The American Princess - Best Love Story Ever (16 page)

Read The American Princess - Best Love Story Ever Online

Authors: Jennifer Tate

Tags: #love story, #humor comedy, #sex and romance, #suspense and humor

BOOK: The American Princess - Best Love Story Ever
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"For the next month I want you exclusively
for myself."

She smiled up at her very bad lover. "You
want a thirty day free trial?"

"Right. And I want it here in the comfort of
my rented home."

"You want me to 'Come live with [you] and be
[your] love.'"

"And behave yourself while I'm washing my

Her smile lengthened. "Why do I suspect that
living with you would be like living in the old west?"

"The old west?"

"Yeah. Great for men and dogs, but hell on
women and horses."

He ruffled her hair and nibbled her neck.
"You don't have to worry about the horses, 'cause I don't own

"Okay, Bad Brad, I'm exclusively yours for a
month. I promise. Just please, please don't stop again!"

A short time later he was taking her to
places never imagined: not in her wildest fantasies, not in her
fondest dreams. In her union with Brad, she soared through space
and surfed the galaxy—no longer alone, she was one with

* * *

And Betty-Jo brought Brad right along with
her. She dominated his senses with her lips, her tongue, her taste,
and her taut springiness. Her whimpering moans, and her animal
cries, filled him with unimaginable delight, and told him that she
would forever be his lover.

She wrapped her legs around him, and kissed
him passionately. Then, just before she stiffened and peaked, her
writhing and bucking shook him—he was back on the amusement park
roller coaster.

Later, he held her in his arms, and stroked
her while her erratic breathing steadied. "My God," he said with a
grin, "if you'd peaked like that along the San Andreas Fault,
millions would have died. I'm lucky to be alive."

Between a flurry of touching, thanking kisses
she said, "I know where we can put your socks," but the euphoria in
her smile, and the sparkle in her eyes, could have been used to ice
the cake she had already given him.

"You know," Brad said, "I've imagined how
wonderful you'd be in bed."

"You have?"

"But my imagination short changed you—bad
imagination! It didn't appreciate that you'd be beyond

"You think I'm beyond delicious?" She seemed
to savor the melodic sound of the word.

"Way beyond." He continued to kiss and caress
her. "I feel like a kid who's just discovered that his birthday
cake is also a money cake."

"A money cake I can understand, but why do I
feel so powerful, so alive? Why do I have such a fierce love for

"You know how to make a guy feel special!"
Brad hugged his fiercely-in-love-with-him princess.

"I can't believe what you did to me, and how
much I love what you did to me." She rolled onto him and pinned him
to the bed.

"You're not alone, young princess. Holding
you in my arms, making you wet, hearing you moan, and then watching
and feeling you peak... It was beyond incredible. It was paradise.
You were more fun than even God could have imagined when He was
creating you."

* * *

How can I thank him enough? In the afterglow
of loving, that belongs to a woman who has given herself fully, she
floated in the warmth of Brad's embrace, and in the certainty of
his love.

"Very Bad Brad, you're the finest lover

"Your sample is rather limited. Remember, I'm
your only lover ever."

"But I know that you're the best. Don't ask
me how I know. I just do. No one else could have given me what you
gave me."

He hugged her, and covered her face with soft
little kisses. "And no one has come close to giving me what you
gave me. Loving with you is a magical place, somewhere between
ecstasy and heaven."

"You know the month that I'm exclusively

"I'm looking forward to it."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around him.
"You blew it. You could have had me exclusively for three."

"Foolish princess." His hand continued to
wander over her as if it couldn't stand to be without her, not even
for a second. "If you're mine for a month, you're mine

"Foolish Brad. If I'm yours for a moment, I'm
yours forever...."

In the shower, Brad soaped, washed, and
rinsed Betty-Jo—then he soaped, washed, and rinsed her again. Soon
she was the cleanest fairytale princess ever. "If cleanliness is
next to godliness," she said, "I'm as close to being a goddess as
I'm ever likely to get."

"At Coastal Carolina, Chance meets Raiden.
Soon after a coaster ride, one less maiden."

