The Arrogance of Power (111 page)

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Authors: Anthony Summers

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RN in '50 campaign:
(“we covered California”)
Saturday Evening Post,
Sept. 6, 1952; (station wagon)
pp. 564, 573; Mitchell, op. cit., p. 51.

RN backers:
p. 572; (Haldeman) ibid., pp. 573, 636; (Murchison/Richardson) int. Allan Witwer, San Diego
Aug. 11, 1955; (Dana Smith)
pp. 528, 546, 632; (Brewster) ibid., p. 576, letter, Owen Brewster to Nathan Buckman, Apr. 15, 1952, Box G128 and memo of int. Henry Grunewald, Oct. 27, 1955, Box G 281, DPP; (total cost?) Gellman, op. cit., p. 334;
New England Journal of History,
Winter 1999/Spring 2000, Vol. 56, p. 26;
p. 615–; (giving away cash) ibid., p. 575; (so broke) ibid., p. 577–; Mitchell, op. cit., p. 179; (RN/election day)
Saturday Evening Post,
Sept. 6, 1952.

RN on campaign:
(“Tricky Dick”)
p. 77; (no mention)
p. 71–; (plaintively)
p. 73; (anyone who checked)
p. 78.

RN responsibility:
(“A perfectionist”) MO, p. 566, Mitchell, op. cit., p. 108; (“Nixon knew”) ints. Tom Dixon, Georgia Sherwood, and Tom Dixon by FB, FBP; (Arnold) William Arnold,
Back When It All Began,
New York: Vantage, 1975, p. 12–; (“pink to underpants”) Gottlieb and Wolt, op. cit., p. 278;
p. 598; Dan Rather and Gary Paul Gates,
The Palace Guard,
New York: Harper & Row, 1974, p. 114;
p. 292; Douglas, op. cit., p. 327; (nod & wink)
p. 598; David Halberstam,
The Powers That Be,
New York: Knopf, 1979, p. 263; (“Hesselberg”/slur)
p. 599; Mitchell, op. cit., pp. 230, 234, 261; Lurie, op. cit., p. 93; (team propositioned) New York
Oct. 30, 1952; (phone calls) Douglas, op. cit., p. 326.

RN regrets?:
(general) Willard Espy to FB, FBP; (Kempton) Mitchell, op. cit., p. 126;
New Yorker,
Mar. 1, 1993, p. 50;
Apr. 23, 1994; (Astor)
New Republic,
May 5, 1958, but cf.
p. 191.

Chapter 10

“masculine self-image”:
unpub. ms. shown to author by Dr. Hutschnecker.

(“mean”) Nixon,
Six Crises,
op. cit., p. 40–; (nine secretaries)
p. 196; (not home for dinner)
p. 111; (“Many times”)
p. 337, citing Earl Chapman int. in California State Archives; (pain)
p. 111; (book/Downey)
July 9, 1954; int. Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker; (“in the grips”)
Contemporary Authors,
Vol. 81–84, Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1979, p. 256; (“the interaction”) Arnold Hutschnecker,
The Will to Live,
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983 [orig. ed. 1951], Introduction.

Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker:
(general sources) testimony, Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker, Hearings, Nom. of Gerald R. Ford of MI to be Vice Pres. of US, Cttee. on Rules and Admin., U.S. Senate, 93rd Cong., 1st Sess., Nov. 7, 1973 and, except where indicated otherwise, direct quotes of Dr. Hutschnecker in this chapter are from interviews with the doctor, conducted by Robbyn Swan, 1995, 1996; (“a sort of Pavlovian”) Mazlish, op. cit., p. 7; (famous clients) Robert Winter-Berger,
Washington Pay
Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1972, p. 256, and letter, Henry Altschuler to Drew Pearson, Nov. 27, 1960(?), Box G281 1/3, DPP; (“psychoanalytically oriented”) UPI, Nov. 14, 1968, reporting Drew Pearson address to National Press Club citing Hutschnecker, reprinted at Arnold Hutschnecker,
The Drive for Power,
New York: Evans & Co., 1974, p. 311 and
Nov. 14, 1968; (“Dr. Strangelove”)
Nov. 20, 1973; (Graham/Peale) see Ch. 1; (Dixon) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 331; int. John Ehrlichman; (Woods call) int. Hutschnecker; (first four years) UPI, citing Hutschnecker,
(five consultations) Arthur Woodstone,
Nixon's Head,
New York: St. Martin's Press, 197, p. 4; (escort) Hutschnecker,
Drive for Power,
op. cit., p. 3; (military doctor) int. Arnold Hutschnecker by FB, FBP; Hutschnecker,
Drive for Power,
op. cit., p. 312; (privately NYC)
p. 197; (Hutschnecker lunched) int. Hutschnecker and Hutschnecker,
Drive for Power,
op. cit., p. 84; (McCarthy/Dulles disturbed?) ibid.; (RN/Woods note) RN to JDH & RMW, Oct. 6, 1959, Corr. Files, Series 320, Box 147, VP; (1960 summons)
Nov. 23, 1968; (early '61 visit/disastrous bid) int. Hutschnecker; (“to see the shrink”) Harriet Van Horne column, NY
Nov. 15, 1968; (Hutschnecker at WH) int. Hutschnecker; Hutschnecker,
Drive for Power,
op. cit., p. 156–; Woodstone, op. cit., p. 1–; (“Pavlovian technique”) Roger Rapoport,
The SuperDoctors,
Chicago: Playboy Press, 1975, p. 156–, apparently citing Robert Winter-Berger; (“Our old intimacy”)
p. 404; int. Hutschnecker; (he avoided) int. Hutschnecker and Hutschnecker,
Drive for Power,
op. cit., p. 29; (looselipped) Winter-Berger, op. cit., p. 255–; (elephants) FB, p. 335; (“Nixon wondered”) Woodstone, op. cit., p. 5; (RN on “direct relation”)
Apr. 2, 1990.

(part of RN problem) int. Herb Klein; (“more depressed”)
p. 157; (“is Nick still seeing?”) Harrison Salisbury,
Disturber of the Peace,
London: Unwin, 1989, p. 304; (Garment) int. Len Garment.

Hutschnecker insights:
(general) Wicker, op. cit., p. 30–; (“deep-seated inhibitions”) unpub. ms. shown to author by Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker; (“brutal & cruel”) int. Hutschnecker;
(“brutalized”) int. Arnold Hutschnecker by FB, FBP; (“I was convinced . . .”) Hutschnecker unpub. ms.,
(Bassett on “impotence”) FB notes and author's transcript of int. Bassett friends Paul and Mickey Ziffren by FB, FBP, FB, p. 331; (“ambivalence”) Hutschnecker,
Will to Live,
op. cit., p. 179–; (“Nixon is happiest”) Winter-Berger, op. cit., p. 258; (“It is safer”)
Columbia Journalism Review,
Mar./Apr. 1974, p. 9.

RN anti-psychiatry:
(“I've never done”) Jules Witcover,
The Resurrection of Richard Nixon,
New York: Putnam, 1970, p. 212; (Ailes) Joe McGinniss,
The Selling of the President,
New York: Penguin, 1969, p. 100–; (“except see a shrink”) Garment, op. cit., pp. 299, 85–; int. Leonard Garment.

Comments on RN's personality:
(“He would be depressed”) int. George Christopher; (“paranoid”) taped int. Pat Brown by FB, FBP; (“Black spells”) Sevareid, op. cit., p. 90; (O'Donnell) eds. Strober,
op. cit., p. 302; (“Dick's expression”) San Diego
Weekly Reader,
July 28, 1984; (“he seemed unbalanced”) Cronkite, op. cit., p. 227; (“Hamlet-type”) int. Robert Greene by FB, FBP; (“walking box”) int. John Lindsay by FB, FBP; (“acting so strangely”) int. John Herbers; (“off his rocker”) Jerome Zeifman,
Without Honor,
New York: Thunder's Mouth, 1995, p. 79; (Secret Service) Kessler, op. cit., p. 39, and int. Ronald Kessler re. SS source; (Deep Throat) Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward,
All the President's Men,
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974, p. 319; (White)
Readers' Digest,
May 1975; (“Here was the leader”) Richard Kleindienst,
Ottawa, IL: Jameson Books, 1985, p. 168–; (“losing control”) Agnew, op. cit., p. 79; (Saxbe) “The American Experience,” transcript, WGBH (Boston) TV program, Oct. 15, 1990; (Butterfield)
New York,
Apr. 21, 1975, eds. Strober,
op. cit., p. 40;
Journal of American History,
Mar. 1989, p. 1251; (Haldeman) ibid.; (“From close observation”)
New York,
May 10, 1976; (“flat dark side”) White,
Breach of Faith,
op. cit., p. 163; (Kissinger) Kissinger,
Years of Upheaval,
op. cit., pp. 431, 1181–; (“Did you hear?”) Walter Isaacson,
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992, p. 145 and cf. Woodward and Bernstein,
The Final Days,
op. cit., p. 214; (“four years ‘on the couch' ”) letters, FB to Kissinger, Feb. 6, 1977, Feb. 10, 1978; transcript int. Bob Woodward by FB, FBP; (Kissinger declines) letter, Kissinger to FB, Mar. 6, 1978 and int. Bruce Brodie.

