The Alpha's Desire 4 (11 page)

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Authors: Willow Brooks

BOOK: The Alpha's Desire 4
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“If that is the case, then maybe we can get one of those soft, whipping sort of toys and I can tie you up and intensify every inch of your skin,” he practically hissed in my ear before giving me a hard peck on the cheek. His hands grabbed my breasts. Hard, so that the hurt was so good. I gave out a little yip followed by a moan, so he knew he’d done well at riding that line between pleasure and pain, where one increases the other.


He kissed me then, full and rough, on the mouth, my lips heating and swelling. He grabbed my hair, gave it a few tugs, angling my head so he could kiss my throat with a full press of his lips before giving me a little bite that made my whole body jerk against his. I liked the play of our skin against each other’s.


Since I remained blindfolded, I wasn’t sure how he pulled this off, but after hearing him roll a condom on, he grabbed my still warm ass. I wasn’t sure where he’d gotten the protection from, but like on the plane, I’d not been willing to break the mood to ask. He angled me toward him and positioned his cock at my opening. At first, he just pressed in a little, just that glorious first inch where the head stretches me open. But then, he forced himself the rest of the way in, pumping in and out, fast, hard, and I had no recourse to direct anything.


Still, when his cock began to rub against that soft spot deep inside of me, my body twitched and shook as my stomach tightened and contracted. As I built to another orgasm, if it hadn’t been for the ropes and his grip on me, I would have sunk to the ground in a pool of pleasure, quivering with my need to climax, to fall over that precipice he had me at, trembling, looking over the edge, and willing to jump. After I did finally come to the point of gasping for air, he untied me and scooped me up onto the bed. He made short work of pushing into me again. He didn’t even take off the blindfold.


I thought to, but soon he had me moving toward the edge again, revving back up my body as he held onto mine. He moved in and out, intermixing with a rock back and forth of our entire bodies together. It grew a bit rough and tumble with us each scrambling for purchase onto the other, trying to get closer than we already were. Our passions overtook us, and even as the blindfold slipped away, I saw stars as we rose to come together.


Our cries mingled in the air between us as we rode each wave of our climaxes, together, in a fast and furious and yet glorious union of bodies and souls. Even after, when our bodies had intermittent tremors, we held on tightly to each other. I felt like I could never let him go. I never wanted to leave this moment, or to let these feelings that were overwhelming me go. Yet, I would have it always in my memory, along with endless chances to repeat the process.


“Thankfully, we have a little time to lay here together before we need to check out the clothing situation and get dressed,” he muttered into my neck.


“Do you read my mind? I mean, I know you can read my feelings, part of the protector thing, and plus we can connect in dreams, but sometimes it seems you are reading my mind, thought for thought.”


“No, I can’t actually hear your thoughts, but I think emotions tell a lot about what someone is thinking when linked with the situation at hand. You had a touch of longing to you, and I assumed that, like me, you were wishing this would never end.”


“Okay. I can see that. I don’t want to move. I just want to languish in this moment. But, you do bring up a good point. Did they buy us clothes like what they wear? I’ve only been that dressed up for prom,” I said with a tight laugh.


“I would assume we have something along those lines in there. They did the same for the official induction ceremony after my training. Each of us was given a tux to wear. I don’t think money is an issue for them, if you look around you. Who owns an island like this?” he said with a shake of his head, though his eyes still sparkled from being with me.


That would never get old. I got a flutter in my stomach when he looked at me like that.


Chapter Nineteen


When we arrived at lunch, a long, thick wooden table, like one you would expect to see in an old castle, was set to seat twelve. As Lex pulled out my chair for me, one of the only two left, I fidgeted, smoothing my hands down over the silky dress I was wearing. I was not accustomed to such clothing, and even though I fit in with what everyone else was wearing, I felt out of place, maybe conspicuous in it.


The burgundy and pearl floral lace over the bodice was crisscrossed in a v-neck, and while it did manage to cover my generous breasts, I still was not used to such a cut. The fact that Lex had loved it was my first clue it was flattering to my cleavage. He’d talked me into the thing. I figured I would have the need to wear them all eventually, so why not get it over with? Very sheer layers flowed to just below my knees from a high empire waist. While it was elegant, even with my curves, the jeweled belt right below my chest felt tight and made me feel even more conspicuous.


“You look so beautiful, dear,” Catherine said as I sat down.


I dropped my hand at her genuine smile. My mother would have done something like that, complimented me to make me aware of and stop my fidgeting. I smiled back at her as I lectured myself about not bursting into tears and crying in the salad someone had just set before me. It had a fruity smell, so that must have been the dressing, as something fishy sat on top of the lettuce. Not a huge seafood fan, I figured I better get used to it, being on an island.


The taste, which was definitely something new to me, was very good, a mango and maybe citrusy sort of dressing that complimented and cut down on the fishy taste. If this was any indication, I wouldn’t have a problem at all. I guess all seafood had needed was a good chef to season and cook it appropriately. I’d never have thought of pairing fruit with fish, but then again, what did I know outside of mac and cheese? I might become a fan of seafood after all. Beat made from a box any day.


Everything on the table, from the china to the silverware to the glasses, was fancy, elegant, and I was sure expensive. I figured I would adapt, just hopefully not enough to make going back home, at some point, whenever that would be, even if just to visit, depressing. I’d never cared before. I mean, a little more money than I had would have been nice, but I’d never needed all of this. Nor had I known it existed, really. I’d obviously only had a vague idea of what real wealth looked like. Of course, how was I to know outside of magazines and the internet? Pictures were definitely not the same as living it.


“Christina, we would love to hear more about your life, as in more than we could dig up on our own,” Edward began as the main dish was being served.