"Cute," she said. Then she moved invitingly
against him as the water cascaded between them. "In just one lesson
you've convinced me that abstinence is idiotic. From now on I'm
going to be the most promiscuous princess ever—but only with

Later, in the bedroom, she knew she was in
trouble when he said, "I want permission to do anything I want with


"Anything. That way you won't have to worry
about political correctness. You can relax, and enjoy the
expression of our love, and the pursuit of our fantasies."

"I suppose if I can't trust you, I have to
ask myself why I'm sleeping with you?"

"Maybe you heard about my Friday night

"And that would be?"

He grinned at her. "Buy one, get one

Betty-Jo laughed at him. "Do you know why I
like you?"

"No," he said.

"It's because you make me laugh. And I know
that I shouldn't tell you this, but if you can make me laugh, you
can make me do anything else that your heart may desire."

"Damn, that's good to know!"

"Seriously, I don't know what I should or
shouldn't be doing in bed with you. Is that why men like virgins?
They get us before we know what we're doing, and then train us to
be exactly what they want. And we novices go along with it because
we don't know any better."

It was Brad's turn to laugh. "Clever as well
as beautiful," he said.

"Maybe Beethoven was right. Maybe 'love
demands all, and has a right to it.' I give up. Use me as you wish
for your sinful purposes."

"You and Ludwig are fantastic. Fantastic, but
foolish. From now on, you're not to wear panties without my
permission. I want to be able to play with you whenever I'm in the

"Kemo Sabe smoking loco weed again!"

"Wasn't me who said, 'I give up. Use me as
you wish for your sinful purposes.'"

"You're the kind of guy who'd grouse about
having to unwrap his birthday presents."

"And you're the kind of gal who has to learn
to put a positive spin on life's minor setbacks. On the plus side,
you'll be the only woman on our block who doesn't fear panty
raids." He was trying hard not to laugh.

Losing ones panties is no laughing matter,
she thought, but a smile escaped her. "Right," she said, "because I
won't be wearing any!"

Brad brought her to the verge once more.

"No! Please don't stop. I'll only wear
panties when you let me."

"That's a pleasant thought," he said
cheerily. "And now it's time to play follow the leader—you come,
and I'll follow."

Before long, her pleasure moans, and her
animal cries, were swirling around them again. And then she was
peaking...."'There's a porpoise right behind me, and he's treading
[in] my [pussy],'" she said, as Brad also lost control.

"B-J, you're a natural at this. Those were
the easiest and best multiple moments I've ever created. Like the
Energizer Bunny, you just kept coming, and coming, and..."

She placed her hand over his mouth and
frowned. "I couldn't believe it either. Each time you've taken me
away, has been more intense, more out of control, than the time
before. Now, just the thought of you in me, makes me tingle all
over. Maybe I am like the Energizer Bunny. Maybe I am

"You're afraid you need too much loving?"


"Well don't be, B-J. Cause as the song says,
'nobody gets too much love'. Besides, I'll always give you all the
loving you want."


He nodded. "Did you enjoy what we've been

"You already know how much I love what you do
to me."

"So you have a choice. Feel guilty about
loving me, or use me shamelessly whenever you wish. Psychiatrist
that I am, it's the shameless alternative that I recommend for

"That does sound like sensible advice—unless
you gained your psychiatric insight as a patient."

It was three in the morning, and a thoroughly
loved Betty-Jo was contemplating what had happened to her. "So, Bad
Brad, you've revoked my innocence, commandeered my panties, and
soon you'll have me living in sin with you. Is there anything else
you want from me, anything you may have overlooked?"

"Funny you should ask." He moved over

"Changed my mind. I don't want to know."

"Too late. I'm going to teach you our secret

"A secret kiss? That might be fun."

He grinned down at her. "It will be. But
first you have to make a few promises."

"I should have guessed."

"Repeat after me. I, Betty-Jo Chance."

"I, Betty-Jo Chance."

"Do solemnly swear."

What mischief is he up to now? "Do solemnly

"That nobody will be allowed to have me."

