The Anarchist Cookbook (22 page)

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Authors: William Powell

Tags: #Reference, #Handbooks & Manuals

BOOK: The Anarchist Cookbook
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It is best to with more than three months to go. The address: More commonly referred to

as the 'drop'. Well the drop can range from an abandoned building to your next door

neighbors apartment. If you plan to send it to an apartment building then be sure NOT to

include an apartment number. This will confuse UPS or postage men a little and they will

leave the package in the lobby. Here is a list of various drops: The house next door whose

family is on vacation, the apartment that was just moved out of, the old church that will

be knocked down in six months, your friends house who has absolutely nothing to do with

the type of merchandise you will buy and who will also not crack under heat from feds,

etc.. There are also services that hold merchandise for you, but personally I would not

trust them. And forget about P.O. Boxes because you need ID to get one and most places

don't ship to them anyway. Other aspects of carding: Verifying cards, seeing if they were

reported stolen. Verifying cards: Stores need to verify credit cards when someone

purchases something with one. They call up a service that checks to see if the customer

has the money in the bank. The merchant identifies himself with a merchant number. The

service then holds the money that the merchant verified on reserve. When the merchant

sends in the credit card form, the service sends the merchant the money. The service

holds the money for three days and if no form appears then it is put back into the bank.

The point is that if you want to verify something then you should verify it for a little

amount and odds are that there will be more in the bank. The good thing about verification

is that if the card doesn't exist or if it is stolen then the service will tell you. To verify

MasterCard and Visa try this number. It is voice: 1-800-327-1111 merchant code is

596719. Stolen cards: Mastercard and Visa come out with a small catalog every

week where they publish EVERY stolen or fraudulently used card. I get this every week by

trashing the same place on the same day. If you ever find it trashing then try to get it

every week. Identifying cards: Visa card numbers begin with a 4 and have either 13 or 16

digits. MasterCard card numbers begin with a 5 and have 16 digits. American Express

begins with a 3 and has 15 digits. They all have the formats of the following:

3xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx American Express

4xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx Visa

4xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Visa

5xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx MasterCard

Gold cards: A gold card simply means that credit is good for $5000. Without a gold card,

credit would be normally $2000. To recognize a gold card on a carbon there are several


American Express-none.

Visa-PV instead of CV.

Note-When verifying a PV Visa, you have to have the real name of the cardholder.

Mastercard-An asterisk can signify a gold card, but this changes depending when the card

was issued. I am going to type out a dialog between a carder and the phone operator to

help you get the idea.

Operator: "Over-priced Computer Goods, may I help you?"

Carder: "Hi, I would like to place an order please."

Operator: "Sure, what would you like to order?"

Carder: "400 generic disks and a double density drive."

Operator: "Ok, is there anything else?"

Carder: "No thank you, that's all for today."

Operator: "Ok, how would you like to pay for this? MasterCard or Visa?"

Carder: "Visa."

Operator: "And your name is?"

Carder: "Lenny Lipshitz." (Name on card)

Operator: "And your Visa card number is?"

Carder: "4240-419-001-340" (Invalid card)

Operator: "Expiration date?"

Carder: "06-92."

Operator: "And where would you like the package shipped to?"

Carder: "6732 Goatsgate Port. Paris, Texas, 010166."

Operator: "And what is your home telephone number?"

Carder: "212-724-9970" (This number is actually always busy)

Operator: "I will also need your business phone number in case we have to reach you."

Carder: "You can reach me at the same number. 212-724-9970"

Operator: "O.K. Thank you very much and have nice day."

Carder: "Excuse me, when will the package arrive?"

Operator: "In six to seven days UPS."

Carder: "Thanks a lot, and have a pleasant day."

Now you wait 6-7 days when the package will arrive to the address which is really a house

up for sale. There will be a note on the door saying, "Hello UPS, please leave all packages

for Lenny Lipshitz in the lobby or porch. Thanks a lot, Lenny Lipshitz" (Make the signature

half-way convincing)

87. Recognizing credit cards by The Jolly Roger

[Sample: American Express]



John Doe AX


The first date is the date the person got the card, the second date is the expiration date,

after the expiration date is the same digits in the first year. The American Express Gold

has many more numbers (I think 6 8 then 8). If you do find a Gold card keep it for it has a

$5000.00 backup even when the guy has no money!

[Sample: Master Card]



John Doe.


The format varies, I have never seen a card that did not start with a 5XXX there is

another 4 digits on the next line that is sometimes asked for when ordering stuff, (and

rarely a 3 digit letter combo (e. ANB). The first date is the date the person got the card

and the second date is the expiration date. Master Card is almost always accepted at


[Sample: VISA]



John Doe


Visa is the most straight forward of the cards, for it has the name right on the card

itself, again the first date is the date he got the card and the second is the expiration

date. (Sometimes the first date is left out). The numbers can either be 4 3 3 3 or 4 4 4 4.

Visa is also almost always accepted at stores, therefore, the best of cards to use.

