Read The Art of Submission Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

Tags: #Love, #spanking adult sexual, #Romance, #Passion, #bared to you, #dommewhipping bdsm sex erotica, #domination and bondage, #erotika, #domination and submission erotica fantasy, #domination spanking, #50 shades of grey, #domination submission, #love romance, #gabriels inferno, #domme, #bondage, #passion and lust, #oral, #angst, #Bdsm, #Beautiful Disaster, #passion sexual desire hurt rage

The Art of Submission (48 page)

BOOK: The Art of Submission
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"Are you sure about this, sweetheart?” He

His voice is sexy and deep and I can see how
much he wants this. Am I sure? I’ve never been more about anything
my entire life. I want this more than he’ll ever know.

Then he moves behind me. I crank my
head around to see what he’s doing and he’s near a handle that
looks like a crank. He turns it and I see it pull the chain that
attaches to the bar overhead. I feel my body start to slowly be
lifted off the ground.
Oh my
. What a strange feeling. He doesn’t bring me up
far, just enough so that the only part of my feet touching the
floor, are my toes. Then he walks back in front of me and pulls off
my socks and panties.

“Nice socks, by the way.” He says
sarcastically and with a crooked smile.

They’re comfy. Just then I feel his fingers running up the
inside of my thighs. It almost tickles and his touch sends shivers
the entire length of my body. He pauses at the apex of my thighs
and rubs me lightly, teasingly. When he pulls his hand back, I see
the evidence of my arousal glistening on his fingertips.

“Always so eager, aren’t you, Isa?”

Holy delicious
The next several moments are spent with
him fixing the bar with the cuffs to my ankles and adjusting it to
a width that
Damn I feel sexy like this.

Dylan stands back and comments, “You look
fucking magnificent, Isa.”

I’ll never get used to him saying
things like that, but the way his eyes are dreamy blue and the
sound of his voice sends my sex-drive into overload. I want him so
badly. Then he starts rubbing himself while he watches me and then
starts to quickly undress. No, no, that just won’t do. What was it
he told me?
Oh yes – slower
I want to enjoy the show.

He momentarily gives me an irritated
look, but then he continues to get undressed for me, giving me what
I asked for.
He looks so
miraculously alluring right now. I want nothing more than to taste
every part of him. He continues teasing me by slowly unbuttoning my

“Put your head down, Isa, and I don’t want
you to speak anymore unless I give you permission. Nod if you
understand.” He says as his stance shifts into domination mode.

My God.
look in his eyes and the way he’s standing in front of me is
staggering. I nod in compliance. My eyes are cast downward when I
hear him move away from me. I hear him near the rack where the
whipping tools are.
Oh shit.
What does he have planned?

Then he moves directly behind me and kisses
my neck and then bites it. His mouth on me feels so divine; so
sinful. Then he sucks hard and unrelenting. I hear myself
whimpering like a hurt animal as the pain of his intense sucking
sears through my body. Then I feel him slide down my body and bite
my ass. Hell yes. I love it when he does that. It hurts but I love
it. I feel my own juices start to run down my leg with my extreme
arousal and I try to move.

“Don’t move, Isa.” Dylan commands me.

What did you do last night after we
got off the phone?” He asks me.

Holy shit
. How
does he know what I did? No. There’s no way he can know
Can he
? I start to ask
how but he cuts me off.

“Did I give you permission to speak?”

voice is commanding and fierce. I shake my head no to his

“I’m going to teach you a little lesson on
self-control, Isa.” He says mischievously.

What the hell does that mean? Self-control?
I’m afraid to ask.

“Until we get something more ‘inspiring’
picked out, I want you to remember the safe words are red and
yellow. Yellow means slow down. Red means stop because things are
too intense or painful. Nod if you understand.”

So he did read the contract. I nod yes,
fearful and excited of what comes next. Why is he reminding me of
safe words unless he plans on taking this too far? I feel him lift
the edge of my shirt up and I feel the leather hit my ass and I
jump from the sound. The slap is light and sends tingles up my
spine, then another and another, across my bottom and down my
I can get used to
this. It feels so damned good and naughty. Then I briefly feel
fingers inside me. I want more but he stops. When he walks around
in front of me, he’s licking the fingers he just had in me.
Oh my God.
Did he really just do
that? I feel my face heat from embarrassment.

When he sees my embarrassment, he tells me
that I taste outstanding. What a naughty boy he is. Then he snaps
the flogger on each of my breasts, the stinging sensation almost
overwhelming me. I close my eyes and try to contain the pain, but
Dylan orders me to look at him. I open my eyes and the vision of
Dylan standing in front of me, naked with a huge hard on with my
name written all over it is too much for me to take. When he licks
his lips it damn near sends me over the edge and I tell him that I
want his tongue on me.

Dylan narrows his eyes at me and harshly
tells me, “I told you not to speak unless given permission.”

Oh shit.
moves behind me and I feel the hard sharp snap of leather on my
ass. It hurts enough to make me scream out loud. I can’t believe he
just did that. I can’t believe that I’m actually turned on.
What the hell is wrong with us?

I’m still trying to talk myself out of
screaming out ‘yellow’ to him when he walks back in front of me,
drops the flogger and starts to finger me.
Yes. Thank you.

Now you’re going to learn about
self-control, Isa. I’m going to push you to the edge of an orgasm,
but I want you to hold it. I don’t want you to cum until I tell you
to; until I give you permission. Nod if you understand.” He tells
me sweetly.

doesn’t want me to cum
? How am I supposed to control
something like that? I can’t do that. Not the way he makes me feel
and the things he does to my body.

He suddenly lifts my face to meet him and
insists that I nod that I understand. I nod, but I’m not really
sure if I’ll be able to comply with his cruel demand.