She smiled and hugged him. "I don't believe
this. One evening with you, and I've made more promises than I've
made in all the rest of my life."

"What matters is not how many promises you
make, but how many you keep."

She became serious. "I always keep my

"I knew you were a promise keeping kind of
princess. Now where were we?"

"That nobody will be allowed to have me."

"Unless I'm first given the secret kiss,"
Brad said.

This boy is tricky. "Unless I'm first given
the secret kiss."

"And once given the secret kiss."

"And once given the secret kiss."

"I will joyfully give myself to whoever has
kissed me. Emphasis on joyfully."

She grinned at her lover. "I will joyfully
give myself to whoever has kissed me."

"And I will never divulge the secret kiss to

Very tricky, but nice tricky. "And I will
never divulge the secret kiss to anyone."

"So only Brad will ever be able to have

"So only Brad will ever be able to have

He took her in his arms and kissed her.

"That's all it takes for you to get lucky?"
she said, still grinning.

He grinned back. "Lucky me."

"Am I allowed to initiate getting lucky?"

"Whenever you wish."

"Mmm, perhaps this secret kiss business won't
be too bad after all. It's a lot like a secret fraternity

He laughed. "Right. Except in our fraternity,
the membership rewards are sensational."

By four in the morning, Betty-Jo had lost
track of how often she'd peaked but it seemed as if she'd been
coming for days. "I wonder if my pussy is like the windshield-wiper
fluid dispenser in a car. Maybe it has to be refilled with

Brad lay on his back with his eyes closed.
Betty-Jo was sprawled on top of him. "I'll refill it in the
morning, right after I've slept."

"You'll be so happy that I'm living with you.
I'll do things for you." She licked, and then she nibbled his ear.
"Bad-nice things."

"Bad-nice things sound marvelous, but unless
I'm allowed to sleep the headlines in tomorrow's papers will read,
'Man Loved To Death By Virgin!' You'll be embarrassed, and I'll be
dead—although I can't think of a way I'd rather die."

Betty-Jo moved against him, still wanting.
"What happened to your promise to give me all the loving I

Brad opened his eyes, and smiled at her.
"That promise starts first thing in the morning."

"In the morning! I have a Golden Rule for you
Bad Brad Raiden. Don't put off until tomorrow, someone you can do
again tonight—especially if that someone is an ex-virgin named
Betty-Jo Chance."

You're absolutely right," he said with a
grin. Climb aboard my joystick. It will be my pleasure to make sure
that you're completely satisfied."

Later, Betty-Jo wrapped one hand around
Brad's thing, and ran her fingertips over the scar on his abdomen
with the other. "How did this happen," she asked?

"I was practicing my bullfighting. The bull

"Really? Or is that just a lot of bull?"

"True story. I was going to be the Tiger
Woods of matadors—until El Torro charged."

Betty-Jo continued to explore. She ran her
fingertips slowly up his chest with her eyes closed to etch his
feel on her memory. Then her fingertips roamed the hard muscle of
his arm before pausing to trace what felt like tooth marks. "El
Torro bit you, while he was butchering you?"

"No...that's the work of the Tooth Fairy. I
didn't distinguish myself with her either—at least not on that

"I'm not going to ask."

"Good, because you don't want to know."

Darn you! Now I do want to know. She kissed
his fingertips. "You were right. Where you took me tonight, was
nirvana. This night, for me, was the best fairytale ever."

"It couldn't have happened without you, so
you're invited to participate again whenever you wish. Making love
with you is fabulous. It's like playing Monopoly, where every time
I roll the die, I get to Take a Chance."


"And every time I Take a Chance—I win! I
never miss a turn, and I never go to jail."

"Speaking of going to jail..."

"Uh hu?"

"I've decided to sleep on top of you so you
can't get away during the night. I have to be sure that you'll be
here when I wake up in the morning."

"No place I'd rather be."

"I'll make love with you in my dreams. All
you have to do is hold me while I'm dreaming—but there is one
thing." His eyes were closed, but his fingertips were roaming her
back. "Before you go to sleep, I want you to ask me my bear's

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