The Alpha's Domination (14 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: The Alpha's Domination
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“She kept me there, watching as my bones broke. There
was no help or comfort. She watched, taunting me and my wolf, breaking me down.
I don’t know why she was so determined to make my wolf terrified of her.”

“Did your mother win her role within the pack, or was
it natural?” he asked.

“She fought to be the strongest female, and she trains
daily to make sure no one can defeat her.”

He rubbed his temples. “In rare cases a young wolf
born to an alpha male and a strong female can inherit alpha traits that mean
when she’s fully
her wolf will fight to
take her place as head alpha female or could even be voted to take the place as
alpha female. In some packs, the alpha pair doesn’t have to be mated.”

“You think my mom was scared of this and so she scared
my wolf to submission?”

“You’re a natural submissive, but your wolf is strong.
I’ve felt her even though she’s been squashed for some time. I think your
mother was determined to break your spirit from the start. It would be
humiliating for her if her daughter had a natural higher rank within the pack.”
He wanted to hurt this woman, break her down and hurt her just like she’d hurt
his woman.

“I wasn’t allowed food or water. She beat me with
chains as I transitioned. Each time my wolf appeared she’d beat me. It was like
a constant punishment. If I didn’t turn, she beat me, and once my wolf came
out, she beat it. I didn’t know what to do.”

When he met this woman it was going to take all of his
strength not to kill her.

“Around day four of the transition my father was
getting nervous. I sensed him close, but I couldn’t beg him for help. I heard
my mother consoling him, acting like the caring mother. When she came back, she
knew it was over. I’d finally transitioned, and something snapped in my head.
The chains she was using no longer hurt. She hit me, but it didn’t hurt.” Sweat
dotted Dawn’s forehead, and he used a clean towel to wipe her brow.

“Nothing is going to hurt you here, baby. I’m here,
and I’m never letting another person come near you.”

“I was scared of her, and I didn’t say anything. My
dad asked about the turning, and I stayed quiet. My mother would find times
when I let my guard down and she’d hurt me, or at least believe she hurt me.”

He tightened his hands into fists thinking of all the
ways Dawn had been hurt.

“What was the worst?” he asked.

“Three years ago, I was making dinner for Dad, but he
had to go out. She accused me of trying to take her spot, and she grabbed my
arm. Before I could stop her, she forced my hand into the boiling water.” Dawn
smiled even as her eyes filled with tears. “I sickened her. She expected me to
scream. I knew something was wrong as I didn’t feel anything and yet my skin
was growing tight. My mom backed off, and I withdrew my hand. It was red, scalded,
but I was healing. I heal so quickly. I remember her asking me what the hell I
was.” He took hold of her hand, offering her comfort when she didn’t need it.
“I didn’t respond, but I asked her what else she wanted to do to me seeing as I
no longer felt anything she did.”

“Stubborn even
to a woman who could have hurt you.”
He cupped her
cheek, caressing her with his thumb. “You’ve got to learn to take care of

“I didn’t mean to say anything. The words slipped out,
and the next thing I knew, she didn’t want me at home. She made life
uncomfortable but made sure none of the pack wanted to be around me. My father
is so busy, and he doesn’t see what’s going on, but he told her I wasn’t going
anywhere until I was mated.”

He couldn’t bear to hear her say anything more.
Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed the top of her head. “My pack will love
you, and I promise you, you’ll want for nothing.”

“I love you, Daniel. I don’t care about what the pack

The sun was setting outside, and he wanted her to see
the beauty of his land. “Come on,” he said, taking her hand. He led the way out
to the night. They were both naked as they walked together.

They were going to face the world together, and the
pack was going to love her. When he opened the connection he had with the pack,
he sensed their curiosity about her. Jake was finally accepting her within
their pack and had called him to voice his acceptance of his mate.

Daniel was proud of the pack he ran with. None of them
knew the true pain Dawn had gone through to make it here. Staring at the
sunset, he was more interested in looking at Dawn. Her brown hair was pulled up
on top of her head.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Your house is truly beautiful. This is a dream. I
always had this dream growing up of something like this. Do you think it was
fate, giving me hope to fight back?”

“I don’t know what it is, but I’m so pleased you
listened and didn’t give in.” He squeezed her hand a little tighter.

“I’ll never give in. I’m a lot stronger than I look.”
She squeezed him back.

“Come on.” He took the lead, walking toward the
forest. The full moon was high in the sky, and the need to change was strong.
He held it off, determined to ease Dawn into their first change together. “Do
you want to do it in private?” he asked.

“No need. Turning into a wolf hasn’t hurt me since
that first time.” She released his hand, standing away from him. He watched in
amazement as her body changed and within seconds a black, cute wolf stared back
at him.

Daniel didn’t waste any time turning into his dark
amber wolf.

Dawn said, admiring him.
“I didn’t think you’d be that big.”

“Baby, you’ve not seen anything yet.”

She bumped him playfully before taking off for the

“Alpha, I can feel her. She’s strong.”
thought came from Jake who was not far from the house. The pack was out in
force, but he’d ordered them to stay away from the house. He was keeping Dawn
close to the house, and he didn’t want any of them scaring her. They were a new
pack to her, and he wanted them in human form to meet her.

“She’s far more than just strong. She’s perfect, and she’s going to be
my mate.”

