The Art of Acquiring: A Portrait of Etta and Claribel Cone (31 page)

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25. Vanity Fair magazine ran. . . Hemingway, A Moveable Feast, 15.

26. In the 1920s, a new relationship. . . Hirschland, The Cone Sisters, 80-82.

27. “My dear Etta,” Michael Stein wrote, “there are. . .” BMA CCol, MS to EC, Nov. 19, 1922.

28. A few blocks to the west. . . Olson, Building of an American City, 277-78.

29. Nearby Pennsylvania Avenue. . . ibid, 274.

Paris, 1923-1924

1. “What shall we call our ‘self’?. . .” James, The Portrait of a Lady, 253.

2. In June 1923, back at Bernheim. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 173.

3. Etta's purchases tended toward. . . ibid, 173.

4. In 1922, the Detroit Institute of Arts. . . Barr, Matisse His Art, 198.

5. Matisse, now fifty-four, called. . . Herrera, Matisse A Portrait, 147.

6. In 1920, a local movie agency. . . ibid, 148.

7. “When I paint or draw,” said Matisse, “I feel. . .” ibid, 147.

8. Baltimore's nationally known. . . “the truth is, as everyone. . .” Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy, 61.

9. In July, they purchased. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 173.

10. The average American. . . Shannon, Between the Wars, 97.

11. In fact, the sisters, on a sped up course. . . MDHS, Cone, Sydney Jr., The Cones of Bavaria, 125.

12. In the afternoon of July 23. . . BMA CCol, CC to EC, July 23, 1923.

13. On July 24th, she had lunch. . . BMA CCol, CC to EC, July 24, 1923.

14. “Went to Ararat's. . . Ararat is away. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, July 25, 1923.

15. She ordered silk stockings and. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 135.

16. Claribel ordered multiples. . . MDHS, Cone, Sydney Jr., The Cones of Bavaria, 126.

17. “I find my chief objection. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, Aug. 27, 1924.

18. During a drive together, Gertrude. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 141.

19. A.D. Emmart, then a literary. . . Emmart and Fleming, “Baltimore City of Average Men,” 309.

20. Their fellow Baltimoreans saw. . . JHS, Azrael, Louis, Baltimore American, 1962.

21. A Maryland doctor wrote. . . “The very few Baltimoreans. . .” Rosen, “The Cones,” Helicon Nine, 78-85.

22. Miss Kaufman relayed to the sisters. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 154.

23. Claribel began to drape her body. . . Hirschland, The Cone Sisters, 78.

24. At private dinner parties, she wore. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 190.

25. In public, she and Etta. . . Sydney Cone Jr. interview.

26. As recreational pursuits, Etta lavished. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 131.

27. She even wrote in a note to herself. . . BMA CCol, CC notes.

28. “Please do not get the book sticky. . .” BMA CCol, CC notes, Dec. 6, 1924.

29. “I want to tell you something. . .” Yale SteinCol, GS to EC, June 22, 1924.

30. Etta, who referred to the manuscript. . . Yale SteinCol, EC to GS, Jan. 14, 1911.

31. To be sure, Gertrude was now a “famous. . .” Sprigge, Gertrude Stein Her Life, 129.

32. She was territorial when. . . Sutherland, Alice and Gertrude and Others, 297-298.

33. “I do indeed appreciate your. . .” Yale SteinCol, EC to GS, June 23, 1924.

34. Shortly after Etta refused. . . Yale SteinCol, MS to GS, Aug. 26, 1924.

35. In another case, he wrote. . . Yale SteinCol, MS to ABT, June 6, 1925.

36. “You train people to take. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, Sept. 14, 1924.

37. “I am not quite sure. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, Sept. 10, 1924.

Lausanne, 1926-1929

1. “I'm beginning the buying. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, Sept. 2, 1924.

2. A Marie Laurencin oil from 1908. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 175.

3. Meanwhile, Claribel did not share. . . ibid, 110.

4. It was Cezanne's “La Montagne. . .” ibid, 109-110.

5. At one point, Claribel cabled. . . . “Bought pictures. Cable me. . .” Pollack, The Collectors, 182.

6. After 1922, Etta, in her art purchases,. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 173.

7. In 1925, she continued to. . . Barr, Matisse His Art, 212.

8. At almost four feet by. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 112.

9. Pierre Matisee, the artist's son. . . “very freely followed their own. . .” The Baltimore Sun, Oct. 9, 1949, 12-13, 20-21.

