The Anarchist Cookbook (54 page)

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Authors: William Powell

Tags: #Reference, #Handbooks & Manuals

BOOK: The Anarchist Cookbook
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identification on your circuit. What office is this, please?"

"What number are you trying to reach?"

"I'm not trying to reach any number. I'm trying to identify this circuit."

"I'm sorry, I can't help you."

"Ma'am, if I don't get an ID on this line, I'll have to disconnect it. We show no record of

it here."

"Hold on a moment, sir."

After about a minute, she came back. "Sir, I can have someone speak to you. Would you

give me your number, please?"

He had anticipated this and he had the payphone number ready. After he gave it, she said,

"Mr. XXX will get right back to you."

"Thanks." He hung up the phone. It rang. INSTANTLY! "Oh my God," he thought, "They

weren't asking for my number -- they were confirming it!"

"Hello," he said, trying to sound authoritative.

"This is Mr. XXX. Did you just make an inquiry to my office concerning a phone number?"

"Yes. I need an identi--"

"What you need is advice. Don't ever call that number again. Forget you ever knew it."

At this point our friend got so nervous he just hung up. He expected to hear the phone ring

again but it didn't.

Over the next few days he racked his brains trying to figure out what the number was. He

knew it was something big -- that was pretty certain at this point. It was so big that the

number was programmed into every central office in the country. He knew this because if

he tried to dial any other number in that exchange, he'd get a local error message from

his CO, as if the exchange didn't exist.

It finally came to him. He had an uncle who worked in a federal agency. He had a feeling

that this was government related and if it was, his uncle could probably find out what it

was. He asked the next day and his uncle promised to look into the matter.

The next time he saw his uncle, he noticed a big change in his manner. He was trembling.

"Where did you get that number?!" he shouted. "Do you know I almost got fired for asking

about it?!? They kept wanting to know where I got it."

Our friend couldn't contain his excitement. "What is it?" he pleaded. "What's the



He never called the number after that. He knew that he could probably cause quite a bit

of excitement by calling the number and saying something like, "The weather's not good in

Washington. We're coming over for a visit." But our friend was smart. He knew that there

were some things that were better off unsaid and undone.

153.Telenet by The Mad Max

It seems that not many of you know that Telenet is connected to about 80 computer-

networks in the world. No, I don't mean 80 nodes, but 80 networks with thousands of

unprotected computers. When you call your local Telenet-gateway, you can only call those

computers which accept reverse-charging-calls. If you want to call computers in foreign

countries or computers in USA which do not accept R-calls, you need a Telenet-ID. Did you

ever notice that you can type ID XXXX when being connected to Telenet? You are then

asked for the password. If you have such a NUI (Network-User-ID) you can call nearly

every host connected to any computer-network in the world. Here are some examples:

026245400090184 :Is a VAX in Germany (Username: DATEXP and leave mail for CHRIS)

0311050500061 :Is the Los Alamos Integrated computing network (One of the hosts

connected to it is the DNA (Defense Nuclear Agency)! !)

0530197000016 :Is a BBS in New Zealand

024050256 :Is the S-E-Bank in Stockholm, Sweden (Login as GAMES ! !)

02284681140541 :CERN in Geneva in Switzerland (one of the biggest nuclear research

centers in the world) Login as GUEST

0234212301161 :A Videotex-standard system. Type OPTEL to get in and use the ID 999_

with the password 9_

0242211000001 :University of Oslo in Norway (Type LOGIN 17,17 to play the Multi-

User-Dungeon !)

0425130000215 :Something like ITT Dialcom, but this one is in Israel ! ID HELP with

password HELP works fine with security level 3

0310600584401 :Is the Washington Post News Service via Tymnet (Yes, Tymnet is

connected to Telenet, too !) ID and Password is: PETER You can read the news of the next


The prefixes are as follows:

02624 is Datex-P in Germany

02342 is PSS in England

03110 is Telenet in USA

03106 is Tymnet in USA

02405 is Telepak in Sweden

04251 is Isranet in Israel

02080 is Transpac in France

02284 is Telepac in Switzerland

02724 is Eirpac in Ireland

02704 is Luxpac in Luxembourg

05252 is Telepac in Singapore

04408 is Venus-P in Japan

...and so on...

