The Amish Canning Cookbook

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Authors: Georgia Varozza

BOOK: The Amish Canning Cookbook
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Copyright © 2013 by Georgia Varozza
Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97402

ISBN 978-0-7369-4899-9 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-0-7369-4900-2 (eBook)

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To my family—

Who would have thought that all those hours I spent in the kitchen attempting to assuage your prodigious hunger pangs would lead to this?
I love being your mom!


All About Canning
1. A Brief History of Canning
2. Getting Started
3. Water-Bath Canning—A Step-By-Step Guide
4. Pressure Canning—A Step-By-Step Guide
5. A Word About Tattler Reusable Canning Lids
6. Butters, Jams, and Jellies
Fruit/Applesauce Butter
Making Jam Without Added Pectin
Jam Recipes Using No Added Pectin
Apricot Jam
Berry Jam (blackberry, blueberry, boysenberry, raspberry, etc.)
Concord Grape Jam
Peach Jam
Pineapple Jam
Strawberry Jam
Making Jam with Added Pectin
Jam Recipes Using Added Pectin
Apricot Jam with Powdered Pectin
Blackberry Jam with Liquid Pectin
Blackberry Jam with Powdered Pectin
Blueberry Jam with Powdered Pectin
Blueberry/Raspberry Jam with Powdered Pectin
(Sour or Ground) Cherry Jam with Liquid Pectin
(Sour or Ground) Cherry Jam with Powdered Pectin
(Sweet) Cherry Jam with Powdered Pectin
Fig Jam with Liquid Pectin
Nectarine Jam with Powdered Pectin
Peach Jam with Liquid Pectin
Peach Jam with Powdered Pectin
Pear Jam with Liquid Pectin
Pear Jam with Powdered Pectin
Pineapple Jam with Liquid Pectin
Plum Jam with Liquid Pectin
Plum Jam with Powdered Pectin
Rhubarb Jam with Powdered Pectin
Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam with Liquid Pectin
Strawberry Jam with Liquid Pectin
Strawberry Jam with Powdered Pectin
Individual Jelly Recipes
Blackberry Jelly with Liquid Pectin
Blackberry Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Boysenberry Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Cherry Jelly with Liquid Pectin
Cherry Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Currant Jelly with Liquid Pectin
Elderberry Jelly with Liquid Pectin
Elderberry Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Grape Jelly with Liquid Pectin
Grape Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Mint Jelly with Liquid Pectin
Pepper Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Plum Jelly with Liquid Pectin
Plum Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Pomegranate Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Raspberry Jelly with Powdered Pectin
Strawberry Jelly with Liquid Pectin
Strawberry Jelly with Powdered Pectin
7. Pickles, Including Sauerkraut
Brined Pickle and Sauerkraut Recipes
Dill Pickles—Brined
Fresh-Pack or Quick Pickles
Fresh-Pack Pickle Recipes
Pickled Asparagus
Pickled Dilly Beans
Pickled Three-Bean Salad
Pickled Beets
Chow Chow
Deluxe Chow Chow
Pickled Whole Mushrooms
Pickled Hot Peppers
Bread and Butter Pickles
Kosher Dill Pickles
Sweet Gherkins
Sweet Pickles
Dill Pickle Relish
Sweet Pickle Relish
Watermelon Rind Pickles
Lower-Temperature Pasteurization Process
8. Tomatoes
Crushed Tomatoes—Hot Pack
Stewed Tomatoes
Tomato Juice—Hot Pack
Tomato and Vegetable Juice Blend—Hot Pack
Tomato Sauce—Hot Pack
Whole or Halved Tomatoes in Water—Hot or Cold Pack
Whole or Halved Tomatoes with No Added Liquid—Cold Pack
Catsup Recipes
Blender Catsup
Classic Tomato Catsup
Easy Tomato Catsup
Salsa Recipes
Hot Chili Salsa
Kropfs’ Best Salsa
Spaghetti Sauce Recipes
Spaghetti Sauce Without Meat
Spaghetti Sauce with Meat
9. Fruit and Pie Filling
Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries)
Citrus (Grapefruit, Mandarins, Oranges, Tangerines, etc.)
Fruit Juice (Apple, Berry, Citrus, Grape, or Pineapple)
Pears (Including Asian Pears)
Pie Filling
Apple Pie Filling
Blackberry Pie Filling
Blueberry Pie Filling
Cherry Pie Filling
Peach Pie Filling
10. Vegetables
Beans and Peas, Dried
Beans, Green or Wax
Beans, Fresh Lima or Butter

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