10. They were so large they. . . Cone, Claribel, Alice Derain, 8.

11. “He is really devoted to us. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, Aug. 20, 1927.

12. “My Dear Folks. . .” Yale SteinCol, MS to GS, 1926.

13. Claribel purchased the painting. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 176.

14. But in October, at the auction, Pierre found. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 187-189.

15. Claribel alertly noticed that Matisse had not. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 117.

16. Claribel considered two points when. . . ibid, 119.

17. There were Renaissance and Queen Anne. . . Edward T. Cone interview, Nov. 21, 1992.

18. . . . Oriental rugs, bronze sculptures. . . “Eccentric Esthetes,” 94-99.

19. “She would complain that. . .” MDHS, Cone, Sydney Jr., The Cones of Bavaria, 123.

20. Claribel, for her part, knew she was a. . . Sydney Cone Jr. interview.

21. Claribel replied, “If I were considering putting. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, Jan. 12, 1927.

22. When he first arrived in Baltimore, said Boas. . . “Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings in The Cone Collection,” 9-10.

23. “Though both Etta Cone and her. . .” JHU, George Boas notes.

24. “They never used their pictures. . .” ibid.

25. The 1927 American Chamber. . . Wiser, The Crazy Years, 182-183.

26. The new American was not. . . ibid, 183-185.

27. Claribel spoke of Americans as. . . “a good natured crude. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, Sept. 2, 1924.

28. In June, they stopped in Paris. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 176-177.

29. “If Matisse has something. . .” BMA CCol, CC to EC, Aug. 18, 1927.

30. “It is a question how many. . .” BMA CCol, CC notes.

31. By the end of the summer. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 179.

32. She bequeathed her entire. . . “It is my desire in respect. . .” ibid, 15-16.

33. She wrote what she thought. . . “My dear Sister Etta:. . .” Pollack, The Collectors, 193-194.

34. In the next quiet month together. . . ibid, 194.

35. Not until September 20,. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 182.

Baltimore, 1929

11. “She did not plan. . .” Fitzgerald, The Crack Up, 149.

2. Brother Fred had arrived. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 195.

3. Matisse wrote Etta, “My Dear Mademoiselle. . .” BMA CCol, HM to EC, Oct. 16, 1929.

4. Etta replied, “My Dear Monsieur Matisse. . .” BMA CCol, EC to HM, Oct. 16, 1929.

5. Getrude wrote from the south of France, “My very dear Etta. . .” Pollack, The Collectors, 197.

6. “I do appreciate your understanding. . .” ibid, 198.

7. She bought four Matisse. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 182.

8. By October 28, the tremor. . . Wiser, The Crazy Years, 229.

9. In Paris, what Parisians were calling “Le Krach”. . . ibid, 227.

10. The Cone brothers had taken steps. . . Sydney Cone Jr. interview.

11. When Fred, Etta and. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 198.

12. Her clothes were to be hung. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 121.

13. The editor of the Sunday Sun. . . BMA CCol, Mark S. Watson to Jacob Moses, Nov. 1929.

14. The Sun's November 22, 1929 headline read, “Cone Art Unit May Pass. . .” The Baltimore Sun, Nov. 22, 1929, 30.

15. Etta spent a long winter. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 205.

16. She decided to fill in the gaps. . . Edward T. Cone interview, Nov. 21, 1992.

17. Michael wrote to Gertrude. . . “I am practically sure. . .” Yale SteinCol, MS to GS, 1930.

18. Etta purchased fourteen. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 186.

19. The sculpture was a stylistic. . . Barr, Matisse His Art, 213.

20. Every morning at eleven Etta. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 206-207.

21. As if to mark her place. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 183.

22. “My father,” wrote Margot Matisse. . . BMA CCol, Margot Duthuit to EC, Nov. 16, 1930.

Nice, 1933

1. “Art has often been. . .” Stein, Leo, Appreciation. . ., 9.