Some of the countries have more than one packet-switching-network (USA has 11, Canada

has 3, etc).

OK. That should be enough for the moment. As you see most of the passwords are very

simple. This is because they must not have any fear of hackers. Only a few German hackers

use these networks. Most of the computers are absolutely easy to hack ! ! So, try to find

out some Telenet-ID's and leave them here. If you need more numbers, leave e-mail. I'm

calling from Germany via the German Datex-P network, which is similar to Telenet. We

have a lot of those NUI's for the German network, but none for a special Tymnet-outdial-

computer in USA, which connects me to any phone number.

Call 026245621040000 and type ID INF300 with password DATACOM to get more

Informations on packet-switching-networks! The new password for the Washington Post is

KING ! !

154.Fucking with the Operator by The Jolly Roger

Ever get an operator who gave you a hard time, and you didn't know what to do? Well if

the operator hears you use a little Bell jargon, she might wise up. Here is a little diagram

(excuse the artwork) of the structure of operators

/--------\ /------\ /-----\

!Operator!-- > ! S.A. ! --->! BOS !

\--------/ \------/ \-----/





! Group Chief !


Now most of the operators are not bugged, so they can curse at you, if they do ask

INSTANTLY for the "S.A." or the Service Assistant. The operator does not report to her

(95% of them are hers) but they will solve most of your problems. She MUST give you her

name as she connects & all of these calls are bugged. If the SA gives you a rough time get

her BOS (Business Office Supervisor) on the line. S/He will almost always back her girls

up, but sometimes the SA will get tarred and feathered. The operator reports to the

Group Chief, and S/He will solve 100% of your problems, but the chances of getting S/He

on the line are nill.

If a lineman (the guy who works out on the poles) or an installation man gives you the works

ask to speak to the Installation Foreman, that works wonders.

Here is some other bell jargon, that might come in handy if you are having trouble with the

line. Or they can be used to lie your way out of situations....

An Erling is a line busy for 1 hour, used mostly in traffic studies A Permanent Signal is

that terrible howling you get if you disconnect, but don't hang up.

Everyone knows what a busy signal is, but some idiots think that is the *Actual* ringing of

the phone, when it just is a tone "beeps" when the phone is ringing, wouldn't bet on this

though, it can (and does) get out of sync.

When you get a busy signal that is 2 times as fast as the normal one, the person you are

trying to reach isn't really on the phone, (he might be), it is actually the signal that a trunk

line somewhere is busy and they haven't or can't reroute your call. Sometimes you will get

a Recording, or if you get nothing at all (Left High & Dry in fone terms) all the recordings

are being used and the system is really overused, will probably go down in a little while.

This happened when Kennedy was shot, the system just couldn't handle the calls. By the

way this is called the "reorder signal" and the trunk line is "blocked".

One more thing, if an overseas call isn't completed and doesn't generate any money for

AT&T, is called an "Air & Water Call".

155.Phrack Magazine - Vol. 1, Issue 1 by The Iron Soldier

"Vengeance is mine", says the Phreak.


Call up the business office. It should be listed at the front of the white pages. Say you

wanted to disconnect Scott Korman's line. DIAL 800-xxx-xxxx.

"Hello, this is Mr. Korman, I'm moving to California and would like to have my phone

service disconnected. I'm at the airport now. I'm calling from a payphone, my number is

[414] 445 5005. You can send my final bill to: (somewhere in California). Thank you."


Call up the business office from a pay phone. Say :

"Hello, I'd like to order a Phone Book for Upper Volta (or any out-of-the way area with

Direct Dialing). This is Scott Korman, ship to 3119 N. 44th St. Milwaukee, WI 53216. Yes,

I under stand it will cost $xx($25-$75!!). Thank you."