Analyst other than Hutschnecker?:
(issue raised) FB, p. 466fn; Witcover, op. cit., p. 34; (Bassett) int. James Bassett by FB, FBP; (Herbert Katcher) int. Herbert's brother, NY
journalist Leo Katcher by FB, int. Daniel Ellsberg by FB, who tipped Brodie off to Leo Katcher as a source, FBP; (Hutschnecker on woman doctor) int. Dr. Hutschnecker; (Finch) taped int. of Robert Finch by FB, FBP; (Sherwood) ints. Foster and Georgia Sherwood and
p. 467fn; (died in sixties?) int. Daniel Ellsberg by FB, FBP; (“deeply troubled”) int. Leo Katcher by FB, FBP; (also interviewed on area) ints. Mrs. Herbert (Ina) Katcher, Edward Katcher, Mrs. Ralph (Hildi) Greenson, Joe Wyatt.

Hutschnecker on RN state of mind:
Nov. 14, 20, 23, 1968; (“I detected no sign”)
July 15, 1969; (old theme) Hutschnecker,
The Drive for Power,
op. cit., p. 318.

“Nixon on the Couch,” draft ms. by Irving Wallace for Chicago
June 1972, and corr. Irving Wallace to FB, FBP.

new book:
The Drive for Power,
op. cit.

“I am in no position”:
ibid., p. 85.

files withheld:
researcher report to author on Hutschnecker file review VP, NA, Jan. 23, 1997.

stress on candidates:
(“The awful burden”) int. Paul Smith in ed. Schulte, op. cit., p. 177; (Ehrlichman) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. vii– and int. John Ehrlichman; (“They've nearly all”) int. Len Garment; (“Deep down”)
Mar. 15, 1999; (“You could well say”) int. Elliot Richardson in eds. Miller Center, op. cit., p. 63.

Chapter 11

“man of great character”:
p. 964.

Rebozo friendship:
p. 198; (Finch) int. Robert Finch by FB, FBP; (Reedy) int. George Reedy by FB, FBP; (Danner)
magazine, Nov./Dec. 1972, article by Pulitzer winner Jeff Gerth—this article and subsequent versions of it by Gerth included pioneering research on Nixon's apparent links to crime [see also ed. Steve Weissman,
Big Brother and the Holding Company,
Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press, 1974, p. 251 and
July 1974]; (Smathers's tips) ints. George Smathers, Sloan McCrae; (“Gorgeous”) Anthony Summers,
Goddess, The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe,
New York: Macmillan, 1985, p. 225; (did not go well) ints. George Smathers, Sloan McCrae, Jake Jernigan; (uncle/alone) int. Donald Berg, int. Perry O'Neal by FB, FBP; Safire, op. cit., p. 613;
pp. 148–, 319;
July 31, 1970.

span of RN/Rebozo friendship:
(1952) RN to Rebozo, Nov. 28, 1952, from VP files, FBP; (“lick wounds”) Miami
Nov. 9, 1958; (1960)
July 31, 1970; int. Jake Jernigan; (1962) RN to Rebozo, Mar. 23, 1962, in VP files, FBP; int. Mary Spotswood in Miami
Oct. 16, 1994; ed. Marvin Miller,
The Breaking of a President,
City of Industry, CA: Therapy Productions, 1974, Vol. IV, p. 509; (midsixties) ibid., p. 510; (1968 decision)
p. 292;
(relaxed) John Curton to John Vermilye, Miami Police Intelligence, Nov. 13, 1968, Miami Records Center;
Nov. 20, 1968; (inaugural address/1 day in 10)
Oct. 13, 1971; (run of WH) int. Robert Finch by FB, FBP; (own phone) McClendon, op. cit., p. 167; (jacket)
U.S. News
World Report,
Oct. 11, 1971; (cruised) Kissinger,
White House Years,
op. cit., p. 498; (movies)
p. 320; (slip into WH) int. Robert Finch by FB, FBP and
p. 549n 29; (false name) int. Dan Rather by FB, FBP,
p. 476, Thomas, op. cit., p. 144; (first to tell) Miami
June 18, 1974; (exile) AP, Aug. 12, 1974; (deathbed) int. Sloan McCrae; (“I say to myself”) Miami
June 18, 1974.