The next several minutes are a blur of
sensation and arousal. He finger fucks me to the point of near
orgasm and teases me with bites and kisses the entire length of my
body. I try to take myself out of the situation and think about
things that are completely unarousing so I can concentrate on not
coming, but
I can’t control it.
It feels too damned good. I feel my muscles start to tighten
in that delicious way just before I cum, but Dylan’s voice and
threat make me hold it back.

“If you cum without permission, Isa, you
won’t be able to sit down for a week. Do you understand?”

No… I don’t want that. I want show him
that I can control myself. I try to float up and out of myself like
before, but I suddenly feel his tongue and mouth on my clit and I
beg him to let me cum.
Please, I want to
cum.., please...

“You can hold it, sweetheart. Just a
little longer.
Don’t cum,

His sweet words said softly give me just the
last little bit of control I need. I close my eyes tightly and
float above myself.

“I don’t want you playing with yourself
without my permission. Do you understand, Isa?” He says pulling me
back to the here and now.

When I open my eyes Dylan is looking up
at me with blue hot eyes. I hesitate briefly but he tortures me
with his fingers and I can’t take any more. I just want to cry from
sweet torture. Yes, I understand I tell.

“You understand,

Damn him.
. Yes, I understand, Sir.

He pulls his fingers out of me, but
still he hasn’t given me permission to cum. Why? Is he just going
to let me suffer and not allow it at all? I see him move around
behind me and then all at once I feel his length in me, hard and
painful. He’s thrusting fiercely and relentlessly, but
he hasn’t given me permission to
cum yet.
Then his hand is on my clit.
Holy cruelty
- my body can’t take
this any longer. I guess I won’t be able to sit down for a week. I
guess I will just have to pay the consequences for my lack of
self-control. Just when I’m about ready to let everything go, he
shows me mercy.

Cum for me now, sweetheart.” He
whispers in my ear.

FUCK YES! I scream loud not giving a damn
about self-control anymore. FUCK YES! I feel my body go limp, not
even knowing if Dylan came or not. I’m in oblivion or somewhere in
between. I can’t think or see or hear anything except the sound of
my own heartbeat in my ears. I vaguely feel Dylan unbuckle the
cuffs and lift me off my feet. He starts to take me out of the
kinky room but I plead with him to leave me here. I want to stay in
this miraculous room and recuperate. I feel a cold sheet placed on
me and when I open my eyes I see Dylan’s gorgeous blue eyes looking
at me. I touch him and then exhaustion overwhelms me.


Chapter 24


The entire flight back to Dallas, I
can’t stop thinking about Isa. We haven’t even signed that damned
contract yet and we’re already playing in the dungeon. What the
hell was I thinking? Well, I know what
brain I was
thinking with, but I just don’t know
I was thinking. Isa was so fucking amazing
today. Her self-control in the dungeon was unreal. For someone who
has never done any of this, I’m astounded by her eagerness and lack
of fear. Most vanilla women would run for the hills at the site of
the dungeon and I can think of a few who did.
But not Isa

As I think about the marvelous vision
of Isa painting in Erika’s old room, I come up with a plan to
convert the spare room into a painting studio for Isa.
She’ll love it
. Erika always had it
so gloomy in that room with black curtains and dark brooding colors
and decor; I never realized just how beautifully the light comes in
through the window. I immediately call Cassie and have her get the
number for the decorator I used a year ago when we redecorated the
office. As usual, she’s a little too nosey about the reason, but I
tell her. Maybe now she’ll get a clue that things are never going
to happen between us.

When I finally arrive in Dallas, I call Isa
and leave her a message telling her of my safe arrival. She doesn’t
answer her phone and I assume it’s because she’s still resting.

The rest of my afternoon is another
frustrating one as me and my teamwork try to find the reason for
the lapse in security at Castele. It’s past 6 p.m. when we finally
call it a day and I want nothing more than to get back to my room
and hear Isa’s seductive voice.

I get into my room and decide to first
take a quick shower before I call her. I empty my pockets onto the
bed and head into the bathroom. When I’m finished, I come out and
damn near stroke out to the site of Cassie lying sprawled out on my
What the fuck is she doing

“What the hell are you doing here in
Dallas and in my fucking room, Cassie?” She knows I’m pissed and
looks startled at my reaction.
What else did she expect?

“I thought maybe you could use an extra hand
while you’re out here, Sir.” She says batting her eyelashes at

Hell no.
sound of Sir coming out of Cassie’s mouth is more than just a
little disturbing to me. Any other time I probably would’ve
relished in the sound of it, even coming from Cassie. But now, the
way it sounds coming out of Isa’s mouth, and the way I feel about
her, I don’t want to hear anyone else calling me that.

“How did you get here?” I ask her.

She looks at me nervously and then tells me
that she used the corporate card to purchase airfare. I’m losing
patience with this woman.

“I didn’t ask you to come here and
because of that, you’re using the card for airfare is completely
unacceptable. And you didn’t answer my question. Why are you in my
Like I don’t fucking

“I just thought that we could get some dinner
and go over some things, Dylan.”

Fucking hell.
Her voice right now is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
She’s trying to sound sexy and it’s having the effect of a
repellant on me. Cassie is exasperating the fuck out of me and
she’s on the verge of losing her job
. Why
the fuck did I hire her?
I know the Golden Rule of
Business; never fuck the staff. Okay, so she wasn’t actually staff
when I fucked her, but still, I fucked her and then hired her. What
kind of a jackass does that?

“We don’t have anything to ‘go over’
Cassie and I’ve told you
to call me by my first name. You need to leave my room and
catch the first flight back to Denver. Whatever you think is going
to happen here tonight,
” My voice is low and harsh, and I’m
trying my very best not to lose my temper with this persistent

BOOK: The Art of Submission
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