Call up a PBX, enter the code and get an outside line. Then dial 0+ the number desired to

call. You will hear a bonk and then an operator. Say, "I'd like to charge this to my home

phone at 414-445-5005. Thank you." A friend and I did this to a loser, I called him at 1:00

AM and we left the fone off the hook all night. I calculated that it cost him $168.


Call up the business office once again from a payfone. Say you'd like call waiting,

forwarding, 3 way, etc. Once again you are the famed loser Scott Korman. He pays-you

laugh. You don't know how funny it was talking to him, and wondering what those clicks he

kept hearing were.


Do the same as in #4, but say you'd like to change and unlist your (Scott's)

number. Anyone calling him will get:

"BEW BEW BEEP. The number you have reached, 445-5005, has been changed to a non-

published number. No further... ."


This required an accomplice or two or three. Around Christmas time, go to Toys 'R' Us. Get

everyone at the customer service or manager's desk away ("Hey, could you help me"). Then

you get on their phone and dial (usually dial 9 first) and the business office again. This

time, say you are from Toys 'R' Us, and you'd like to add call forwarding to 445-5005.

Scott will get 100-600 calls a day! !


Call a payphone at 10:00 PM. Say to the operator that you'd like to book a call to Russia.

Say you are calling from a payphone, and your number is that of the loser to fry (e.g. 445-

5005). She will say that she'll have to call ya back in 5 hours, and you OK that. Meanwhile

the loser (e.g.) Scott, will get a call at 3:00 AM from an operator saying that the call he

booked to Russia is ready.

156.International Country Code Listing by The Jolly Roger



IRELAND.... . . . . . . . . . . 353

UNITED KINGDOM....... . . . . . .44



ANDORRA.... . . . . . . . . . . .33

AUSTRIA.... . . . . . . . . . . .43

BELGIUM...... . . . . . . . . . .32

CYPRUS....... . . . . . . . . . 357

CZECHOLSLOVAKIA.... . . . . . . .42

DENMARK..... . . . . . . . . . ..45

FINLAND. . . . . . . . . . . . .358

FRANCE... . . . . . . . . . . . .33



GIBRALTAR..... . . . . . . . . .350

GREECE..... . . . . . . . . . . .30

HUNGARY....... . . . . . . . . ..36

ICELAND... . . . . . . . . . . .354

ITALY....... . . . . . . . . . ..39

LIECHTENSTEIN...... . . . . . . .41

LUXEMBOURG...... . . . . . . . .352

MONACO...... . . . . . . . . . ..33

NETHERLANDS..... . . . . . . . ..31

NORWAY...... . . . . . . . . . ..47

POLAND.... . . . . . . . . . . . 48

PORTUGAL...... . . . . . . . . .351

ROMANIA. . . . . . . . . . . . ..40

SAN MARINO..... . . . . . . . . .39

SPAIN.... . . . . . . . . . . . .34

SWEDEN.... . . . . . . . . . . . 46

SWITZERLAND.... . . . . . . . . .41

TURKEY........ . . . . . . . . . 90

VATICAN CITY....... . . . . . . .39

YUGOSLAVIA. . . . . . . . . . . .38



BELIZE..... . . . . . . . . . .«01

COSTA RICA.... . . . . . . . . «06

EL SALVADOR...... . . . . . . .«03

GUATEMALA. . . . . . . . . . . «02

HONDURAS.... . . . . . . . . ..«04

NICARAGUA. . . . . . . . . . . «05

PANAMA. . . . . . . . . . . . .«07



ALGERIA.... . . . . . . . . . ..213

CAMEROON..... . . . . . . . . ..237

EGYPT....... . . . . . . . . . ..20

ETHIOPIA.... . . . . . . . . . .251

GABON..... . . . . . . . . . . .241

IVORY COAST..... . . . . . . . .225

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