Rebozo background:
(cover name)
p. 483 and see
Feb. 11, 1978; (“Be-be”)
July 31, 1970, ed. Miller,
Breaking of President,
Vol. IV, op. cit., p. 506; (“best-looking”) ibid., int. Sloan McCrae; (laundries/real estate)
July 31, 1970;
National Observer,
Feb. 2, 1974; (profits)
Boston Globe
magazine, Oct. 4, 1970;
Life, supra
.; (exorbitant rate)
Oct. 6, 1971—the
series of this month directed by Robert Greene remains the most penetrating study of Rebozo's connections; (hostess)
Ladies' Home Journal,
Nov. 1973; (“Blue suits”)
July 31, 1970.

Boston Globe
magazine, Oct. 4, 1970, by Clay Blair,
Ladies' Home Journal,
Nov. 1973,
National Observer,
Feb. 2, 1974; ints. Eric Larson [Gunn's last husband], Mrs. William Gunn [sister-in-law], Rebozo/Gunn divorce Final Decree, Dec. 5, 1934, Brevard County [FL] Records Office; (Lucke)
Boston Globe, Ladies' Home Journal, supra.;
p. 474.

RN/Rebozo relationship:
(“screwball!”) int. George Smathers; (“He's meditating”)
Oct. 13, 1971; int. Sloan McCrae; int. Bob Greene by FB, FBP; (Maroon) ibid.; (“sensuality”) int. Dan Rather by FB, FBP; (steward) int. Thomas Kiernan by FB, FBP; (“definitely”) Florence Fuller, cited in int. and corr. with John Hunt, 1995; int. Pamela Fuller Dychess; (“limp wrist”) Roger Morris,
Haig, The General's Progress,
Chicago: Playboy Press, 1982, p. 127; Woodward and Bernstein,
Final Days,
op. cit., p. 211; (woman to Rebozo) int. Norman Casper; (Giancana) Antoinette Giancana and Thomas Renner,
Mafia Princess,
New York: William Morrow, 1984, p. 161; (Hitchcock) int. Thomas Kiernan by FB, FBP; (lover of JFK) Stephen Dunleavy and Peter Brennan,
Those Wild, Wild Kennedy Boys,
New York: Pinnacle, 1976, p. 76–; (“ladies' man)
July 31, 1970; (man-about-town)
Boston Globe
magazine, Oct. 4, 1970; (statuesque)
Oct. 6, 1971; (“orgies”) int. George Reedy and Robert Greene by FB, FBP; (nurses)
New Yorker,
Dec. 14, 1992, conv. Seymour Hersh; (“fornicating”) George Rush,
Confessions of an Ex
Secret Service Agent, The Marty Venker Story,
New York: Donald Fine, 1988, p. 195; David Frost, “
I Gave Them a Sword,
” New York: William Morrow, 1978, p. 171; (inflatable legs) Rebozo-Cronkite interview, Dec. 19, 1973 in
Historic Documents,
1973, Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1974, p. 980; (full-sized?) int. Mary DeOreo (Ervin Cttee. investigator) by FB, FBP; (girl on beach) int. Marty Venker; Rush, op. cit. p. 195; (“adolescents”) int. John Lindsay by FB, FBP; (“like lovers”) int. Bobby Baker; (Baker/Rebozo)
p. 124; Baker with Larry King, op. cit. p. 248; (“boyhood bond”) int. Herb Klein; (“held hands” 1962) Bryant, op. cit., p. 241; (clasping hands) int. Jerome Zeifman; (“unilateral”) int. John Ehrlichman in eds. Miller Center, op. cit., p. 139; (Paar) Jack Paar,
P.S. Jack Paar,
New York: Doubleday, 1983, p. 131; (Fineman) Miami
Apr. 23, 1994; (Lucke) int. Sloan McCrae; (“N was his God”) int. Jake Jernigan; (Safire) Safire, op. cit., p. 614; (Pat/“sponge”)
Good Housekeeping,
July 1976 and see Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 50; (“do you talk to”) Charles Colson int. by Dick Russell, in
Mar. 1976; (“golfing partner”) West,
Double Discovery,
op. cit., p. 139; int. Jessamyn West by FB, FBP.

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