88. How To Create A New Identity by The Walking Glitch

You might be saying, "Hey Glitch, what do I need a new identity for?" The answer is

simple. You might want to go buy liquor somewhere, right? You might want to go give the

cops the false name when you get busted so you keep your good name, eh? You might even

want to use the new identity for getting a P.O. Box for carding. Sure! You might even want

the stuff for renting yourself a VCR at some dickless loser of a convenience store. Here

we go: Getting a new ID isn't always easy, no one said it would be. By following these steps,

any bozo can become a new bozo in a couple of weeks.


The first step is to find out who exactly you'll become. The most secure way is to use

someone's ID who doesn't use it themselves. The people who fit that bill the best are

dead. As an added bonus they don't go complaining one bit. Go to the library and look

through old death notices. You have to find someone who was born about the same time as

you were, or better yet, a year or two older so you can buy booze, etc. You should go back

as far as you can for the death because most states now cross index deaths to births so

people can't do this in the future. The cutoff date in Wisconsin is 1979, folks in this grand

state gotta look in 1978 or earlier. Anything earlier there is cool. Now, this is the hardest

part if you're younger. Brats that young happen to be quite resilient, taking falls out of

three story windows and eating rat poison like its Easter candy, and not a scratch or dent.

There ain't many that die, so ya gotta look your ass off. Go down to the library and look up

all the death notices you can, if it's on microfilm so much the better. You might have to go

through months of death notices though, but the results are well worth it. You gotta get

someone who died locally in most instances: the death certificate is filed only in the

county of death. Now you go down to the county courthouse in the county where he died

and get the death certificate, this will cost you around $3-$5 depending on the state

you're in. Look at this hunk of paper, it could be your way to vanish in a cloud of smoke

when the right time comes, like right after that big scam. If You're lucky, the slobs

parents signed him up with social security when he was a snot nosed brat. That'll be

another piece of ID you can get. If not, that's Ok too. It'll be listed on the death

certificate if he has one. If you're lucky, the stiff was born locally and you can get his

birth certificate right away.


Now check the place of birth on the death certificate, if it's in the same place you

standing now you're all set. If not, you can mail away for one from that county but its a

minor pain and it might take a while to get, the librarian at the desk has listings of where

to write for this stuff and exactly how much it costs. Get the Birth certificate, its worth

the extra money to get it certified because that's the only way some people will accept it

for ID. When you're getting this stuff the little forms ask for the reason you want it,

instead of writing in "Fuck you", try putting in the word "Genealogy". They get this all the

time. If the Death certificate looks good for you, wait a day or so before getting the

certified birth certificate in case they recognize someone wanting it for a dead guy.


Now your cooking! You got your start and the next part's easy. Crank out your old Dot

matrix printer and run off some mailing labels addressed to you at some phony address.

Take the time to check your phony address that there is such a place. Hotels that rent by

the month or large apartment buildings are good, be sure to get the right zip code for the

area. These are things that the cops might notice that will trip you up. Grab some old junk

mail and paste your new labels on them. Now take them along with the birth certificate

down to the library.

Get a new library card. If they ask you if you had one before say that you really aren't

sure because your family moved around a lot when you were a kid. Most libraries will allow

you to use letters as a form of ID when you get your card. If they want more give them a

sob story about how you were mugged and got your wallet stolen with all your

identification. Your card should be waiting for you in about two weeks. Most libraries ask

for two forms of ID, one can be your trusty Birth Certificate, and they do allow letters

addressed to you as a second



Now you got a start, it isn't perfect yet, so let's continue. You should have two forms of

ID now. Throw away the old letters, or better yet stuff them inside the wallet you intend

to use with this stuff. Go to the county courthouse and show them what nice ID you got

and get a state ID card. Now you got a picture ID. This will take about two weeks and cost

about $5, its well worth it.


If the death certificate had a social security number on it you can go out and buy one of

those metal SS# cards that they sell. If it didn't, then you got all kinds of pretty ID that

shows exactly who you are. If you don't yet have an SS#, Go down and apply for one,

these are free but they could take five or six weeks to get, Bureaucrats you know... You

can invent a SS# too if you like, but the motto of 'THE WALKING GLITCH' has always

been "Why not excellence?".


If you want to go whole hog you can now get a bank account in your new name. If you plan

to do a lot of traveling then you can put a lot of money in the account and then say you lost

the account book. After you get the new book you take out all the cash. They'll hit you

with a slight charge and maybe tie-up your money some, but if you're ever broke in some

small town that bank book will keep you from being thrown in jail as a vagrant.


So kiddies, you got ID for buying booze, but what else? In some towns (the larger the

more likely) the cops if they catch you for something petty like shoplifting stuff under a

certain dollar amount, will just give you a ticket, same thing for pissing in the street.

That's it! No fingerprints or nothing, just pay the fine (almost always over $100) or appear

in court. Of course they run a radio check on your ID, you'll be clean and your alter-ego

gets a blot on his record. Your free and clear. That's worth the price of the trouble you've

gone through right there. If your smart, you'll toss that ID away if this happens, or better

yet, tear off your picture and give the ID to someone you don't like, maybe they'll get

busted with it. If you're a working stiff, here's a way to stretch your dollar. Go to work

for as long as it takes to get unemployment and then get yourself fired. Go to work under

the other name while your getting the unemployment. With a couple of sets of ID, you can

live like a king. These concepts for survival in the new age come to you compliments of


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