moaned, even around the full mouth, he pushed inside of her. She was tight and he had to stop and calm himself down before really starting in on her. He pulled out slowly too, but his next thrust was firm and sent her rocking forward further onto Ryan’s cock. He gripped her hips and began to move in a slow, firm rhythm.

For a moment Sean distracted her so much all she could do was keep her lips wrapped around Ryan’s cock while Sean rocked her back and forth. It wasn’t until both of Ryan’s hands fisted in her hair and he started bucking his hips that she started moving her tongue again. When he climaxed it was explosive and stream after stream hit the back of her throat.

She swallowed and gasped for air. Behind her Sean started pounding into her making her yelp and grunt. As he got rougher she got louder until she was almost screaming. He finally pushed deep inside her and grunted as he filled her with cum. He dropped back, panting.

Pauline rolled away, breathing hard. “Oh god,” she said. “If Damian or Anne asks me about the noise I’ll be so embarrassed.”

“I think it’s sexy,” Sean said.

Pauline kicked his leg.



Any worries Pauline may have had about their noise level were unfounded. Damian was also on the full-night watch and had gone upstairs to rest. After talking with Pauline, Anne went up to check on him and found him pacing the room they now shared.

“You should get some sleep,” Anne said.

“I had a full night’s sleep. I’m not tired. I have too much on my mind, I couldn’t sleep now even if I was tired.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He shook his head.

She frowned but didn’t press the matter.

“I will, okay. I will talk about it, but I want to get through tonight and get these … people, on their way. Then we’ll talk, all of us.”

“You should at least come and relax a little.”

He nodded and dropped onto the bed.

“Good. Because I want to try something. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.”

His eyes narrowed. “What’s going on in that devious head of yours?”

From one of her dresser drawers she pulled out a jumbled handful of cloth.

“What is that?”

“They’re ties.”

“You want me to put on formal wear?”

“No. I want to tie you up.”

He tensed. “Roxanne, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I don’t think you will. Besides, you know the rules. In here, what I say goes. Get your clothes off and lie down.”

“Anne …”

“We’ll take it in stages, okay? I’ll tie you up but I won’t touch you unless you tell me everything is all right. Come on, we need to test your limits. I’m not playing ride ‘em cowgirl for the rest of my life. It’s fun and all but it’s wrecking my knees.”

He chuckled. “Okay, okay, I’m stripping.”

She watched each article of clothing come off with open appreciation. Her wide eyes and intent gaze made him smile and pull his pants down slower than usual. Her breath caught and she couldn’t tear her gaze away from the slow revealing of muscled thighs.

“You like?”

“Oh yes.” She smiled. “And now I’m going to tie you up.”

He shivered but crawled into bed and stretched out. She moved from one corner of the bed to the next, tying the neck tie around his wrist or ankle and then to one of the four corner posts of the bed. As she worked he tested the first set of knots, they weren’t tight enough around his wrist to pinch or make his fingers tingle but a few honest tugs did nothing to dislodge it.

When she was done she stepped back and waited while he tested the restraints and shifted his weight as best he could. Finally he said, “It’s not so bad.”

She crawled up from the foot of the bed and knelt there where he could just see her if he raised his head. She smiled and leaned over him, adjusting the pillows to give him a headrest. Then she leaned back again and began slowly taking off her clothes.

She made a show of it, taking her time with each piece. His cock was getting hard just watching her and it was semi-erect by the time she was naked. She looked down at his cock and then up at his face, her lower lip tucked between her teeth. He nodded and she reached out a hand and wrapped slender fingers around him, playing with him until he was fully hard.

He rested his head back against the pillows and closed his eyes. He focused on the sensations of her hand sliding over his cock and ignored the restraints as much as possible. He heard her fussing with something but didn’t bother to open his eyes. When she switched hands he realized she must have found a bottle of lube somewhere because it was cold and slick. The cold went away very fast and he was left with a wet, slick, hand job.

He let out a long, slow, contented groan and his whole body relaxed. She’d been waiting for that final sign that he’d accepted the restraints and was ready to move further but she wasn’t ready yet. She was enjoying watching his face as she tugged and squeezed.

She straddled him and slipped his slick cock between her legs which elicited another groan from him. Most times she rode him hard, taking pleasure in her chance to dominate him for a change, knowing it was her dominance that kept the flashbacks at bay. Today she was slower, gentler, not wanting to trigger a sense of captivity. The restraints were about trust, about pushing boundaries, not about captivity – not yet anyways. She longed to tie him to that bed and be fully in control, fully dominant, but she could wait.

The restraints on his ankles prevented him from getting any real leverage and he was forced to lie almost completely still while she used his body for her pleasure. And without his sudden thrusts to disrupt her body’s rhythm she found her pleasure rising faster than ever before. Of course seeing him tied down helped get her turned on and keep her there.

It didn’t take long for her first orgasm to sweep through her. He watched as her mouth fell open in a silent ‘o’ of pleasure and she ground hard against him. She forgot all her inhibitions and grabbed her own breasts, touching her body as waves of electric pleasure swept through her.

She tumbled down from the peak but not all the way and soon the intensity was building again. “Oh god,” she muttered.

Usually she touched him during sex but this time her entire focus was on her own body. She ran her hands up and down her stomach and her legs, she squeezed her breasts, one hand went to her throat as her head tipped back. It was like watching an exotic dance. He was captivated.

She bubbled up, up, towards the surface and then the tension released and she screamed as a second orgasm ripped through her.

When it was done she collapsed on his chest, utterly spent. He tried to move his hips but couldn’t get enough leverage to thrust. “Untie me,” he whispered.

She nodded and fumbled with the restraints on his wrists. When they were free he grabbed her hips and slid down until his knees bent. He thrust up into her but she barely reacted. His fingers dug into her hips as he pushed again and again but all she did was snuggle under his chin.

The built up tension and the image of her coming, twice, was enough to excite him. The smooth, slick, tightness as he moved inside of her was enough to drive that excitement to the limit. He grunted and filled her with cum.

For a long time they lay together in a heap. Finally he nudged her. “We’re going to be sticky and yucky in a little while.”

“Mm-hm,” she said.

“I still have to eat and go on watch,” he reminded her.

“Mm-hm.” She snuggled in tighter.

“Okay, over you go.” He slid her off his chest and onto the bed and tried to get up, forgetting about the ankle restraints until he almost pulled his leg out of his hip joint. He swore and she giggled softly. “Let’s just see how funny you find it when I tie you up,” he muttered. By the time he was free she was propped on an elbow watching him.

“Did you like that?” she said.

“You’re beautiful when you’re in control,” he replied. He kissed her forehead. “I’ll go start on supper.”

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