“The pack is behind you. We’ll protect her and you. We’re all keeping
our distance.”

Daniel took off, following his woman deep into the
forest. She was playing with him. He smelled her happiness on the air.

“I can hear you,”
he said.

“You can hear my thoughts, but can you find me?”

“Are you challenging me, pet?”

“You’re not my Dom here.”

“I’m your alpha.”

“Then catch me, alpha. Show me
He ran through some trees knowing she was close. The scent of her
intensified, getting stronger with every step he took.

“Got you.”
Dawn leapt at him, but he
sensed where she was. He caught her, taking her to the floor beneath him.

“No, pet, I’ve got you like I’ve always got you.”
He licked her nuzzle.

, gross.”

He chuckled and released her, watching her get to her
feet. Together they ran around the forest, taking in the full moon together.

“I can feel your pack. I know they’re here.”

Daniel paused, staring at her.

“I don’t mind. This is their forest. Are they happy I’m here?”

She couldn’t sense their acceptance because she was
part of another pack. When they finished their mating, she’d only be able to
his own
pack rather than her father’s.

“Jake says so. I want you to meet the pack when you’re ready.”

“Then we should call them to meet us at the house tomorrow. I’d love to
meet them to see if they’ll accept me into their fold.”

Daniel growled.
accept you because I fucking tell them to.”

“That’s not how it works, and you know it.”

He leapt into the air, catching her on the floor once
again. Daniel turned back into a human as did Dawn turned back as well. She was
laughing at him. “You caught me again, Sir.”

“You better believe it.”

“So are we going to complete the mating today?” she

The mark on her neck had faded a little. He wanted that
mark to last for others to see his claim. The only way for that mark to stay
was for her to lay her mark on his flesh at the same time. They were true mates,
and all it would take was one time. Their mating would cause pain and pleasure,
coming together in an explosion. The connection to her old pack would be
severed, and the pack would feel Dawn as his woman, part of

“What if I can’t feel pain anymore?” she asked.

“I don’t care, Dawn. I’ll have you feeling pain or
not. You’re perfect to me, and I love you with all my heart.” He brought her
hand to his chest. “It’s never going to change and neither are my feelings for
you. Are you ready to become my mate? Your father will feel you being torn from

She was silent for several seconds.

“Yes, I’m ready to become yours in all ways possible.”
She leaned up and kissed him.

“We’ll have to deal with your father.”

“I don’t care, Daniel, so long as I’m with you and you
remain my Master. I’m ready to move on and leave my old pack behind.” Sitting
up, he pulled her to straddle him.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he placed a
hand to her back. His cock was ready to be inside her.

“You’re the one in control,” he said, leaving the
claiming up to her.


Dawn gripped the base of his cock and slowly lowered
herself over his rock hard length. She felt every inch of him sinking inside
her, and she took her time to take all of him. Once every inch was inside her,
she blew out a breath and stared into his eyes. The dark amber of his eyes
flashed showing how close his wolf was to the surface.

“Be careful, baby, I’m holding on by a thread.”

“Then hold on because I don’t intend for this to last
very long.”

She squeezed his cock with her pussy walls, kissing
his lips then sliding down to suck on his pulse. Daniel did the same to her,
and they touched each other. The moon shone down through the clouds, shining on
them. The power of the moon had
over her flesh as she felt the claiming start to take over.

Her teeth turned, sharpening into canines. She sank
her teeth into his neck tasting his blood flowing into her mouth.

Dawn cried out as he struck hard, sinking his teeth
into her neck. The mating scent came from him, swirling around them as they
drank and fucked. The hands at her back held her tighter.

The combination of pleasure and pain took over coming
faster than ever before.

She closed her eyes trying to ride the pleasure as
much as the pain.

“Hey, baby, I’m here.”

The final link to Daniel’s pack opened up. She felt
the sudden excruciating pain as she was torn from her father’s hold. Dawn felt
her father wake up as she pulled away from him. She went willingly into
Daniel’s pack, feeling his love and warmth
where her father’s pack never had.

He fucked her hard, and she retracted her teeth,
moaning as his cock filled her.

“I’m not going to last, baby.”

“I don’t care. Fuck me.”

She reached down, stroking her clit as Daniel grunted.
He released a howl out into the night, and his call was answered by several
more. His pack had gained a new member, and in doing so, he’d gained a mate.

Their release mingled on the air. The pain of his mark
along with the pleasure of his cum filled her.

“I can feel pain,” she said, chuckling. Dawn collapsed
against him, exhausted from the heat of the claiming.

“Your cell phone is going to be buzzing. Your father’s
not going to be happy I’ve taken you away.”

She smiled against his chest. “I’m so happy. I’ve
never been this happy before.”

“Good, you’re going to learn to be happier.”

He stroked her back, and when he lay down, she went
with him. His cock stayed still within her.

“I don’t want to move from this spot.”

“Neither do
.” He cupped the
back of her neck then glided down to grip her ass. “We’re safe here until

“You don’t have any poachers?”

“No, I don’t have anything that will put you at risk.
Jake will take care of us.”

“You’re so sure of that?”

“Jake promised to take care of both of us. He’s never
backed down from a promise.” He kissed her cheek. “I can’t move right now. I
never knew a mating would be like this.”

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