The Anarchists (32 page)

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Authors: Brian Thompson

BOOK: The Anarchists
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Without evidence to the contrary, Micah knew both he and Harper would be in jail for the rest of their lives, or worse. He still carried the bigger explosive. Though Quinne could not be found, they would not run. It was not part of the plan.

“God, forgive me,” he said. “I love you. I never said that enough.” Bright lights had exposed their position. As policemen closed in on them, he kissed the tears away from Harper’s face.

“I love you too,” she muttered. “And I’m sorry for passing physics.”

He smiled. “This is the life we were meant to have, Harp.”

“Hands behind your heads.” Obeying the simple command could set off the timing mechanism, which Harper set at five seconds.

She looked at Micah, incredulously. “What life? Well-organized suicide?”


The phalanx of officers led them down the embankment, where they would summon reinforcements. Micah looked over at his wife, who smiled when the officers removed the package hidden underneath his jacket and opened it. Together, they quietly counted to five.   

The second, larger explosion drew all remaining human attention away from the conflagration burning in Adharma’s luxury transport. Quinne gripped the Ordnance with her hands and skulked behind the smoldering vehicle, ducking behind it whenever the lights got too close.
Something’s moving inside.
When a break in surveillance provided itself, she poked the barrel through the busted windows and squeezed off a few rounds. The passenger seats were empty.

Whirling around, Quinne searched the darkness and its depths for him. Emergency sirens faintly roared miles away. At that distance, she had – at best – two or three minutes to complete her mission. The stench of death filled the air. Quinne refused to search the Bentley further for fear of seeing Damario.
Where is he?
She circled the vehicle and found a coughing Adharma on bended knee.

Blood flowed down his nose and from his ears.
“You. . .” 

Quinne pulled the trigger three times at point blank range. The projectiles penetrated Adharma’s skull and dropped him to the macadam.

She watched him die, celebrating when he breathed his last.

When they came to arrest her, she laid the Ordnance down, fell prostrate on the highway, and placed her hands behind her back.
I did my part
. Her compatriots paid the ultimate price so she should pay hers. They had saved the world, and no one would believe the tale if she told it.   




Three-and-a-half months later


Throughout the trial, Quinne admitted complicity in the assassination plot. She passed every psychological test.  Her lack of remorse heightened the American public’s outcry for blood. Protesters lined the court steps, calling for the teenager to receive the maximum penalty
Not even the Hispanic political groups who opposed the death penalty came to her aid.

Guillermo and Anibel did not visit their daughter during her imprisonment, nor did they attend her sentencing. However, Damario’s widow, Robinne, flew to the prison once with her children. So did Charlotte Lowe, Laverne James, Gene and Hilary Shenk, and a girl named Crystal who had helped Micah. All asked to know why their loved ones participated in propaganda of the deed. Quinne’s unspectacular, dissatisfying answer echoed her response to the media.

“We did what we was meant to do. . .to make things right again.”

Adharma’s death forced the mark down to a fraction of its former glory and incurred a financial crisis across four continents. Israel and Palestine resumed fighting in the most bloody of manners, decimating the Dome of the Rock and the Wailing Wall. The ten-mark nations suffered from skyrocketing poverty.   

Now, two weeks away from lethal injection, Quinne paced in her cell until a guard escorted her to an open meeting area. There, Channel Zero personality Nora Hunter would conduct the first one-on-one interview with the most infamous living criminal in recent history.

Dressed in a black and white Hristoff pantsuit, Nora warmly smiled. “Try to relax, be honest and open. Think of it as an opportunity to tell your side of the story.”  

She nodded and closed her eyes, as a makeup artist dusted her dry skin with powder.

paused until the droid-operated camera glowed red. “Good evening. I’m Nora Hunter with Channel Zero, reporting live from the women’s federal penitentiary. Quinne Marybeth Ruiz, the 19-year-old convicted of murdering Italian Prime Minister, Nandor Adharma, is speaking for the first time weeks before her execution by lethal injection.

“Quinne, your co-conspirators perished. You’ve claimed guilt from the get-go and declined to appeal your conviction. Why not try to save your life?”

She licked her lips. “My friends died for what we believed. I ain’t no better than them. Ain’t no different than a soldier on a mission’s the way I see it.”

“Who gave you that mission?

Quinne remembered the Geometric Occipital Demonstrative Symbiotic Interface’s nickname and smirked.
Things look different through God’s eyes.
“I guess.”

“Members of the religious community hail you four for saving the world from damnation, but media outlets have branded you ‘anarchists’. Your thoughts?

She said nothing.

It’s how they would be remembered.





The Anarchists


Book Club Study Guide


After I finish a novel, I love thinking about what entertained or saddened me, and discussing the psychology behind the characters’ behaviors with people who have read the same book. I sincerely hope these questions spark your group to have lively thoughts and conversations about the themes, issues, and conflicts at the heart of
The Anarchists.


If you would like me to sit in on your group’s discussion of
The Anarchists
, (in person, by webcam, or by phone) feel free to e-mail me at
[email protected]





1.Which moments caught you by surprise?


2.What is the book’s strongest theme?


3.Put yourself in the writer’s chair. How would you have ended the book?






1.Micah came from a rich spiritual heritage, but he shunned the faith. Why do you think he did this?


2.Gabrielle was Micah’s daughter from a previous relationship. Explain the difficulties of nurturing a relationship or marriage with this type of situation.


3.What events turned Micah’s mind in regards to the possibility of God?




1.What appears to be Harper’s main issue with Micah: the fact that he’s unemployed and they have money struggles or that he’s reluctant to marry her?


2.Charlotte Lowe, Harper’s mother, is affluent, yet refuses to help her daughter out financially. Discuss reasons why a parent may make this decision regarding their child.


3.Harper’s decision to change her profession to something more lucrative also rendered her infertile. Is it a myth that a career woman can also successfully balance a family without one or the other suffering? Discuss.



1.After discovering Madison’s marital infidelities, Damario did not divorce her. What do you think was his motivation for staying married to her?


2.Damario had marriages fail in two different instances. What do you think was the common denominator of them both?


3.Whom do you think Damario loved more, Robinne or Madison? Why?



1.Troy’s death sends Quinne on a downward spiral into alcohol and drugs. How do you think she could have been saved from this abusive behavior?


2.Crystal Cantrell, or “Cee Cee,” was Quinne’s best friend and roommate, but Quinne viewed her as judgmental, which is often a criticism of Christians. Could Cee Cee have demonstrated her faith in a different way to make it attractive to Quinne? If so, how?


3.Kareza states in the first reality that Quinne shoots her to death. In the second reality, Quinne kills Kareza by shooting her and receives the death penalty. In your opinion, did she fail to fulfill her destiny? Why or why not?



1.Explain what you believe is the motivating factor behind Teanna’s substance abuse.


2.Teanna involves herself in a destructive relationship with Tiny. Why do you think a single mother in Teanna’s position would continue to date a man like him?


3.Teanna’s decision to sever ties with Teiji’s father leads to her aborting her son, never conceiving Meleasa and preventing her physical problems. She never knows the full effects of her choices until she dies. Explain what sort of insight you think you will have into your life choices at the end.


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