2. A Sun reporter. . . Baltimore Sun, Sept. 14, 1949, 32.

3. It was not at all like that of. . . Saarinen, The Proud Possessors, 222.

4. Siegried Rosengart said Matisse. . . Pollack, The Collectors, 209.

5. When Etta was in Paris. . . BMA CCol, HM to EC, June or July 1934.

6. Her nephew Harold, who. . . Cone, Claribel, Aunt Etta, 8.

7. Matisse would dine. . . ibid., 10.

8. She once complained. . . Rosen, “The Cones,” 85.

9. “The visit of your father. . .” BMA CCol, EC to Margot Duthuit, Jan. or Feb. 1931.

10. “My father was very touched. . .” BMA CCol, Margot Duthuit to EC, Feb. 1931.

11. When Matisse returned to France. . . Barr, Matisse His Art, 220.

12. He did not visit Baltimore. . . BMA CCol, HM to EC, March 25, 1933.

13. She herself. . . wrote daughter Margot. . . BMA CCol, EC to Margot Duthuit, Feb. 21, 1933.

14. By 1933 a quarter. . . Gordon, The American Chronicle, 127.

15. Squatter camps called. . . ibid, 108.

16. Outside Etta's windows. . . Brugger, Maryland A Middle Temperament, 502.

17. In fact, she purchased. . . Barr, Matisse His Art, 224.

18. The artist wanted to keep all. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 127.

19. She wrote to Margot, “It is the most beautiful. . .” BMA CCol, EC to Margot Duthuit, Feb. 21, 1933.

20. Even through the 1920s. . . Faderman, Surpassing, 360-361.

21. She once told a great niece. . . Cone, Edward T., “The Miss Etta Cones,” 458.

22. She was known to use. . . Sutherland, “Alice and Gertrude and Others,” 297.

23. Etta always stayed at the. . . Cone, Edward T., “The Miss Etta Cones,”. 458.

24. She traveled with a raft of purses. . . Cone, Claribel, Aunt Etta, 4.

25. Her nephew, Harold Cone was. . . Cone, Claribel, Alice Derain, 1-2.

26. That summer would take the group. . . Herrera, Matisse A Portrait, 165.

27. He was living in an apartment. . . Flam, Matisse A Retrospective, 291.

28. “My visit was a joy. . .” BMA CCol, EC to Fred Cone, July 22, 1933.

29. When Etta returned to her family. . . Edward T. Cone interview, Nov. 21, 1992.

30. “Raymond took us to the studio. . .” BMA CCol, EC to Fred Cone, July 22, 1933.

31. During their visit Matisse made it. . . Cone, Edward T., “The Miss Etta Cones,” 455.

32. A little dejectedly. . . BMA CCol, GS to EC, July 24, 1933.

33. In 1926, Alice clipped Gertrude's. . . Sprigge, Gertrude Stein Her Life, 150-152.

34. But while her reputation as a. . . ibid, 168.

35. All that changed, however. . . ibid, 174.

36. Leo, who had been working. . . Yale SteinCol, LS to George Boas, Feb. 20, 1928.

37. . . . called Gertrude's book. . . Stein, Leo, Appreciation. . ., 152.

38. . . . and a “stupid brag and general. . .” Saarinen, The Proud Possessors, 200.

39. Hemingway never forgave her. . . Sprigge, Gertrude Stein Her Life, 199.

40. Georges Braque, Andre Salmon, Tristan. . . ibid, 196-197.

41. Etta showed no concern for Gertrude's. . . Edward T. Cone interview, Nov. 21, 1992.

42. “Dear Gertrude,” she wrote in reply, “your very kind. . .” Yale SteinCol, EC to GS, Aug. 9, 1933.

43. Explaining to her family members. . . Cone, Edward T., “The Miss Etta Cones,” 456.

Baltimore, 1934

1. “Lent by. . . that was their identity. . . .” JHU, George Boas notes.

2. In 1934, a movie ticker. . . Gordon, The American Chronicle, 136.

3. That same year, Etta bought. . . Richardson, B., Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, 188.

4. Her brothers, again concerned. . . Edward T. Cone interview.

5. Etta's annual income, according to tax. . . BMA CCol materials, tax records.

6. “Etta bought because she. . .” Pollack, The Collectors, 208-209.

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