Kebobs had been announced as seafood and poultry with various jerk seasonings. There was coconut rice, a bowl of sautéed vegetables, and fruit salad laid out before us, along with a rum punch. After the salad, I couldn’t wait to try it all, but it looked like I would need my mouth for talking.


“Not much to tell, really. I lost my mother when I was a little girl, so I was basically raised by an alcoholic father. He wasn’t mean or anything, just rather emotionally absent after my mom passed. He tried, he really did. I don’t want to paint him in a bad light, as his only fault came from loving my mom too much, so much that life for him was hard with her gone. I guess, outside of those two facts, I had a pretty basic childhood... public school, a best friend named Chloe. Oh no,” I exclaimed having mentioned her name.


“What, everything okay?” Lex asked as Catherine obviously opened her mouth to do so.


“I don’t know. Not really sure how long I’ve been gone. But, I was supposed to call Chloe when I got to my so-called ‘vacation’ that I’d lied and told her I was going on. She must be worried sick. She was not a fan of me going. Of course, my lie of going off with a guy I barely knew on an open-ended vacation didn’t sound so good. Not a smart thing for a female to do. She must have search teams out.”


“Don’t worry, dear. You can use a phone here after dinner. Call your friend. Wish I could help you in the excuse department, but nothing is coming to me just yet.”


“She has been the only person to always be there for me, and deserves better than to have to worry about me; not that there was not reason to for a few days, for actual concern, but still, I can’t even tell her that. Sorry. I don’t mean to ramble on. It’s okay. Thank you for offering to let me use the phone later.”


“So, you work in an office and are a writer?” Edward asked, picking back up the learning my life’s story portion of the evening.


“Yes. I wish I were more exciting, but I’m not. I got a job to pay the bills so I could write. I lived in a small apartment in the city. I went to work, came home, ate alone most days, then read or watched TV. Not much of a life to speak of. Until Lex here saved me from that mugger outside that bar; what was that now, a month ago? My life was pretty ordinary. But, it was mine, and I was basically happy in it. Never had magic or werewolves or vampires outside of my books, that’s for sure. This world I’m sitting in now was a place of fiction.”


“Yes, I imagine it would be a shock to those who were not raised in it,” Catherine said.


“Yes, it is. My whole apartment could have fit in your entryway, and I’ve only worn a dress like this once in my life, to my Senior prom. Never have I eaten at a fancy enough restaurant to have food so delicious. I hope that all sounds like the compliment it was meant to be.”


“It does, dear,” Edward said. His voice was relaxed and kind, like a grandfather’s. I liked him, and didn’t mind his questioning actually. “So, fill us in on how everything has happened, changed for you since learning you had a wolf guardian and of your Royal bloodline.”


“Well, that is a long story,” I began, going back to that first night, meeting Lex in that bar, not realizing it was him outside that saved me.


We ate and talked. Well, mostly they questioned and I answered, for the remainder of the meal, which was amazing. I couldn’t believe how comfortable I felt with all of them, like they were family and this just another get-together. I had to get used to the noise level that many people made, as I’d not been to a lot of family functions outside of funerals.


When talk turned to the night I’d gone with the vampires to save Lex, Vivian, and Riker, the whole mood changed in the room. While plates were being taken away, we sat back, more sullen. I found tears filling my eyes, as they did others there. I got chills thinking back through the night, reliving it. I heard my voice crack many times. They waited patiently each time I paused to get myself back together. I didn’t feel embarrassed, though, as a few of the ladies were using their cloth napkins to dab at the tears in their own eyes.


“They died heroes,” Lex added, “fighting for what they believed in, this family, its protection. After the accident, the true wolves just played with us, wearing us down, continually attacking different parts of our bodies. When they fell, they got right back up. Then they tranquilized us. I’d seen the gun, and thought us dead, that I’d never see Christina again, and had failed to protect her. But, the three of us woke up in that warehouse, top floor, naked, cut, bruised, and more. We were dying basically.


“We woke to torture, I’m sorry to report, the wolves outnumbering us, clawing at our human bodies. We couldn’t transform. They had somehow blocked our magic. They kept the three of us cornered. At one point, Vivian told me to make sure I returned to Christina. Then, her and Riker stepped in front of me, and they died when they attempted to take down wolves in their human form, with no magic and no weapons. They’d tried to create a diversion to free me. I was, of course, met by Daniel.”


“Who’s Daniel?” I asked through my tears, my voice soft.


“The true wolf leader.”


“You mean the guy that always wears the black suits?”




Dessert was brought out and cleared as we continued to talk. By this time, everyone just picked at the mounds of deep-fried dough balls, I guessed, like donut holes, that were covered in some thicker chocolate sauce, not quiet fudge, but not chocolate syrup either. I didn’t know if, like me, they were both stuffed and too sad to eat by now. Even as a stress eater, I wasn’t hungry.


“I am really anxious to learn about this magic inside of me. I know Lex and Nira both mentioned tests so you can evaluate exactly how powerful it is, and I’m fine with that; I just want to understand it, learn to control it,” I finally said during a break in the conversation, feeling that everyone needed a break from the topic of their grief.


“And, that will all be done. We are not talking medical tests, but we will put you through a series of challenges, ask you to do various things, to try to get a handle on what it is you will be able to do. That way, we can better train you. We can get started later today if you wish,” Catherine said, looking as anxious as I felt.


Surely we were all excited and curious about my powers, just for different reasons. 


“I would love that,” I exclaimed.


“Good. Tell you what? Why don’t you and Lex go put on something comfortable, go explore the island this afternoon, and then after dinner, we can begin.”


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